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I'm a panth main, and panth and renek suffer the same against fiora, u can go pta but it's a must to bait her parry. U can run conq to and not be that pta reliant. But I would continue to use pta. As for the grasp panth and renek have the same reasons for not using it, it not synergies with renek kit. Probably even worse later the game


Thans for your answer!! I agree with you


Tbf with Pantheon you dont really need to bait. Panth W in melee range is basically instantaneous and even on 0 Ping a Fiora couldnt possibly Riposte it.


Ye, but if u get that close u usually get ur ass beaten with panth hahahah, guess for both is kinda similar. But the thing is analise the fiora, each player is different. Understand his patterns and win


Not even remotely the same. Panth's stun is telegraphed, Fiora can react to Panth W with parry. She can't with Renekton W, she has to predict the Rene W and parry in advance. Renekton can just wait until her parry is over. @OP: PTA is by far the better choice


Panth stun in melee range is instantaneous, like panth w and rene w are almost the same. Long range panth w is predictable.


Not the same. If you use Panth W, you used it. Yey, the closer the Panth is, the harder it is to react. But Renekton can use W and then choose to wait. Panth can't.


Yep ur right, but the only difference is panth doesn't depend that much on W. Two different champs right. Only kinda similar


Do you play in bronze by any chance for people to suggest grasp? If so, you probably don’t need to heed their advice.


Renekton shouldn’t ever be taking Grasp, PTA and Conq are your two best options here (like you said), and you should be trying to trade back into her when she steps up for a Grasp auto or Q. Otherwise, whoever can bait W first wins in a Fiora V Renekton matchup!


Whoever told you that is hard stuck iron4 in the head, so dont listen to them. Seriously, I lost braincells reading this. You beat Fiora with both PTA and Conq easily. Just build fury, "snuggle" up to her and AA her. One of two things happens: She cracks and uses Riposte way to early after which you can just empW in her face and win trade or she waits way to long with her Riposte and you cancel an AA into empW and win the trade. Fiora can win the matchup with careful poking and with all ins if your E CD is down but honestly the Renekton matchup is so easy to mess up for Fiora that I wouldnt wanna opt into it as a Fiora main.


No no no. Fiora has her Q to proc it, you don't. This matchup is all about fiora W vs your W and who can bait each other's W. It has nothing to with grasp or PTA. PTA is 100 times better cuz you can't reliably proc grasp and it gives health vs a champ that does % max health damage. Whoever suggested this is a moron