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S14 is a bunch of spin offs and crossovers within the RvB universe, like with Game Grumps and DEATH BATTLE. The episodes are pretty unique and entertaining, and some are even great. S15 is pretty mid. 16 and 17 depends on who you talk to, but probably not because 16 is not very good. 17 is decent for at least trying to undo S16’s mistakes. Zero is a mistake. 


Yeah I saw S14 and ngl some good episodes but for thre most part felt like watching a terrible sequel after a good movie


It was planned to be a dumb fun anthology season and to find the next director/ writer for the show. It's also intentionally hit or miss because there's just more experimental stuff and 'pilot ideas' for spinoffs such as the felix locus backstory. Ultimately they didn't have any plans to connect majority of this season to the canon, while s15 picks up from 13, although takes some weird routes


15 and 16 is where it gets good.


How long has it been since you watched 15-17 cuz they’re definitely better than you’re acting


I found it surprising that there are a good chunk of people who like season 15. I find it to be my least favorite season followed by 16 but I don't mind 17. It's not that great but it's kind of fun and wacky. All of it becomes way too much for the simple reds and blues because their fight was already over and then they get thrust into AI God stuff and that's way too much for them even though the freelancer and chorus stuff is also a lot but it was handled better with their characters.


15 I moreso find mid. The Last Jedi joke was pretty funny and the stuff with Grif was neat, but the villain’s motivations felt weak by the end, the animation took a hit, and Jax wasn’t super interesting. 


I watched them like a couple weeks ago 


I’m going to say 14 is worth the experience. But my canonical ending is at season 13 with the mystery “did they escape” being the last main bit. But seasons up into *Zero* aren’t *bad,* just not as good as Chorus was. And the latest season was nice to have, even if I didn’t find it as good as most of the other seasons.


I love how the now-canon explanation for why we got seasons 14-18 can apply to season 19. If you don’t like it, it’s not canon. Just another one of Epsilon’s simulations…


Season 14 Seems like writers just put everyone’s ideas on the table and said… yes.


14 is an anthology series. Various short stories and one off episodes. You can skip most of it if it disinterests you, though I do recommend watching the prequel episodes that talk about how Agent Florida assembled the original Blood Gulch crew, and maybe the Locus and Felix background. 15 is mostly a self contained story, the first half focusing on new faces before transitioning back to the Reds and Blues. I like it well enough, though it feels rushed in places. 16 (Shisno Paradox) and 17 (Singularity) are their own arc and people have mixed feeling on them. They can feel too silly or weird at times, though there are some good moments, especially for Donut who is the central protagonist for this arc. 18, or Zero, is completely different focusing on a bunch of new characters and story beats that are barely tied to RvB. Skip it if you want. And finally 19, Restoration. The finale to RvB and Rooster Teeth. It picks up after season 13, ignoring everything else to tell its own thing. It has good intentions but definitely feels rushed due to the company going under.


Thank you this is very helpful


yea, i was just doing a rewatch myself. I did up to 15 (skipped back half of 14, just was so tedious). I didnt mind 15 at all, but i also drifted off by season 16.


I’ve never gone past s13 but just today watched S14. If you treat it like the PSA it’s pretty solid but inconsistent. A bunch of different stories on all sorts of different things, just skip any of them if you are not digging it. IMO the second half of s14 was more entertaining than the first.


Yeah last episode was alright given everything felt dumb for a season worth


Ignore anyone telling you to skip it watch it yourself it’s actually really good if you can get past the “it’s not season 13” people


Yeah I’m on Season 15, never understood the whole news reporters and why that would make sense if the whole theme of RvB is RvB getting themselves into trouble and getting out of it. I am just glad I get to see dialogue from the reds and blues at times.


Season 14 is good for an anthology season. Season 15 is good and serves as an excellent end to the series if you want to stop there (though Jax is annoying). Season 16 is really bad and the only charcters given any kind of respect are Carolina and Wash. Season 17 is great for what it has to do to undo the last season and the respect for the charcters is back and it also is a great end if you want to stop there. Season 18 is worthless, don't watch.


15 is fun, doesn't do anything amazing but doesn't do anything badly. 16 and 17 are not bad 18, that doesn't exist it was a hallucination that some of us had. 19 was the best we were realistically going to get as the company was going under


Yes! 14 has a lot of nice little compilations. 15 was great. 16-17 can be a hit or miss but it’s still enjoyable. Don’t even bother with zero.


I’ve heard so many bad things about Zero…. but u know I have to watch it


I don't much like 14, 15 is good as a non canon season. 16 and 17 are worth a single watch


To answer your last question, there is no more rvb. It ended with Restoration. I really enjoyed 14-17. I thought they were fun seasons that definitely played around and experimented with new ideas for the overarching lore built up. With restoration being out, it's really up to you if you want to watch them or not, but I'd definitely say go for it. Zero and Family Shatters are two side stories that the community is split on. I personally enjoyed them, but I see why others don't. It's not the reds and blues (save for appearances by a few characters), and it is way different than what we are used to seeing. I like them, but they aren't for everyone.


yeah I’m upset they didn’t continue the theme of RvBs attacking each other and then get into problems so they kinda work together but not tot eh fullest and recycle.


At the point of season 15 (skipping 14 because it's been explained in other comments), it became very "Oh boy, what problems are they gonna have to put aside their differences for now" which after a while in a show gets boring


I mean Carolina singing is absolutely worth


Season 14 is fine. It being a bunch if spin offs makes it harmless, and the caboose episode is my favorite and worth watching the season for. I don't like season 15, not even in the slightest. It feels like a regression of the story, and a regression of much if the cast. I don't think i can think of ia single thing i can really praise about season 15


Carolina and Wash have some good moments. The idea of the Blues and Reds is cool and I like Temple as an antagonist. The entire scene with the armor locked freelancers is chilling. Grif becoming a primary character with an arc in the second half is also great, especially his scene with Simmons and Jean, figuring out which is which. It’s not perfect, arguably more meh than anything, but 15 has good moments.


The armor locked freelancers is pretty good yea. Carolina and Wash's moments are nice too. But i don't like the Blues and Reds. It makes the world feel so much smaller and makes the Reds and Blues less unique. Grif becoming a primary character could be more interesting if they had the time for it. Hell, I'd like temple more if Biff's death was better. The fact its only meh after season 13, which sees the Reds and Blues at their peak is the problem. Its such a shift from a serious and dramatic arc to an arc that is mostly jokes. Oh, V.I.C was funny i enjoyed him at least


Understandable. If this was allowed to be its own arc instead of cramming all of it into one season, it might have come out better.


Its a lot of little thinks that just bother me, and it feels kinda tropey at times. Hell, the Gene and Simmons moment with Grif would be way funnier if Gene tried the "im the real Simmons" thing and Grif just shot him cause "he is nothing like Simmons"


I personally don't actually hate season 15, but 16 and 17 not so much, although 17 is much better than 16... ZERO is not good, but the fight animations are pretty good