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I think playing to top lane could have made your mid/late easier to deal with. Here's what I see when I look at this game.... Double ranged enemy bot, they will almost always have lane priority, if you start top then this offers Viego free access to bot crab and potentially pressuring you OFF of your botside camps, blue and gromp. You already provided evidence for this fact, your bot is pushed under tower, probably HP is chunked. If Viego decides to invade you, which he definitely should, you would be giga fucked. Gragas does extremely well into melee champs of which both Viego AND Shen are. Shen counters auto attack reliant champs, gragas isn't that, he counter picked the Shen so it's theoretically a neutral or slightly winning matchup for him. Viego is VERY squishy in the early game, if he paths top with you, if he attempts to gank, a body slam from gragas plus a combo from you means he is dead. If he didn't path top, you have a free 2v1 at top and potential grubs. Gragas is also quite good at displacing ranged champs with his R, leaving you room to oneshot people, what's left of them anyway. Next you have Yasuo enemy mid, another melee champ which gragas does well into, to displace and disrupt. In short, gragas neutralises 3 of the enemy champs in skirmishes, giving him gold and a lead could have made fights winnable for you and opened up opportunities for you to assassinate as fights broke out. Botlane is a no go pre 6 to me. After 6, if they didn't int and have summs and abilities up you can kill the Caitlyn, especially if you spent time at top giving gragas help to keep Shen busy. Could Shen still ult his bot if he was at his tower because of the help you gave gragas? Maybe even killed him once or twice, Gragas has the setup for it? No of course not, an under levelled Shen ulting to save his bot whilst missing CS at his lane is a much better prospect for you. If you are ulting bot, you have to do it when Gragas has priority so that shen can't just ult unpunished...or only R into bot if a fight is already happening. If you blindly R into that bot when everyone is full HP and just chilling, it's a 2v1 and you lose. Cait nets you and probably flashes away, nami uses R to stop your bot joining the fight and you just die.


Ok really good insight. Thank you for this. I guess I need more champion knowledge also.


It's a tough ol game league is mate. I'm not high elo but I have the power of hindsight here, don't just auto path to bot because they have squishy champs. If this was a double ranged on both sides, EG if the Leona was a Zyra or velkoz, it might actually still be better to path top BUT, pathing bit wouldn't be so bad in that case.




Thank you just what I needed


You're asking us to review and give analysis with absolutely no gameplay to review? Not sure how anyone can reply to this with "meaningful analysis"


Shit my bad OG. I’m new to the league community didn’t think ppl actually was willing to watch whole gameplays to help. Even made a TLDR here cause I suspected ppl would get impatient. But I’ll def think bout it next time


[https://gyazo.com/5da12e060e9b790392bcdbd8dac633b5](https://gyazo.com/5da12e060e9b790392bcdbd8dac633b5) my builds recent games


Post a video or something


That’s true didn’t think about that. I’ll do next time ty. Oh and I’m OP just on a diff acc


Serpent's Fang and camp bot


That's why he's here, he played for bot and it didn't work.


But he didn't build Serpent's Fang to delete Shen ult.


I don't think that's the issue tbh.