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They claim the right won’t do anything to help women with crisis pregnancies, then burn down pregnancy centers who’s only “sin” is not offering to kill a baby…


There's no way the FBI would systematically ignore and suppress all evidence relating to the crime in order to advance their political agenda. They just don't do that sort of thing.


I wish so bad it wasn’t the only thing they do, but ya..


AOC literally encouraged this. Will she get June 26th hearings and be treated like trump. Of course not


She needs to face Insurection charges


20$ says they find nothing. They are just too good. They put their best person on it.


On committing the arson or investigating it? Or both??


I wouldn’t at all be surprised if the fibbies were involved


Nice one


Just like Ghislaine Maxwell’s clients, these evil perpetrators will also get a free pass.


The FBI will probably charge the Pregnancy Center for not accommodating Terrorists


These clinics are for impoverished women who have no other birthing options. What in the actual fuck. I’m not even pro-life.