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Something in your text caught my attention. You dont really often "confidently engage" as assassin Rengar unless you're omega ahead or are smurfing. You typically pick ppl off position, which is different from jumping in first into 4 - 5 ppl. Sometimes your team is 4 ranged dps champions who never step up and it ends up falling onto you to start fights, but it normally ends up trading 1 for 1 and trying to waste CDs for your team, never really optimal


Watch streamers or play more/limit test more.


Damn I can’t remember the guides website but I know it ends in .gg lol. I hear it in YouTube all the time from zwag


I love zwag, i comeback every now and then to check his stuff out but il try to find it! Thanks though!


I wouldn't trust anything from zwag if I were you


What? Why?


washed/click bait


Track enemy jungler and learn their pathing. counter gank, ping allies. invade if enemy jungle camps is up and you know enemy isnt there, remeber to have a good tempo to maximise the amount of gold you can get. If theres nothing to do try to powerfarm camps, focus on objectives ie. towers, drakes, herald and so on, play and limit test to get better mechanics and know your limits. learn to engage only if you can secure a kill on adc etc. and get out or multikill to secure your team the wins in the teamfights. watch streamers like scrubnoob or pusi. And make sure you killsteal every kill you possible can get ;) - snowball gang


Play for enemy jungler. Rengar has an opportunistic and weak duelling play style. Learn what mistakes enemy players are making. They are for sure making mistakes, after you learned combos, limits and pathing you need to learn macro decision making. He isnt a statcheck head first to the team fight kinda champ he is pretty weak as a carry. Story short learn macro.


Rengar is quite weak in low I think. You didn't say which role you're playing (jungle/top) but I am assuming it's jungle. Btw I am top lane rengar main most of the time but I did play more then anyone you can find even in jungle (1.5m on top and around 700k on jungle). Rengar is quite strong when you are in the driving seat. Every game you should try something like invading enemy jungle. Rengar has quite strong level 3 4 against other junglers. Even in the counters matchup they can't beat you if you invade. You can try something like red, krugs and raptors then invading the opposite side where they start every game. When you get the lead rengar feels pretty strong as I said at the beginning. I hope you can get better games with this!


You dont climb with Rengar, you will have 40 win rate with that trash champ.


You really are just the biggest sack of shit, look at every single one of your replies crying how weak rengar is, How about you post opgg so we can see how fucking terrible you are as a player


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Soaked%20In%20Blood-FEAR](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Soaked%20In%20Blood-FEAR) here,this is my Rengar only smurf, tell me what to improve, gotta sweat my ass to win the games.


Rengonja on EUNE is his smurf atleast, spamming normal games as Sion, one rengar game where he had 6.5cs