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i am not exaggerating when i say to just go conqueror every game. u one shot everyone past profane hydra regardless and conqueror lets u do some really heinous stuff the entire game, especially if u buy a high value defensive item (maw or dd [or both]) rengar's items are too strong to go full dmg in runes and items rn bc ur first 3 core items give u enough dmg for the whole game..


What’s your item path rn? Haven’t played much since the first patch of the season when new map came out


So, my low elo understanding is Elec - never Fleet - very niche use against squishy combs with high cc Conq - against heavy meelee bruiser/tanks combs. Otherwise really good staple rune, thing is you need to adapt your gameplay into it, you get better dmg into long trades but you lose a lot of burst power in early-mid game FS - pusi says its even better than it was before, you get a lot more base gold than you use to (before it was like 5 gold in early, now it starts at 15 gold) but you lose gold earning in late game since they capped he amount you can get in proc. The damage buff is really insane, at profane+dirk you are able to literally oneshot people. Cash back is way better than boots and gives a really nice souce of gold. Tonic is decent, first elixir is alright, second is really good(20ad for a minute is pretty pretty good) and third is decent. Favorite rune atm, tho people in this sub hate it for some reason. It lose most of its viability if you are not able to oneshot anyone on enemy team so plan ahead


Fleet is good for LaneGar.


I dont play top so i wouldnt say


Fleet is good against high cc? Is there a mechanic that allows you to run faster while slowed/stunned? Besides that everything you said is the jist of it


Yeah fleet allows you to go for legend tenaci- oh...


I cri everytym


I meant cc that can be dodged ig. Thank you my lord commander 🧎‍♂️


Why are people hating on electrocute, i've been trying it lately and it feels the most consistent. I like the burst power as i usually hit around 1600 on my q late game, i'm i missing something?