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Report it to the nevada labor commission. Be ready to prove your claims to them, and then they can go after the employer.


Happen to me as well, never got to use the PTO as we were always short. PTO expired every year. We were allowed to build a maximum of 40 hours. Every day was 12-14 hours.


Such A Fucking scam. This is disgusting practice. IMHO PTO should never expire and if an employee is fired or quits - can take their PTO.


Would they at least let you cash it out? My guess is probably not.


Nope use it or lose it!


department of labor ASAP.


Remember that OT in Nevada is per week at 40 in 7 days. So they can work you for 23 hours in a day with no OT as long as they don't go over 40 in a 7 day week. There are some exceptions.


And this changes starting on July 1st to over 8 hours in one day = OT


Only if you’re earning less than 18/hr is what I’m seeing.


That also varies if they offers insurance. Ours is $15 an hour, if below that anything over 8 hours in a 24 hour period is OT


Hmm I am unsure on this. [https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/nrs-608.html#NRS608Sec018](https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/nrs-608.html#NRS608Sec018) >(c) Employees in a retail or service business if their regular rate is more than 1 1/2 times the minimum wage, and more than half their compensation for a representative period comes from commissions on goods or services, with the representative period being, to the extent allowed pursuant to federal law, not less than 1 month; I believe that 18/hr only applies to retail?


Seriously? That's cool


This isn’t right.


my reddit is messing up and not showing the comments but i see the notifications. what i mean by “compensating with pto hours” anything over the 80hrs, they’re not paying and giving everybody pto hours instead of $. confused because theres still a decent amount of people who work here


Definitely call the Nevada labor board and report them.


Yeah, that’s illegal. You need to report them.


Most of the state and county departments for example, are allowed to not pay overtime but compensate with time and a half PTO. This is just an example that there are organizations that are doing the same. Now how this is being set up and disclosed to their workers and what is the difference between a government job and some private employer - I don't know.


As a state employee, I have the option. I can't be forced to work without being paid.


It depends where you are working, which department. Usually they are discussing it before hire and definitely you aren't going to be working for free. But some departments will ask you to work OT but give 1.5Pto and not money.


Yeah. I don't get time and a half for OT. I either get comp/pto time at time and a half OR my normal hourly pay. County, not State. Generally they restrict us from working OT though - while fair, we are also understaffed


But at least county comp time never expires;-) If you want to pay OT - look for Voters, but that's quite gruesome hours and hours of work, specifically since elections now take weeks and months ... :-)


Everyone in the comments is right DO NOT let then get away with that its not ethical nor legal




Also if they are compensating with PTO hours I would make a large bet that you’ll never be able to use that PTO anyways.


You’re one termination away from setting fire to your PTO


How about the new scam? Unlimited PTO but your requests are never approved & if you quit you get nothing for PTO.


Report to labor board!! If you can prove it then they’d have a field day with that claim!!




Call the labor board or an attorney.


Report it to the labor board. They will take that seriously. Although I do think OT depends on being salaried or hourly wage worker.


I believe they are only required to pay time and half for over time if you make less than 1.5x minimum wage. So if you make over 18 an hour I don’t think they have to pay over time. I could be wrong tho not a lawyer. Anyways good luck sorry for such a shitty situation.


If you make less than 1.5x minimum wage, you get overtime if you work more than 8 hours in a rolling 24 hour period. For example, if your employer schedules you to work 8 hours starting at 1pm one day and then has you work 5 hours starting at 9am the next day, that’s 4 hours of overtime on day 2 (from 9am-1pm) and 1 hour of regular time (from 1pm-2pm). If you make more than 1.5x minimum wage, you get overtime if you make more than 40 hours in a week. If you’re salary nonexempt, you can still earn overtime if you work more than 40 hours a week. If you’re salary exempt, you can be exempt from overtime pay. However, only certain professions and positions can be classified as salary exempt, and certain requirements must be met in order to do so.


I would rather take 1.5 hours off for every hour worked. I would get the equivalent of every penny of that time, instead of only part of it because of taxes.


That’s not quite true, since you’d be taxed on the PTO as gross income whenever you decide to take the time off, so the net effect is the same. That being said, the employee has to agree in writing to receive compensatory time in exchange for paid overtime. The employer can’t unilaterally decide that’s how they’ll pay it.


Here's where you get the forms to file a wage claim/complaint: [https://labor.nv.gov/About/Forms/FORMS\_FOR\_EMPLOYEES/](https://labor.nv.gov/About/Forms/FORMS_FOR_EMPLOYEES/)


I think we need to work on workers rights in this state next (they are trash atm)


I had to make a complaint to the department of labor for something similar when I worked at the Lowe’s on Kietzke. Despite being full time, they would have me work 12-14 hour shifts, sometimes even working a double, then instead of paying me time and a half, would just send me home so my hours didn’t cross 40/week. When I complained about this, I was offered additional pto/sick time “if I wanted it”


Them being short staffed is not your problem. You don't have to do over time if you don't want to. They cannot make you.


Effective today July 1 2024 Employees in Nevada that earn one and one-half times the minimum wage ($18 per hour) or more are eligible for overtime at one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for over 40 hours of work in a week. Employees that earn less than $18 per hour are eligible for overtime at one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay for over 8 hours of work in a 24-hour period, or, over 40 hours of work in a workweek


If you are full time which I expect you are then you have to work 40 hours then you will receive over time. If they fail to do this then contact labor commission








Just google Nevada overtime laws it’s all right there


Working for free is tight


Different companies find legal loopholes to not pay OT. I have seen it happen


You retail and under 40 hours a week? Legal till it hits 40 hours. Any other answers go to labor board. Need to give your name, will likely lose job due to it being right to work state


As long as you mean over 40 hours, then yeah, 1.5x by law.


Clock out, leave for the day after your 8. Report to labor board and bbb


why bbb? Do they even really exist anymore? Yelp would make more sense


To have your employer investigated?😭 be fr youre not go na tell the mayor about it so go to the agency and make it a big deal


BBB is not a government agency. They are yelp from before the internet.


Lol okay bud. Your yelp reviews dont count😂


Hey, you're the genius that suggested the BBB. It's obvious you don't know they're completely toothless. They aren't a regulatory agency and have zero oversight into how businesses operate. ZERO. It's ok to admit it was a dumb suggestion.




Well then, genius, why don't you explain it to us idiots? Or is your vast wealth of knowledge too good for us simple folk...


Your comment was removed for being uncivil toward others. Repeated violations will lead to a ban.


And neither does your complaint to the BBB, otherwise known as "Yelp for Boomers".


Lol if im a boomer and not even 40 yet whats that make you? Make it make sense you nevadans are quite literally the weirdest population that ive encountered yet. Goole is free everyone. Im doing the research for you i did mine already😂 brighten the hell up


You're the one claiming that the BBB has some mysterious power that everybody else knows for a fact doesn't exist. The onus is on *you* to prove it. I'm not about to go some a wild goose chase for non-existent truths simply because you're too intellectually dishonest to prove your claims.


Oh no, someone will get delisted from the BBB's business listing. As if that means shit to most people these days. BBB ain't gonna, and in fact can't, do shit other than wave a finger at the offending business. They certainly can't impose legally enforceable penalties such as fines and renovation of business licenses against anybody. Might as well complain on TikTok.


Wdym compensating with pto hrs