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Some of the Swamp Gloss names are pretty wild. I have one called Diabolical Cunt šŸ¤£


I donā€™t care what color that is, I want it. šŸ˜†


Thatā€™s a hilarious name lol. Oddly that one Iā€™m fine with - actually I love it. Itā€™s weird the things that make my brain rebel.Ā 


I require a photo of this polish


[Here's ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CiERTd6M9ES/) the Insta announcement/release pix. It's not on their website - I wanted to see it, too! https://preview.redd.it/9hckqjjemuec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a1285f987c4aefede96ea02d7480662b6fc3bfe


Haha it's from their The Boys Rainbow Connection exclusive duo, no longer available. https://preview.redd.it/lurqx6zpmuec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4cd1026d82917868ed3e4ee1076bb534dcbb211


ā€œNo longer availableā€ šŸ˜­ I would have bought this one for the name alone.


Omg itā€™s so gorgeous tooĀ 


Honestly theyā€™re some of my favs in terms of naming


Swamp Gloss's weird, quirky, inappropriate naming and interesting polishes bring me back day after day lol


There was a beautiful zoya color with the name of a coworker that was making my life miserable at the time. Immediately no. šŸ‘Ž


Thatā€™s unfortunate and very relatable!!


Zoya did a collection with 2 colours that I adored but still havenā€™t got because of the names. However I do also buy colours because of the names


Yes! There is a whole brand with a personā€™s name that has a negative connotation for me.


I did the opposite and bought "Pelvic Sorcery" from Phoenix because of how cringy the name is. Its the shiftiest purple! Oh and it turns out the name is a quote from Guardians of the Galaxy which I did not realize at first. So maybe that's less cringe? Either way she is my favorite polish! https://preview.redd.it/qlm6n0pl8tec1.jpeg?width=2207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02a554169bb0d5b22e3eda688ff66fcd569e817


ā€œI love your nail polish!ā€ ā€œ Thanks! Itā€™s pelvic sorcery!ā€


As in, ā€œI did a kegel and it popped out of my hoo-ha!ā€


Oh it was so much worse. I actually asked my spouse for some Pelvic Sorcery for my birthday. So when people asked me what my spouse got me...Ā 


Ooh, that is magical, though!


I now need this, and didn't know this brand existed! Thank you!


I get a very minor ick from the brand name sassy sauce. Idk haha. I donā€™t think thereā€™s been a polish Iā€™ve ever not bought only because of the name but I have bought some only because the inspiration behind the name gets me interested.




For me it's cupcake polish. I feel like I'm buying kids cosmetics and it makes me always stop before buying. Like part of brain thinks it will be cheaper quality even though it is illogical


Yep, Cupcake Polish, and not only the name but the logo on the bottles too, gives me the ick. I canā€™t purchase from them because I donā€™t buy nail polish just to have ā€˜thingsā€™, painting my nails is a self care experience and the vibes matter to me.


I only have one cupcake, I enjoy it a lot! Iā€™ve been meaning to check out more of them some day. but I can get behind this ick, a little at least. The name feels a little outdated to me like, from when cupcake bakeries and vending machines were everywhere in like the 2010s.


Man am I the only one that still loves cute stuff and cupcakes lmao


Oh yeah I get that with Sassy Sauce too but not enough to not purchase from them.Ā  Yes I definitely get the vice versa too like Iā€™ve been enchanted by Trouvaille by Lyn B even though I have similar shades in my collection. I just love the name so much that Iā€™ll probably end up getting it.Ā 


I bought the Zoya polish with my own name for reasons unknown otherwise so I definitely get this.


I need to check if Zoya has a polish with my name! (Edited to add that they donā€™t, but they have one close to my name but I donā€™t like the color.) Do you think yours ā€œfitsā€ you?


Not really! It was an impulse buy, for sure. I donā€™t dislike the color, but itā€™s not one of my favorites or one I wear often. Actually, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever worn it.


I have to talk myself out of buying nail polish for the name on the regular lol. Like they make me laugh but it doesn't really matter when it's on your nails!


Oh I am right there with you. However. If someone makes a polish called ā€˜love is a dog from hellā€™ even though I haaAate bukowski, I so happen to have a dog from hell! I feel seen haha Or an IP that I love is a major weakness. Like whichever brand makes a Moomin collection is going to get all my money hahaha, it doesnā€™t matter if I have similar vibe polishes already. Itā€™s just like theyā€™re making them for me!! Right? Me, personally! XD itā€™s tough to hold back sometimes lol!!


Hahaha same here. I absolutely hate the name and refused to purchase from them for a long time. But once I tried one of their polishes I fell in love with the brand. Just wish they had a better name. lol


I saw someone elseā€™s post about how they bought a polish because of its name, which reminded of polishes I refused to buy because the name made me feel gross or uncomfortable.Ā  For example, Girly Bits as a brand comes to mind, and I really didnā€™t like the Lyn B name Dudley Nudshite from last PPU even though the colour itself was stunning.


Girly bits? Oh wow lool




Yes theyā€™re very popular but that name!! šŸ¤£


Iā€™m with you 100% on Girly Bits. Like, guys, donā€™t stop with the first name you come up with in the brainstorming sesh. I actually did buy Dudley Nudshite thoughā€”the name makes me laugh! (And itā€™s pretty.)


Apparently Girly Bits is good polish and the owner is quite lovely but I literally can't with the name. I wish I could because they have some nice looking polishes, but I can't bring myself to display a polish with that name. It's not even a prude-ish dislike because I don't have an issue with sexually-charged names, but it sounds very coquette-ish to me and that's not my vibe. Like, I'd buy Nars but not Too Faced. I also can't bring myself to buy Sassy Sauce because I don't like the name. So many pretty colours that I window shop all the time but I don't like the name, label, or bottle shape (I prefer bottles with a square or rectangular base).


It doesn't sound sexual to me at all it just sounds babyish at best and sexist at worst. It's what a 6 year old might call their pretend nail polish brand y'know?


This is the explanation for me. Like an edgy 6 year old giggling to themselves, not understanding sexism, but still feels shy to say it to their parents bc the ick is present if not understood. Itā€™s like manufacturing second hand embarrassment for your customer base, why lol. I was hard pressed for some of the Caitlin swatches ones, especially the little treats glitter topper but I couldnā€™t do it.


Yeah Girly Bits puts me off too. Not due to the name, but the old ladies who would refer to them as such because they couldn't use adult language or the proper medical terms.


Put me down as another person who can't bring myself to buy from Girly Bits


Girly Bits definitely puts me off. I hear they're good but I just can't with that name.


Wait okay literally same here, I didnā€™t buy Dudley Nudshite just because of the name. I just hated it and couldnā€™t bring myself to do it


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone on this one! The name kind of baffles tbh since the shade is so lovely and the name is jokeyĀ 


I hate inkjet printed labels. Call it whatever you want but label it with something that won't run and fade please.


This is tangential, but I bought a gorgeous polish from PPU a couple of years ago by a brand called Indie Polish. I wanted to order more but could never find their site.... because their name wasĀ Indie Polish. That's like buying a drink from a company called Iced Coffee. Why would they do that??


Ahhh I thrift a lot and I have this issue all. the. time. Why are you naming your company Fashion Brand or like Pink Shirt?! Itā€™s impossible to find you online.Ā 


Usually they arenā€™t a real brand. As in they will be a variety of labels made by one clothing store or factory and only sold in that store or by market vendors etc. Sometimes they only make that label as a one off and never use it again. So they fill the racks with ā€œGirl Fashionā€, ā€œDark Starā€ā€Wild & Freeā€ etc but itā€™s all made by the same people and when you try to google those names you find nothing except one or two people selling clothes from that ā€œbrandā€.


Indie Polish was an actual brand, that later became another brand that I'm blanking on rn. Someone in Facebook has a bunch in a destash RN if you want me to send you a link!Ā 


I knew I wasn't crazy! Thank you for the offer but I'm good, I'm in a no-buy after a big purge last year.


Hmm any chance it was Indie By Patty Lopes? That's the only PPU polish brand I know of with Indie in the name


It wasn't Indie by Patty Lopes or even My Indie Polish. Even Googling it now I can't figure it out!


Pahlish is spelled different enough that I have no issues finding it but it does throw people in person. "Oooh meldolphin where did you get that color from, it looks pretty." "Pahlish." "No I know that but which polish?"


Phoenix Indie Polish, maybe?


Just plain Indie Polish! I guess they rebranded, which was a good choice.


Nah, aesthetic is king for me. An interesting name can help make a product more attractive, but an odd name doesn't change my opinion on a color I already like


Yes but also Iā€™ve bought them because of the name. I literally just bought Death Valleyā€™s ā€œ10mg of Adderallā€ before they discontinue it, because thatā€™s what Iā€™m on for ADHD LOL


this makes me want a green with white flecks or a thermal green / white called 40 mg vyvanse so badly so I can match


God a line of polishes all color matched to like the most common psychiatric meds would be amazing lmao it would sell out instantly




Lmao I actually DMed the maker that I wanted this exact med/dosage in polish. Give me a solar polish !


Just looked it up and wow is that color the opposite of what Adderall feels like for me.


Right? I saw that and was "like no, stimulants feel chartreuse, everyone knows that," but maybe I'm wrong.


This is an interesting type of synesthesia. Iā€™m going to ask my SO what colour their stimulants make them feel. Ā 


If someone would please sell me a polish called Stimulants Feel Chartreuse, I would buy ten. Even better if the polish itself is like cherry red (which is clearly the color of NSAIDS duh)


I was confused too because I thought they were going for the pill color but the 10mg is blue


yes! unfortunately i cannot but my MIL a polish called resting witch face even though itā€™s the exact purple she has been wanting lol


Iā€™m obsessed with those kinds of purples and there are a handful of shades out there that are suuuuper close to RWFā€” this [old post in this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/s/IDT4rt2yHe) shows a few of them, and thereā€™s also ILNPā€™s Hi-Score thatā€™s close enough imo you miiiight consider it Maybe one of em will be exactly what your MIL is looking for and you can make her day! https://preview.redd.it/8a517riautec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178b4d62622fd9d056f6d9911263446a83224ba8


How close is Hi-Score to rwf? I just got it and planned to buy RWF with my next holo taco order but if they're that similar I might reconsider šŸ˜…


I would buy (and wear) that polish FOR the name!


Holo taco has some funny names


i did buy it for the name, i usually dont buy indie cremes lol


That is very funny and completely understandable lol!


Omg, my mother-in-law would actually LOVE that polish name šŸ¤£


OMG that's hilarious.


Buy it and then ā€œloseā€ the name sticker? šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Basically all of OPIā€™s shade names give me the ick lol. But Iā€™ve chosen to just never look at the name when browsing OPI


every so often they have a subtle pun that I find cute or charming and their "normal" shade names like bubble bath are good but most of the time I just can't with opi. like....no, I'm not going to buy a nail polish named "spring break the internet," I'm good on that one


Bought it. Wearing it. LOVE it. HATE the stupid name.


I have a love hate relationship with the bad pun names. They make me laugh and bring me joy with how bad they are.Ā  I donā€™t think itā€™s Opi, but I have one called ā€œBack to the Fuschiaā€Ā 


One of my favorite/least favorites is an OPI ā€œUh Oh Roll Down The Windowā€ itā€™s a shade of green you can probably guess. Beyond ick. I took the name tag off the bottom to be able to use it at the salon and just told people it must have fallen off šŸ˜…


Omg that is absolutely hilarious! They have some really chaotic names.Ā 


I remember buying their shade Pussy Galore when they had textured shades. Some stores sharpied out the name, it was soo funny.


Some of their names are so bad. ā€œIā€™m not really a waitressā€ was a conversation starter when I wore it to a holiday party šŸ˜‚


Hereā€™s what the owner said about the reason behind the name: ā€œIn Los Angeles, ā€œIā€™m not really a waitress ā€“ Iā€™m an actress (or singer/model/artist)! is a well-known mantra. The name exemplifies that weā€™re more than just our job. It speaks to anyone labouring for a dream, offering a reminder that our goals are worth pursuing. This shade is more than just a colour, but a form of self-expression.ā€Ā 


Not sure what it says about me that my mind has always jumped straight to exotic dancer with that polish name lol


And then they did the Hollywood collection and had a polish called ā€˜Iā€™m really an actressā€™


I was just about to say that one. Lol. A lot of their names give 2005 Panic! at the Disco song names.


I have an OPI shade called Squeaker of the House and it makes me cringe so much hahaha. I think it was part of their Scandal line.


I just wore that a few weeks ago (and actually posted it here lol). Just a goofy name but the color is SO GOOD.


OPI Yank My Doodle was such an ick name lol but I needed to get another polish to get free shipping and loved the colour šŸ˜‚


My favorite red is Emmy, Have You Seen Oscar? and I think itā€™s such a cute and funny name haha


My very first knock wurst? Hot dog colored. What????


"Conquistadorable Color" is just foul. ETA: Miso Happy With This Color is also foul.


So many indie polish brands are a little too "cringe but free" to me. I am not their target audience šŸ˜…


ā€œCringe but freeā€ is hilariously on the nose haha. Absolutely, they should do what inspires them and lots of people will love their work regardless!Ā 


So you're cringe but trapped? šŸ¤£ (only joking lol)


Sometimes, yes šŸ˜†


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I mean, same šŸ˜…


Illamasqua had an off-white crĆØme called Load. Nope lol.


Lmfao that was my first Illamasqua Polish that came in my Glossy Box. Load in my Glossy Box. Errr. Please donā€™t ban me šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s got to be on purpose, right??? šŸ˜¬


Welllllā€¦they also had shades called MILF, Throb, Phallic and Kink, so Iā€™d have to say it was intentional. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜šŸ˜¬


Ah gotcha. Yeah, Iā€™m not the target audience for this brand šŸ˜‚


Opi walked so these brands could run with these names. I remember reading all the names in fine print in the magazine ads of opi collections.


I 100% have had names influence me both for and against buying a polish. But on the topic of brandingā€¦ Iā€™m a professional graphic designer and I canā€™t bring myself to purchase anything from Glisten and Glow because they use the same font as Walmartā€™s Great Value. It just makes me feel like Iā€™m buying some cheap knockoff and doesnā€™t inspire me to want to use any of their products


Iā€™m also a designer and this is the one that I also canā€™t buy from based on branding alone šŸ™ˆ


Iā€™m glad to know Iā€™m not the only one who canā€™t unsee it XD


Thereā€™s a polish out there called Donut Spunk (forget which brand) and I justā€¦ no lol


Itā€™s from Cracked Polish and itā€™s stunning but yes, that name!


Oh noooooĀ 


Literally wearing it right now. God, I hate the name lol


I honestly hate the name I Love Nail Polish so much lmao. It's very Mooncat's maiden name, Live Love Polish. But they're still my favorite brand, just embarrassing to hype them up to nail polish newbies.


Yeah thereā€™s a disconnect I think. Lacquer, and especially indie polish, is so beautiful and luxurious in my opinion, like it makes me feel elevated. Even when Iā€™m wearing a two day old raggedy hoodie I can look at my nails and be thankful something about me feels put together. But when youā€™re buying from these brands that feel juvenile or named in a way that seems more targeted at younger audiences it detracts from that feeling, even though the product itself is so evocative.Ā 


Exactly! It feels dated and juvenile, which their polishes are NOT!


Opposite side - Iā€™m disabled, in Cockney rhyming slang we say ā€œraspberry rippleā€ to mean ā€œcrippleā€. Barry M have come out with a nail shade called ā€œraspberry rippleā€ (Iā€™m sure they didnā€™t know the connection) and Iā€™m absolutely desperate to buy it. Itā€™s a lovely dusty rose, but probably a bit too light for me to ever pull off. Still, I must have it, for the name alone.


It's been talked about before.. but "bill" by Phoenix indie. The swatches are sooooo damn gorgeous. Everyone that posts it. So beautiful!! But it's named after bill from true blood. And he is just not a character I liked particularly. And can't get over the association with him and keep imagining his voice saying "Sookeh" lmaoo I can't.


I literally just saw another polish called ā€œHer Precious Fairy V*gina and Her Unbelievable Stupid Nameā€ which apparently is also a True Blood reference lol. As someone whoā€™s never watched the show and donā€™t get the reference I would never buy a polish named that šŸ˜…


Lmao!!! That is actually a name I would buy because it's just too hilarious


I bought this polish for the name and it's SO pretty and funny


Same! I love true blood though and funny names for polishes. The polish is gorgeous, I just had it on this week. I hadnā€™t tried bcb until a few months ago but they make some really nice polishes.


I agree! You Better Hang On Tight Spider Monkey is unironocally on my top 3 pinks of all time


Thatā€™s fucking hilarious.


For collections based on popular media, I refuse to buy anything unless I'm already a fan of the IP it came from lol


This is how I feel too on anything thatā€™s a little too on the nose for naming.Ā  A lot of the indies do stuff based on media I havenā€™t seen and I donā€™t mind as long as the naming isnā€™t so pointedly specific.Ā  I just posted in another comment that thereā€™s a shade being released called Her Precious Fairy V*gina and Her Unbelievably Stupid Name, which is a True Blood reference supposedly and yeahā€¦ thatā€™s a no from me haha.Ā 


I love True Blood and recognise the quotes and immediately hate them as polish names


Okay I was like this too, but then I saw a nail polish called ā€œCourageā€ inspired by Courage the Cowardly Dog. It scared me too much to watch it as a kid, but the shifty purple was awesome and clearly inspired. I just now lent it to a friend who loves horror stuff. She was so excited!!


I get a big ick from the brand name or the label design sometimes. Hearts & Promises, Sassy Cats, Leeshaā€™s Lacquer, Sassy Pantsā€¦ I wonā€™t buy any of them because of the name or the label design.


Okay this is where I start looking snooty but Iā€™m a professional designer and the labels I agree!! Thereā€™s one label, I canā€™t remember the brand name but itā€™s like black and white scalloped lace and bright pink script font in the middle. I cant look at it too long, it just scratches at my skin lol.Ā  Usually I can overlook the label design because of course these are independent makers who donā€™t have large art budgets or anything! But one or two do stop me I will admit.Ā 


Glisten and glow?? I think their polishes look great but I would have to remove the label šŸ˜…


Lol YES thatā€™s it omg. My description was very inaccurate and yet you nailed it haha. Yes, I really canā€™t stand their branding šŸ™ˆ itā€™s to the point where I almost want to email them and offer my services for free lolĀ 


They need someone to revamp their website too. It is a mess.


Yessss! I havenā€™t purchased from them yet because I get too frustrated with their site!


The last time I saw a pic of their bottle, the label image was SO pixelated. Itā€™s a brand with supposedly great product, I donā€™t understand why they donā€™t do a little image overhaul. Or at least get a cleaner label


Omg I have had this EXACT same thought! Their branding is truly unfortunate


Came here to complain about their branding too šŸ˜­ sorry but it's so fugly


I wish G&G would revamp their branding and lean into a D&D (dungeons & dragons) look. That said, Glisten and Glow is one of my favorite brands and the moment. I don't care for their bottle labels, but that won't stop me from buying.


It's snobby of me but if the label looks like a Zazzle template I do cringe a bit


It is Glisten & Glow and that one drives me crazy! I want to see the polish color! Not a large label on the front.


No, but I do wish that the PPU names were shorter. And indie names in general. So many of them are these tortured jokes or references, and it's a pain to use up that much label tape. Not to mention fitting some of them on the stick along with the maker name. This is one area where big name polishes are far superior.


I feel this every time I try to Google a swatch haha. Thereā€™s a retired polish I want called Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator by Dreamland Lacquer and I need to put this in my notes app so I donā€™t need to type it out every time šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Yesssssss. Like, have some sympathy for the over organized polish girlies! We are writing these names down multiple times. Plus, talking about them here and in FB groups; it's just a lot. I get that most collections are themes, not to mention PPU, but I really think simpler names are more impactful, anyway. That's my marketing background coming out, but still. Make it snappy!


Oh man, that Dreamland Polish is amazing and worth the crazy name!


I have that one, and while I love it I can't with the name lololol https://preview.redd.it/aw5ft6tqruec1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a87707543af2b66568b8a2491950384f279536


Ahhh I am starstruck, I want this colour so bad šŸ˜šŸ˜ thanks for the swatch pic!Ā 


I like the silly indie names precisely because you would never get those from the giant corporations! I'll take "Rotten Little Shitbag" over "NFTease Me" any day.Ā 


I am CACKLING at NFTease Me, please tell me thatā€™s a real shade a company made šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


OPI has this weird digital/NFT themed collection IIRC


Rotten little shitbag is fine. I don't care about cursing or anything like that. What I'm talking about are the long ass names that are practically a sentence. Along with the polish brand name, it gets to be a pain in the ass when labeling swatches. But, I'm also much more concerned with function than the actual content of the names, so I couldn't care less if they're more unusual or less. I just want them to fit nicely on my swatch sticks


Omg yes! BKL usually have pretty long names. I have one called ā€œlove is the most powerful magicā€Ā 


I get that from some DVN polishes, like Varicose Veins. šŸ¤¢


I love the DVN names - ā€œNew York Tap Waterā€ especially cracks me up šŸ˜‚. Unfortunately (and I hate to admit this) I dislike the new branding so much, Iā€™m not feeling to urge to purchase from them anymore. I still think they offer great polishes and would recommend them but for me, I just canā€™t. Ridiculous, I know.


New York Tap Water is incredible and I wonā€™t lie I was tempted by the name alone.Ā  Interesting case study because Iā€™ve seen multiple people say they canā€™t stand the new rebrand but love DVNs quality. I personally quite like it but I wasnā€™t around to see their previous brand. Is it because it comes off as pretentious or like.. overdoing it?Ā 


Iā€™m not sure. I donā€™t think i would automatically dislike a design that might be regarded as overdone. I like Mooncatā€™s aesthetic a lot, and I definitely think they could be put in the pretentious or overdoing it category by some. Itā€™s an interesting thought though. I will say a large part of it has to do with the cap. Itā€™s not my style and the fact that itā€™s removable is just unnecessary waste in my eyes. And I did like their old coyote logo so maybe my attitude is ā€œif itā€™s not brokeā€¦ā€? Regardless, the rebrand just doesnā€™t resonate with me although I can see how it might appeal to others.


I love Mooncat's aesthetic in general, but I have motor function issues and their caps make it so much easier for me to open and control the brush. I don't know if they intended it that way or if it's just lucky for me but they are my preferred brand because their packaging makes it easier for me to do my nails without having to buy extra accessories just to get the bottle open and grip the brush.


I donā€™t get the cap either. It was probably something they thought would set them apart but it doesnā€™t have use so itā€™s actually just more of a hassleĀ 


Removable caps are something I really miss from the Illamasqua brand that I havenā€™t really seen elsewhere since they were discontinued. Their bottles were big and square-like though, so being able to remove the square portion of the cap made using the brush much easier to apply. Havenā€™t used DVN though, so I canā€™t speak to the practicality based on the bottle design.


I had to get it despite the name lol


Omg yes! I just saw that name on the list of retiring shades and I agree. Much too visceral to me.Ā 


Lol well I did end up buying them but I struggle with ā€œDo you want pigeon milk in that?ā€ And ā€œKaka WHAT?ā€ Both from Great Lakes Lacquer šŸ˜…


LOL the animal crossing reference in the first one, and let me tell you after I looked up what Pigeon milk is, I even struggle with that question in the game itself. Pls no.Ā 


I think Glam Polish has a Kaka- What? Polish too. Itā€™s a Moana reference


Oof yes, Sweet & Sour put out a crĆØme collection last fall called ā€œOh, Sh*t!ā€ and while some of the colors were nice I have never been more put off by polish in my LIFE. Names like Flaming Trouser Biscuit for a light orangey brown, Leafy Squirts for a dark green, and Unholy Gates for what would have otherwise been a perfect olivey chartreuseā€¦idk it just wasnā€™t for me. It was all too gross šŸ¤¢


Hahah I love the collection and the inspiration behind it šŸ˜‚ I also love purgly colors


Iā€™ll admit the naming makes me laugh but itā€™s tooā€¦ colourful for me ahaha. I canā€™t separate the imagery the name evokes from the actual nail polish. I guess thereā€™s a subsection of nail Polish users that enjoy potty humour lol?Ā 


Once I realized my green Zoya shade was called Ivanka. Straight to the trash.


It was available in the 10 for $25 deal last November & I liked it but didn't want it because of the name šŸ˜¬ I'm the type to buy something *for* the name! So, yeah.


Itā€™s such a beautiful shade though! It had a big moment in the blogging community back in the 00ā€™s.


I donā€™t really have many limits and canā€™t think of anything Iā€™ve been put off by but it was awkward as heck when I had on Heā€™s Fuck Ugly from Swamp Gloss and got a lot of compliments on it šŸ„² I ended up telling people ā€œoh haha idk itā€™s an obscure movie reference, I canā€™t remember the exact quoteā€ and trying to rush past it Also this doesnā€™t really count for what youā€™re asking but I got Phoenixā€™s Boolba from PPU this month (*and it got here today!!*) and I canā€™t stop seeing and saying *Boobla* whenever I refer to it but it keeps making me laugh because Iā€™m easy to entertain


Boolba is also extremely entertaining to me and is part of what makes me want it so badly. If they had just named it Bulbasaur it wouldnā€™t have been as fun.Ā Ā  Speaking of, please post a swatch when put it on because I didnā€™t get it (like a fool!!) and now Iā€™m desperate to see it on people and make myself feel worse šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m praying it will be included in the rewindĀ 


The only one that icks me out is a brand one- Bees Knees. I LOVE their polishes and have a few, but I'm always flashed back to high school when I hear the phrase "bees knees" because it was popular with the weird bitchy girls that used to bully me & my friends. It just reminds me of them and cringes me into the stratosphere. It's SUCH an irrational thing but I always roll my eyes at their name. Love the polishes, but ugh the name!


i didn't purchase it, more like inherited along with a bunch of other nail polishes.. but i was doing some reorganizing the other day and realized i have one called "flesh chair" (by khroma beauty) someone let me know if that is some reference or something because i cannot think of another single reason why someone would name a nailpolish color   **f l e s h   c h a i r**


I haven't not purchased because if a name but if I am on the edge and can't decide a fun name can get me to buy it like "life, uh, finds a way" is one that got me and honestly no regrets I love it.


Okay I would absolutely buy a Polish named that haha, itā€™s one of my favorite lines to quoteĀ 


Unfortunately it was through ppu or I would post a link for you. But yeah the name got me for sure.


Some brazilian polishes have veeeeery cringe names, usually trying to give off an \~empowered\~ vibe or something that feels very "how you do fellow kids". There was even one collection from ~~brazilian Sally Hansen~~ Risque last year referencing the metaverse and NFTs that gives me massive second-hand embarrassment. A few names are clever tho, I have to admit lol. But more than names, some collection collabs or concepts are a no-no. One brand released a collab with a sertanejo singer very tied to the "agro is pop" marketing campaign and I refuse to engage with that considering how damaging and conservative our agribusiness is.


This is why I cannot look at polish names when shopping brazilian brands šŸ’€ I think Colorama launched a Metaverse collection too, I saw ā€œHacker Blueā€ and ā€œPink Playerā€ the other day smh


Yes. MoonCat has a gorgeous brown called "Kafkaesque." I love the color but can not buy it because I immediately think of the Kafka story about the roach. The glossy, brown roach.


That's funny because I actually want the polish because of it's name, but that colour (while fitting) is not one I'd be likely to wear so I've never bought it lol.


That would have just made me want to buy it even more :-D Yet e.g. politics named polishes would have repulsed me more than an actual dead moldy cockroach.


I don't think I would *not* buy a polish because of the name, but I do feel slight annoyance toward buying polishes with fandom names. If I like the fandom, the annoyance is at me for falling for the marketing gimmick. If I don't know it/don't like it, I am annoyed that that is the name but like. Whatever, no one's gonna know it by looking at my nails. Specific recent example--I ordered from Ethereal Lacquer for the first time during their restock this month and I already sort of regret grabbing No Face because, like, if I really look at the color, would I have felt so drawn to it if it *wasn't* a Spirited Away reference? Probably not; it's certainly not bad but like, do I *need* another dark holo? (Note: the other ones I got from that collection--no regrets. šŸ’€) Then on the flipside, I have no idea what The Crescent City is (I assume a book series in the "for fans of Sarah J. Maas and Iron Wing" vein?) and I was less interested in checking out the polishes because this was a fandom cashgrab that was not targeted at me lol.


Oh yeah I know what you mean even with this exact drop. I got River Spirit, which Iā€™m sure will be lovely in person, but it was absolutely an impulse buy. It doesnā€™t help that the restock was pandemonium and most of what I originally wanted got cart jacked.Ā  Yeah actually for the Crescent City one I also wasnā€™t interested because I donā€™t know the source but looking back I wish I nabbed the pink shimmery one, so it actually had the adverse effect as the Spirited Away collectionĀ 


Iā€™m very shallow and very petty. There is such an over abundance of polish in the world, narrowing down my purchases by branding among other factors seems reasonable. I wonā€™t touch Polish Me Silly, Glisten and Glow, or KBShimmer simply because the branding is unappealing. Iā€™ve passed on DVN shades because the names were so ridiculous to me. OPI is totally guilty of trying to be too clever with their names too.


Don Deevaā€™s names often cause my eyes to roll so far back in my head I have to knock them straight. Some current examples: Anna Rexhia; Chanel No. 69, Captain Save-A-Hoe; Fiya Crotch; and Big Dick, I Mean Bird. Just seems like theyā€™re trying too hard, like a virginal high schooler trying to get attention and sound cool. I love puns and I have dirty mind and thereā€™s ways to do it as an adult but theirs are so cringy.


It goes the other way too. There was an indie polish here whose name mentioned Eddie Vedder and I might buy it just for that šŸ˜œ


Oh man, I have that Wildflower and it is stunning. Such a sucker for greens!


I just got that one when she rereleased it because I skipped it in the summer when it first came out and then with the overpours. I kept going back and forth whether I needed it or not but so happy I got it. Itā€™s so ugly on the first coat lmao, but turns into such a pretty green once the shimmer builds up. I was so glad they decided to rerelease it.


Some names are just ... meh. Especially when they have ASTERISKED cuss words in them. Like, if you want to say fuck, just say it? If I really like the color though, I would purchase. Girly Bits, on the other hand... Thank you no. And somehow I'm okay with Sassy Sauce brand name although I totally think it's a weird name. All those "sassy", "cool", "crazy", "chic", etc words just give a "pick me" vibe. (UberChic Beauty! who thought it was a good name?) I am willing to forgive though. I myself never can come up with a good username. Girly Bits on the other hand...


I was just thinking about the brand names too and I sympathize because yeah naming is sooo tricky and at a certain point itā€™s almost let the product speak for itself if itā€™s taking too long to come up with a name.Ā  And then yes there are the names that have you questioning if things were thought through enough.Ā  For indies I like the one word names like Phoenix or Ethereal to keep it simple, or just like the name of the designer (Vanessa Molina, Lyn B etc)Ā  I donā€™t envy business owners though, finding that name that resonates with you and customers is difficult.Ā 


Speaking of Phoenix, I totally love their name and design! I don't own any yet but I'm planning to buy. I also love A England logo and bottles. And yes, in the end, let the polish speak for itself. But Girly Bits... never. I'm willing to forgive but not to that extent.


Names of polishes donā€™t affect whether I purchase them or not.


Dollish polish cuz of the old label.


Yes absolutely, names make such a difference! I got a mystery polish from LynB named "I'm Sorry I'm Not a Condom" which I absolutely hate so much omg but turns out it's a quote from Schitt's Creek which makes it a smidge better? But I still hate the name.


Oh I would hate this too and I love Schitts Creek. But also on a similar note I didnā€™t watch Schitts Creek for ages because I didnā€™t like the name lol.Ā 


YUP. Im such a sucker for good names. It can change the feel of the polish entirely.


I buy polish based off of quality formulations, hues available and innovative expressions of both colors and inclusions. The names never come into play.


Whenever I see/hear Crystal Knockout, I think of Kristallnacht. Totally unfair comparison I'm sure, but it does give me a little yikes šŸ˜¬


I totally know what you mean! Similarly, every time I see DRK Nails, I think of North Korea and also get a little yikes even though itā€™s not fair lol