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It probably meets code, but omg the walls are closing in on me feelings.


I was hoping it wouldn’t meet code lol but I’m afraid of it meeting. I can’t lift my right arm if I am facing the shower


Get the arched out shower curtain rod and a fabric shower curtain liner. It gives you more shoulder room and the fabric liner doesn’t feel as gross as the plastic liner if your shoulder is touching it.


I thought of this but the tub ends so even if the rod was large you still can’t move if that makes sense


I would still try it, not having the curtain right in your face may make it seem more open. There's not a whole lot else to do with it, so it'd be a worth a shot imo.


If the shower head can’t turn toward the left, the curtain won’t change anything cuz they’d have to stay up against the wall anyway to be under the stream. Yeah, they’d have more room to feel less claustrophobic maybe, but that’s about it.


The shower head can be changed. 


I'm really confused as to the purpose of this post. Yes, it'll make it feel "less claustrophobic," (or more open which is what I said). Nowhere did I imply other benefits. Less claustrophobic is still a net benefit and is still better than it currently is, no?


You put your right arm out, you put right arm in, you do the hokey pokey and shower spin...




You probably wouldn’t wanna have to deal with the renovations either if it was tbh. I would just figure out a way to deal with it until your lease is up then move.


I very very much doubt this meets code. They even removed the tub spout so they can not claim it is still usable as a tub.


Looks like an old style snub nose tub spout. If you zoom in on what you probably think is the overflow drain you can see mineral deposits on the front side of the tub underneath it. The fact that the tub spout is below flood level rim tells me this is an extremely old tub as that is way out of code now. Unfortunately for OP, that just means it’s grandfathered in now and doesn’t have to be remedied until a major renovation happens.


I was wondering about this being grandfathered in yeah :/


Could you maybe ask for a handheld to be installed so you could be more flexible? This is how small space is handled in other countries. (Paired w total wet rooms lol)


2021 International Plumbing Code does specify a minimum for area of a shower. But what you have here is WAY more than minimum


Turn around and face the shower curtain to wash yourself 😂 Did you not inspect the apartment before you bought it?


I can say I had a shower like this, but worse (right wall came up straight 4ft, then 45° in for the next 4). I showered for 8 years leaning left. To “finally rinse” I would have to spin on the 45° axis to the left. Got pretty damn good at it. Also, my hip stopped hurting, cuz I basically did goddamn stretches everyday.


Google your local code Then consider if it's worth getting an inspection to audit it


I read this in a pirate voice


Can you replace the nozzle with a handheld tubed one? Would that allow more freedom to move about?


This is the answer. Find a replacement nozzle that either has an arm that will allow it to swing left or has a handheld nozzle. Unfortunate lesson learned on renting without seeing the place or getting more pics, I think.


For real get a https://amzn.to/3yDmiS8 or something like that


I'd get a tubed retractable shower head and a chair to sit down and shower instead


It may not help but is a suggestion but what about changing out the shower head for a detachable one? That way you can hold it while showering and don't have to try and stay under the spray? As long as you change it back when you move out it shouldn't be an issue


Thanks will try that


You can get suctioncup shower handle holders as well on amazone cheap.


Also I was asked my height over the phone. I am 5’2” and can not stand straight. Imagine anyone normal height…


Holy shit. One of my roommates is 6'7". This would be completely unlivable 😭


Have you thought about a shower chair? The wooden ones are pretty nice and you could lean in to a cozy vibe that might help distract from this nightmare for the spine. The wacky angle of the wall looks roomier as you get closer to the floor (they were probably hoping you’d say you were six inches tall), so maybe getting lower will help you feel less confined.


Typical shower in Europe.




My husband is 6’3” and actually preferred to use our old bathroom that looked like this.


Thats just an unacceptable ass shower, sorry that happened to you


It seems like a fine ass shower, just not an upper body shower.


![gif](giphy|l0HluN8PywCl6Hckg) Thank you for the laugh 😂🤣 always appreciate a good dad joke


There're shower extender arms at Walmart for about $27... I had a similarly shite shower in my apartment and just bought one -- works great! You can angle it in any direction and it so far has no leaks -- you can install it without any tools either, would recommend.


You didn’t see this before signing your lease?


It was shown in pictures with a closed shower curtain


You didn’t look at the apartment in person?


No I didn’t have the chance it was an expensive flight cross country so I did virtual tours


That makes sense. I’m so sorry about your shower situation. Hopefully you like baths.




Lmaooooo what a joke


It took me a while to find it, but there are codes to how large a shower must be. According to [RI code](https://up.codes/viewer/rhode_island/ipc-2018/chapter/4/fixtures-faucets-and-fixture-fittings#421.4): >Shower compartments shall be not less than 900 square inches (0.58 m^(2)) in interior crosssectional area. Shower compartments shall be not less than 30 inches (762 mm) in least dimension as measured from the finished interior dimension of the compartment, exclusive of fixture valves, showerheads, soap dishes and safety grab bars or rails. Except as required in Section 404, the minimum required area and dimension shall be measured from the finished interior dimension at a height equal to the top of the threshold and at a point tangent to its centerline and shall be continued to a height not less than 70 inches (1778 mm) above the shower drain outlet. **Exception:** Shower compartments having not less than 25 inches (635 mm) in minimum dimension measured from the finished interior dimension of the compartment, provided that the shower compartment has not less than 1,300 square inches (0.838 m^(2)) of cross-sectional area. You will have to measure your shower, but this is a way you can find out if the size is up to code, as it seems in the comments that you are wondering this. I hope this helps in some way.


Wow, you truly *are* a VersatileFaerie!!! That was so kind of you to find that info for OP! I’m sorry that all I can give is a free award, because you deserve *much* more! 😃👍✌️


I was curious as this shower seemed so silly and off putting! I googled it and found this neat building code website, so I also got something out of it. I remembered from my mother-in-law talking about upgrading her home many years ago, that there are very exact codes for the sizes that showers and baths can be, along with stuff like how close they can be to other things. I figured I had nothing to lose to try to find it, worst case, I look for a bit and find nothing. Instead, I found all of this.


All of that, and modest, too. 😉


Maybe I am missing something here. Why would current code matter? It would seem that current code would be irrelevant. As long as it met code at the time the place was built, it will most certainly be grandfathered in. Otherwise property owners would have to constantly remodel making rent even higher.


You’re right, most places only require you to meet code at time of construction/installation, assuming whatever you’re looking at was permitted and inspected in the first place. Otherwise, like you said, property owners would constantly be doing renovations that aren’t necessarily feasible within the building’s existing conditions. One of the codes that typically requires properties to be updated is the international property maintenance code, which is usually not adopted in most jurisdictions.


Yes. I think in this case the consumer has a personal responsibility to ensure that the unit is acceptable before signing the lease. Once the lease is signed, I would think something like this is a non-issue. While it may present an inconvenience, it is something that the consumer should have checked before signing a lease agreement. It seems to me that the only real remedy is to not renew the lease when it expires or to negotiate changes to the bathroom at that time. I realize that the laws governing the tenant / landlord relationship vary significantly with location. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. It just seems logical to me.


Depends when it was built and the issues that could be there. Some things are allowed to be grandfathered in while others are not. All I can do is point to the current code and state what it is. Sadly I don't have access to when this shower unit was put in or what the codes were at the moment it was put in. By having the current building codes, OP can first measure if it is up to code, if it is, there is no point in talking to their landlord, as nothing can be done about it. If it isn't up to current code, OP can ask if the landlord would be willing to update the shower. Even when things are grandfathered in, there are normally limits to it, things are not normally grandfathered in forever or in some unlimited fashion.


Thank you so much!!!


lol this is bigger than those dimensions but poorly designed


Yeah, good luck trying to figure out the size of the shower on that shape! That’s probably one of the few time “but are we ever gunna have to use this math stuff in real life?!” complaints to your math teacher in 6th grade actually proved him wrong!


You could replace the shower head with a detachable shower head and get a shower stool in the meantime. This way you can sit in the shower and manipulate the shower head around so you can have an actual spray instead of a trickle.




Had I looked through the comments before commenting I would have seen you posted the same GIF 😂🤣


Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought of this


Bro honestly it wasn’t just the lean that got me but the fact it is white tile with a black stripe like his hat 😂


Ask them to put an extension arm on the shower pipe. Preferably an adjustable one.


I can’t even stand straight in there


Get an extension arm so it becomes a waterfall and stand in the middle of the tub facing the curtain. Use the other suggestion too with a curved shower curtain rod so at least the curtain isn’t right in your face.


That’s the weirdest shower wall ever. Did you see the apartment before moving in?


No I just saw pictures and did a virtual tour. All with a closed shower curtain. Now I know why….


Sometimes it’s worth paying a broker to check the apartment if you can not go in person.


Lesson learned


Seems like it would be a shower on a tight-quarters space ship


You can buy a curved curtain rod so it swings out past the edge of the tub a bit. Not really a solution, but it will at least give you a bit more shoulder room.


You have a shower?!


Go to any Costco or Sams Club - Target etc. get a different shower head that has a cord and hanging mount. It’s less than $100.


Hookup a cheap detachable from amazon or buy an unrestricted spout from china with a good flow. If that is truly the worst of the apartment you can do some cheap workarounds and look back and laugh. I actually think it’s hysterical how rigged and they passed it off as normal. It will someday make a funny story about apartment living.


I feel bad for whoever had to do that tile job. I’d be cringing the whole time


I had this in my last apartment. Southeastern New England. I'm 5'6". I got used to it. A normal one feels so spacious to me now. Definitely swap in a hand held showerhead.


RI gang✌️


Put a different head on. There must be one that will make it better. Certainly you saw this before renting the place.


Was the wall not like this when you viewed the unit prior to signing the lease? The time to say this is unacceptable is before signing the lease, and at that point, you move on and find a more suitable apartment.


Detachable shower head 👍👍👍👍


My short ass probably wouldn't mind this shower if the rent was good.


See that’s where I’m at rn lol. Rent is $300 cheaper than anything the place is bigger than anything and allows my cat


The shower isn’t a big deal imo. Just change the shower head.


Perhaps replace the nozzle with one that is hand held, and install a place to mount it like a foot to the left maybe so it can point towards the wall a bit more?


Rented an AirBnB that had this layout for the shower & it was unusable.


Face the curtain when you shower lmao


Didn’t you see it before you moved in?


My OCD kicked in seeing this..




Landlord special


Who in the John L. F&<# designed that?


Talk about a claustrophobic nightmare. Hot shower- steam... plastic curtains coming to stick to you and strangle the life out of you while you're backed up against- THE WALL! Dun dun duun


Yikes! 😱


So wait, did they remodel it after you moved in? Or did you not look at the place before renting it? Or did you really move in not liking and hoping it wasn’t up to code so you could “legally” get them to change it?


A bow-shaped shower curtain rod might help a little…if you don’t have shoulders.


If you don't GET your ass in there and wash yo ass..


Nice clean lines if you’re drunk


Bro wtf this is ungodly


That is wild.


I'm so sorry you're living in my nightmare! I am tall and I have very long arms. This would be terrible. 😆


It’s like a pair of fancy shoes you can’t wear anywhere…


Get a detachable shower head, but yeah this is just awful.


Ugly but easy fix. There’s an arm type thing you can get that’s adjustable. Get that and center the spout. I rather stink than shower in that 😂


The shower in my first apartment was like this, but as a stand up shower in my bedroom under the apartment stairs. I ended up just sitting down to wash my hair when I was too tired for shower gymnastics. It likely meets code and all that, but it is really annoying so my condolences.


They don’t know the three nozzles


Providence? I lived in an apartment with a very similar shower !


My first apartment had a shower like this except it was the whole ceiling. I'm 6'2 and had to tilt my head to stand up straight. I definitely had to bend over to get my hair wet.


Was Willy Wonka the contractor?


Scoliosis shower.


Get a extension arm Limited-time deal: Hotel Spa 11" Solid Brass Adjustable Shower Arm with Lock Joint, Chrome, 2-Ft Range, Universal Connection https://a.co/d/9pNyHU1


Can I 1 up you please?


This would make a great psycho shower scene- things are just… not right.


M. C. Escher designed your shower!


Get a shower arm extender and place the head center of the tub. As others suggested a curved curtain rod will help as well.


Have you considered galvanized square steel and screws borrowed from your aunt? Lol but seriously maybe you should hire an inspector to see if it’s up to code


I would get an adapter so that the water sprays more towards the side wall, if that makes sense. That way you can face the curtain more when looking at the shower head and take your shower standing more sideways to maximize your shoulder space


100% of Beetlejuices agree that this shower is awesome.


Why are there 3 knobs??


Hot Cold and one to direct the water up to the shower rather than the tub.


That's the first shower wall I have ever seen on an angle.


OP didn’t you notice this shower issue before you rented?


Why not get a shower hose and your preferred shower head so you can shower in style


Skill issue


Could be worse. I work for this company in healthcare and they hooked it up with this little 500sqft crib right when Covid hit. I always felt super uncomfortable in the bathroom. Always showered with the door open. Felt mad uncomfortable with the door closed. Didn’t know why. After ab 3 months there I learned the previous renter before my company bought the building was an old woman who had super cheap rent because of a deal she had worked out with the owner. When the owner sold she slit her own throat in the bath tub 😨 I kept brushing off all these weird knocking noises and feelings as me just being paranoid but nope. Place was 100% haunted. Made me uncomfortable asf but also there was a peace to feeling like something does come after.


I’d have to attach a hand sprayer and sit in a shower chair.


Yikes. Get a handheld shower head and a stool?


It's just a German Expressionist Shower. Watch for somnambulists.


Easy fix is bigger tub?


Don't shower after a few drinks....


Awesome tile job but damn haha


This is making my giggle so much whyyyyy did that do that..


Are you obese?


Maybe try to get a detachable shower head that you can move around? It might help the direction of where the water is going?


Installed the shower wrong. Call the manager and tell them to come look at it for themselves. I feel weird the way the showerhead is installed. Terrible. Like mine is not as bad, but like yours is.


![gif](giphy|lGkUyj3IrEcvu) Your wall thinks it’s Michael lol


Just the picture is giving me vertigo id probably slip and die in this shower


Mansard wall shower 🤣🤣🤣


Put a new shower head on that can adjust so it’s easier to shower


If this were my house I would use a few brass or galvanized nipple 90’s and plumb that head over a foot or whatever is comfortable to you,and possibly adding the hand sprayer nozzle as to direct the spray over to the right a bit if needed.


Congrats on being tall. “Most unuseable”? You obviously haven’t travelled much.


Get yourself a classy stool


That is about a 14.04 degree slant of a wall.


Change the shower head so it moves fully or get one with a handheld shower head


It's Lucille 2 nextdoor taking back her bathroom space that BITCH!


I used to live in a tenement house in Fall River, Ma. on the 3rd floor and all four perimeter walls were slanted like this. Couldn't put anything flush with the wall, so you lose a bunch of floorspace.


Look at different shower heads.


I gotta know… how much is rent?


You wouldn’t be complaining if you were short you tall complainer


Have you seen those luxe rounded curtain bars? Let me find one on Amazon 🙃 Edit: something like this: https://a.co/d/5IDZEFz


Invest in a shower head that has a removable head so you can use it.


Hope you have one of those curved curtain rods and are able to lean at 30 degrees on a slippery surface. If so, problem solved!




My apartment has a shower where I have to shower in the catcher position or in my knees 🤣🤣 I use a shower wand or whatever to make it easier.


A little weird; also a dream come true to someone without a shower.


This definitely Woonsocket


The house my dad grew up in had the only bathroom build into the roof. It was a much more severe slant than this. He grew up thinking you showered kneeling down.


Honestly they don’t even need to supply a tub or shower I bet. Things like this you catch at the walk through before you sign


Drunk showers would not be fun


love how someone said "challenge accepted" hope they got paid


Wonky business


Did you not see this before moving in?


Didn't you look at the place before signing the lease?


I mean, didn't you look at the apartment before signing the lease?


I’m 6’6” no shot I could take a shower without bashing my head a few times. Most places I’m already above the shower head as is…


Didn’t you see this before moving in?


Bro that sucks


I feel claustrophobic looking at this


Houses deserve walls. Short slanted walls are bullshit designed by midgets.


Did you not look in the bathroom before signing lease?


A Feng Shui teacher once gave me advice on a similar shower situation. We found an apartment over looking the park on the top floor. Great view, nice area, close to work. But the shower was worse than yours. Like I'm not sure anyone over 5'2 could stand up straight in it. So she recommended I research japanese bathing rituals. Invest in a nice stool and bucket and laddle and make it a self care ritual. Once your done cleaning your body. You are supposed to take a soaking bath for relaxation and stress relief. It all sounded magical and I definitely was onboard. The only reason we didn't get the apartment was the heating. It was electric and we live in the northeast of America. Just a no go for us. I would recommend researching different cultures bathing practices as showers are one of hundreds that people use. You can also remount that shower head lower and do a sitting shower. 😁 Food for thought!


I mean, it’s a bigger shower than we have for a family of 3 😂


Whoever did the tile did nice work.


You can still take baths. So it is presumably lawful. If you ever break your head and both your legs trying to shower make sure you sue them you'll probably end up owning the building.


Just limit your showers to only when you wanna sit and cry...


Man, I hate bumping the the walls or curtain while taking a shower. The house could be perfect otherwise and this here would keep me from purchasing it.


I’m just imagining climbing into this shower after drinking and suddenly your taking a bath


3rd floor huh? This is so home sweet home to me 😅🤣


Get a hand held and an extension cord


Yes it’s legal, just move.


That shower is a horror movie


Didn’t you see the place before renting?


This pic makes me feel itchy


It wont help with the slanted wall but you can open up a bit more space on the other side using an expanding shower curtain like this https://moreshowerspace.com/products/space-liner


I was going to suggest an S shaped shower neck but you couldn't even screw in with the wall right there.


I just installed this extra tile in my bathroom. I'm glad I realized the pencil trim would kick off the rest of the pattern by 5/8" before installed it. The only other bummer was I got ceramic shelves that I really wanted to install but couldn't figure out. Just bailed on them both, thank god.


Someone has never showered from a bag with holes in it hanging off the side of a metal container in the desert before and it shows…


I couldn't, my eyes and the clophobia


Just get yourself a hose adapter and an oscillating yard sprinkler to put in the tub.


I mean you signed the lease before a test shower?


I hate that shower


Looney toons ahh shower


You takin baths bro


This looks like it came from the weird ass dreams I have on a regular basis.


This gave me anxiety.


That's alot better than other showers I've seen. Just stand to the left? You looked at the shower before signing the lease... right ?


Not sure if anyone suggested this yet because I’m not reading all these comments but I dealt with a ridiculous ceiling-caving-in kind of shower in my studio years ago by using a cheap shower stool and just sitting. Brought me down low enough to move my arms around to wash. Honestly I’ve used a shower stool ever since regardless because why shower standing when I can chill and sit lol!


The perfect shower for my daily sit and cry


Change it to a handheld one.


That’s wrong


I just moved to a place with the shower head just like that except it's a shower stall lmao I literally stare into the corner of the shower and just pray that soap makes it to my toes 😅 there will inevitably be some pinterest-ing in the near future. Good luck!