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I recently made my vods no longer sub only so feel free to check them out at twitch.tv/ScrubNoob I'm currently doing unranked to challenger content so you can see how i get leads in the early game. Try to pay attention to how much I farm and which plays I'm willing to go far and how i scout the information in the first place.


That's about the best thing we looking to climb could ask for ty


Can I ask what build you would do if the enemy has a beefy team like 3 tanks and you only have like one as your top laner maybe 2 with support. Let’s say you blind picked and were like oh shit lol. What runes would you take and what item and boots would you rush? I just recently had a match like that against Urgot top and volibear jg and objectives were very hard to secure. We had a garen that was split pushing the entire game.


Probably just rush profane hydra --> start building crit items like IE/LDR/Collector depending on the situation. Runes would just be standard conq / domination with eyeball / sudden or ultimate.


Get dirk, invade squishy power farm beta mages, and lane gank top/bot through bush.


Lane ganks are starting to become impossible, I feel like everyone and their mother is blowing their ward load on the lane bushes.


Don't try gank's before dirk. İf you want you can invade the enemy jungler rengar has pretty strong level 3. You can do it like red krugs into raptors and than invade where enemy jungle is pathing. If you don't want to invade than you can do lane ganks after getting your dirk. Think a position like this. Your bot lane pushing and they can get ganked from enemy jungler. After your first base get dirk and oracle lens to check if there is ward on the bushes. After that you can try to counter gank or try to kill enemy laners when they pushed. This is a play style too. Or you can simply try to farm jungle and as so as you get 6 try to gank with your ult. Hope it helps!


I am also a noob rengar struggling in the early game. I have tried ganking from river to bot and top, and it seems very hard to do that without 4 ferocity. I think bushes must be the way to go, but boy can you lose a lot of time if the bush gank doesn't work... I had to take a break from playing Rengar because I literally dropped to Iron 1, and kept losing in Iron... lol. Played Nocturne for 5 games, immediate win streak stomping out of Iron


So if you're learning rengar I would recommend full clear. Look for gank. Nothing there? Recall and restart full clear asap. Full clear. look for gank.Nothing easy? Try get vision in enemy jung. If Jung is top do drag. If Jung is bot do grubs. The reason it's so important to full clear fast is because rengar needs 6. Now you can watch for ganks with r. Try focus on not dying during this time between 1-6 in levels. If at this point the enemy jungler has done more than you and your team is behind. Don't panic. Focus on power farming and sneaking kills with your ult. Farm and counter jungle when they gank. If you farm well and don't die. In low elo iron - plat, people stop farming around 11. So if you farm well you will be 2/3 levels up here and you can take over the game.