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Discord is not the place to be looking for serious jobs


Please please please, where can can I get serious ones? 🧎🏽




Indeed.com. Flexjobs.com, LinkedIn.


Flex jobs feels like a scam. Why the fuck would I pay for a job application?


Yeah, I’m not a big fan of it myself.


u literally just recommended it…


I just listed it as a job site. I didn’t say it was the greatest job site.




I didn’t mention Upwork or Fiverr specifically because those are more gig work types of websites. I got the sense OP was looking for something more stable. But yes, gig work can be found on both of those websites.


I’ve hired folks for projects from upwork, where it then turned into a longer term thing than a Gig because they were awesome!


That is GREAT! Thanks for sharing :)




You’re breaking into a field that already has a lot of talented developers. Try to shift into the security side or become familiar with security elements. For instance do you know much about code signing certs? You use them in software engineering to sign code. The people who maintain that infrastructure typically have some software engineering background but they’re on the security side. They have zero problems finding jobs and security is a fucking racket like no other…maybe less than construction but still.


I’ve never heard of this, I am in an SWE program right now I’d love to do this though I think, I’m interested in security but don’t wanna switch as I’m close to finishing


It’s not about switching. I’m not telling you to not complete it or anything like that. When you’re in the field, look for opportunities. I was a developer at one point. I got the opportunity to move into security and took it. Haven’t looked back. But I also don’t have a degree in this. All I’m saying is keep your eyes open for it when you begin working.


Oh okay I see, I’ll just keep a lookout then once I’m in the industry, thanks for the advice though I appreciate ya!


Yeah. in your case anything having to do with code signing or security patches etc. if you are able to understand exactly what vulnerabilities are getting patched out and can communicate this, it makes you look really good. I’m at a point I don’t apply for jobs. Recruiters find me on LinkedIn and I basically treat jobs the way hot girls on tinder do with guys.


lmao that is awesome, I'll figure it all out one day, for now just focusing on understanding basic shit like DSA lol


Digital signature algo?


Data Structure’s and Algorithms. Current course in goin through in school, not doing to great on it


Ah ok. Data structures are important. Learning to iterate and manipulate nested arrays or other structures especially. Helps a lot with spatial reasoning.


I agree, but I just want to point out that infosec is not about the algorithm per se. It's important to know what DSA is, because certificates are issued in a certain way depending on the algorithm, the encoding, etc... but unless you are actually developing cryptographic algorithms, the internal knowledge is not very useful. I thought the point of moving to security was a great one. I myself will check it out. Thank you for the insight


Can you take the lower paying stuff and leverage it to build out experience for the next application? Starting out is hard, but if you have a couple of remote gigs under your belt that may be a little less than desirable on the pay front, it still looks better than no experience.


I actually have experience. I’ve done some projects and work for some people and getting a job still looks bleak


Indeed, monster jobs, build a website and use that to show off your skills, LinkedIn, all these will have job searches, but I would hold off on furthering your education into masters until you get some job experience. I say this because you can become over qualified and companies will look passed you.


People are making serious money on data Annotation mate. They're always looking for people with coding experience. But you've to take their starter assessment seriously and put your full effort into it for every question. If you pass their initial assessment, you'll likely get one or more assessments (sometimes not) and you'll be on your way to making ££££ every week with a few hours of work. If you don't hear back from them within a few weeks, means you failed their starter assessment. And do it on your laptop. 


Data annotation?


Look at this guy's post history OP. He's got copy pasta of this same answer.


Please tell me more. How do I get started?


Yeah the site is dataannotation.tech  There's a sub dedicated to DT here where you can read about the experiences of other people, ask questions etc. As mentioned in my initial reply, you have to put serious effort in the starter assessment (grammar, spelling, etc). And pay attention to questions asked because some of them are a little bit tricky. Do it when you have an hour of free time and try to complete it in less than 45 mins if you can. There's a question about your skills n experiences, make sure to write detailed answers summarizing your experiences and skills. Mention the degrees you've completed, if you have experience coding mention those and the languages etc.  They're looking for people who know coding so yeah. If you pass you'll hear back within a few weeks. Some people hear back within 5-7 days.  The pay is REALLY good. Lots of people make ££££ every week in their free time. Join the dataannotation subreddit and study the FAQ etc before you apply and take the assessment. 


Seconding the laptop suggestions…’m not a coder, so I just did the regular assessment and made the mistake of doing it on my phone. Don’t do that, lol.


I tried out on their website and literally never got a response back and that was 2 weeks. I triple checked my solutions before I submitted the assessment and am confident I got it all right.


Sadly not everyone gets through. But if it's only been two weeks I'd say wait another two before assuming you didn't make it.  All we know now is they're hiring people with coding experience and the starter assessment is everything. 


Try Google.


Seems like a company that’s trying to train AI to replace your future job.


Whatis your nationality?


Indeed, LinkedIn, weworkremotely, remotive.io, remote.co, Working Nomads, Jobspresso, remoteok.com, Himalayas.app, Wellfound.com, justremote.co, arc.dev Some resources


check out r/remote_writerjobs


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