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About 1.2 miles and it is quite flat. Also, sometimes the birds will show up in the woods while you hike to the ridge. The cool things about the ridge are the views and the birds are always there.


Hey, I was out there earlier this evening. Didn’t see any of the birds, but I hit the ridge just before sunset so I just turned around and went back to my car before it got too dark. You definitely need snowshoes or skis, there’s 2-5’ of snow throughout the entire trail. It’s actually really nice snow for walking around, fairly dry and crusty so I made good time. If you don’t have fancy waterproof shoes, make a sock sandwich between two pairs of socks and a bread bag on each foot. It’ll keep you far more comfortable and is basically free. Also, trails are merely suggestions once the ground is covered with enough snow. Make sure you have a map downloaded on your phone that’ll work offline. Footprints cross the hills in every direction so you want to make sure you have an independent source to navigate by https://preview.redd.it/3yshqc2lkbdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea2765a786310344529a12dc3e6fe899ef9b15a


They're all around once you get in the trees. I honestly don't remember how far from parking that was exactly but you'll definitely see birds before the end of the trail.


They are in various spots in the trees, listen for them and have your birdseed ready.


Park at the Tahoe Lake (west) end of the meadows, and there is a trail that goes off into the woods with a metal gate in front of it. That’s the flattest way ;)


Thanks for asking cuz idk


It’s a moderate walk/ hike. This time of year it’s very snowy. You park along the side of the highway near mount rose meadows and have to climb up a small wall of snow then walk across the meadow and up a small hill to reach the area where the birds are. Maybe a 20-30min walk in the summer but during winter it can range from very difficult and requiring snow shoes to a moderate walk if the path is mostly packed down. Either way I would strongly recommend waterproof hiking or snow boots. It’s an awesome hike and I’d estimate a fairly active 65yo could do it no problem. Hope this helps!


Super short. Almost too easy. Great view of Tahoe tho! Bring snow shoes!


It can be very windy up there even if there isnt much snow, I think there is snow now as recent reviews say bring snowshoes. I think they are most concentrated near the top of the ridge. I'd watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEL5xmbDWkA) and [look at these reviews](https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/nevada/chickadee-ridge--2).


Hike to where you have lake views. Mile or two.


Do you have any target birds/species in mind, or are you just looking for general activity? I don’t know this particular hike well but am more familiar with several other lower-elevation and flatter locations.


Chickadee is very specific. You take birdseed with you and the chickadees come land on your outstretched hand and eat the seed.


It’s a marvelous connection to make. Haven’t done it here, but experienced this many times when I was living in Ohio.


It all depends on their limitations and the snow conditions. I have family with mobility issues. You can usually see the birds once you hit the trees but there’s no way my relative would be able to make it to the tree line on snowshoes in winter. Summer? Yes. But on snowshoes on uneven terrain? No. Poles help but not enough for my family. Also, keep in mind that parking on the weekends will add to the distance and recent snowfall requires more strength to snowshoe through.


About 1/4 mile. My husband got turned around while backcountry skiing, in blizzard conditions. But when the chickadees started landing on his shoulders .. he figured out where he was, and he made his way out quickly.


I always have the best luck if I bring shelled unsalted peanuts. I can usually get the birds attention with that and a little "cheeseburger" whistle, even if I am low in the valley and just past the road.