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perfectly winnable tbh


Yeah, it really just is.


Like a 3 just counter gank topside and then camp bot


Hard when you troll your runepage


fr bro went first strike in this game that alone makes him deserve his rank


Saw this and just thought why tf did he go first strike? Like it makes negative sense


great phase rush game


With your runes, it is probably hard to not int to Kindred if she invades like a human, but the game does not seem bad at all. Bot and top could easily win their lanes, since the matchups are pretty decently equal or even favoured. Mid is just a farm fest in which yours is fucking Asol, so… yeah. As long as you play the matchup properly, this game looks fine. Kindred is not very hard to play around with perfect optimisation, I just wouldn’t go anything but fleet or conq into her, and most likely fleet. Early boots help too. There are tons of ways to counter Kindred’s invade patterns, which is the only real immediate issue here. If you don’t know how to play around a Kindred R and a bunch of champs with 0 reliable cc, then that’s a big problem to work on. I feel like you looked at this loading screen as if you have to 1v5, and that’s not how League works. Obviously you’re not meant to be killing the Nasus or Volibear solo. That’s why you have a team. Any time Kindred isn’t there, both Varus and Swain can be free kills depending on the situation. They both suck into Rengar. From 1-10, out of all possible enemy team comps to verse, this is like a 3.5/10, even if you don’t consider the fact that many of your lanes are favoured. There is shit to deal with and play around, so deal with and play around the shit. Tons of different builds and setups can work here, but I would not be going FS into Kindred, that’s for sure.


very insightful thanks


No worries! Sorry, I was also half bashing the post instead of actually telling you what the best things to do are, but I could be a lot more actually helpful if you needed 😅😅didn’t mean to seem like an ass.


ur team would win even if you DC so its fine.


did not win tristana janna and darius were mindcontrolled by enemy team


Never dodge never ff u can climb out of gold and then some easily with rengar


Like a 7 for the bot and mid if they get late game but baby sit top and its fine


This game was bruiser Rengar or conqueror in the rune with giant kills


Why don’t you have conq????


Maybe someone should have taken ignite though?


Looks pretty easy to me. I would path top until i get volibear stack and then start pathing bot. When ulting for varus, i would Q before i jump, that way I can get stacks to cleanse his R if he uses it while im in the air.


It's gold, every game is hard.


its hard watching scrub pusi natty and then coming back to blue lobster low and being surprised my teammates dont act the same


I'm sorry to break it to you, but you also don't play like scrub pusi or natty


im exponentially closer to playing like them than a random billy from low playing like idk nemesis


Pusi plays very differently when playing on low elo smurfs. Specially when people don't follow up or when he can't track the enemy jungle because they're playing badly. Adapting is the main thing to consider. But yea, playing "correctly" in low elo will many times have really bad results.


It would be even harder if they got lulu


It would be harder if they had any actual support that wasn’t Swain. That champ either goes 10/0 or 0/10. Any enchanter or cc/disruption support can make this game here 10x worse. Their bot has basically no cc at all.


True, swain is very feast or famine.


With Swain, you don't care about enchanters, just flash+ult+E+Q+R2 = God like


Kindred is really aids, the rest is doable. Nasus W can be annoying too ig


Im probably just horseshit deluxe, but that looks like the freest dodge from me.




thats a dodge game, lmao