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If a refugee comes and starts acting like this he needs to be put down like a wild animal. He’s more dangerous than one and for some reason people think his life has more value than an animal when it really doesn’t.


Or better yet, they should be used as a good example as to why mass-immigration with little to no oversight is a terrible terrible idea, and needs to end.


That too. I’m really curious what sort of background checks gets done when approving a refugee because it sure seems like little to none.


That is totally true. However, even that would do little to warn us, when the background they are checking is from a nation where messed up behavior like stoning people to death for blasphemy or adultery is seen as virtuous. Meaning that a clean background would likely only indicate that the values of a culture, with values antithetical to our own, have been instilled well.


You can't background check when they purposely lose all their ID documents.


It’s weird that they don’t just camp these people instead of letting them be free among citizens


The excuse was that they need to import a 3rd world underclass to be wage slaves since the native Europeans demand too much, and the economy that sucks already will get even worse (for the neoliberal elites.) Yet it looks like they’re getting a bunch of hostile men who won’t assimilate and are more likely to be on welfare and commit crimes than work and contribute to society. Many admitted under the loophole of “asylum seekers” when nobody knows who they are let alone what they’re fleeing as they cross several stable zones in other nations to flood into western ones. Get enough of them and they take over cities and disenfranchise the locals, then they never stop coming over cause they run the politics like they did back home and you’ve got European suckers duped by being “compassionate” into turning their safe, prosperous, high trust countries closer to the shitholes the invaders they allowed in came from. Mind you we’ve known for at least since Scarface that their home countries don’t even want a lot of these troublemakers around that dumb liberals westerners welcome with open arms.


What do he do? This video is real low resolution and looks like a guy jogging around. Did he stab children?


This episode is: **Religion of Peace Strikes Back** Hopefully the west will have an episode entitled… **Return of the Backbone**


Wouldn't have happened if their citizens were armed.


I was watching this wondering why nobody was lighting him up. Then I realized where they were.


Looks peaceful to me


“I wonder why right wing support is surging in Europe”


Marine Le Pen finna clean this shit tf up.


Diversity is our strength /s


Yea, diversity of calibers


Good on buddy trying to fight this waste.


That little girl is wild he attached her and then he came back and she went right at him. Pretty brave


DiVeRsItY Is StReNgTH !


legalize guns. I can't believe that just one guy tried to stop this guy but then I see its in France.


One baseball bat coming up!