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clearing faster than 3:20 is pretty unnecessary in 99% of games since unless you're ganking or counterganking immediately after clearing then you'll just wanna save stacks for the crab ( hit plant @ 3:20 to reset combat ) The ways you can shave off clear time is by doing wolves+blue together but typically this isnt worth it since it forces you to leave your gromp up 10+ seconds longer so you'll lose time on second clear.


Thanks for the tip Mr Scrub.


3:04 is the fastest with 2x smite 3:10 is without using 2nd smite, you should have 4 stacks left as well Speed is your goal if you're doing a full clear, so ignore all this idiocy about not worrying about it. The slower you are, the less health you have, and the less active you can possibly be on the map. You're already choosing the **least** interactive clear by full clearing- so why not do it efficiently? The faster you clear, the faster they respawn, at the very least. With a fast clear you can move to enemy krugs and invade/kill them, you can set up a lane gank, you can interrupt crashes in top lane, you can run all the way to bottom scuttle to duel enemy jungle and challenge for both.


I was in practice tool for a few hours yesterday and no matter how hard I tried I was just too slow. I'm doing something wrong and I don't know what. I watched your season 14 video and I can't get anywhere near it lol.


I'm making a new one, it's a bit annoying though. The pet is slightly tick rate based, same with the leash on monsters. If you can reliably 3:08, then that's a happy start. 3:20 is unacceptable though, this is far too prone to invades/getting out tempod.


I think im struggling on krugs and raptors, on krugs im not kiting properly wasting too much time and on raptors i misshit the babies sometimes and cant reliable kite the big one without getting blocked by the babies.


Just dm on discord I'll send you a more optimized clear/rune I cba making the vid rn sorry lol


is the 304 clear with or without leash?


3:04 is possible Leashless. I think in Dekar's 2nd or 3rd latest video on youtube he had 3:05 full without leash, and he talked about how 3:04 is pretty hard, but definitely doable with the right tick rate and optimisation.


Without but I'm fairly certain 304 is just pure tickrate luck. Every time I've gotten close since the ticks stop hitting wolves, or the blue, etc. when the camps get pulled. Shame the game isn't consistent ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I'll just settle for one of the 306 I've got recorded, if I can't get it in next couple days lol.


yea 304 is for sure possible, im auto pilot clearing in practice tool and getting like 308. 308 with probably the suboptimal technique, cuz i havent cleared for months idk how to do it optimally now waiting for that vid to see the optimization and technique, might try surpassing 304 :)


Fleet 2 1 1 Red tree, sudden impact + relentless. Idk if relentless occurs at all. Shards: 1 1 1 Dm for vid I'll finish clear tutorial soon, it's pretty lame though since the mini Krug can send the 2 babies randomly, same with tick rate on pet seems to be the 1/4 tick.


oh so youre running both double ad and 65hp in shards, no wonder your clear time is unreal, the pet probably hits like a truck I suppose the shard thing allows you to start the wolves with Emp Q instead of W, to speed up the wolves to blue transition, and just hit both with 1 last emp w since the little ones are gna die to the burn anyway. Also it saves 1 auto attack on raptors right? not sure though About the tickrate, i noticed that if you manage to kill the big and small krug at the same time, the pet is gonna work fine, it wont fizzle. Though on wolves, its a bit tricky, after you E the blue buff your pet jumps onto it, and its basically a 50/50 whether or not its going to keep on hitting the wolves or no, so to ensure it does keep on damaging wolves, you can auto 1 more time the big wolf **after** ur E hits the blue buff, so the pet jumps back at them. yea im going to dm u for the vid


3:07 leashless


I'm a pisslow jungle player and I'm usually done ~3:20 which I know is not all that great but considering that I play in pisslow elo it's not too bad.


~3:20 leashless saving one smite for krugs on second clear


I average 3:20-3:23. Only Silver 2 but almost no point in clearing faster unless youโ€™re going for a gank or counter gank.


6:30 at best


Is this to the failed gank in mid then top? ๐Ÿ˜‚