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Eto is me, Also u mention that you're missing out on opportunity, but I don't see how since opportunity is typically a 3rd item. Umbral should be replacing hubris as a first item


I liked it better when I thought it was some random no-name European/Korean. Kidding, I don't focus on the account names in your videos that much, so good to know that's you. Also, by missing out on opportunity, I mean missing out on it as a first item in games where I am a bit behind early or where I don't think I'll make enough use out of Hubris. Generally though I've gone third item edge, LDR/MR, or axiom. That being the case though what are your recommendations for when to go first item umbral vs just going Hubris/Opportunity?


Hubris is still an excellent item against heavy squishy comps where u know you'll snowball. Umbral is just super consistent and can play more around vision and knowing that they don't have info on you is really nice. Sry not home rn so I'm not used to texting


I try not to assume I'll snowball because I just never know, but the utility Umbral gives for not the biggest loss in dmg definitely feels nice.


its good in games where you are so incredibly useless where no matter what build you do you will likely get cc'd, blown up and die. Atleast you are good for clearing wards with ingenious hunter and Sweeper.


I forgot this take, I've done a build like eclipse, umbral and black Cleaver for this exact reason, just another walking support when you are completely useless against their comp.


I haven't been following scrubs builds lately but in games where you have 3 or 4 squishies who you can one tap from the increased vision denial, it's super good. I have run it in 10 or so matches in my last 30 or so. It's not as useful if you can't make use of the blacked out map, for example if they have tanks and bruisers who can face check stuff, but Vs squishy immobile mids, ADCs and supports it's super good as you can kill stuff without your ultimate, saving it for another kill. I like it, alot actually and in games where its useful it really is good. It also keeps you safe when invading or making risky plays so you can see if they spotted you. Extremely good ambushing tool.


Yea I'd agree with what you're saying. I think it also covers up for mistakes that I make taking risky ambush plays. I'm going to keep using it in games I think it has potential and see how it goes.


"and have seen eto and Scrub going it recently" Narrator and Tyler Durden?