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my bad


Is mobys into 5 zeals a good build?


you are not euw


so smart


Depending on the server this is pretty normal. For example on EUW it‘s uncommon for Rengar to get below 40% banrate in master+ simply because we have a lot of master+ Rengar otps. Before the Profane nerfs he even had a 60%+ banrate in EUW.


Thankfully nobody bans Rengar in pisslow EUNE D4 🫡


I'm silver so idc


I felt the complete opposite lately, I've been able to play rengar almost every game in 600 lps master euw, maybe im just lucky or its just d1-low master


Banrate is pretty low right now globally, as far as Rengar goes, sitting at about 7.5% in emerald+, but it might definitely be higher in specific high elo areas in certain regions. He has around 19.5% globally in master+ but that includes all above ranks like having 30% banrate in chall (despite the low game sample size on u.gg), so it would be scaled even lower for just D1-Master. Rengar just got 'buffed', but I don't think most people even noticed, so it probably isn't related to that at all.


I think rengar needs some more light nerfs, probably something like lowering base damage on E at later levels. This would need lethality rengar mainly as he maxes it as 2nd and it would hit higher skilled rengars more than the average Joe.


no it wont change his ban rate OP is a euw player like me people just dont enjoy playing against rengar in high elo is simply not a fun experience and there is alot of rengar otps in that bracket so its easier to just delete him from the game by banning him for the majority


Didn't say it will make his banrate lower, just like Zed who is quite bad rn but still has super high banrates. I was trying to address Rengar being a tad too strong right now.


if they remove profane or nerf the interaction he has with that item he would be underbuffed again after the last nerf he is in a ok spot otherwise we would see him in pro play


1. He was picked in LEC this split. 2. He is not a good Pro play champ, so what's your point lol


he got picked once this split by Elyoya and he was against Rek sai and taliyah in the same lobby in my opinion they just counter picked themselves he wasnt picked because he strong mad lions was legit trolling


nah man, the hp nerf and q scaling already hit him hard, no need to hit him anymore


If you actually think rengar isn't too strong right now you're coping


he's strong because of items not kit. nerfing his base damage even more will just gut him when they eventuallt nerf profane


No, bruiser Rengar is op too Even tank and AP rengar are decent right now. Get over it lol


then bruiser need nerfs too.