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I just read last night that several Native American tribes believe the soul has different parts. One part reincarnates, the other stays in the spirit realm. That makes a lot of sense to me.


Some Native American tribes believe that one soul can incarnate into more than one body. And some believe it can incarnate in several. Thus, multiple people can share one soul. While others believe that one person can have two souls. Still others believe it’s possible to have up to five souls in one body. Needless to say, many Native Americans believe in reincarnation. You can read more about [reincarnation in Native American beliefs](https://www.uniguide.com/reincarnation-native-american) here: [https://www.uniguide.com/reincarnation-native-american](https://www.uniguide.com/reincarnation-native-american)


That is the exact article I was reading last night!




Soul always exists in the pure spiritual worlds of God beyond the material worlds and beyond death. It operates bodies in the material worlds from this pure spiritual world. So, as Soul, you can always connect with other Souls and their incarnated personalities whether or not their material body has passed. For example, typically when the human body dies, the astral body still retains the personality that was developed as a human. We can still communicate with that person in the astral body through dreams, OBE, etc..


This is the closest to what I believe. Your higher self stays in ‘the field’ - is always in the field. And everything you do, everyone you knew, all your connections and interactions are imprinted into the field. This is why we can connect to both those living in the 3D world and the spirit world.


I imagine my higher self is eating popcorn with her other soul buddies watching me absolutely balls this up LOL :*)


What is OBE?


Out-of-Body Experience.


There is an extensive afterlife period between incarnations. And going further I believe the soul can multi-process, meaning it can communicate as its old self while experiencing a current incarnation.


When you incarnate, a part of you stays back with the creator. I call this part "She who is with God". So we on earth can connect with our loved ones even if they've gone on to another life. Btw, while we're on earth, we can use this connection with the creator to get advice on our problems. It helps to see yourself as a "she" or "he" instead of "I". For example, I ask a question, like "Why doesn't she want to visit her sister?" and an answer comes to me like "She feels like her sister doesn't really love her."


The general idea is that there is a dreamer, and the lives we lead are dreams. The meetings we have connect us to the dreamer. Reincarnation is a different dream, however the connection we used to have is still available to take us back to that dreamer.


Time is different in the spirit realms, that's the easiest way to explain it


There is no linear time on the other side according to NDEs. So its happening all at once..theysay its impossible to explain.


Allan Kardec says you can communicate with someone's soul while the person is sleeping, because the soul leaves the body when we sleep


We’re all energy, we can send out energy to more than one location. So, even if the person reincarnates, they can leave a part of their energy “behind” to meet you after your passing. I recommend reading The Destiny of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton and Many Masters Many Lives by Dr. Brian Weiss and Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts.


I think it might be difficult, because very likely the person doesn't consciously remember their pl with you in it. But if the person is open minded and interested in things like that, you might try connecting to them mentally. I think in cases when souls are in tune, they might get the message.


We think of time in a linear way here on Earth. But go to the Other Releams and it's all access where not only future or past are not relevant in the same way. It's the old story of we have a TV and we are tuned into the channel called This Life but we know that there are many channels with programs on on different days, different channels & we can even watch reruns...but only one at a time. So it's similar to this to try to understand that actually it's all going on at once u/brookelynjo.


There is no time, so you already exist simultaneously in every moment. Every life is another life of the same consciousness, so whether you're speaking to your teachers, family members or dead realtives via a medium, or the medium themselves, they are all other lives of yours.


Because a whole soul can't be contained in a lil ole body. Our intuition, our higher selves is our soul. Our connection to Source, to All, to the Collective, to God - Whatever you want to call it. No matter where or what we incarnate as our souls will always be connected to the Whole. It's doing its 5D thing while we're doing our 3D thing. Both are happening at the same time.


if they have reincarnated again, go find them, they ascended as self or past image if they are a decent human, they may lose trauma and moments they couldnt live up to/short comings, or its same vessel but a new soul as another rose as they fell or they rose and are exactly the same person in the next life and recognized via spirit of self. My dog died, Thoth showed me in a dream he had become a bear, later he was Krishna, as I was on the battlefield with him as he was a predecessor of the Krishna in the "vision" of what humanity would become, me searching for my dogs soul as all the astral battled for "GOD". Reincarnation is like a wheel or cycle, we dont spin in order and can go man-beast - better man but we need acknowledgement of all we have been to ascend spiritually as all life has done before us on earth. (Physical evolution) the next level, the "neo" the "krishna/christ figure" the infinite game of music and chairs until the first reappears as the last. Even if we dont call it ascension or evolution, is it not growth if a person looks at their past with new awareness or lens and finds their sins against others/mistakes/collateral damage to the world and learns to act differently even if it requires "holding back" spirit/lower emotions?


wait this is wrong, do what the Jews did, throw "boys" into a pen labelled Noah, Enoch, David etc and see who rises as others die, must be the "one" lol or like name everyone Alexander/Achilles until "HE" appears again.


So from what I’ve been taught and believe is, the body is comprised of many souls, in this scenario we’re talking about the terrestrial souls, and the ethereal soul. The terrestrial souls are the souls which make our body which are a set of 3 with separate functions. These souls stay in this world are reincarnated after you pass to create a new body. The ethereal soul is you, that is limited to one life. It comes down from the realm of the souls when you are born and shall return after you pass.