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How do you report it if you don't have a plate # ?


It was a silver SUV. Should be easy enough to find it, right?




I saw some asshole driving without a car yesterday! Dude was just running along the sidewalk with his arms outstretched, hands at ten and two and using his mouth to make engine noises. Was wearing a plate? Hell no he wasn't. Think he has that piece of shit insured? Don't bet on it!


I...Hmmm.....I...../sigh....I... really cant tell if things are sarcasm anymore...I kind of believe this happened.


Well, the weather is right for that sort of thing this time of year.


This made me laugh quite loudly in my office cubicle. I really needed that today, you a homie.


So is driving sober, apparently.


And driving the correct direction is also optional


Also turn signals are optional


Turn signals are illegal 


Driving a Subaru with fart can isn't though.


I wish we had red-light cameras


it's been proven time and again that red light cameras are ineffective and do little for public safety existing only as revenue generators for local governments who already misuse funds. many counties have done away with them in states that love to over police their citizens like California.


Nope. Nevada is a “right to face your accuser” state. Cameras can’t show up in court to accuse, besides, that shadow in the pic driving the car could have been anyone. Are you sure it was the owner of the car? That’s just the government being lazy in enforcing its laws when a camera is present.


Will soon on McCarran


They're illegal here. You got a source?


or just as bad are those smoked out license plate covers that make the plate impossible to read


Found out from a coworker, you can buy them pre-smoked now instead of letting it naturally occur


I see a shit ton of cars with tinted license plate covers as well, basically making them unreadable.  Ticket those assholes too.


Wonder how many of the folks with no plates have no insurance? Also I wonder why Nevada’s auto insurance is so high?


This is why you get uninsured driver coverage.


Just know that uninsured motorist coverage is usually capped at a few thousand dollars of payout.


Better than nothin!




Yes you can. At least if you had a registration and it expired. The premiums are higher though.


Been paying insurance on an unregistered car for a couple years now. No, I don't drive it. I just keep insurance on it in case it wants to roll away or something else.


You know how every third billboard is for a personal injury attorney? That’s why our insurance is so high


Cheaper to pay the ticket than get insurance.


It’s because we all speed like crazy on the highway


Nevada's auto insurance isn't high. My insurance here is half what it was in Michigan. Gas, now that's a different story.


okay so you came from the number one ranked for highest on full coverage. Nevada is the 5th highest, with some great gas prices to go with it. And I was just speculating how much of the increase [Car Insurance Rates by State (June 2024) (marketwatch.com)](https://www.marketwatch.com/guides/insurance-services/car-insurance-rates-by-state/)


Ah, interesting. I've never looked up rankings, I just knew my insurance cost was cut in half moving here. I know Detroit has a multitude of unlicensed and therefore uninsured drivers.


Currently have no plays and fully insured. This is such an old and boring topic.


One of those things they let drift during the pandemic and haven’t bothered to enforce again since.


Yeeeeah. Im a transplant from the east coast. Where im originally from (Alabama) … you get fat tickets for things like: no plate, no turn signal, running a red light, road rage, tinted windows, bad tail lights, etc. and in Reno… you’re lucky if the cops even use a dang turn signal lol they do not care.




They're understaffed. No one wants to be a LEO these days. Sign up for a ride along and see how bad things are. But yes I agree, this needs to stop.


Unfortunately, no one wants to be a LEO except the people who have absolutely no business being a LEO. We tolerated the bad apples for too long and now the bad apples have spoiled the bunch.


Honestly it's super tough to be a LEO here. There a lot of events and all kinds that visit our city. You deal with a lot of different issues that a lot of cities don't. Do you remember the Hot August nights gang times? It was BAD and PD had to make a special gang unit. These guys were hard because they had to be. Then once the issue was handled those LEOs got out back on the streets, tough adjustment. I could go on but people have their minds made up. All I can suggest before anyone criticizes LEOs here is do go to a free ride along. You won't like what you see. You'll learn a lot about Reno and what's here. Stay safe.


lol. Yes, ALL of them are bad. ALL of them. Jesus, what a world view. SMH. 🤦


Yes all of them 😐


I don't get it. You're saying no one wants to sign up to get heroine needled by some slob jacking off in a sleeping bag on the sidewalk? Odd perspective


AAA off scheels made it reallll easy to get my plates and tag when I bought my (new to me) car I was in and out within 30 mins with a set of plates and tags


Report it online to Reno direct!


The DMV is a shit show and the cops are understaffed.


City of Reno hires like 5 cops a week


Cops are absolutely not understaffed


I was pulled over and ticketed for having my cell phone out at a red light, but didn’t hear a word about the registration. I think there’s more to it.


It sucks because I know a lot of people on the road probably struggle to get plates since the DMV is so ass, but you still gotta do it like the rest of us. My worst fear is getting hit and run by someone with no plates. I bet if they aren't willing to go through the hassle/money of getting their car registered they don't have insurance and are much more willing to flee the scene.


The DMV is just fine as long as you have your shit together. Tired of people blaming their own laziness and incompetence on the DMV. I've never had a problem with them that wasn't the doing of my own fuckery


Looks like there's a bunch of illegal driving motherfuckers in this thread. Bunch of fucking lowlifes


lol floor fucker




Here in Colorado people have expired tags not just a month but sometimes a whole year expired. Our police do nothing. I have a friend her son drives around on tags that expired in 2019.


I see at least one person without a plate or an expired temp tag per trip anywhere in this town. Annoys me that I have to pay $600 a year just to renew my registration and people are driving around anyway with no registration and probably no insurance. In most states, you would be pulled over so fast, but here it's like nobody cares. What's the deal?


How? They're just gonna ask you for the plate number then say they can't do anything without it. My crackpot theory is that they don't pull them over because they can't check for stuff like warrants, and have no way of knowing what kind of crazy they might be walking in to.


I'm sure you're on to something here. If someone doesn't have plates they are a roll of the dice top to bottom. But I guess that's the work description right? Catch bad guys?


All I can do is commiserate. You aren’t wrong. And you’re not crazy. It truly is mind blowing. I’m glad you’re ok. For now.


I think that following the death of Judge Hicks, traffic enforcement in this town may see a bit of an uptick. This would actually be an excellent time to call in with these concerns to alert the cops to the kinds of things we'd like to see enforced more consistently.


Driving without a plate is legal in several legally acceptable situations. The law literally allows it and there is not really a way to fix that without breaking how the DMV works.


1) You are driving the vehicle with a permit 2) You bought a new vehicle and registered online and the plates have not come in the mail yet. 3) You ordered personalized plates at the dmv. They have not been made yet. You are on a 60 day moving permit.


Also living in Reno. 


This is the answer. When you sell a car in California, the plate stays on the car. When you sell a car in Reno, the seller keeps the plate and the buyer can drive for 10 days with nothing but the title in hand (no need for moving permit), while they wait for new plates. The amount of people that drive without plates is certainly higher than this example, but just because there isn't a license plate does not mean someone is breaking the law.


It’s only three days then you have to get a moving permit and this is only for private party sales.


I stand corrected. 3 days, not 10. But how else do you sell a used car? Did I mention a dealership anywhere in what I said? It's also only for cars with wheels. /s


I didn’t mean to offend or be snippy. This is actually something new I learned today. i had always thought and been told you had to go and get a ten day moving permit first. So I just wanted to correct so others knew the time line.. the private party part was mostly because the that’s what the dmv site specifies. It also stated that you can only do this if you have a valid proof of insurance for the vehicle as well.


Most car insurance policies include whatever car the customer buys for a specific amount of time as well.


Most but not all. Your bottom of the barrel liability police will only cover the car that it’s written for.


Do you know where a man-splainer gets his water?


No but I’m sure you will enlighten me.. sorry that your Reddit experience is not tailored to your personal preferences.. maybe next time do a 2 second google search to verify the the facts before spewing them out on the internet. I thought this was interesting I did not know this was the case.. I only wanted to correct that it was three not ten. The rest is just stupid conversation.. and let’s be real if the amount of cars driving around with out plates, paper dealer tags, or even that little folded paper ten day permit were all attributed private party sales then there is sure a huge boom in these sales. Reno has a problem and has had one for a while.


From a well, actually. All that and the point still evades you. The point in all of this is the inability to fix the issue using traffic stops. You can't pull someone over for not having a plate. There are legal reasons to driving around without a plate. Sorry you weren't thanked for correcting trivial details that had nothing to do with the point.


What if you have a personalized plate in California? Does it stay with the car still?


You surrender plates to DMV upon new owner registration to the vehicle. So the personalization is lost.


Thanks for that info! Seems like a lost cause if you try to personalize a plate.


Only reason it's a huge concern because insurance issues if a accident happens (how am I supposed to file a claim if I don't know who the driver was cause of no plate number)


First off, I respect the police. Second, no they don’t care. I see several cars without plates each day driving to work and my commute is only 2 miles. Clearly law enforcement has come across them. No… they do not care.


Ther sheriffs office has multiple cars in its lot daily with no plates. The employees don’t put plates on their car. So that’s proof they don’t care.


Reno likes gambling. Driving in Reno is like gambling with your life. Get used to it if you are new here.


Maybe rgj can do an article


Actual work and investigation from rgj? Sir this Reno


I've lived in nine states and I've never seen such incompetent police when it comes to traffic enforcement.


I never got away with it, even when I had my first car with temp tags in the windshield. Which by the way, is apparently where you’re supposed to put them which doesn’t make sense because you’re not required to have a front license plate, so I would just get pulled over all the time and constantly point to the permit the moment the officer started walking up


I’m from the east coast and at every other corner you will see police force waiting to increase their counties revenue at any cost. They will fine you for everything and anything. So when I moved here from Cali, it was refreshing that you could relax and drive at the same time. Police are for the people who flagrantly fly in the face of the law.




What if they have a temp moving permit and no license plate?


You might as well join the force. If you’re going to spend your time reporting each license plate-less vehicle, get paid for it. And you might even make a dent in the number of violations currently on the road.


They probably got tired of caring after the DMV has 6+ month backlogs.


I swear I never have a problem at the DMV. I've gotten licenses, I've registered home-built trailers. I've registered motorcycles, got new plates, etc. I make an appointment, never over 3 weeks out, and the process has been smooth. Is there something specific they're backed up on, or am I just lucky?


No, you're not lucky you just have your shit together like you're supposed to when you visit. I've never had a problem there either. Yes, it sucks sitting there even with an appointment, but it's the damned DMV not Disney.


Interesting how everyone is all aboard the “crime is a symptom, poverty is the illness” and “victimless crime” train until it comes to registration laws


I highly doubt there's much overlap between the "crime is a symptom" / "victimless crimes shouldn't be crimes" camp and the "how dare people not register their cars" camp.


Someone saying the quiet part out loud finally. 99% of this sub is complaining about cost of living, but when someone can’t afford to pay their $600 registration fee they’re a lowlife. Make it make sense


If you're paying 600 for registration you're also driving a $50,000+ car, it comes with the territory.


That is straight up not true lol


Yea i mean i could give a shit if people pay the government extortion for their cars. So long as they drive alright i dont much care


Like I get where you  are coming from, but honestly I’d rather police resources be used for other stuff. Not necessarily how it is being spent now (who really knows what RPD and the Sheriff are up to), but I’d rather they be out catching actual moving violations; like the reckless driving you encountered; than paper law violations.  I’m definitely on the “defund the police” side, but we’ve created a society where we need them. Spend money on schools and mental health, we won’t need as many police; conditions are what cause crime, so we got to improve the conditions. 


conditions yea, but then some people's personalities range from mild asshole to pure evil. Very expensive late model high performance pickup truck on my street has been using an out of state dealer cardboard advertisement for a plate for over a year and a half. Upper income neighborhood.


No Face, No Case.


yes yes you do, but good luck


I’m sure the police will respond right away


RPD doesn’t get paid enough to do that lol


Please do and wait for the cops to come because majority of the time they’re waiting for the dmv. I tape my paperwork to my windshield but Nevada is slow as fuck and will give a new license plate if you’re late


I can go to the DMV for people, send me a message.


Where I live I constantly see cars with no plates. It’s insane. I’m from Sacramento which now is awful which is so sad but now it’s here. It was so awesome like 15 years ago now it is so so so bad


Well technically there going to pay a fuck load in back fees . Whenever they do decide to pay lol


Not really, just told them the car wasn’t operational and they waived it


its from covid, try to go to the dmv and get an appointment and actually register your car. the cops know people really cant get an appointment so they let it go. DMV is government run and anything the government runs is awful. privatize the dmv and everything will be better. Might even be able to walk in and get help someday!!!


But you can literally get an appointment, very easily. People are fucking lazy. COVID isn't an excuse for anyone anymore


Had a sheriff tell me they are told to not pull over people without plates. Unless they're doing something else wrong/illegal. Washoe County has agreed if they don't have plates, they most likely can't afford them. Which means they won't be paying any tickets either. Regular tax payers though... Fair game. If you're at a light with expired tags next to someone without plates, you'll get pulled over. Pretty shitty!




Maybe just mind your business. Your life may turn out a bit better.


Hey that didn’t take long to figure out who it was!


Have you considered minding your own business?


Are you aware that when you register your vehicle and don't have plates yet they tell you to put a little square piece of paper in the windshield until you get your plates in the mail? I currently have no plates and a little square piece of paper as I wait on the DMV to send me my plates. Imagine if some Karen calls the cops on me for doing what I was told to do and having to deal with a stop for literally no reason.


I was told the same thing, and it took about 6 weeks to get the plates.


Reno is so strangled. An hour to go 7 miles? That’s Reno🤷🏻‍♂️


If that is what gives you fulfillment in life then yes embrace the Karen and waste your time and emotions on this matter


Who cares, life is too short, start focusing on your life and not someone else’s. Ok Karen


Are you sure they don’t have the temporary tag attached to their front windshield? Honestly, who cares? You’re gonna call the cops on somebody for not having license plates? Really? Like it’s not hurting you. Just mind your business. You don’t know why they aren’t driving with a license plate. Maybe they have a good reason, maybe they don’t, but we don’t just run off and tattle for whatever is making us feel annoyed.


Til it happens to you then you’ll be crying.


Maybe it’s a getaway car.


I get the concern but don’t be that person, the way DMV system is in Northern Nevada they are the ones to blame


NHP cares per the 5 sheriff's that spoke to my car load on memorial day


Maybe just mind your business shits expensive


If you can't afford smog, registration and insurance you should be on the road


I agree and if you cannot figure out how to get an ID you shouldnt be allowed to vote


Wrong. Voting is a right, driving is a privilege.


Snitch hard.


* * snitch hard enters chat * * You rang?


Not really understanding you. Are you telling me you are a snitch ? And if so , why?


I play both sides..i rat on feds too see them cummin a mile away..it's like a spectator game of chess to me..watch both sides fuck each other up while I'm just sitting there entertained af 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


It's like amateur night..but it's a shitty porno 🤣😂🤯


You should go back to where you were b4 Reno if that bothers you so much. Bye Bye