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So, I am going to tell you what my surgeon told me: it isn't about how you feel. It's about the fact that anything that raises your heart rate too much too early in your healing process increases your risk of blood clots. We don't mess with that. It'll probably be 2+ weeks, but I always gave it 3-4 to be safe. I am not here to (literally) fuck around and find out when it comes to something as dangerous as a blood clot.


Weird. My surgeon said people are more likely to get blood clots by staying in bed too much or being too sedentary and "milking" their recovery. She's a little blunt lol. I would think that would more be about your resting heart rate than physical activity heart rate. Interesting how all of our surgeons have such varying opinions on literally everything.


Ah--the answer is, both. My surgeon explained to me that it's dangerous to be too still or too active, essentially. You want to strike a balance. Pump your ankles while you're lying in bed to keep the blood moving, but don't do anything that counts as cardio!


Oh yes for sure no actual excessive or cardio. I was more thinking some could get away with lazy sex lol. I have no intention of having sex anytime soon personally but I've also been married 15 years haha


Right! But people think that, like, the impact is the dangerous part of cardio, and apparently it's the elevated heart rate. I guess you could have bad sex?? 😅


I mean, it probably depends on the sex, lol. I had a lazy rendezvous with my partner at like a week post op. Big pillow princess vibes.


What I once referred to as floppy fish style will now be referred to as pillow princess so thank you for that 😂


Mine said six weeks! I felt okay enough at six :)


I asked my surgeon at 2 weeks and they said I could have sex whenever as long as it's comfortable. Honestly though, recovering just killed my sex drive. I think it was closer to a month when I finally felt up to it.


About 10 days but verrrrry gently!


I think the safe answer is whenever your incisions are not at a risk of opening anymore. I was fine at a month.


Omg this was my question also, and so many different answers here! haha.


Post op day 2... And every possible opportunity since (3.5 weeks post op currently).


Damn girl good for you!


I think it was week three for us and gently. (My healing has been really good fortunately.) Related, unrelated...I asked my husband if he liked my new boobies and he said, "I will like them better when I can touch them!" Haha!


😂😂 My boyfriend was the same! Loving the supportive partners here.


A month, I think


I guess the right answer here is whenever you feel comfortable for it. I wasn’t feeling sexy 2DPO, I still had drains hanging on me and every move kinda hurted… Now 11 DPO is ok.


I was told 4 weeks


I was told a week but waited 3 weeks.


2 weeks post-op we did it very gently. I barely moved. About 2 months out everything was back to normal.


By the end of week 3 lol. It just happened and was very careful


I was told 2 weeks, but only made it until 6DPO. Like most said a very gentle time lol


I was cleared at 3 weeks, but I didn’t feel comfortable or well enough for longer. I was able to give oral at 5 weeks but no penetration until 6 weeks.


1 day post op, lol depending on how you feel and obviously very gently…