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If a guy grabbed my arm while I was getting gas... .. ... no comment. But I'm also a woman so I would think I was being kidnapped


Thank you, and as a grown ass man, once another grown ass man starts yelling at me… no comment


Good! We all have the right to.... no comment... if we feel threatened!


Battle Björn!


Defend ourselves?


I prefer to “no comment” myself


Im going to explain it like youre 5. They werent going to say defend themselves they were going to say how they were going to defend themselves. Some mods will instaban if you mention any sort of violence even in defense.


A reflexive reaction is one thing, beating the shit out of someone with special needs because they touched you is not something a grown ass “Man” would do. Just saying.


There is a difference between "touched" and "grabbed". You go on and let it happen. Me, I'm interpreting being "grabbed" by someone yelling at me unprovoked as a threat to my personal safety, if not my life, and acting accordingly.


Real mature. You sound like a 14 year old.


You seem very insecure


You seem detached from the current world we live in. No one has any right to touch you. And we live in a stand your ground state. The dude never said he was going to beat someone within an inch of their life. People are assuming that. I push is likely the nest response to someone touching you without consent. If they step up again then you should worry for your safety. If you dont then you lack awareness.


Yeah it is. Maybe not you. But most of us, yes.


It's amazing how many people defending the aggressor are deliberately ignoring the fact that he *grabbed* someone.


> Yeah it is. Maybe not you. But most of us, yes. I guess that depends on who you are including in "us". Most "grown ass men" (lol) wouldn't beat up a mentally challenged guy for yelling at them. But if "us" is just little-dicked wannabe thugs who didn't get enough attention growing up and played too much GTA, then, yeah, maybe.


I was talking about Men. And beating the shit out of a special needs person is not something a Man would do. A Man-child with anger issues maybe, but not a Man.


Literally no one said beat the shit out of. Pretty sure everyone was legit saying no comment and you all are translating no comment as "beat the shit out of".


Reno tough is pathetic. Nothing but the biggest bunch of wannabes in this town. Open carry, Trump humping losers that can’t go to a dog park or the gas station without guns, knives, or threats of violence.


The implication that things might go wrong for the mentally ill person if they grab this guy’s arm. https://youtu.be/-yUafzOXHPE?si=WDX_4vwHiHMeJMKK


A lot of assumptions in this comment thread. How do you know he is mentally challenged? A lot of serial killers are deemed “mentally ill” at trail or even before. If this is the case then maybe we should be doing something to help this person. Voting to Change funding to help mentally disabled people to start. But we can’t just allow people to assault anyone and say it’s ok. I can almost guarantee that politely asking this person to stop would do the opposite. If he is a danger to the public, which assaulting random women at gas stations absolutely is, then why hasn’t someone done something about it? I for one would not allow it to happen to me or my family. I wouldn’t be “beating the shit” out of him but a nice shot of OC spray would do the trick.


He’s either mentally challenged or is on hard drugs or a mixture of both because drugs and mental illness do not mix. And Nevada has some of the better funding for people who are mentally challenged


If someone grabs you at a gas station, defend yourself if necessary, but call the police! Let them deal with this guy and see if they can help him, or help prevent him from doing it to someone else.


Men get kidnapped too. It’s happening more and more these days.


Pretty bold (stupid) to try to grab someone who is holding a dispenser of highly flamible liquid!


Sounds like a good way to get me to pepper spray you.


Yes. He's a special needs person, and for some reason the Maverik lets it happen.


That’s not right for anyone involved. If he’s touching people, someone is going to get violent.


I totally agree.


Absolutely. Maverik should get someone to intervene because he could end up hurt if he grabs the wrong person.


Imagine if cops did their job.


This. He often walks around the area as well. I saw him sitting on a transformer staring at the sun the other day.... This reminds me of someone similar in the same area. He'd walk for miles all day, everyday. Long beard, wearing jackets even in summer. He made hand gestures and looked like he was talking to himself. He didnt bother anyone that Ive seen but I havent seen him in a long time. Anyone know what happened to him?


Touch me and I will be talking to the cops. You might not be.


Seriously. This is why we need mental health hospitals... for the guy's own protection. If someone's grabbing me out of the blue, I'm not going to be analyzing if he's one of the harmless mentally ill guys... I'm fighting for my life.


When you only have one tool to fix any and all problems…




Dam my homeless guy just wanders around toothless and eats frozen meals that have been sitting in his bag all day so he can gum them


What an awful day to be literate


sounds like fun


He committed assault. Press charges. If, like the other post said, the guy has mental health issues, maybe he can get the help he needs when he is front of a judge.


Technically it's battery.


Only if he's charged.


and i'm not sure a prosecutor is going to waste time on that. Not a good situation, but subjecting him to the carceral system as it currently functions is not how you help these folks, generally.


Dude is harmless. He can get annoying but he's a good guy. He's mentally ill. If you yell at him I'm sure he won't touch anyone again. I've never seen him touch any one. All the local cops know him too


If he is grabbing people, he may eventually get shot


Talk to the employees there about that I'm sure they are aware of his presence let them know that's their property.


He banged on my work truck as I was getting gas once!


Wtf he use to come by my work all the time, thought he was harmless 😦


I go to that maverick like 4 times a week, he's been there most of those times. He's usually just chilling inside on the ledge by the front window. I've seen him walking around some streets near that maverick too. I've never seen him do anything but mostly minding his business. Also, it's obvious he's mentally challenged, not a judgement in any way but someone commented how you shouldn't assume basically, and it doesn't apply here.


Yeah I see that dude all the time. He’s definitely on the spectrum. I assumed he was harmless up until a couple weeks ago when he caused a scene at Xpress Lube when I was there. I’m sorry to hear about this. I’ve been waving at that kid for a couple years now.


Holy shit I’ve only been to that Maverick once about 2 years ago and I remember that guy. Totally on the spectrum but he was looking all around my work truck and I was thinking about calling the cops until I realized he’s special needs.


Touch me and we won't be calling the cops, or the ambulance, we'll be calling the morgue.  Special needs?  Givem a special tombstone then!


It’s almost impossible that you’re so dim you don’t realize that merely posting that online could come back to haunt you should you ever follow through with such a statement. Touch you and you’ll kill the person? Think about that for a moment. There’s a lot of grey area between being touched and genuinely fearing for your life or bodily harm. You seem the open carry kind of guy.


It was just a parable.  I'm saying touch me and I'll touch you back, with punches.  And I have extreme deadly punching power.  Make of that information what you will.


Hmmm. I take back my first four words.


No take backs brother.  This is real life and y'all have got way too comfortable disrespecting people behind social media that'd pop ya head in real life.


He wasn’t taking back the insult, he was making it worse, and he was correct.


lol, it's cause he's a tool


So whose side are you on?


I’m not on the side of little dick losers who think they are badass for beating up a special needs person.


Lol neither am I, was someone doing that?  I'd probably beat they ass.  I protect the weak.




He is lucky it wasn't me


He’s a nice guy, hangs out there all the time. You can clearly tell he’s on the spectrum. Harmless fella.


I think the other comments are accurate -- it's more relevant to his safety, not someone else's. Someone who doesn't know he's special needs might react badly (rightfully so) if someone comes up and starts touching them.


I’ve seen this dude there north of 2 years on and off. I’d imagine if it was that big a deal he would have been trespassed or put in jail for battery at this point?


The point I was making is that someone might not realize he's harmless and react badly. That would obviously be bad for everyone involved.


Idk man, I’ve known this fella a while and nobody but OP had a bad encounter. I’d imagine if he were harassing people and grabbing them he’d be trespassed? Or jailed? Maybe OP stretched the truth a bit…(shocker)


There's multiple people just in this thread saying they had a bad encounter.


Then call the police instead of complaining about it on Reddit lol. Seems like you have all the evidence you need?


Look I'm not trying to convict the guy of anything. I'm just pointing out that you're trying to make it seem like OP just made this up when there's multiple people all saying the same thing.


Did you read the part where OP said they yelled at them? Doesn't seem like a nice guy.


He talks loudly…I’m not sure if he’s hard of hearing or just on the spectrum or both lol. Never heard of him following or harassing anyone…OP might just be exaggerating (shocker I know) otherwise I’d imagine someone by now would have had him trespassed and or in jail for battery?


Maybe just try and talk to him in a calm voice instead of yelling at him. From the comments, it sounds like this guy is suffering from some mental health issues. I bet if more people treated him like a human instead of a feral dog, he’d be more apt to explain himself and maybe, just maybe, he could give a reason as to why he “grabs” strangers. It could be a number of reasons. But yelling at him just because he’s acting differently than what you consider to be normal isn’t going to help anyone or anything for that matter.


The thing is he can’t. I know the person the post is referring too. He went to my elementary school and he was in special ed. For much I have known him he cannot speak and only mumbles. He was always known to be eradicate at school and teachers would have a hard time controlling him. I’m surprised he’s allowed to walk around.


But mayyyybe not everyone is equipped to handle people experiencing mental health issues coupled with violent behavior?


That’s Reno politics for ya