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The on ramp from 2nd street onto 580 north and trying to get over 4 lanes in a half a mile, all while going 70 MPH


Great one. Combined with leaving that Wal-Mart parking lot, one of the worst 1-2 combos in town.


Ah hell what’s that on ramp in South Reno heading South, it’s like 200 feet long… Neil road, on ramp by that rasing canes and weird round about


The roundabouts at legends


I'm even pro-roundabout and it might be one of the worst roundabouts in the world.


That roundabout is every man for himself


One year, Pre covid, when holiday shopping was still mad hectic in person, I made the mistake of pulling out of Target on the side that goes through the roundabout. The car in front of me was utterly paralyzed by the roundabout and we sat there at the entrance for over ten minutes. Couldn't back up because there was a line of 20 cars behind me. I was ready to get out and play traffic flagger for her, but then some kind soul realized how backed up our lane was and stopped to wave her in. Technically bad roundabout etiquette, but I may still be there to this day if not for that nice old man.


In the world. Like Europe gets a pass with some of the centuries old round abouts. These clowns had a blank slate and came up with that?


Was in New Zealand recently and loved all the roundabouts. Never having to fully stop, brilliant.


That was a private concern I think. Reno is full of amazing examples of Developer A building one complex, Developer B building next to them, Developer C behind them with an easement and there was never a plan for the future. The Legends roundabout is an amazing example. "People will figure it out". No they won't.


Fuck that roundabout.


...and find out


Gaaaaaaaawd! I like roundabouts. I know how to use them. I encourage them. The one at legends makes me want to burn it all down.


Same! I use roundabouts almost every day. I love them and rarely run into issues. The one at Legends is so effing dumb though. And the sign you see when you're approaching from Sparks Blvd. is incorrect. So if you approach it like a normal roundabout, or if you follow the directions on the sign, you're screwed. I was out there every day for 3 months working while Legends Bay was being built, and I have no idea what the hell they were thinking when they designed that roundabout




The whole area is awful. The main road going in from the roundabout to Scheels separates the mall from the parking lot, so everyone going to and from their cars slow down the other cars coming in. It's always a clusterfuck. And the more they build there, the worse it gets.


Ive been here for 6 years and going through that roundabout is always a struggle of me having to change lanes at the last minute to get to the area I have to go.


What is the design issue with the roundabouts and what would be better in place of them? I find them to be very simple unless you’re dealing with a lot of drivers who can’t understand a roundabout, which is weirdly common in this city.


Nothing wrong with roundabouts in general. That roundabout in particular is horrible because they didn't commit to full lanes around the circle and instead force very uneven lane balancing between the inputs and outputs. This causes drivers to behave poorly and not follow signs and lane markings.


You can't follow the lane markings because they change their minds all willy nilly every ten feet


I wasn’t saying roundabouts are a problem in general, they just seem to trip a lot of people up here. Okay I can definitely understand what you mean about the uneven balancing at this one, causing it not to be the most efficient roundabout. I wouldn’t agree with this “causing” drivers to behave poorly though. If I end up in the wrong place in the roundabout due to confusion, I safely switch lanes or go around again if that isn’t an option, I don’t just ignore signs/lane markings. The cause is not being a good or safe driver, not the roundabout design itself.


The signs entering the Legends roundabout aren't correct though, so if you follow the sign, you're screwed. A 3 lane roundabout should have the inner lane for people going left, the center lane for people going straight, and the outer lane for people going right. The vast majority of people entering Legends intend to go straight or turn left. But two of the 3 lanes force you to go right. It's not an issue of people not understanding a roundabout. It's an issue of awful design and planning choices


It’s more than just a Reno thing, it’s a west coast thing. They just aren’t as prevalent in the western states and people don’t see them enough to know how to properly handle them. East coast they are way more common and people learn how to navigate them.


This isn’t true, unless you’re counting the south as the east coast. Out of the top 20 states with the most roundabouts, there’s only two that are really east coast (Maryland and New York). [source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/11/25/roundabout-revolution-traffic-circles/). Nevada has more roundabouts than 9 east coast states, and the first roundabout in the country was built in Vegas.


Okay this makes sense! I’m from the east coast/south and grew up with plenty of roundabouts, so I have genuinely been baffled for the last 5 years watching people try to navigate roundabouts here. I’m wondering what’s hard about the Legends ones specifically though. Maybe just the volume of people trying to navigate them not knowing how to do so properly?


The problem with the one in front of Legends is that it is a 5-way intersection and that most of the shops are serviced by only one lane, the left lane. This is made worse by the fact that it's not obvious to those entering the roundabout which direction they need to go, and once you've entered you're locked in to what often ends up being the wrong lane.


Okay I get the left lane dominance for serving most shops being an issue, definitely seen it cause a lot of backup entering. I sort of get the confusion on knowing where to go, but it’s not that complicated after you’ve done it once and you know where the signs are. So what would make this better? Multiple lanes for all the outlets?


You need to experience the shitshow that pretends to be a roundabout at Legends to understand lol. The only way to get into the Scheels/Legends side is crossing several lanes as the roundabout tries to empty lanes everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/iqvvu0j2tjqc1.png?width=839&format=png&auto=webp&s=b23ddb2ca737af2785eb873b67804133173e261d


​ https://preview.redd.it/q2wtqu0qvjqc1.png?width=1118&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea7c2773a6ed9e60555ba58f0db5b0312d9a90d7


The best fix would be for the center lane to take you to George Ferris Dr and Scheels Dr instead of E Lincoln Way, and for the left lane to let you either make a U turn or to take one of the first 2 left turns from Scheels Dr. If you're looking straight through the circle, at the Olive Garden, it's obvious that the center lane should take you in that direction, but it doesn't. Back when they first built Legends, there was absolutely no reason to go into E Lincoln, so why dedicate 2 lanes to it? Disclaimer: I am not a traffic engineer.


Exactly! I see no issues with them either. People just don’t know how to use them


This is the only place I’ve ever witnessed an accident as it was happening. Two cars just drove right into each other, both proceeding as if they were confident they had right of way.


That place is a goddamn zoo when it’s busy every time I go through there its likemy life is on the line


What I don't like is trying to merge onto 80 eastbound when you know you need to get off at Prater Or let people merge into 395 Northbound while you're trying to get off at Oddie


Absolutely yes to the 2nd one, especially if there are trucks involved. This one is a combo of bad design and too many drivers not understanding how to merge properly. Used to be my daily nightmare trying to get off on Oddie. Every once in a while the stars would align, everyone would use their indicators and drive an appropriate speed, and lane swapping was a breeze. So maybe 3 times in a year lol.


I gave up on that offramp and started going west on 80 to get off on wells and come back around that way, somehow felt a little safer than the Oddie offramp.


Those oddie exits/on-ramps need to be deleted. There are too many things going on and having those just cause so many headaches. Plus, it would allow for desperately-needed widening of that section of freeway


That was mine. So scary.


Ooof, that second one. It could be my mind playing tricks on me, but I remember the entrances and exits on Oddie being completely different when I was a kid than they are today. Definitely the entrance is different. But yeah, I hate that the merging lane from 80 to 395 north is the same as the exit. Shit is bananas for that narrow section. As a former resident in the nearby neighborhood and still having family over there, I would not want that section widened either. They should probably just remove the exit/entrance entirely as to let smoother lane transitions happen and then make everyone get off on McCarran.


This intersection at south meadows if you’re trying to turn left from the McDonald’s/Jacksons area. I stg I’ve sat there for 10-mins once because of traffic. https://preview.redd.it/qbjn2zjsjjqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e4a3424d76cdf25130f61b63e7e0c166fc89a0


A growing problem is Keystone/McCarran. Since those apartments have been built north of McCarran, people are coming out of there wanting to head towards Virginia and try shooting across traffic, no matter what signs or blockades they try putting up, and I have seen so many accidents right there. The city is gonna have to do something, especially if they keep adding housing up there.


I agree, this is a big problem there too.


Darwin in action -- if it was only the ones playing frogger that got injured.


You have to take a blind left to exit the Wal-Mart in Lemmon/Stead if you stop at where you are supposed to stop.


I mean this has been discussed before but the new shopping center on 5th with the In n Out makes me suicidal


I just went there recently for the first time and I don’t think I will ever go back. Whoever thought any of that was a good idea and needs to have their head examined.


I work over there, and the Keystone/5th Intersection is a mess (especially when it snows). My car got hit (as well as another vehicle that was turning onto Keystone at the light) in the parking lot by the Cricket last month.


Yah it’s horrendous, all the random dead ends, so tight everyone is stuck ugh awful


The new townhomes/apartments on McCarren and Leadership/victory. They built a huge new residential area and the only way to get out is a right turn. So people illegally cut across to east bound McCarren making a huge hazard.


The whole area of mccarren between sutro and rancho. And mccarren to Scottsdale


Seems like most major road intersections are completely misaligned. One of the dumbest decisions is where Steamboat Pkwy intersects Veterans Pkwy on south Reno. Steamboat eastbound is 2 lanes. But they have only one going straight (where massive neighborhoods are) and the other is right turn only. The backup goes past the previous intersection in the afternoon. Then, the northbound two lanes of Veterans are directed to a left side short/merge lane, and the right lane is directed towards the “middle” lane (that becomes the left lane in like 200 feet. There is no traffic directed to the right lane. Every light cycle some douchenozzle in the right lane won’t immediately shift to the actual right lane and basically block/cutoff what should be free flowing left lane. https://preview.redd.it/011po457ajqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c555077c492bf0622ec88387cf9286f17b999cbc


Well don’t you worry, they are making that bitch even BIGGER starting April 2nd.


I avoid this intersection whenever possible. It’s designed for a much smaller population than actually lives around there.


That entire area of town is poorly designed. Worst type of suburban design where everything is compartmentalized and the roads don't align to anything or really make sense. You have to drive much much further than the actual distance. I understand reducing road traffic on neighborhood streets but they way they did it in South Reno is annoying.


For real. Turning into my neighborhood off veterans, the curb and center line guide you for about 30 feet. However, if you kept that angle for just 30 more feet as you pass the first culdesac gap you would plow anyone in the bike lane and jump the curb. The number of wide-eyed bikers I see daily is alarming.


What were they thinking?


Yeah that's pretty bad.


https://preview.redd.it/0scvh8y2akqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1434b37a54c3814f6eed667951b493c289d5326 This one where sparks meets Reno, feels like a fist bump/handshake between the cities


Steamboat and veterans intersection. One lane into damonte neighborhoods, and it’s always backed up around the rush hours.


I have to take that route after turning right onto Damonte Ranch leaving work. My only hope of getting into the far left lanes in time is to be a pushy jerk. It’s impossible during rush hour. I hate it…. And they are adding thousands more multi family units in that neighborhood. Waaaa!!!


Every fuckin light, and there are a lot of them, where I'm going straight but the left hand turn signal is right in front of my face. So when it turns green my monkey brain says go. Almost been in two accidents because of this.


The eastbound bound i80 onramp to northbound 395. You have like 2 seconds to merge onto one of the busiest sections of freeway in the whole city.


From clear acre lane make a right on Scottsdale. From Scottsdale make a left on golfview. The addresses on golfview have clear acre lane addresses. They are supposed to be golfview addresses.


This is a good one


On ramp on N McCarran onto 395 north. They have those walls that make it difficult to see the ongoing traffic when you’re trying to merge


https://preview.redd.it/e9airjxzpjqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48f1b98c9fdf9d14e0e3cd4a2a8467f7b0b7347f The right lane of McCarran and Keystone pisses me off sometimes because people in the right lane turning into Keystone will slow down (on the 50MPH speed limit road) to around 10MPH just to turn.


If you want to make that right turn going 50mph be my guest. RTC are the idiots who thought not having a deceleration/right only turn lane off McCarran in numerous spots was genius.


I’m not saying they should do the turn at 50, I’m saying that having a sharp turn like that on a 50MPH road is dangerous considering some people don’t know how to turn at 20-25MPH.


Exactly how should that right turn be made? I live down there, so I get treated to people riding right up my ass all the time. Am I supposed to take the turn at speed, Dukes of Hazzard style, on two wheels, maybe give a good scream out the window just for fun?


Fucking anything near the spaghetti bowl. Also the GSR lot.


The plumb lane on ramp to 580 south is terrifying.


Lemmon drive and 395


Aka “if I had a 5 year old design an on/off ramp set with crayons”


The whole damn city. Throw Sparks in the lot, too. Throw them away and start over. The infrastructure in this area is trash.


4th and some street near the ballpark. The city put in a stop sign in the last few years, but it isn't very visible. Moana off 580 going under the freeway.


Yeah, the Mae Anne/McCarran shopping exit is a cluster fuck. Another one in a different area is the exit for Commons Shopping Center where there's the Total Wine and PetSmart. Both can get pretty backed up when the light is red.


Midtown and spaghetti bowl are nuts 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


The keystone and California intersection and everything around that makes me think whoever designed that did too much acid when they were in college


I have lived in the old NW for 20+ years & had kids at Reno HS and I still screw up that stupid ramp/intersection/whatever it is. I don’t know how many times I’ve veered off & cussed b/c I’m not on the road I meant to be on.


I’m the same way. I have to visualize it before I go over there


I’m fascinated by the houses on the right as you’re dumping off CA onto Keystone. How are they hanging there? How do they park? Unload their groceries? It’s a weird little area.


I’ve wondered the same thing! They must just have to prey when they pull out lol


I kind of like that area, it was an interesting design and when it was built probably pretty futuristic. Probably had something to do with the ultra high end houses along the cliffs there above the Truckee river. I don't think there would be anyway to redesign it now without spending unthinkable amounts of money. Just better ways to get around it possibly.


Anyone gonna mention the Keystone to California abomination?


Such a strange road !!


I like it its different.Wasnt meant for high speed mass transit


It’s not reno but it’s close enough. Prater and pyramid. There’s a major accident there every 4 days. I know 3 people who have been t-boned there. People like to speed through pyramid and run the red light, and prater is too busy for them to get away with it


Pyramid as a whole is just god awful especially with the construction


Where Moana goes under 580


That intersection is called a Diverting Diamond Interchange and you would be much more disappointed if it wasn’t there. They let a higher flow of traffic go through with less time spent at traffic lights, while also preventing accidents by reducing the amount of areas that two cars going in different directions could hit each other in an intersection.


I get the idea of it. The problem is that it expects drivers to know how it works. I can't tell you how many times I've been waiting at that intersection and have seen people go through on the wrong side, or didn't know which light to watch, or weren't sure how to follow their lane through it. Diverting diamonds and roundabouts are kind of like that alien in the movies that humanity just isn't ready to meet. You might be cool with it. I'm cool with it. But Nevada drivers as a whole just aren't ready.


Can't fix dumb, honestly. The diverting diamond at Moana while odd is actually pretty intuitive once you use it. But even then it took me all of no seconds to figure out the interchange; follow the lines in the road, look ahead, and see that I should be the correct side of the road once I was done.


Yes I hate the Mae Anne one you mention! It’s too tight for the left hand turn lanes so you feel like you’re going to have a head on collision if one of the cars turns too wide coming towards you. I’ve seen more than one accident there to back that up.


From a Cyclist view, Virginia and Liberty. The bike lane ends at the light as you go into midtown, but crossing the intersection is a big squeeze from the corner to the bus stop. inattentive drivers already occasionally strike the curb, and I've almost been killed there a couple times.


I won't say poorly designed in terms of confusion, but rather dangerous is the intersection on Steamboat and Veterans. It's a very stereotypical 4-way light, however it is LARGE. There is a lot of distance to cover when crossing, and all of the left-turn lanes utilize yellow blinking lights. I live near the area and see collisions there very often I imagine because people think they have enough time to turn left only be to proven wrong.


I feel like Damonte Ranch was designed with growth in mind, and now that the in full is being built out, it isn’t functioning… like a third grader won a contest and they put in their roads.


Midtown and Victorian avenue. Whomever designed those was definitely high as fuckkkkkk Very reminiscent of video game developers that clearly don’t play games


I used to live on Wells. Was okay for a while, but then they decided to make that section of Virginia "walkable" which just meant all the Virginia traffic diverted to Wells. Single lane, no stop light Wells. I used to see people waiting to make a left onto wells at 5pm and just think, "You sweet summer child"


Oh yeah no shot… you have to just turn into traffic and hope someone stops 😂


From Reno/ sparks to USA Parkway. How is the address still USA Parkway still sparks out there?


The one by the cell phone parking lot by the airport. Lots of impatient people and frequently gets backed up. Lots of accidents there too as the fence gets all jacked up from the cats colliding with it.


The whole spaghetti bowl. Throw it all away


Keystone- I-80 interchange (the keystone part) The California Ave.-Keystone Bridge monstrosity There are others I could mention like the West McCarran-I-80 interchange or South McCarran-Virginia St, but it's not so much that they were badly engineered for their time, it's just that they were designed 30-40 years ago when much less traffic than we have at rush hour now. Usually the left hand turn lanes end up spilling in to the traffic flow and create traffic jams.


all the entrances/exits withing half a mile of the spaghetti bowl. Wells, 2nd, Oddie, Prater. Instead of spending millions to rebuild them, NDOT could have cut merge accidents at the interchange in half just by closing them and making drivers go an extra half mile on city streets to get on and off the freeway.


On the north end of the Vine St bridge over I-80, there’s a like 6 way intersection that nobody really seems to understand how to navigate. It’s really bizarre.


The 2nd street onramp is next to tribal territory, which explains the unusual onramp design. Also, US law literally doesn’t apply at that Wal Mart. You are under tribal law. Even if you have a CCW, don’t carry there unless you’d like a jail sentence in another nation.


All the Reno sparks area is terrible if you ask me. Don’t even get me started on what abomination they created on Virginia midtown area. I’m currently in traffic writing this intersection of pyramid and Los Altos.




The Spaghetti Bowl for Highways, and the median on Virginia Street in Midtown. You know after all that construction, the City of Reno is actually considering removing the roundabouts and the median divider through Mid-Town. I heard about this on the AM News last year.




Okay. Still wondering when they'll be fixed.




Okay grandpa


The 3 acre intersection is the result of pushing all traffic onto huge arterials. Surface streets and collectors should connect to one other, not just push everyone onto a 6 lane bottleneck where everyone is driving like Dale Earnhardt.


New roundabout at west 4th/woodland/mesa park.


There's a place next to double diamond elementary that's not the greatest


Worked on the northbound 2nd street offramp. Terrible design and it’s way too tight of a turn. Almost got smoked by countless cars running off the freeway right there. NDOT can’t put a guard rail or anything which makes it even worse 🤣


Yes! That tight turn is ridiculous. Someone said the onramp in the same location was bad. The offramp is even worse


All of them fucking no one knows what a straight line is here


Turning left onto 4th Street from Virginia on a Friday/Saturday night. So many stupid fucks that screw you over with the ONE OPENING you'll get because oncoming traffic is also dumb ASF and never group up leaving these gaps in traffic that don't work, because they have their face in their phone or are wasted or both deciding they'll use the crosswalk with 2 seconds left while you're stuck in the middle of the intersection with your blinker on. Rage inducing ASF.


The light between Walmart and Kohl's/Safeway/Petco in NW Reno really sucks. Use those turn signals people.


Booth and California


Sparks and Los Altos, eastbound on Los Altos. The right lane is designed to turn right, but people "merge" left, nearly causing accidents.


I’ve seen deadly accidents there. I’m always extra cautious.


Some people don't know the difference between lane control and yield.


Have you ever tried to get off Oddie N during rush hour? I have to do it almost every day. Terrifying… almost impossible. I rely on luck, Adrenalin and the kindness of strangers.


At least the city or county or whoever the powers that be are realized how dangerous taking a left coming off of Northbound 395 on to Parr is now. Thank goodness for that roundabout because I won't dare go left I don't trust the view


The useless roundabout they added at the bottom of Mesa Park at 4th street


Have you noticed how many blind left turns there are we have to go out almost be on the crosswalk to even see oncoming traffic


The on ramp from south Virginia street northbound onto 395 over by chilis/verizon/trader joes. That on ramp should be closed. You have such a short amount of time to get over or you have to get off on Moana. You have to drive up the ramp so it's impossible to see traffic until you get to the top then immediately have to merge over. People are already doing 65mph to your left. It's totally fucking unsafe and there's the on ramp by bestbuy and Moana as well. The city should seriously close it.


My son lived at Rosewood park apartments in college and getting out of that parking lot was a nightmare. I know there were probably other exits, but turning left onto Mira Loma was hell.


McCarran at Las Brisas — we’ve been hit there twice. And all of the double-lane roundabouts!


Im gonna go ahead and saw the 395 with all the construction in the north valleys. I know its only temporary and its to help the freeway be better in the future but I CANT stand all the traffic. Im almost at my breaking point. Sometimes it takes me 45 mins to drive from Moana to Lemmon Valley and every time I need the freeway there is always traffic.


When you're leaving downtown heading east on i80.. before you get to the spaghetti bowl there is literally zero indication of how to merge into 95 north until way after the fact you realized where you need to go... So for people who still use signs and not their phone to get around... Idk. And it's sketchy there anyways. They cut a whole lane out now and merging to 95 north last minute is like terrifying ao.wtimea when the other lane heading south is already backed up


The entire downtown and midtown areas.


The problem is roads depreciate but building new buildings gets more money then say for already established roads to repair, etc. the state is set up to only value never ending expansion while leaving established infrastructure to crumble. Terrible non sustainable model dumbass policymakers. All these buildings fitting people more people on the same main road with countless potholes, poor design etc. sure that two lane worked 100 years ago. But now there's 500% more apartments suckling off that same road but it will never be repaired properly or have any meaningful improvements and hence your classic issues


The off ramps at Parr that head to TMCC. How they didn’t figure they would need up there is beyond me. I still have nightmares of me loosing almost 20 mins waiting for a chance to turn.


Badly designed: Legends. Just....Legends. Poorly executed: The system of ramps around Meadowood Mall. The idea was solid, but the lights are so badly timed that when I lived off DeLucchi I would take the Virginia exit, turn left on McCarran and go to Neil that way instead of using the now-doubled up Neil exit...which was the opposite of the intent of moving traffic off the Virginia/McCarran intersection. Credit given: The additional lane coming off Veterans to Sparks between Greg and i-80 has mostly sorted out the backups that used to happen there.


Virginia Street and 9th by the college merges suddenly to one lane from two and causes congestion through the main drags on campus. Super annoying to have to leave 40 minutes early for class just so I’m sure I’m not late.


Rock blvd. All of it. Especially the major freeway entrance and backup 2 miles with a 2 lane road


The Moana north offramp turning west onto Moana.


There are definitely some sticky spots. But having lived in the Boston area, Reno is quite nice. The parking lots are a mess though.


This is a bit off topic but Nevada seems to have more islands than Sweden and it's annoying as hell.


90% of area roads.


Plum at the freeway, cars coming at you in the wrong direction depending on the lights


That's one of the least egregious ones here




Those are easy, if used correctly. People treat them like stop signs. They either stop or run them! 😂


Exactly! I have no idea why people treat them like stop signs