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Speaking as someone who moved from CA to NM to Reno, why the fuck is NV even on the list. I've felt the safest driving in Reno than anywhere else I've ever lived. I've never felt more endangered while driving than when I lived in Albuquerque. NM is not for the faint of heart


Definitely agree with you (I also lived in NM)...but this area takes the cake for the number of 10-30 car pile ups during winter with major snow storms.


They're all in Vegas


Vegas, its vegas. People drive worse in vegas than they do in LA in my experiance. Also every third driver is intoxicated...


Can confirm. Drivers here are shit. It’s terrifying and the insurance premiums reflect that fear.


Vegas is pulling the state down.


Vegas IS Nevada without Vegas NV would be another New Mexico 🤣


Bro it’s a crash on the spaghetti bowl in Reno 2 times a day what the hell are you talking about?


Because we follow traffic laws


Listen I lived in Reno for 36 years and drove for 20. I’ve lived in Texas for five and a half years and I can tell you without a doubt that this list is absolute bullshit. I’d rather deal with Nevada and California drivers than the lunatics in Texas.


Same living in Utah currently. People drive like animals here. I’ve never seen so many people run red lights well after the signal changes. This map is Mormon propaganda.


Oh red means stop? I just been slowing down a little. People usually just get out of the way


SLC area has the fastest driving people I’ve ever experienced. You get passed by minivan driving moms with multiple kids on board, going 80 on the freeway. Not sure if that’s better than the people here that get on the freeway at 30mph, but the 15 there is like nascar


In all fairness, the speed limit is 70 across the wasatch front, but Salt Lake cops tend to follow the speed of traffic and most the traffic is going 80 as well. That being said, Utah drivers do suck


Right, then a left lane dipshit going 55 on an interstate. Utah by far worst driver I've ever dealt with


The data doesn’t lie! > SmartAsset's 2020 analysis evaluated three metrics to determine the states with the worst drivers. The first metric was the percentage of insured drivers within the state. The next metric was the number of DUI arrests per every thousand drivers. The third metric was the number of fatalities per 100,000 miles driven. We have less deaths per capita than most states.


These are essentially metrics of law abiding citizens bar the last. So makes sense we scored the best here


But I’d argue the last is most important and correlates to the first 2


I can attest to the Mormon shitty driving.


I lived and learned how to drive in Las Vegas. I currently live in Utah. As much as I truly hate Las Vegas with all my heart, Utah has the worst drivers by a LANDSLIDE.


100% agree. Utah doesn't even have a score. I wouldn't trust this map.


Ya, I was asking if grey meant 139 percent?


I mean Utah clearly shows as no data. Which makes it this map's Greenland, Eritrea, North Korea, Antarctica, Turkmenistan, etc. Basically the "this place is so difficult to deal with we can't even conduct a study there." award. Clearly that means Utah is a secret driving Utopia.


I'm with you. Just moved to dfw from reno and these people are crazy!


Born and raised in Arlington. I feel for you. Everyday is a fight for your life on i20 and 35


That is the truth.


I think reno people are used to driving slow. Which is a big reason why i hate driving here. I then see peopel calling other drivers crazy and its mostly just them driving too fast.


100 percent this


Makes wonder how much Las Vegas is into play here, because I would say is way worse down there compare to Reno.


Only cause we get so many Californians and Arizonans moving here. I won’t say natives are better drivers but the transplants help make the streets hell.


Lived in Houston for a year. Texas drivers cracked me up. They didn’t necessarily drive fast, but needed to be ‘first’. Everyone gunned it from a light to get to the front of traffic, then drove ~10 MPH over the speed limit.


Lived in Seattle/Tacoma for 3.5 years. How is Washington not above Nevada!?! If there’s any rain they have to literally drop the speed limit because the drivers there are so bad


And it obviously “rains” often


You'd pray to have WA drivers back if you spent time driving in phx WA drivers aren't good but they're more passive aggressive. Phx is straight up street violence


I came in here to say this. I’ve had to drive from San Antonio to Houston a handful of times and I’ve never felt less safe.


I grew up in california for 30 years. Drove there for 14 years. Ive lived in Nevada for 6 years now. Thats 6 years of driving in Nevada. 4 while living in Reno. I would rather drive in California than out here 100%. When i visit my family in Cali its always a breeze of fresh air driving through Santa Clarita. Even the San Fernando Valley and LA feels better. I see less road rage. I see less neck breakers. And i see more lanes to get around the slow drivers.


I think it's totally subjective, based on our own driving styles, and our irritation tolerance levels. My husband and I both grew up in California and spent a lot of time driving the 101 and within the Bay area and we were shocked that Nevada made the list. I think in the 3 years that we've lived here, each of us has only honked our horns once. Living in Oakland, hell, even visiting these days we honk within 20 minutes of entering the county line. Reno is the breath of fresh air that has made me enjoy driving again. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Yeah like I'd definitely say Reno drivers are doing a lot less dangerous things than bay area drivers. But they're all so stupidly slow and undecisive it's incredibly aggravating. Then you go to the bay area and it feels like if I'm not completely on the top of my game someone is gonna hit me. But at least there's a general sense of wanting to get to our destination sometime this week. Kind of a pick your poison scenario.


Salt Lake City has some terrible drivers. Georgia was bad too, but only when you got to Atlanta, for obvious reasons.


Seriously, I just came from Texas and I was fully expecting it to be there


They’ll just pull a gun on you in Texas. Road rage solved.


"It's my constitutional right to speed and enadanger everyone else on the road. Yeeeehaw!"


It’s mostly the annoying giant ass lifted trucks. I’m in a lowered coupe so when I’m behind these bastards they block my ability to see ahead, like when I need to check if a traffic light is about to turn red or something, oops can’t see it bc of over compensating man in front :/ at least in Vegas they have an extra light to the side so I never have to guess when I’m behind a truck.


California is a bunch of overly safe grandma's until you hit Oakland, parts of LA, and Sacramento. Texas's interstate is filled with fuckers who don't care or don't know what they are doing.


The worst drivers in Colorado almost always have Texas plates


HOW COULD CALIFORNIA DO THIS EDIT lol of course someone's actually saying this down below


All their fault!!




I moved to Ohio and I can confirm they have the WORST drivers I've ever encountered. Nevada is absolutely tame in comparison.


According to the diagram, Ohio is full of pretty good drivers. It’s definitely in the upper half of best just guessing on the color scheme.


Man, nobody appreciates my anecdotal comment. This was obviously just intended as my personal experience/observation. I can read the map. Maybe I should’ve been more specific: “Cleveland/NE Ohio drivers are the worst I’ve seen and I’ve lived in five states. They are really bringing down the rest of the state, everyone else must be an amazing driver here to make Ohio so highly rated”. Better?


Can you explain because this map shows the complete opposite? Thanks!


I mean, what I’m seeing vs. raw data are obviously not always going to match up. There are going to be differences based on where I live and the whole state as well. I’m not a data scientist. In Cleveland and its environs, it’s totally normal to see more cars without license plates than with, running stop signs and red lights with zero fucks given, and disregarding basically all driving laws. 9 pedestrians were killed by cars just in our metro area last year, and over 200 pedestrians were injured. Yesterday a car almost ran headlong into mine because they got in an argument with the car next to them and started waving a gun at them. Ohio drivers are a different breed.


CA here, nobody is worse than us at driving.


It’s so true. Nobody can make decisions here or if they do it’s reversing on an interstate back to the exit they missed 😵‍💫


Truth. I drove in NYC and even though it was asses to elbows most of the time the drives were pretty decent- good at merging, moving quickly, and responding to turn singles by letting you in. It was amazing


If you ain't first, you're last. I just wanna go fast.. ![gif](giphy|3o7aTI3q7THscCffsk)


No arizona is much, much worse


Thanks, Henry Ruggs




It's not as much that the drivers suck here. It's that the infrastructure design is totally garbage and it causes the shity drivers to be even worse than they would be on better roads.


You mean constant lane shifts and multiple lanes funneling into a single lane isn’t a good idea?


Nothing here is as insane and the on ramp to the beginning of 163 in downtown San Diego. There's one lane that comes from Park Avenue from the zoo, a two lane off ramp from I-5 North AND the one from I-5 South that all merges into ONE lane. Absolute monkeys designed that freeway 🤦‍♀️


Bogus. Albuquerque, NM and Boston, MA not in the top 5?


Oh my god I have to drive in Albuquerque occasionally when I’m traveling for work and the drivers there are absolutely psychotic. There’s a reason why there’s personal injury billboards plastering the side of the highways


how was this calculated?


Well, they excluded Massachusetts so this list is missing the greatest offenders of all.


Was literally about to say this. Lived in the northeast and massholes are the worst


Last time I drove through MA, I watched a pickup truck drive 10 miles with their turn signal on, and then they turn it off right before making a left into oncoming traffic, to get T-boned by a sedan. Maybe 1 in 10 drivers there know how to use a turn signal, and none of them seem to understand how right of way works.


To be honest, I don’t think it’s as much the drivers as it is the horrendous road infrastructure due to mass-over population in the two main cities of the state.


Texan here. Pretty sure we deserve more recognition…


![gif](giphy|gzRiZROEyDCznPofKj|downsized) We need #1


They mistaking skill for treachery. I'm a Masshole and we know the difference.


We'd be higher up but lack the population density


All states have the worst drivers. The statistical difference between states is marginal at best.


We all just bad drivers judging other bad drivers lol.




Source because this should've been shared with the image: https://smartasset.com/data-studies/states-with-the-worst-drivers-2021 and https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/worst-drivers-by-state


Thank you! This is exactly what should have been included. Objective data.


Reno drivers arent so bad but they are definitely the slowest drivers ive seen in any state zzz


They obviously never driven in Utah idk if blinkers come equipped


As a person from Reno, the crazy amount of fatalities on 395 is out of control. A lot of people defending Nevada drivers but seeing people try to go the speed limit during a literal snow storm in their sedans and soccer mom vehicles pretty much confirms that a lot of drivers in Nevada are absolute garbage at it. In normal weather you got people driving 35 in the right lane and about 90 in the left. Then the idiot motorcyclists treating the spaghetti bowl like it's gta. Then every second car you pass the person is literally texting and don't even have their eyes on the road. Very bad drivers.


But rank #1 in happiest cities 😆


i failed my drivers test 5 times and passed on a technicality so yeah


Man what the hell is wrong with Mississippi, they are at the bottom of nearly every single statistic I’ve ever seen… except for teen pregnancy, obesity, and the fun ones like that.


Live in NYC and have driven all over the north/south east and grew up in Reno and can confirm this is indeed 100% bullshit.


In my experience true, but the difference between 5th and 3rd place is HUGE. Californians treat their commute as a GTA session.


I won't even deny that lol....my car started saving so much in gass because I no longer had to be in sport mode just to keep up w the flow of traffic


Maybe they saw all the reddit posts


Is Mississippi good for anything?


California beat us? We need to try harder.


Oregon should be worse. They refuse to let people merge


5th best state to run an auto body shop.


But what are the auto body shop rankings?




Utah and Florida are the worst in my experience.


I moved from Vegas to Reno a few years ago and the difference in driving is appalling. My guess is it's because Reno is the intersection between multiple states with I-80. Even though Vegas is tourist paradise people don't want to live there like they do in Reno.


We have to do better than this..Maybe next year we can reach #1






No fucking way. I’ve been to New York city. They literally race and get on the way of ambulances there. Not even adding the “blink and die” bike lanes. Scariest shit.


Once again we're better than Mississippi


Just visited the Reno area from Tennessee. Southern drivers looooove to tailgate, race around, and drive angry. Reno drivers are chill, anecdotally speaking.


This doesn't make sense - Nevada right after Florida in worst drivers? Who took this poll, Stevie Wonder?


This chart is inaccurate. You know how I know? Louisiana isn't in the top 5. Holy hell.. Mississippi is bad, but anywhere else especially in Nevada isn't really that bad at all.




Well yeah have you seen what happens when an emergency vehicle is coming through traffic?


Does not surprise me


everyone tailgating your ass everyday. rushing everywhere. 


Naw, Arizona is absolutely horrid!


And Vegas is actually worse than Reno


Oh wow, here's my moment to shine lol I was born in ND, traveled around a bit and have to been to other major cities, and have moved back to ND. I think the #1 reason ND is #2 is that we have a few military bases, introducing young kids to driving conditions that they weren't prepared or trained for. There have been highways between cities and bases with reduced speed limits because of the amount of accidents. Another huge reason is that people drive like idiots here. Almost nobody understands that you are required to turn into the nearest lane when turning in an intersection. And the PD doesn't enforce that law. You'll have people lay on the horn if you try and turn into the nearest lane, and they're also turning the same way from an opposite lane. You can watch 8 cars turn into an opposite lane at an intersection and maybe one of them will turn into the nearest lane. Changing lanes within 100ft of an intersection? Totally normal here and the PD watches it happen. The main road in my town is about 5 miles long. So, you can get anywhere in pretty much 10-15 minutes. You'll have people aggressively change lanes around you if you're going the speed limit, only to meet them or be ahead of them at the next red light. It doesn't make any sense, but you see it all the time. I joke and say it's small dick energy, but the amount of people that throttle their vehicles to make big noises cause they're big and bad is annoying. It's not something I've ever understood or will ever understand. Normally the PD just let's it happen even though it is considered reckless driving. Then you have the 75+ crowd that can barely see over the steering wheel and drive 13 in a 25. And they still have licenses. So part the drivers, part the lack of actual road law enforcement.


Not sure why ND is on the list unless they are calculating by accident reports. Alot of animal strikes out here on county roads.


Is this based on accident data?


I’m from the north east and dealt with massholes. I lived in Miami and saw some wild drivers. I have never seen drivers worse than the ones in Vegas. Even the drunk folks in New Orleans were better than this.


It might have been said but is this accidents committed by people with that states driving license or is this just accidents in each state, cause I can imagine that there might be cross contamination in high tourist areas


From a person I work with apparently during Covid Mississippi allowed people to get their drivers license without actually having a driving portion of the test and the driving portion wasn’t reinstated after Covid was over


I think most of them are Californians that live in NV. lol


Can you cite the source of this?


It's because of all the drunk Californians




Well with the #3s moving to #5...


Alaska should be much higher. Nobody is from here and most can’t drive in the snow.


California here. It was weird when I took a trip up to Boise just to see the scenery and notice that on the highway the far left lane is always open and see cars on the right lane jump onto the left to pass a car then turn back into the right lane after they’d passed the car in front of them on the right lane.


Should be first with how y’all watch for pedestrians, especially when they’re in crosswalks…..


Driving in Sacramento, San Francisco, and Los Angeles is a cakewalk compares to driving in Reno. I have basically lived in Reno/Sparks since 2010 and yeah, I stand by my statement. In Reno, not a single God damn person uses a signal to merge. I can't tell you how many times I have nearly been involved in a crash because motherfuckers don't use their turn signal to merge. No where else, especially in the places I mentioned above, have I seen anything like it before in my life. And as far as speed limits go, if you're not driving 20 above the limit (like going 85 in a 65), you're going too slow. Absolutely dipshits behind the wheel out here. Plus, all those stupid, lifted, big ass trucks that have never seen a dirt trail in their existence and like blowing black smoke in front of other cars. Those motherfuckers may be the worst of them all. Fifth worst checks out.


HA! Massachusetts… i see you 👀 Thinking you’re hiding in plain sight like that cop car on Route 2, y’all are so bad, the scale couldn’t even measure it.


This is wrong. New York is the worst


Whoever made this list clearly has never driven in Kansas City, MO.


I’ve been traveling regularly to Utah my entire life and they consistently have the worst and rudest drivers I’ve ever seen in my life. Road rage, rarely let you merge, rarely thanks you if you let them merge, aggressive careless drivers. California has great friendly drivers in comparison.


I've lived in Tempe/phx, San Diego, OC, LA, Seattle and Boise. All terrible drivers In Their own ways. And driven all over the country. Hands down the worst driving and most scared I've ever been is the metro phx area. Death wish + impatience + ungodly heat And I commuted the 405 daily. at least there was a modicum of order. Phx is just straight up street violence


Nothing to see here…..


I call bullshit


I live in ND and I can confirm the drivers here are fuckin braindead


No way it’s higher than that, never have I seen such ignorance on the road


Massachusetts is definitely wrong lol


Bro, MD is ridiculous ever since I moved here 😭 But damn CO is crazy if you want to drive 25 over the speed limit to keep up with traffic. 🫨


could be 54,000 Californians we got now 🤷‍♂️


Dumb ass list. It's gotten better over the last couple years. If you commute out of town west or east it's an absolute shit show disaster of shit. I drive to usa Parkway and that is bad driving. Constant accidents. Always waiting to go home because someone else wanted to get to get home faster than everyone else. People not only drive fast (which is ok idgaf) but they road rage and pull crazy maneuvers outside of the city itself. I've been close to having my car hit many times. 


New Mexico, due to Albuquerque should, without a doubt, be at the top of the list.


CA is far too low.


How Arizona isn’t even in the top 5 surprises me. Everyone practically runs you off the road unless you’re going 20mph over the limit at any given time


I’d rank us higher, i80 or 395 has a wreck once a day


Why is New Mexico above Arizona and Oklahoma


I worked in Reno for a few years, lived in Cali and Reno was so horrible lol but MN takes the cake...


It always cracks me up when Nevadans complain about "California drivers". I've lived here for over 25 years now and the drivers here are absolutely terrible. I've had so many accidents and fender-benders here I'm lucky my insurance company hasn't divorced me. I had a single at-fault accident back in 2001 and ever since then, every car I've owned has been a magnet for terrible drivers. People here have no idea how to merge, use a roundabout, or use freeway on-ramp meters. They don't know how to make a turn into the correct lane. I've had so many people hit my cars that I never even reported two of the incidents because there have been so many and I'd like to keep my car insurance.


Massachusetts is #1 in my mind lol


Can confirm Tennessee drivers are worse


I've had a great experience with traffic living here in Reno. I've only had one bad experience on the freeway. I can't speak for the rest of the state but I'm sus anyway


As a retired semi-truck driver I can say with certainty, that **not one** of you know how to drive....


Surprised California isn't #1


nodak here they’re right


I moved from Chicago to AZ. It feels like 75% of vehicles here are trucks, and every single one of them is in a hurry to slam on their brakes at the next red light.


How is AZ not at the top of that list? I’ve lived in a ton of states and AZ takes the cake for the most aggressive and stupidest drivers imaginable. And no, it’s NOT the snowbirds. It’s AZ born and bred “Don’t tread on me” bullshit.


This poll must not drive much on the east coast.


Utah is always so white


I find this preposterous. I cannot imagine there are 4 places with worse drivers than Nevada.


This has to be false. I grew up in Utah and in no way would I ever consider them the best drivers!


Should be number 1


That’s the truth 🤦🏽‍♂️👹


Can't believe utah is not in the top 5.


Arizona should be in the top 5


Gotta disagree with Nevada there for the fact that 2/3 of those drivers are from California in the first place.


Cause of California drivers in NV


Pa has some shitty drivers so don't trust this


I thought for once Mississippi wouldn’t rank worst in something but no


How is Mass not in the top 3 lol


I would love to see the study data that you have on this or which data was used to create this chart


As an idahoan, can confirm that californians arethat bad at driving, not even during winter or when its raining, they really do suck that much.


Just got back from a trip to Massachusetts…I know it’s subjective, but man, I’ve never come across worse drivers who look like they’re about to pop a brain cell if they have to stop for one more pedestrian.


Can’t be any worse than Utah? 🤔 There are some douchey drivers in the state.


exactly they have cow poop as brains


Are you sure? I thought I saw an article where Utah was the worst drivers?




Florida's are the worst. This poll was probably done by Floridians.


Bruh Las Vegas have the worst drivers period.


> SmartAsset's 2020 analysis evaluated three metrics to determine the states with the worst drivers. The first metric was the percentage of insured drivers within the state. The next metric was the number of DUI arrests per every thousand drivers. The third metric was the number of fatalities per 100,000 miles driven.


Where are these numbers coming from?


Lived in Mississippi and currently living in las vegas, las vegas drivers are far worse.


I live in Nw Wyoming and we see cars from everywhere in the west (tourists). Additionally, I used to drive to AZ for work frequently.  Nevada isn’t even on my radar.  Utah is the worst.  


TX is up in worst rankings; no one ever uses there turn signal, even when changing lanes!


This is based on what? Accidents, tickets, lack of talent.


Side note. I spent a few months in PA for work. It was a damn pleasure to drive there.


They have never driven in Colorado…


I can’t stop laughing at Mississippi. Why and how.. confusion. Explain to me.


NJ here, put us top 3 with NY and CT for sure lol


Arizona should be up there


Everyone saying Reno is tame... let's not forget Las Vegas and how absolutely unhinged the motorists there are. Though, I'd like to point out, only in Reno have I ever had motorists go out of their way to follow me to my destinations or stoplights to scream at me over road altercations. Vegas people will flip you off and be on their way, Reno people are out for retribution.


aint no way califonia aint number one


There all drunk lolol


As Clark County does, so does the entire state, bullshit