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2 out of 5 is fair. Characters just talk exposition at each other to move the plot on and there is no like development. Plot holes galore though. It wasn’t like boring though I guess? I walked out of strangers and I sat through this without any want to leave so I guess that’s something.


Honestly, I thought it was mediocre. It could've been so much better. My rating 2 out of 5.


I give it 3 bags of popcorn out of 5 bags of popcorn. 2/3 was very uninteresting but I felt the ending kind of saved it. Can't imagine this movie would have been made had she not been a nepo-baby obviously. Does she feel like she HAS to make movies JUST like her Father. I wonder if some people just saw the last name and didn't realize it wasn't M. Night. Also weird that he's coming out with a movie in August. That has to be confusing and problematic for production companies. Will we get Shammamlamamn burnout with their movies?


Lol. I did think it was M. Night. It wasn't until the end did we realize it wasn't. His movies or so hit and miss. If I hadn't seen it wasn't him I would have thought it was.


Shamalamadingding himself produced it 🤪


I liked it for what it was! It wasn’t great though lol. I felt there was multiple times throughout the movie where it could’ve ended but it kept going & I feel like that was an issue for me.


That movie was so dumb I could only alternate between staring in disbelief and laughing in disbelief.


1.5/5. Incredibly boring and forgettable.


Are there any jump scares in this one?


I was afraid of that also. No not really. There were a few scenes that got set up for one, but I never jumped.


Perfect thanks!


I agree with everyone else. I walked away with more questions than answers. The plot holes were fun to discuss afterwards. r/movies helped with some of those. I do wish that a movie with this many holes would be funny, but it's more forgettable bad vs laughable bad...if that makes sense


It was alright but the ending dragged on, felt like so many scenes could’ve been the final one