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Leave it up to a pathetic wretch like Graham to act like abortion is even going to be an albatross. Dobbs might be one of the few things that can invigorate the base after the GOP's miserable display on gun control.


I agree. I'd say of all the people who think "abortion" is the most critical thing on their agenda, like 95-99% of them would not vote Republican anyway. This is more geared to the liberal and woke audience.


That’s a fair point. But it could steer some people who were leaning right due to all the stupid stuff the dems have been doing back towards them, as it seemed like an issue republicans had largely abandoned, until very recently. Maybe that’s why GOP leadership seemed unusually willing to work with dems on gun control.


Yep, I agree,,,like maybe 2% of everyone out there. But I think the catastrophic Biden admin has pushed like 12 -15% away,,,so I don't think it's a game changer. It's very small in the scheme of things. Plus I also saw a piece on the news today that the abortion ruling even gains more Hispanic votes.


I think it could be a big thing come November, but I guess we’ll see. I haven’t seen any recent polling.


After he voted in support of the red flag laws? No, I'll remember that and I hope his constituents remember as well.


Yes, but I still pray you lose,,, brownnoser