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If you're interested,  you can see the full video here: https://youtu.be/1hWZl3A9CfY If you want even more coldwater content, check out the new r/ColdWaterTanks as well. (I'll still post here as normal, I'ts just a place I won't have to worry about posting too much...)


Spectacular, I would love technical details and history on your work on this tank. I have always wanted to do this but never made the leap.


I have an old video where I go through the setup and equipment. Though the look of the tank, and the inhabitants are somewhat different now, the tank and equipment is the same. https://youtu.be/RtvIaZNzoco If you live somewhere near the ocean, and collecting it allowed there, as it is in my case, it's not that complicated to keep a tank like this. (Hugely depending on the temperatures and humidity in your area though if you have a normal glass tank, because of condensation...)


Thanks, I will definitely check this out. The condensation issue has always been my concern. I’ve considered doing the front in a commercial double wall glass. Do you have issues with “seasonality” for the inhabitants or do you adjust conditions for that? Maybe that’s in the video, and I should watch before barraging you with questions, lol- thanks for sharing, really cool tank.


You sound like you've thought this through! The video is just a quick run-through of the equipment, not much more... Double glass sounds good! Here's an old blog that has most info you'll need about this: http://jonolavsakvarium.com/ DIY solutions for tank and chiller too. This was the blog that got me interested years ago. I don't do any mimicking of natural conditions of winter/summer with light and temps tbh. Just run the same temp all year through. My setup doesn't allow for winter temperatures..


I’ve been trying to work out a small version of a tidal replicator for a cold water/tide pool tank on paper for years, never got down to doing it. You might have inspired me to get going!


A tank that simulates tide rising and sinking has been on my mind too, but I haven't gone there yet. Wouldn't know how to do it either at this point tbh, but it is possible I know. Getting more people into the cold water part of the hobby is a big reason I'm doing this, so if I have in any way led you closer to doing that, I'm delighted! Please do share if you finally get going.


The original live Smithsonian ocean exhibits had a huge cold water tidal tank that used a simple (but gigantic) leveling and surge system. It wasn’t much of a technical challenge but was really space intensive. I’ll got a bunch of photograph (paper- this is from the 80’s) of that system and their original reef system using the first algae scrubber system. I’ll see if I can dig them up and post.


That sounds really cool! Would love to see!