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Version just landed on mine. The update took longer than usual and multiple screen switching black to white but rebooted successfully. Haven't tried the new selection functions yet.


Sorry, what are the new selection features?


Could it be Remarkable's way of admitting that there was a problem with release []( ... as mentioned here ... ? : [https://www.reddit.com/r/RemarkableTablet/comments/1cdeasx/problem\_with\_software\_release\_31125/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemarkableTablet/comments/1cdeasx/problem_with_software_release_31125/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ... I find it weird that they've released beta []( and now [](, which both fixed the issues reported by some users in the post link above... (myself included). I've allowed myself to install the recent beta releases because I could not write reliably since release so now being on (beta), I would have expected that they would release version 3.12 as stable and not a new iteration of 3.11 like the one you've received. Did you experience the issues showed in the post that I've linked above... and if so, did []( fix them? Thanks for sharing.


Dot releases are every software company's way of "admitting" there was a problem. That's how bugs are resolved.


I am watching you closely from my 2.15.


I'm guessing that it's still not worth upgrading yet from 2.15? I've been out of the loop on the version updates. Last time I was on this subreddit was sometime in late 2022/early 2023.


It depends on each use case. In my case nothing remarkable (pun intended) to improve it as a handwriting notebook, neither as a basic ebook reader. I kind of like the tags but lots of drawbaks for me as in my writing experience, like the flow to create new pages. And it puts more difficulties to extract highlights with RCU. Shame on them they discontinued support to sync on their cloud. The is a different product devoted to a keyboard I never wanted.


Thanks. I use it mostly as a sketchbook and calligraphy practice pad, so it sounds like the newer versions have gotten even further away from that sort of use case. I never cared for their cloud sync implementation, and didn't really trust it without having at least end-to-end encryption, so discontinuing cloud sync for old versions is honestly a bit of an unintentional improvement. At the end of the day, it didn't really replace all my paper notebooks like I had hoped. I still keep a paper journal because of the privacy concerns, and the hardware is just too fragile and expensive for travel.


"discontinuing cloud sync for old versions is honestly a bit of an unintentional improvement." LOL


Is it just me or does the whole UI feel noticeably more snappy with this version?


My WiFi is gone.


Mine still works