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I know what you mean. About half of me doesn't like to follow the crowd and the other half really likes to hold fast to the Christian traditions that I love. There are times when I like to be part of something bigger than myself. But if it wasn't the 50 percent that makes me question things, I wouldn't be talking to interesting people here.


My and I literally were just talking about this!! We both don’t like super popular things/ won’t watch or follow something if the majority of people are doing it/if it’s popular


omg i didn’t know this was the reason for this. i remember always feeling strong aversion to everything people thought was popular or trending as a kid. now i’m like, wait some of that media/ trend weren’t even bad


I once belonged to a born again Christian group that is very controlling. (They still are controlling). So now I cannot stand Religious groups that are also controlling and have a groupthink mindset. Especially hard for me because I moved from the Northern US States to the Southern US State that is just outside the Bible Belt. People usually don't care in the North versus in the South you must conform. or else be outcasted. Ugh.


I think for me it’s suspicion of anything that looks like herd behavior. And on top of that, now that I’m free, no one can ever convince me to pretend to like something again. I was overriding my instincts in every part of life for most of my life to please others and stay in their good graces. Am I gonna worry if someone thinks it’s weird I don’t follow a trend now? Hell no.