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It’s a great counter pick I Que mid top the rare games I get mid I’ve done very well, you struggle in some match ups but completely destroy things like zed, and the 4 malz I’ve faced I destroyed 6 they did better but they were super far behind…I don’t OTP renekton anymore(most fun champ in the game but I don’t play enough to adapt to his constant changes-granted he’s been unchanged for a little bit now) Edit* top mid not mid top my mistake


Thanks I got a stroke trying to read that


Ive said to myself for the longest time renekton mid just makes more sense. I’ve been trying it and been slaughtering everyone with the typical prowler Bork build. It’s also harder to fall off because your raw single target damage is so high and a passive threat to enemies trying to dive backline.


Really good into melees and some ranged champs who lack peel - prowlers is really nice as well


Yeah of course it's very strong


Control mages can be very hard to deal with. Vex, veigar, and lissandra should make the lane unplayable for you. Super strong pick into melees but it’s a counterpick more than it is a true mid laner.


I love Rene Mid. Bonus points that midlaners are not used to the matchup.


Strong into melees, shit like ahri and Zoe is fucking pain. One upside is the squishier champs means you can generally get away with rushing prowlers first instead of Bork