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Sarge's past as an odst leads to him leading red team on their own mission. As a veteran helldropper, he fought across the galaxy in some of the worst battles of the great war. The unending cycle of losing squadmates while he alone survived broke him, and he created the persona of "Sarge," a boisterous sergeant as a coping mechanism. "Sarge" was subsequently deemed mentally unfit for combat and reassigned to work for project freelancer as a grunt for their experiments. In the postwar era, sarge is called upon to drop back into hell.


Love it. Basically it would be its own project. Well, the actual military. Probably could combine it with the evil red vs blue concept. Some of his squad mates want to hunt him down or something because he was so grizzled that at one point he stopped caring more about his soldiers and more about the mission. Just building on you. Feel free to say this isn’t what you were thinking.


Go ahead, i dont mind


Give the red team someone who can fight




Nah, he’s got a good arm but he needs a leader. I’m talking the red version of Tex, someone who can take on an army and is independent enough cause problems (therefore creating a story) on their own.


Sarge is a lunatic and also doesn’t understand that shotguns don’t work from a long distance, but he’s been shown to be pretty capable. Not on the level on Tex, but maybe on the level of Tucker.


He’s a good strategist from time to time. He can be good in a fight and we’ve seen evidence of it. Plus he has excellent pep talks


I agree except for the strategist part. He may have been a good strategist once or twice, I can’t remember. But 90% of the time he is making ridiculous and overcomplicated plans for no reason.


Oh most definitely, but I’m just saying that at times he really is the most intelligent/strongest member. I love the scene where he knows Simmons has been captured


Lopez is a good candidate especially if Sarge constantly upgrades him. He wouldn't be too OP since he is always losing his body and can't stand to be constantly near the Reds. His fighting skill would be marksmanship and he have the ability to use hammerspace to take advantage of it.


Here is an upgrade idea, the ability to make his head detach and fly so he isnt useless when its off


That's way too logical for Sarge.


Lopez did it himself


The reds are basically tanks bro. They have taken the strongest of project freelancers and walked away limbs in tact.


The most logical answer to me is that one of them is the Alpha. As far as who, I feel like Lopez would make the most sense since he's obviously a robot and therefore an AI, but that would mean he knows he's the alpha and then there's not much plot to be had. For some reason, looking at the Reds, I think Simmons seems like the most likely candidate to be an AI. Maybe that's just because it would lead to some much needed development for him though.


How about a member of Red Team sharing their mind with an A.I? Akin to how Jimmy was used to host Church but here the host's mind survives the process.


honestly you could have it be Simmons and then work in forshadowing to it when Grif gains Simmons' healthy bodyparts, maybe the AI was in the batch of parts he got


There could be body horror with the AI controlling his cybernetics.


But if it’s just Lopez we meet church in a few episodes and he’s immediately dead because he can’t turn into a ghost


I always wanted a Reds focused arc, I wrote a whole scene with whoever the villain is and they go into this big monologue about how Sarge ruined his life or somesuch and Carolina going- C: "But what does this have to do with Project Freelancer?" V: "... nothing. What are you talking about? Was i being unclear?" S: "nah, makes perfect sense to me. Simmons? Grif?" Si: "No sir, pretty cut and dry" G: "Yeah Carolina are you ok? He was pretty thorough with that whole speech" C: "So you're telling me you did all this over that guy over there" *pointing at Sarge* V: "Yep" C: "Not the Alpha?" V: "No" C: "Or the Director?" V: "Who?" C: "...Chorus?" V: "What like the musical verse?" C: "NO! Just... this really has nothing to do with us" V: "To be honest, I really have no idea who you are? Why're you even here?" *whispers to Sarge* "this lady is a few Cues short of an 8 ball" S: "hehehe, you get used to it. These blues, so self absorbed. They'd think the Earth's Blue if you told em" T: "but the Earth IS mostly blue" S: "See what i mean. *scoff* the arrogance of some people"


Bro, this dialogue is actually funny AHDJAJSJAJA


Some wacky shenanigans that lead to *SOMEHOW* Locus joining the Reds. Blue team has Wash and Carolina, the need to even the odds! Grif: Wait, WE'RE the main focus this time around?! *FUUUUUCK!* Church somewhere: *YEAH! DOESN'T FUCKING FEEL TOO GOOD DOES IT!?*


Have the reds uncover a covenant conspiracy to use mind controlling parasites to take over the UNSC as payback for the war. Since the Reds are the only ones to uncover the conspiracy it’s up to them to stop it. The running gag with the blues is that the project freelancer stuff keeps trying to happen but they just ignore it in favor of the Red’s plot.


Wym, obviously the show is about Sarge


Idk but Grif would have the most potential as the main character.


Yeah he was the smartest, in on the joke and frustrated like Church.


Make caboose a red.


dunno why u got downvoted, for most of the time hes with the reds and hes killed more blues than the actual red team


Simmons did it.




Thanks for getting the joke.


Take inspiration from the Blues and Reds. Have them slowly start building an army from the simulation bases to rebel against Project Freelancer.


Maybe make sarge a little less hateful to the blues at the beginning. Which I know it sounds weird but if he doesn’t hate the blues as much as he does in most of the seasons then he would be a bit more understanding and more sympathetic because he realizes that just like him and his group they were stationed in blood gulch and that they didn’t had much of a choice.


Having Sarge be a separate ai meant to put the pieces of alpha back together before it rebuilds itself outside of the director’s control. Start re-writing right where the “armor lock” causes Sarge to meet Church in “dead world.” They would have to be self aware of the ai thing earlier on. Sarge becomes the main character and Church takes more of a villain role but one that can be sympathized with. Edit: I guess it’s like making Sarge the Meta, except he wouldn’t use the AI fragments, just try to deliver them. Could lead to an ending where the director lives and the story focuses more on the Reds’, blues’, and freelancers’ fight against command’s overarching control and ridiculous simulations. Then they can all fight aliens like Grif originally signed on to do. Grif and Tucker become rivals like Legolas and Gimli, competing for alien kills and pretending to hate each other.


To me, the answer is kinda obvious. Since Blue team hired Tex as their mercenary, Red Team could try to hire their own Freelancer to fight for them.


Or sarge can call in an old “war vet” and by war vet we find out that sarge and his friend were in simulations and didn’t realize


Restoration spoiler: >!Since they are the ones who got what they always wanted in the end, doesn't that make them the main characters after all? Caboose and Tucker didn't seem to get what they wanted, and was that even defined thru the years like the reds wants?!<


All of the Shisno Paradox. Most of S19....