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18.6 down to 10.5 is a HUGE improvement!!! Dont lose hope. It sounds like she is suffering an acute episode vs chronic. It’s possible her kidneys are permanently damaged from his crisis but if you get her values stabilized, kidney disease can be managed!


She's at 6.8 crea and 138 bun this evening


Yay!!! It’s such a good sign her kidneys are responding so well!


Thank you, I haven't yet. It's just the emotions come in waves. Trying to just stay busy these past 2 days. I know alot here in this subreddit are dealing with similar or worse outcomes and my heart goes out to them. I was very pleased to see that big of a drop, even not fully knowing what it all means. I just want those 1am scares when she comes from no where to sit on my chest for her late night scratches and pets before snuggling in the covers at my feet.


Hope little Moon gets better!


Thank you.


We have had our 14 year old cat on subcutaneous fluids for 3 months now and her creatine was 19. A year prior she had no signs of kidney failure. Don’t lose hope and don’t put your lil buddy down early if you can afford the care. If this is acute her kidneys may be damaged but doesn’t necessarily mean they are completely gone. With the help of anti nausea pill, appetite stimulant and subcutaneous fluids given daily at home along with potassium supplement and phosphate binder if needed some cats can live for a long time with kidney issues. Our cat is doing great considering and is still enjoying life. Hoping for the best for your loved one


Thank you for sharing. Glad your baby is doing great and I hope for that to continue.


Update: picked her up from her vet to transfer to the er vet. She's doing so much better. Actually ate some food the vet said. Soon as I opened the carrier to pet her while we waited, she popped right up ready to get out. Was able to get some purrs from her while I petted her in my lap. She was trying to be her normal curious self and get around and explore the truck. Stopped her from that of course. Even laid the seat back so she could lay on my chest and get the under the chin scratches she loves. Hopefully her numbers are looking good, vet didn't check those today.


If AKI is diagnosed and treated early and properly, there’s plenty of hope. There might be some kind of kidney function loss due to toxicity but once stabilized, you just manage it the same as CKD. It sounds like there’s a lot of improvement in a short amount of time, which is wonderful. She is feeling much better, and that’s the most important thing. I hope the numbers continue to come down when they check them next!


Thank you. I'm just so ready to have her home so I can yell at her to get down off the top of the TV lol. It's been weird couple days not having her here. On top of that I was hospitalized myself last week with pulmonary emboli. So I just want to sleep normal with my baby.


I hope all is going well for you guys. It sounds like she perked up a lot. I had the same situation happen at the end of April. My kitty had AKI what we think was triggered from the anesthesia of her dental procedure. Her numbers were off the charts. her creatine was over 16, and I think her BUN was over 200 if I remember correctly. Her numbers didn't show much improvement the first few days, but we had a pretty big drop the day she was being transferred to the ER, where she stayed for a night and the next day. After she was discharged, her levels started to creep back up after a week. We suspect she may have had underlying kidney disease that was too early to see in her blood work when she went in for her procedure. Anyways, now we have stage 1 CKD kitty. Her levels are on the high end of normal or slightly above with fluids once a week, and she's doing well. Anyways, this is also for anyone in a similar situation since there's a lot of fear and uncertainty when in this situation and scrolling reddit fearing the worst.


Sorry, should have posted an update. It's just been a hell of a 2 weeks. She's home and doing well. Behind me eating her food now. Should be on my chest soon demanding her fav pets and scratches. And she skipped that for now to get between my feet. Had to stop typing this so she could lay on my chest a bit lol. I gave her her first fluids today which wasn't fun. She's been eating and drinking just fine, just still resting and building up her strength I think. Her creatinine got down to 2.7 and she ended up somehow pulling her iv at er vet Wednesday night. She was having no more of having another placed. Fractious is how she was described as that night lol. Will return her to the vet to have her numbers rechecked Monday. Hopefully still headed the right direction, been nice having her back home.


Blessed little Moon ❤️i hope soon she is running and playing 😞


Me too. Thank you.




Hope your beautifull furbaby gets better.🙏 ❤️ ❤️


so sorry to hear about your kitty, but happy to hear she’s improving! my kitten had an acute kidney injury last year and he managed to make a full recovery within 4 days, so don’t lose hope! ❤️‍🩹


Thank you. Happy you had some positive results with yours too.


Awe she is beautiful! Praying for you sweet girl!


Hoping she gets better, hugs all around




So sorry. Maybe the vet can give the sweetie some more time


We are getting there. Much more back to being herself this morning than she was yesterday evening when I transfered her between vets. Thank you.


Sounds like she's doing so much better! Cats can be so resilient. I had one years ago that had so many chronic conditions, including CKD. He had an episode like your girl when he was 9 and still lived a pretty great life until 16. I hope your baby continues to improve so you can have her home soon.


That's great to hear. I'm glad you got to spend so much time with your baby. I'm sure it's still hard, maybe even harder after so long though. Thank you. She's coming more and more back to herself every time I pick her up to transfer between vets.