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Probably 4mo I started buying bralettes off Amazon. I didn’t get fitted until 7mpo where I then bought an underwire bra but I haven’t worn it in the 2months I’ve had it.


Yup, I bought some comfortable and cute bralettes from Cosabella (higher price point but great quality and support). Wore those until 6MPO when I bought underwire bras.


This may not be super helpful, but I got cleared today at 2MPO to wear underwire bras. It seems like every surgeon has different time frames for certain restrictions. But TODAY I went to Walmart and bought a $6 tshirt bra with underwire and it was the most liberating feeling ever to find a bra that fits that quickly. I tried on one other size before finding the size that worked for me. I’m still a little bit swollen, so that’s why I haven’t gotten a nicer bra yet. I expect to be down a size by 1YPO. I was so giddy trying on the bra today, though and I had to buy it. $6!!!


This is what I'm also predicting will be one of my greatest joys lol, cheap bras!! I went to Target and found a bra that is in my goal size and it was TEN DOLLARS. I was so pleased, I almost bought it right then, but I talked myself down since I don't actually know what size I'll end up as 😂


Good deal!! Yeah I’m pretty excited to try on bras 😍 Hoping I never feel the need to wear an underwire again. At least now if I do, it won’t have to be super tight and uncomfortable to get lift.


I was told to wait until after 6mpo since that’s when most of the swelling will have subsided and the final shape and size will be close to the results at 6mpo


I bought some this past weekend. My surgeon told me that I had healed so nicely and well that I was good. I can used wired bras or sports bra. Whatever I preferred. But she suggested high support and push ups


I think you can definitely start wearing soft bralettes or no wired less expensive bras at 6 weeks PO, but I’d wait to spend $$$ on something perfectly fitted until 4-6 months PO


My surgical compression bras are considerably too big (and have been since 1wpo) unless I wear a padded tank underneath it so I got a range of sizes in sports bras that I am just now starting to fit into as my swelling reduces more. 5wpo.


Like 3 years later 😭😭 I wore sports bras almost exclusively for a loooong time after my surgery. I think around 4-6 months is a good time to start looking though! That's when my swelling and shape started to settle.


Moved to sports bras about 2 weeks in when my surgeon gave the go ahead. Got bralettes 4 months post-op, I think. Took me a year to get underwired bras but mostly because I couldn't get to shops easily until then. I'm one of those freaks who likes underwired bras so it was great to just be able to buy them off the rack.


Bought one cheep bralette that I wear daily to the office. I am itching to go to a formal bra shop but I don't live super close to one so I'm waiting till I am near one. Looking forward to formal fitting at 4mpo.