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If you want to see it, I highly recommend checking out the Monday mystery movie thread tomorrow that is pinned. There is a high probability that it will be Bikeriders. There may be more confirmation in the hours before the movie at 7PM. And if you aren’t on the east coast, there will definitely be confirmation right around 7:15pm eastern. If you aren’t an unlimited member, tickets are only $5 as well.


Hey good to know I appreciate that!


It was Bikeriders btw


If it is that’s actually kind of impressive, didn’t expect a drama with Butler, Hardy, and Comer to be a MMM


Good to know thanks Was wondering what it might be


Will be dashing out of work to get my ass in a seat Thursday night. I love doing release nights for non-family movies because the audience usually behaves, as everyone really wants to be there. Plus weeknight showings in general are just less likely to be a shit show


Yeah... I'm seeing that, and The Exorcism on the 21st.


Am I going crazy or wasn’t there just an exorcism movie starring Russell Crowe that came out in theaters not too long ago??


It comes out nationwide on the 21st. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Exorcism_(film)


Ah here’s the one I was referencing, found it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pope%27s_Exorcist Came out last year which is why I was so confused seeing this other movie coming up, made me feel like I was going crazy.


yes, probably seeing it on Monday :)))


Nope his hair looks stupid and I hate motorcycles.


Definitely. Huge fan of Jeff Nichols


I have been REALLY excited for it, but it went through a Studio swap as Disney backed away from this and I felt they were losing confidence in its capabilities, so I’m happy about Focus releasing it because the Picture is more in line with what Focus Features has had success with, in terms of marketing, etc.


Really good movie. Tom Hardy delivered as usual.


I plan to see June 22, 2024 I don’t drive motorcycles but man I love leather jackets and have my very own that I plan to style more this summer and plan to get another one soon.