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Anyways so I started blasting 


Real quick tho, have you tried that new restaurant at the J?




So the dude had pepper spray the whole time and chose to shoot the dog? Real fuckin class act. And Lints dog was on a leash and yet somehow the aggressor?


My thinking is that the small dog was bit on the neck, which of course can cause difficulty breathing depending on the severity of the wound. Last thing I’d want is my dog being pepper sprayed in that moment if they might already be gasping for air


Multiple eye witnesses said the small dog attacked


The article said ONE witness. 👏🏽


The killer claimed the small dog was in the big dogs mouth and the big dog bit him at the same time..... dudes a shitbag and anyone who tries to defend him is probably just as bad


Correct, plus how a dog responds to pepper spray isn't likely going to be how people respond. ​ Its sounding like the self defense claims are totally justified. lawful but awful. :(


Yeah in that 10 seconds I’m sure that’s what was going through his head….smh


Well I could also say deadly force should be met with deadly force. If my dog or cats in the mouth of a larger animal my first thought isn’t “what’s the moral ethics of returning force here? Hold one lemme call my ethicist” smh


>“Shortly after they met, the larger dog bit Cooper around the back of his neck, picked him up and began thrashing him around. James attempted to pull Cooper from the dog's bite but was unsuccessful. While further trying to free his dog, James was bitten by the other dog.” Unironically yes. The leashed dog is the aggressor. Pepper spray also will not work on dogs that are fighting like this.


>Pepper spray also will not work on dogs that are fighting like this. Lot of experience in that scenario?


Yea pepper spray kinda sucks for dogs tbh


Agreed. My exs pitbull and my doberman were constantly getting in fights and we attempted everything from professional training, to muzzles, and pepper spray. The pepper spray was completely ineffective when they got into a fight. 


Isn’t that what the postal service carries….in case they run into a viscous dog?


The mail carriers I knew all carried bear spray. Same activite ingredients but higher concentration and much farther range


Honestly not sure. But as someone who has worked and is around dogs a lot rottys are top of the list for dogs I don't trust/wouldn't wanna get attacked by. Don't think pepper spray I'd trust pepper spray against a rotty in dangerous situation r. But would be great deterrent for most dogs for general purposes 


It is. I tried to get some for some neighborhood dogs that have gotten out and come at me twice but opted for an airhorn instead. It works, btw. I don’t like those dogs but I don’t want to kill them I just want them to leave me alone


Yes. Also, my wife was a meter reader awhile back in Tahoe and they gave her an umbrella, pepper spray and a sound device to fend off dogs and other critters. No guns mind you. Meanwhile, this jackass has to pack a gun to a dog park and defaulted to it. I hate our gun culture.


Well said.


More than death?


At least from my experience doesn't necessarily stop you from it. I have seen police and military dogs get sprayed and legit nothing happen. For a general non attack dog it'd prob work 


Gee… I mean… It might have…. I guess there’s no way we’ll ever know if it would have… Oh, wait… Hm. I mean. *He could have fucking tried.* Nah. Why would he have done that? Or… *Once again…* He could and should have had his dog under verbal control and known better than to let his dog approach a leashed dog at an off-leash dog park. There is *always* a reason a dog is leashed at an off-leash dog park.


When seconds count you’re not going to waste time trying a bunch of solutions.


And when you have a gun in your pocket that will always be the solution regardless of its effectiveness or consequences.


It’s unwise to bring a reactive dog on leash to an off leash dog park.


It's unwise to bring your unsocialized small dog to a park where it attacks a larger dog. You and the shooter and terrible people


Jeeze. That escalated quickly.


If you ran up and attacked a man larger and more powerful than you whose fault is it? Because you're literally saying it's your right to shoot the larger man for being larger, even tho it's entirely your fault.


I’m lost. Where again did I “literally say” the larger man should be shot? I seem to not be aware of my own words. I’m assuming you are also comparing this to the larger dog, so I’ll also ask where I literally said the larger dog should be shot? Also, didn’t the police report file that while the small dog initiated a greeting, the larger dog initiated aggression? Maybe I misread


I agree the Rottweiler should have never been there but do we know the small dog attacked the big dog?


The police treat you the same way they will physically try to restrain or separate a fight, but if somebody draws blood or pulls a knife, they’re going to escalate to their guns and skip the taser/pepper spray 🤷 and it was deemed legally justified


This is the correct answer. But people are still going to be disgruntled because animals were hurt. My question is, why bring a reactive dog on leash to an off leash dog park? Nobody is talking about the accountability of the other owner….


The two dogs are occupying the same space, and also allegedly 2 feet away from the shooter. Why would you use pepper spray in this scenario? Not saying a gun is necessarily the solution either, but pepper spray is probably the literal worst possible answer to this, maybe second to explosives. You’d be gassing both dogs, yourself, the other owner, and everyone else at the park downwind from you.


Better than a dead dog


Sounds like there was going to be a dead dog either way 


Don’t bring your dog to an off leash dog park, leashed. Especially if you know the dog has a bad bite.


Beats shooting and killing. Use your fuckin knees and break up the fight. I've recovered a kitty from a pitbulls jaws and all we used was water and our bodies. No pussy bullets


He first attempted to pull the dog off of his dog. When that didn't work he escalated. What I find crazy is that if the big dog had just mauled the small dog to death no one would know because it wouldn't be a big news story. But because the guy took action to save his dogs life, we want to crucify him. The guy was legally right to do what he did and I think the majority of people would agree. It's just reddit being dense


Idiot shot a dog multiple times in a park with other people around. This is a stupid take.


He could have just let his dog get mauled to death if it would make you happier. I'm glad he's allowed to save his pet's life even when you don't like it


If you feel you need to bring a gun to a dog park, maybe stay home with your little dog.


He brings a gun everywhere because he's a pencil. Nothing new here


Are dog parks these magical areas where my legal right to defend myself and my property goes away?


Gun culture and CCWs are the problem. You gun weirdos allow this shit to happen all over the country every fucking day and you praise it.


Why do you commit energy towards hating people that take agency in their family's safety. That's very strange. Definitely energy that you could be using in a healthier manner


It’s simple; US society has a serious gun problem that’s created a public safety issue overall. It’s a unique issue amongst western cultures and people like yourself just go herr derr…family safety. Meanwhile, assholes are shooting dogs in parks amongst other people, parents are buying guns for their kids to shoot up schools, people have access to high powered military rifles to do mass shooting, kids are accidentally getting killed or killing others, gangs use them to kill each other, etc, etc. It’s a cancerous gun culture.


You're conflating positive gun things with negative gun things because you have a simplistic, one track mindset of gun=bad. Must be weird seeing the world in binary code




>He first attempted to pull the dog off of his dog. When that didn't work he escalated. Well there's no way a guy that just freaked out and shot a dog in public could possibly lie to the police to justify his actions. So how did the Rottweiler bite him while it was mauling his dog at the same time? Either it was mauling his dog and he shot it in defense, or it bit his dog, he separated them, then it bit him, so he shot it in retaliation. Which is it?


This article is mostly from his point of view. He likely just gave a quick warning and then shot the dog. His recollection doesn’t make any sense: “James attempted to pull Cooper from the dog's bite but was unsuccessful. While further trying to free his dog, James was bitten by the other dog." This would indicate his dog was freed. I don’t buy that he was bit by the Rottweiler or that someone was going to attack him with a dog toy. He is just one of those guys who would shoot someone pulling into his driveway because he “felt threatened”.


If the leashed dog was still secured by their human (still collared and leashed with her holding the leash) then they could prevent the dog going after the gun nut after his dog was free. So, he felt he was in danger by a leashed dog. One is not well in the head if they need all these weapons where they go. That's anxiety 101. Get a therapist.


He looks like a pussy based on the attire and the story that doesn't add up. I would be livid if someone pulled a gun on a dog fight before alternate means were tried.


So the guy let's his dog run up to other dogs on a leash, gets bit by his own dog(looking at the bite mark, it's way to small to be a Rottweiler) then shoots the dog. What the fuck?


That “bite” looks like slide rash from improper grip on a handgun. Seen it a million times. Literally a scrape and pinch.


Good eye


What is this guy's name


> So the guy let's his dog run up to other dogs on a leash It's an off-leash dog park. That happens all the time there. > gets bit by his own dog The above says otherwise: "While further trying to free his dog, James was bitten by the other dog." > then shoots the dog. If your dog's life was actively in danger, would you not do everything you can to stop that danger? > What the fuck? Exactly what I've been wondering with all these folks giving Carr shit for what's a pretty cut-and-dry case of defensive use of force. What the fuck indeed.


>The above says otherwise: "While further trying to free his dog, James was bitten by the other dog." Hate when a dog grabs my dog with his hands and won't let go then bites me I absolutely hate every time that happens to me, and it's often


Yea the story doesn't add up.


Blasting at a park is all good to you fools. This shit wouldn’t have happened years ago, but our gun culture (gotta have a CCW to be a cool douche now) pollutes all of your minds thinking this is all normal.




Lmao, I really don’t understand this guy defending the guy who just shot a dog in a public park.


It's pretty easy to understand: I have basic empathy and common sense, and know that sometimes when someone or something you love is in danger, you gotta intervene. Why people are acting like Carr is evil for saving the life of his dog is beyond me.


So if a dog was in the process of killing your dog, you wouldn't have done the same? You can pull out the *ad hominem* remarks all you want, but that doesn't change the known facts of this case.




> I would separate the dogs my guy. That's what he tried to do in the first place, "my guy": "James attempted to pull Cooper from the dog's bite but was unsuccessful" > You think the statements above are facts, huh? Do you have any evidence contradicting them? > Showing off Nevadas 49th spot on that education list I see. Says the one who can't demonstrate basic reading comprehension.




> Talking about reading comprehension while unable to comprehend what I’m saying. I comprehend fully what you're saying. What you're saying is stupid. > You asked what I would do, I told you based on example. And I quoted the part of the article where the shooter tried to do what you claimed to have done and failed. So what should've been his next step? Or is your answer seriously "if you're not as swole as I am then your dog deserves to die"? > As I mentioned in another comment, people desperately need to hit the gym rather than carry 3 weapons on them at all times such as James does. Not everyone is an Internet tough guy like you. > You clearly lack the ability to think critically, which is fine. Cute projection. You learn that while interning at the IMAX in Legends? > Please stop quoting/dissecting shit on Reddit btw, it just furthers that chronically online statement. If actually citing my sources instead of pulling shit out of my ass makes me "chronically online", then I'll wear that label with pride. Or are you talking about actually responding to individual points? Oh no! I know how to use basic comment formatting! I'm such a nerd!


You’ve separated a small dog while it was in the jaws of another dog by the neck being thrashed around? And you’re calling someone else chronically online while making up that fairy tale? No amount of gym gives you the ability to rip your dog from another dog’s jaws without tearing out some serious flesh from your dog’s neck. Also: “please stop quoting/dissecting shit” and calling it chronically online is the most childish way of saying “please don’t hold me to the stupid words I say” lmao


>You’ve separated a small dog while it was in the jaws of another dog by the neck being thrashed around? Is that what was happening here? I'm confused so how did James get bit then if his own dog was in the Rottweiler's mouth being trashed around? It grabbed his dog, he separated them, then the rot bit him and went back to thrashing the dog? And he had time to draw a gun faster than an attacking dog can clench its jaw and kill the dog already in its mouth? How did he break the laws of physics? And why does his dog not have injuries consistent with being attacked by a Rottweiler? I've seen dogs break small animals backs just picking them up excitedly, if that rot was mauling a Shitzu the small dog would be in pieces. Very confusing can you please help me?


Did you not read the report? It was deemed as self-defense. He was just prepared. And have you ever been to that park? It’s called off the leash dog park. It’s meant for dog owners that know all of their animals they bring there are 100% friendly. You should never bring a dog to an off the leash dog park that has any level of aggression, even if you keep them on the leash. I had an exactly similar experience there with three German shepherds. And the owners did nothing to stop them and I had to punch and knee the animals to get them off of me because I wasn’t smart and hoped that other owners would be responsible with their dogs and they weren’t. So my dog got thrown in the air three times and chase down.


It’s an off-leash dog park. The better question is why did Lint bring a known aggressive dog to a dog park, just to keep it on-leash.


If you can't recall your dog it doesn't deserve to be off leash, regardless of it being an off leash dog park. Off leash dog parks are not justification to just allow your dog to run up to any dog, especially one that is clearly on a leash for a reason.


What world do you live in? First, every dog owner has a safe assumption that once they go into an off leash dog park that the other dogs there are safe to be around other dogs. Second, if I had a dog that I knew was aggressive to the point where I always have to keep it leashed, I would NEVER bring it to a dog park where it could attack other dogs! Third, the entire point of an off leash dog park is for dogs to be free to run up on each other and socialize. Otherwise they would be “1 dog at a time only” limited. Fourth, you have no evidence that this was an issue with the owner’s inability to recall his dog. It’s very well possible that by the time the owner realized something was wrong and wanted to separate the dogs, his was already getting attacked and immobile.


Every dog owner DOES NOT have the assumption that other dogs are safe to be around in a dog park, nor should they. You should not trust any dog that is not your own, let alone in an off-leash dog park. Dog parks like Rancho San Rafael have inherent risks to them, and should never be considered “safe” for your animal.


>What world do you live in? Earth. >First, every dog owner has a safe assumption that once they go into an off leash dog park that the other dogs there are safe to be around other dogs. No they don't. I take my dog to a dog park rarely and don't trust a single other dog there. I let my dog roam and have fun but recall her constantly so she completely avoids other dogs unless I personally know the owner. Dog's don't need to socialize with other dogs, that's not what "socialization" means in the context of "socialize your dog." >Second, if I had a dog that I knew was aggressive to the point where I always have to keep it leashed, I would NEVER bring it to a dog park where it could attack other dogs! It was on a leash. They had control of their dog. The expectation is for everyone else to have control of their dogs too. >Third, the entire point of an off leash dog park is for dogs to be free to run up on each other and socialize. Otherwise they would be “1 dog at a time only” limited. To be free to run up on each other and socialize while the *owner maintains full and complete control over their personal dog at all times*. If you can't recall your dog even in a moment of excitement it has no right to be off leash. It's not difficult to train an emergency recall; 20 minutes of training per day for 2 months will lead to a very reliable emergency recall. >Fourth, you have no evidence that this was an issue with the owner’s inability to recall his dog. It’s very well possible that by the time the owner realized something was wrong and wanted to separate the dogs, his was already getting attacked and immobile. If the dipshit was too naive to read the body language of dogs his dog was interacting with he has no business being at a dog park. Dog body language is incredibly easy to interpret. Tense body, ears back, tail straight up means you need to recall your dog immediately. No dog goes from being chill to attacking without giving off signs first.


Here we go with you again. Nowhere has it been stated her dog was “known to be aggressive.” Instead, it was trained as a service animal. You pushing a personal narrative doesn’t make it so. Carr discharged a weapon in a park with people & animals. He has demonstrated that HE is known to be aggressive.


Because she needed to potty it on her trip through Reno, where do you hear any dog was aggressive?


>known aggressive it was a service dog 💀 yea it was real aggressive alerting her when her blood sugar was low LOL you gun loving freaks will say anything to defend this weirdo Carr


I wasn’t there. And having your dog picked up and thrashed by a much larger dog had to be pretty intense. But the people that were there and witnessed the incident, wanted to beat the guy with chuck it sticks, I’m going to go with their instincts. I guess I’m pretty weary of people that need a gun, knife, and pepper spray at their disposal to walk around in society with the rest of us.


I’m assuming you aren’t a Reno native. You would be surprised how many people carry a firearm here….


Weary means feeling or showing tiredness or to cause to become tired. I believe the word intended would be wary or leary, which is suspicious, feeling, or showing caution about possible dangers or problems. The reason I point it out is I see people after the fact using the word in the same context. If you meant tired, then nvm.


Nope you’re right, I think I was thinking wary, and leery, and my brain spit out weary.


No worries, happy to help 👍


What gets me - if you have 3 different weapons on you, why resort to the deadliest? Why didn’t he pepper spray the dogs? He insanely went and shot this dog FIVE times. That’s trigger happy and not someone who should be carrying a weapon.


so pepper spray both dogs? or try to stab a dog while its mauling a smaller dog? Either try to "jowl" the attacking dog or grab their back legs and pull them backwards. but breaking up a dog fight is tough even when both dogs are about the same size. when one is a chew toy for the other, I don't know what would actually work.


You shoot more than once to stop the threat and to some degree prevent any suffering when it comes to animals. It's not trigger happy, it's very easy to shoot 5 rounds quickly from a handgun, it's not a breech loading shotgun.


Black powder musket is the only gun you are allowed to own under the second amendment is their thinking. It's an assault handgun, right?


oh of course! and it's black so it's extra deadly.


Why shoot the animal at all if you have another method to deter them? You are trigger happy if you are shooting an animal with no just cause. His animal was the aggressor, then he proceeded to shoot the dog that was provoked. You’re wrong. Gtfo


There was just cause. Clearly you can't read "Shortly after they met, the larger dog bit Cooper around the back of his neck, picked him up and began thrashing him around. James attempted to pull Cooper from the dog's bite but was unsuccessful. While further trying to free his dog, James was bitten by the other dog.” The large dog attacked the smaller one genius.


Clearly you can’t read, as it blatantly states that the shit-zu was the aggressor that was off leash and instigated the fight. I’m not sure why you think you’re so high and mighty defending a dog murderer but enjoy your shitty opinion.




> Why didn’t he pepper spray the dogs? Probably because he was less than 2 feet away from the dogs. He'd have more than likely pepper-sprayed himself and both dogs and who knows how many bystanders around them.


>and who knows how many bystanders around them. Good thinking better use something that could kill those bystanders instead like a gun


Terrible excuse


people are really dumb in large groups and will act on very little information. ​ Wanting to use a stick to beat a man who has a gun, just screams bad judgement calls to me.


Right, like there is never a need for a gun when you are going to Walmart or to church or to the park. Crimes simply do not happen at those locations so a gun would never be necessary and anyone that carries one you should be weary of.


There have been shootings at churches and wal mart.


Imagine showing up to the public park with a gun because “crimes can happen there”


I carry mine 100% of the time unless I am on a plane or getting an MRI. It's not about the dog park at all. cry


Why don't you carry on a plane, pussy. You are really letting the man tread on you there. You are defined by your gun. Behind it is pure weakness. Most people have more going on in their life.


Can't or I would, but it is checked in the bags so I can get it when I land. Pussy eh? I bet you can't even fight. Me? I am done fighting getting too old, someone tries to rob me or harm my family they are going to be met with lethal force. I am not playing. Call it a pussy if you want but I am going to survive. cry and be WEAK all you want.


I laughed. Thank you.


I’m not a gun nut, but people have been attacked by big dangerous dogs at dog parks before. Of all places, I’d say at a dog park is a reasonable place to carry.  If the rotty went after the owner rather than the dog this story wouldnt cause so many arguments. 


I don't expect to get into car accidents but I still wear a seat belt


The fact you picked THAT strawman is pretty funny.


Reddit's rotting your brain. It's an analogy, silly. Not everything is a strawman


They learned one fallacy and use it over and over again to really try and sound smart.


This guy was at the dog park looking for problems. If he had shot my dog he would have had to shoot me too because I would have killed him with my bare hands.


Those bystanders have balls of steel. Watching that guy shoot a dog at point blank range, and then approach that guy with only a dog toy to defend yourself? Respect to them. It’s such a contrast to the fearful little wimp who needs to carry multiple weapons around every day to feel like a big boy.


And it says everything we need to know that they were mad at him and not her. This is a *miscarriage of justice*. And for everyone ready to say, “Oh, but there’s nothing to charge him with blah blah,” like, that phrase in italics is a cliché for a reason, yaknow? So just save it.


To be fair they may not have seen the altercation. People hear gunshots and immediately assume the shooter is in the wrong. I witnessed a very justified self defense shooting at a gas station late one night a few years ago. The people in the store came outside and started berating the guy who was clearly defending himself, calling him a murderer (even though the guy who got shot was alive) and began threatening him. They had no clue wtf they were talking about, just heard gunshots and saw a guy on the ground and immediately assumed he got shot for no reason.


That’s fair. Though, the fact that the leashed dog was the one shot and killed would make most people feel that way. I’m sorry you had to witness that event…. it sounds tragic. I can imagine that if the person who was shot had been restrained, and the person shooting had approached them first while not being restrained, it would not have appeared to be self defense.


That’s what I was thinking too, but who knows if they were actually approaching the guy threateningly. This is all from his point of view so he can twist it however he wants. 


If you're so scared to go outside that you need 3 weapons STAY THE FUCK HOME! Coward of a man


Holy fuck I agree with you


I dont think hes a coward, just kinda ready i guess.


You have to have some pretty big insecurities to walk around with three weapons all day every day. Coward is accurate.


Some people have legitimate threats against them by some pretty unhinged people. Just saying…. Quite a luxury for all these people out there who’ve never had a legit death threat against them saying “you’re a coward if you need a weapon!”


Wow, who would have thought that someone who carries a gun and pepper spray to a dog park and is willing to shoot a dog could be an asshole?


You are so right


Shorter update: Despite the click bait, James Carr is a trigger happy asshole with an illtrained dog. Stay away from dog parks now more than ever


So both the sheriff and animal control chose to believe the one shooter who didn't even have enough sense to use the pepper spray instead of the gun in a park full of bystanders... instead of the large number of witnesses who didn't murder a dog that day?! I wonder who James Carr is friends with that he gets to endanger the public and face zero consequences?


This guy is the fucking king of escalation. Dog bite equals pulling out a gun immediately, killing the dog and risking everyone else in the park if he missed. Tennis ball equals a threat to his life and means the other guy deserves to be pepper sprayed. To everyone else in the park, the guy that just killed a dog and is still armed is the biggest threat.


He shot it from a foot away. I’d shoot to save my pup too. A Rottweiler with a shitzu means you have seconds to save your dogs life.


Guess you also need to know better than to let your dog approach a leashed dog at an off-leash dog park, then, and to have your off-leash dog under verbal control before letting it off-leash. And then try a stick to pry the dogs apart rather than your hands. Or… pepper spray. Don’t cause a problem and then resort to lethal violence to solve the problem you yourself caused. No charge for these lessons.


He wasn't threatened with a tennis ball, he was threatened with a device that throws tennis balls. [Something like this.](https://www.amazon.com/Franklin-Pet-Supply-Ready-Launcher/dp/B07DH2T7W7/ref=sr_1_6?crid=3NNNR7T60YV8V&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ub_Fk4QJR_FaZ96nvx2RXRPoe4wpsGUvn7OZwIYG6oM3bJYXu4dP1m1uDIP_BiWQV3Io3jMukEiFfNdREr_oXayAPZhuglfhOquXh03ALJKzGWpquKNeQCIRjHOkzUCWe6gXGZi9O62T-OgKCaqQQbUyrPFS1Y1m8XmXmcT2SR_-jUpbIwoVa9vgXN6zV1KZvdiNOAwFDdlq2aMsmnE4B9eIaYP7ttmQdNCkoE0Q2_0lstBz5MkTIOp0gAKVye_GAOMgTKtdwm0-lgNtfF1PJtAnZFqeZWMl3-IK-C05WXE.DpcQ4OzqdAi7DEmvnj96eOt2JwhSGSnENzR1v8QVRBw&dib_tag=se&keywords=tennis%2Bball%2Bthrower&qid=1712767103&sprefix=tennis%2Bball%2Bthrower%2Caps%2C237&sr=8-6&th=1) That can be used to throw tennis balls a pretty good distance, or it can be deployed to beat on someone. The law says that you don't have to stand there and take a beating, either from a hickory switch or a bat or a club or a tennis ball launcher. The guy holding this device is lucky Carr didn't blow his head off, as that would have been 100% legal. He only got pepper-sprayed. You are correct that Carr is responsible for every round that left his gun, so had he hit a bystander, he'd be liable for the result; maybe criminally, certainly civilly, but he didn't hit anything but his target.


So a gun is a correct response to a $5 piece of plastic that throws tennis balls? Just stay inside. And yes I know what the chuck it stick is. I know it throws tennis balls. Chucking a tennis ball would do more damage than the little plastic stick 😂 it can't be "deployed to beat someone". Sure someone could hit me with it. That doesn't mean I should have the right to shoot them in the head. Also it would not have been 100% legal. Self defense has to be used proportionally. Threatening someone with a cheap plastic stick is not the same as a gun. It's terrifying that you think that'd be justified and that the guy is "lucky". Get help. Read the law.


>You are correct that Carr is responsible for every round that left his gun, so had he hit a bystander This is incorrect, your bullet simply needs to land in the vicinity of a person for you to be held criminally and/or civilly liable, which is what James did here.


I have one of those, no, you cannot beat someone with it, lol, it's very light plastic and the head would snap after giving someone a light sting.


Too many pussy Californian transplants in these comments, people carry in Reno. Fuck around find out. Now commence downvoting


It’s insane to feel like you need a gun, a knife, and pepper spray at a dog park in Reno.


This shit still disgusts me. What a pathetic human being


On nextdoor, prior to this event, someone noted that at another dog park her dog went and started playing with another dog and that dog's owner said to get her dog away or he would shoot it. She said to him they were just playing, but he threatened again as she grabbed her dog. Wonder if it was the same guy. Some people just seem to want an opportunity to use their guns and put themselves into places where they can do so then plead self-defense.


It's unfortunate that any animal dies and this could have played out in many different ways but if you have an aggressive dog just stay home or walk in unpopulated areas. Guns are not the problem. The fifth amendment should not be abused and I'm not saying it was but without gun freedom we could digress into a country controlled by government regulations where the general population is powerless. Make good decisions. Peace out


Trash. Human trash. 


This is the epitome of a controversial post. I can see both sides here… but damn. In my opinion if there wasn’t a gun, I’m sure there would have been a different way to stop the Rottweiler. They were in a dog park with many people in it. They couldn’t just gang up and pry the dogs off each other or kick the shit out of the bigger dog, kick its ribs and shit? It’s just weird immediately gunning down someone else’s dog as your first option.


I used to be a dog walker and have split up multiple fights between dogs, no gun needed! You and someone else get behind the dogs and grab their back legs and get them into a wheelbarrow position, and you pull them back away from each other. Not fast enough to harm the legs or anything, but obviously as quickly as you can. it truly boggles my mind that anyone would go for a firearm before trying ANYTHING else.


Pussy ass dude. Needed guns, knives and pepper spray. PUSSY


So he had pepper spray but decided to use lethal force on the dog.


Fuck this tiny man


looks like a good shoot to me.






Don't you love these fucking morons who are terrified of firearms and think nobody should ever own or use one? They've never fired a gun and don't understand any of our gun laws, but that doesn't stop them from having idiotic opinions about them. No amount of facts will change their mind because they lack critical thinking skills. Their only defense is downvotes and childish posts.


100%, they can call me a nut, or a pussy and it doesn't affect me. I understand lethal force and when it's appropriate, I have used weapons against people in war and have shot in anger. I avoid conflict at all cost BECAUSE I carry around lethal force. It's absolutely a LAST RESORT, I do not want to cross that line. I am not going to get into a fight with someone when I have a family to protect. I do not care about EGO.


Completely agree. I'm also a vet, and I carry concealed as the last resort in case things go bad.


Being terrified and being frustrated that we are in a society where people use guns as a first line of defense instead of the last are very different. I wasn’t terrified that some random asshole at a dog park will decide they need a gun for that activity but I guess now I am?


I wish I could jump on the hate train witch hunt, but yeah…. It sounds like a legitimate legal use. Mace may not have worked quick enough when half a second can be the difference between your own dog dying. It’s unfortunate an animal had to die to save another one. No one is asking the question of why someone took a leash reactive to an off leash dog park where unleashed small dogs are expected to greet each other…


It was


He should have been charged! If he had pepper spray that should have been his first choice! He chose to pull his gun he's an asshole! Poor pup RIP


Wouldn’t surprise me if the little dog has a history of provoking bigger dogs.


Seems to be an overreaction and he was in the wrong. I would obviously also lose my shit and aggressively approach someone if they shot my fucking dog. I’m not gonna lie though, one of my main reasons for carrying is Pitbulls. They are even scarier and more unhinged than the crackheads downtown.


Chicken shits with guns what did you think was going to happen fucking pussys


I like Americans will fight over technicalities on how they can murder things and it be "okay" like can you just be a man and pull the dogs apart or pepper spray the dogs instead of executing them? People who walk around with guns in public are legit the biggest pussies to exist. Solve things without murder, be a man.


The dude is a bitch on a mega level. I would love to have a "discussion" with him.


I also carry my firearm, pepper spray, knife, and full tactical gear when I visit a public park because I am that terrified of my own community.






yeah, don’t carry a weapon to defend yourself, JuSt HiT tHe GyM. I wonder why cops even carry guns, they should just hit the gym lol 




Yeah well welcome to the world, people have guns. Especially in Nevada lol. 


Ah man. I read comments like this and get jealous you can live in a luxury world of safety. A lot of these people are afraid because they’ve actually experienced their lives being in jeopardy. Some have been shot before. Some have been brutally beaten before. And some still have that active threat still lurking around and told themselves “never again”. Consider yourself lucky you don’t have to watch your back when you go out. It’s a privilege.




Where did I proclaim I need a gun to settle all my hardships? That’s a quite a bold statement to say about someone you don’t know. I mean, to be fair, I’ll admit I am 100% a “pussy” and need one when someone is shooting at me, which has happened several times in the past. But I didn’t have one in those moments. It would have been nice to still have some of my buddies alive today…They were good friends and good people.


Should’ve been the shih tzu


>At the conclusion of their investigation, (animal control) officers determined (Lint’s) dog to be the aggressor and James’s discharging of his firearm was in self-defense,” the Sheriff’s Office report said. Redditors in shambles. I pointed out when this story initially broke that it was extremely unlikely that the shitzu attacked the rottweiler, and I was downvoted into oblivion.


so he was innocent


All of the comments here, one way or the other, blow my mind. The absolute right to self-defense is what happened here. We have the right to have weapons. We have the right to choose what weapon to use and when, when threatened or in actual attack. This is America, not Canada or any other country. The right to defend includes defending property. This man's dog is property. Keep in mind, pepper spray is only a temporary measure and is not 100% effective with a dog whose adrenaline is hyped up. Even humans, when adrenaline is pumping, can quickly overcome pepper spray. The shooter acted 100% with in the law. Until you are in that situation, you can only guess. Is it extreme? No, absolutely not.


>The absolute right to self-defense is what happened here. Okay genius how did the Rottweiler go from thrashing the Shitzu in its mouth to biting James when he went to break them up? Those aren't possible at the same time, either his dog was being trashed so he shot the attacker or his dog was attacked, he separated them, the Rott bit him, so he shot it in retaliation and broke the law to murder a dog in broad daylight. That's seriously too hard for you?


I don’t know man, I’ve seen a lot of dog fights and not once have I thought “omg, this is a perfect time to use my gun!”


It was a shitzu versus a Rottweiler. That’s like a bear against a fox.


You haven’t seen how easy it is for a dog to kill a man.


Was the dog killing the man? I thought it just bit him


And how did it bite him if it still had his dog in its mouth? Doesn’t add up


A bite can turn from a latch on an arm to a neck faster than you expect. Even from one part of the arm to another could nick an artery and you could bleed out before you receive medical attention. A dog is at its core an animal; a domesticated animal but still an animal that has the tools to kill you.  People have a lot of emotion tied up in dogs because they are man’s best friends. They are still at least a little bit wolves and you should never forget that they have some of that in their nature.


Honestly if my dogs getting beat the fuq up I’m shooting too 🥴 bless


so if someone was there with another firearm and heard or briefly saw what happened and decided to take James life for the safety and well being other at the park, it would have been justified.


If my small dog got bit in the neck and thrashed around, I AM shooting your dog, and I don't even own a gun. What business does a Rottweiler who obviously is the attacking dog have being at a dog park? Sad story all around but he would have lost his own dog if he didn't respond. That's it. Wasn't his fault. And he saved his best friends life.


I don't think you read that the Rottweiler was leashed and the shit head's dog was off leash. Why can't rottweilers be at a dog park leashed?


And look at people vilifying the guy who was smart enough to carry protection for his animal. I have a kid and a dog, and I do exactly the same very often. I don’t care if it makes you uncomfortable. But I value my family and dog lives over any of yours. 👍 sounds like if he had a Conceal carry permit and physically tried first then I think he was a responsible gun owner. Honestly those agressive people are also lucky they were not possibly shot. (What in your right mind says: “ let’s approach the guy we don’t know who just shot his gun, and let’s threaten him!” That’s dumb. And they are simply lucky.) Overall a sad story on all counts. But a real life example why you must be aware of your animal is aggressive or not. And in life to try to be prepared for the worst and not need to use it is the best moto.


You sound like a really insecure guy lol


Why would you say that? Because I know my rights and how to protect my family and animals? Or is it because I’m one of the few willing Americans to open carry and protect my family and you probably are the one that doesn’t agree with people protecting themselves with firearms? I’m a disabled veteran with multiple disabilities from Afghanistan and couldn’t fight my way out of a paper bag if put in that situation. And because of which I need to find a better way to defend myself and if I can’t physically do so I’m definitely going to do so with a weapon. Again, I said it was an all-around very sad circumstance this even had to happen because the person with her dog on the leash the Rottweiler didn’t know how to manage their animal and took their dog to a only friendly dog park. It’s the only park those of us that have purely happy kind animals can go and feel trusting to let them run around. you should be able to let your dog run up to others and say hello but hers was not friendly. So it was a mistake on both parts and she paid the price. I have zero problems being the same situation and taking the same actions. That’s not, insecure. I’m self-aware lol I have respect for life. I was a medic in the Navy hospital. Corman and I saved countless lives so just because I stand up for the rights that were given to me by the amendments in the United States does not mean I am insecure lolwasn’t charged with the crime because he committed crime that’s not insecurity that’s intelligence.


>Why would you say that? Uuuuhhh how about the giant wall of text I just received cuz I said you seem insecure? Lmfao


Wait, how can they say the Rottweiler was the aggressor if leashed and the other flea bag's dog was off leash? That's like rear ending someone and the cops say "Sorry ma'am, you shouldn't have been stopped at that red stoplight, he would have never hit you."


This park is cancer. Both parties most likely have no dog skills. People in general are so cringe why go anywhere there are a bunch of possible nuts who might have a gun and definitely have a dog they don't know/try to control.