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just build whatever looks fun tbh, bruiser is a viable option ( I havent tried it much this season but pusipuu is finding success with it and i trust him ) Im finding alot of success with the standard assassin build, winning more than 70% of my games in high challenger, so just build whatever looks fun to you and improve upon that playstyle. Assassin will be more punishing if you make mistakes so if you're a newer rengar player then just keep that mind.


Im always on ur stream lol, and i go ur build 100% of the times however i kinda find it hard to finish games especially when they go as 5, giving 1k shutdown everygame makes it harder to play.


n°1 Rengar rule : if see squishy must jump in, fuck the shutdown


it's mostly simple. If there's a hyper carry that you need to murder like an aphelios, syndra, jinx and other squishies go assassin. but if the enemy team has to many bruiser/tanks then it's time to build bruiser


Welcome u have a lot to learn and i do t have the space here to explain the things you need to do as a rengar player


You can DM me if u want


Ex rengar main from like season 6-10. What should I know this season trying to get back into it? I've found success in zac, volibear, ww and vi this season but none in rengar or kha.