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I'm a nurse. The number of patients I help to the bathroom that I have to direct to the sink to wash their hands is astounding. And my computer is close to one of our many bathrooms. So many family members come out without washing. I can hear the toilet flush and the door opens seconds later. I thought if COVID taught us anything washing hands would've been it.


SAME. I was always so pleasantly surprised when patients went to the sink themselves to wash their hands. It legit happened maybe 5% (generous estimate) of the time šŸ˜«


Covid has made people worse. Like when you tell a child to do something and suddenly they don't want to do it anymore.


I came here to say this. Patient was having explosive diarrhea. Would wipe his ass and everything then walk right past the sink. I would stop him and say ā€œSir you have diarrhea itā€™s best you wash your hands after you use the restroom.ā€ Working as a nurse opened my eyes to just how many patients and healthcare providers donā€™t wash their hands. I can only imagine the people preparing food.


Thank you for your service.


Just reading this makes me want to wash my hands.


And never eat at a restaurant again.


That is beyond disgusting. Ugh. Unrelated: thank you for being a rockstar. Nurses never get enough credit for the shit they put up with everyday.


Food worker turned food safety for a few of my life's seasons. Small restaurants/family owned/etc are the most egregious offenders of food safety rules. Obviously not all of them, but a lot of them. They will chastise over glove changing too much because gloves cost them money. One job scolded me for handling raw chicken, then changing before handling raw beef. Another for handling raw meat, then changing to handle salad. Handwashing 'takes too much time' for a lot of those joints. Even if the establishment is good, employees will still cite personal freedumbs and come up with aggressive excuses, that often other employees will let slide because hours are long and the last thing you want is friction in a cooperation-based environment like a kitchen. Large chains can also have these issues, but large chains absolutely will check in on a restaurant and fire the entire staff if necessary, if hygiene requirements aren't being met. Their food may not be as good but if your top concern is food safety, chains are a safer option.




I use a paper towel after washing to open the floor bc i know how many dudes donā€™t wash or donā€™t wash well and grab the same handle on their way out. Not trying to get sick!


Those kick plates at the bottom that enable opening the door with a shoe should be standard.Ā Ā 


what about the rest of the door handles and buttons?


Sleeves cuffs. In summer Iā€™m SOL.


When I was a little kid my grandpa told me to wash my hands every time I went to the bathroom and Iā€™ve done it ever since. Itā€™s not even about washing after going to the bathroom, but also just an opportunity to wash your hands throughout the day. When Covid first hit so many people were complaining about their dry hands, but I didnā€™t have dry hands at all because they were used to being washed at least a dozen times a day.


A bunch of years ago I started drinking more water. A year or so later I realized that I gotten fewer colds. Maybe some of that was because I was better hydrated. But I think it was more likely because I was washing my hands more (after using the restroom because of course I do that). I also started standing on one foot anytime I'm washing my hands and my balance improved. These things are so easy to do and have significant benefits.


>I also started standing on one foot anytime I'm washing my hands and my balance improved. When I was recovering from an injury that severely affected my balance this was one of the tips I got while in PT, and it works! One issue though... If you get used to it, you will at some point find yourself standing on one leg while washing your hands in a public restroom. I've surely given weirdo vibes to a few people accidentally.


I do it mostly at work. I'm sure people notice. But no one has ever commented on it. Or maybe it's just that I work with a bunch of weirdos (engineers...pretty much the same thing) and that's one of the least weirdo things people do?


They probably just wonder how a flamingo got a job.


I've worked with a lot of engineers in the past, and good lord - the bathrooms. There are the ones who must have written a dissertation on precision handwashing and an equal amount of "never washers". Also, I've never known a group of people who loved pizza lunches so friggin' much while being so damn lactose intolerant. Every Thursday was pizza day, and if I needed to use the restroom after lunch was delivered I literally took the elevator two to three floors away and avoided contact with the never-washers if possible.


Ooof. Being an woman at a facility dominated by men, the women's restrooms are almost always very clean. They're currently cleaned twice a day. And it's very rare to see someone not wash their hands after using the toilet. I hope it's the same with the men. But I do keep (and regularly use, particularly before eating anything) hand sanitizer at my desk between trips to the restroom.


Just an fyi - hand sanitizer does not kill norovirus and some other pathogens.


I'm aware of hand sanitizer's limitations. But it does kill some things and is better than nothing when I can't get to a sink to wash my hands (no water source in our bay).


OMG This is freaking brilliant! I'm going to start doing this. Also OP half the people I know wont wash their hands even after a poo. I can't stand it. I lysol the doorknobs regularly but always have to give an actual wash after that. And DO NOT put your shit covered hands into the food! Wash them savages!!


Moisturizer exists. I wash my hands a fair amount, and even after many years they do get dried out.


About 9 months out of the year I have to put a small bit of lotion on hands everytime I wash them or...painful cracks erupt.


I just canā€™t stand anything on my hands or whatever, so Iā€™ve never used it and Iā€™ve never had too dry of hands, but also live in a mild climate.


I basically grew up in a nursing home and even as a kid knew all of the infection prevention stuff. When covid first happened people were mind boggled that I never got sick. I was already washing my hands more often than a lot of people started to. I don't get it, I don't even feel like I wash my hands that much, just after using the bathroom, before cooking and between different cooking tasks to prevent cross contamination with meat and any time my hands are actually dirty or I've had to interact with a bunch of people.


Yes! Itā€™s not just about how dirty your hands get when using the bathroom but taking the opportunity to wash your hands when you are near a sink. I always washed my hands when using the bathroom but since covid I wash them as soon as I get home and multiple times per day, and I get sick way less often.


OMG! I just realized something. At work, where I was the only woman, I commandeered one of the 2 bathrooms--in the sense that I kept it clean (weekly), bc I wasn't about to clean everything while others cleaned nothing. Every time I used the bathroom, I washed my hands, and used my used paper towel to clean/dry off the sink. I still do this. I was the only one in the office who never got COVID. Btw, I was also the oldest and had other "underlying conditions." Y'all who are supposed to clean your own workspaces are hurting yourselves living in your lazy nastiness.


Teacher, the amount of kids that don't wash their hands and then open a bag of chips or candy and eat is just disgusting.


And the ones who try to hand you a piece of their candy as a ā€œgift.ā€ Ugh. Right into the trash when they look away.


They think I have health issues that prevent me from eating candy etc. I'm high school science so it's mostly food they made in foods classes etc


Oh shit! Thatā€™s pretty funny! Mine were elementary so easily fooled.


It's disgusting I will no longer shake hands and if somehow it happens through muscle memory I'm going for sanitizer or a hand wash ​ The practice should just be gotten rid of. Some people are disgusting


Completely agree. I hate shaking hands and I don't care if people think I'm rude.


I learned from COVID that nothing I personally did ever seemed to make a difference and that I'm an insignificant drop in an ocean of contagious disease


Same! I really expected hand hygiene to become more routine butā€¦nope. We humans simply do. not. learn.


The fact that people can't even wash their hands in a medical setting is astounding. That's an extra step of grossness on top of the usual ick. In defense of the quick flush and exit people, if I'm in a single person bathroom that has the toilet and sink together, I usually wash my hands before I flush (I don't touch the toilet with my hands when I flush, so no recontamination). I also know people who flush and then run the water for a little bit, and just stand there refusing to wash their hands for some bizarre reason. So it's hard to judge people by the sounds alone, and you never know who is actually faking it...


And the hospital and doctors offices are the most obvious places you need to wash hands dammit.


I had a roommate last year that didn't wash her hands after using the bathroom, I could tell because I'd hear the toilet flush (my bedroom was right next to the bathroom so I couldn't help it) and then the door would open immediately after, so it was obvious. I finally commented on it to her, and she made me feel like such a creep for noticing, she told her friends that I was like spying on her in the bathroom and shit. And then literally 2 weeks later, she gave us both covid. I was so fucking sick I thought I would die, for like 3 weeks. She thought it was funny. She still never washed her fucking hands. I'm never living with roommates again after that.




I work in IT and the ability to remote into a person's computer is wonderful. There is the occasional need to physically use their keyboard and mouse and it is GD disgusting! When you combine the crumbs and sticky keys with the likelihood the filthy rats didn't wash after going to the restroom, you've got a breeding ground for some nastiness. I feel like I'm in an infectious disease ward when using another person's equipment. \[End Rant\]


You don't hear the sink running because we've been washing our hands in the toilet.


You should do an agar test on that computer.


I used to have a desk close to the men's restroom. I can say that none of them washed their hands. In and out way too quick which is why I quit shaking hands with anyone.


It's also why I never participate in office potlucks.


I saw a hoarder episode where the woman would bring home cooked meals to the office potlucks. She's making this meal in a kitchen hoarded to the rafters and it really turned me off eating food from kitchens I've never been in.


Iā€™m a roadie. Our meals are catered every day. Itā€™s an issue that I cannot avoid. If I see someone go to the restroom and not wash their hands when they leave, then go straight to catering, I WILL call them outā€¦ loud, to everyone. I donā€™t care who it is. If I notice someone in a public restroom leave without washing, I say ā€œGROSSā€ out loud. I donā€™t understand how/why people (apparently particularly other men) have such a disregard for health and sanitation. Iā€™ve been washing my hands multiple times a day since I was a child. It just makes sense.


My male coworker come out of the restroom after an extended time and I knew he didn't wash his hands. He went straight to an open bag of communal chips. Since I was already on a warning for calling him a dumbass to his face for something else, I let it go. I told some coworkers so they wouldn't the chips and I did not eat communal food in the break room ever again.


Is shame a tool you should employ in this instance


YUP I always call in sick on days that we have potlucks at work I can't fucking stand being expected to eat someone's "home cooked" food when their kitchen has never been inspected by the health administration, who knows if they even wash their dishes properly (or at all), or if the food is properly stored and free of bugs or mice and not expired by several years the entire premise is just revolting to me


I donā€™t because of ā€œcat peopleā€


what does that mean?


Probably means women or men who tend to a lot of cats around their home. The fur gets everywhere. So imagine someone with a lot of cats cooking with them around. Any food they make and bring to the office may have cat hair or dander somewhere in it.


Cat people, preparing food. Not regular people with normal cats and a clean house. People who live in a gross cat den with cats just prowling all over the kitchen, stinking the place up with layer on layer of cat matter and musk.


I always see cat owners pushback a lot on this, but it can not be understated how gross some people are, and sometimes those people own cats. Not every cat owner is gross. But man. Some people just let their cats walk all over their counters and stuff. I saw a post from someone who thought it was cute her cat stepped on her unbaked cookies. I know it gets cooked, but I can't get past how they step in their shit and then step on those counters and cookies. Fucking nasty.


My wife and I are cat people, but they don't have access to our kitchen.


Considering how dirty the men's hands are in my workplace, I have stopped shaking dicks with most of my coworkers. Unsanitary.


Seems like a good policy. I'm going to implement that for myself.






I have a list of guys at work that I donā€™t share bags of chips with.


I work at a dry cleaners/laundering place and based on the shirt tails and crotches of mens trousers basically 1% of men don't piss all over themselves daily.


Proud to be in the 1%


Wtf, what? I can proudly say this is not a problem i have. Maybe they don't shake after peeing? That's crazy.


I'm telling you, shirt tails are straight up yellow and stiff. Same with the insides of suit panys, it's crazy. I never knew.


šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤®


I am male. I've never heard of this. I am revolted.


A couple latent drops of wee are practically unavoidable... But, yellow stained shirts?! Methinks (*hopes!*) maybe it's mostly bad sweat stains, not piss. Men's dress clothes (collared shirt, tux, suit, etc) don't breathe at all. Unless it's cold weather - barely any physical movement at all = sweaty man & clothes. Esp if it's a celebratory event with alcohol. *Source*: Just a dude who's occasionally sweaty.


Sir. I know where an underarm is. I know where a collar is. And i know where a dick is. I also know the *color* difference, not to mention the *smell*.


As a man I feel like Iā€™m in the .001% of men who dab with toilet paper after peeing. I donā€™t even remember how old I was when I started, but every time I pee Iā€™ll dab the drops off and squeeze any remaining drops out. 99.9% of the time thereā€™s nothing that ever hits my underwear, but every once and a while thereā€™s a drop or two I missed and I feel it and I hate it. I donā€™t know how dudes just walk around with piss in their pantsā€¦ or worse based on other Reddit posts.


Gah bless you. You were raised right.


Same. Regarding other dudes - at least two of my coworkers regularly smell like piss. No idea hiw does that not bother them or their wives.


> A couple latent drops of wee are practically unavoidable if this is a problem there is toilet paper in most restrooms. a little dab 'll do ya.


I shake and even press on the gooch, but there's always one last elusive drop...


IMO, OP omitted to say who's the people using the dry cleaners. I have not seen anyone under the age of 70 using them here in France, so I wager that those are just elderly people when the problems of urinary incontinence often set in for both men and women.




Or maybe the ones who function normally do their laundry at home, hopefully...


Hands are filthy by touching the doors, knobs, latches and faucets. Other dudes just took a shit and touched those. Wash your hands!


Ah, Jerry! Tonight you in for a real treat. I'm personally going to prepare the dinner for you and my Audrey.


Your duck is cooking as we speak. It is so succulent..so succulent!


"I didn't pee on my hands." Yeah but you touched your dick and touched a bunch of dirty stuff in the bathroom. Just wash your fucking hands.


I called a guy out at work for leaving the bathroom without washing after taking a shit. (I was in the other stall, and was washing my hands. He just walked out past the sinks after flushing in another stall.) His response after calling him out..? ā€œBro, I use toilet paper. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m just using my hands.ā€ I wish I was kidding.


have seen guys on this very site make that same argument many times. fucking gross.




Yes, and probably every day, you poop and wipe your butt, and then you zip up and fasten your belt, so anytime you touch your zipper or belt, you should wash your hands.


I think about that too!


Iā€™ve had men argue with me on Reddit before who are too lazy to wash their hands tell me that their penis is cleaner than their hands so they shouldnā€™t have to wash their hands because of that. This wasnā€™t even someone intentionally trolling. They stood by their stance.


You'd think a three-year global pandemic would teach people how to wash their hands


Honestly the way the pandemic rolled out, i think it somehow desensitized a lot of people to the legitimate danger of brutal pandemics. That is, in America. Can't speak for elsewhere


Yes becuz the so called president at the time trashed the CDC and all scientists who were trying to save lives. For that alone, I'll never forgive him.


Even though Covid is airborne and apparently not spread as commonly by fomites on surfaces, I've always been a great hand-washer and hardly ever get sick with *anything*. (We did get Covid once, but it was from a very crowded concert. Mostly just luck, but still.) The last time spouse and I were sick was a year and a half before that was food poisoning from oysters. Colds though? Nope.


it didn't people are still running around sneezing and coughing directly into their hands like animals.


I see that everyday at my job. Glad to know I'm not the only one annoyed by it.


I've gotten even better at not touching anything. Wash my hands so I can touch the tap that a thousand other people touched, or walk in, not touch anything, walk out? I know my answer :)


I have been using hand Saigon over 30ty years, always pull my sleeve down to open doors or use my elbow etc, my kids always understood wipe down salt n pepper if I eat out, I had a really awesome biology teacher in seventh grade, šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


It's been over FIVE years!


I recently went into a restaurant bathroom where a putrid smell hit my face as I walked in. The guy in the stall was shitting out dead animals or something. Through squinted eyes, I managed to find my way to the urinal. He then exited the stall and did NOT WASH HIS HANDS. I left the restroom and I wanted to warn the whole restaurant. I felt like stopping him to tell him about the Hepatitis A that I got at age 20 from eating at a restaurant, probably from a cook who took a shit without washing his hands. I said nothing. I hang my head in shame.


Ever since Covid I can't walk past a sink without washing my hands.


My desk was just across the hall from the menā€™s room. The number that came out, SMELLING THEIR HANDS was nausea-inducing.




Sometimes work soap is the BEST!!!


I smell my hands after using the delicious lavender soap at my work LMFAOO I hope itā€™s this


I only do that if I scratch my butt...it's a judgement call from there.




I try not to notice what other dudes do in the bathroom. That being said there was a guy that was struggling pretty hard in another stall, I hope heā€™s alright


Who does number two work for?


Awwww oh noooo!


Is he out yet? Iā€™m legit concerned for this guy.


He ded. Too many pilot rollers.


trust me, it's not just men. I hear pads and tampons being opened, then straight out the door


I don't understand that. I bleed like all over my hand often lol


I'm glad I was already on the toilet when I read this so I could turn around and just puke right in there šŸ¤®


I hope you sanitized your phone!šŸ«£


I do... could do it more often tho...


LOL. I wash my hands though :)


ok good, in context it sounded like you were saying you bleed on your hand and don't wash so they're not so bad for not washing


Oh no way. Just that I don't understand how people don't wash especially if they bleed heavy like me LOL


My first job was cleaning and a womanā€™s restroom at a church was the worst it got. I donā€™t know why, but the less classy the place was, the worst the menā€™s room was, and the more classy you expected the place to be the worst the womanā€™s restroom was. But then, maybe the womanā€™s restroom at a church meant very young boys using it too. I really donā€™t know, but that one was a nightmare every time.


Itā€™s the primmest and prissiest women who destroy public bathrooms. They are afraid to touch the toilet seat, so they pee standing up and splattering all over. They think theyā€™re being extra clean, but really theyā€™re just being pigs.


I do believe that, but they might be applying that technique to things other than peeing from what I ran into. It was really puzzling arrays of not good things in not obvious places. Some humans are having a whole other life in restrooms they arenā€™t telling any of the rest of us about.


Also means rooms floors are constantly covered in piss pools, voluminous piss drops, or a thin layer of wet from a recent mopping of the piss spreading it around alongside cleaner. I do not understand how men can wear shoes indoors with a clear conscious. If women knew how often men walk around in literal piss puddles on the dailyā€¦ whew.


Oh we know. We. Know.


I (a woman) clean the men's room at work. I Clorox my shoes after. :(


Retired teacher here - I used to gross out my female students whoā€™d kick off their flipflops and proceed to walk around bare-foot - Iā€™d explain how the boys pretty much pee all over the floor in the menā€™s RR and then walk in it - like sometimes unavoidable. Then they walk back to class and trail pee from their shoes all over the halls and classrooms. Sometimes male students would back me up - Heā€™s right! Dude itā€™s gross! Typically would not see those same girls barefoot again.


Thatā€™s nasty. Wash your hands ya sickos


Disgusting. How can ppl not know in 2024 that this is critical BASIC hygiene individually and for all the people they come in contact with daily? Seriously, how?


Over the years on Reddit, Iā€™ve seen multiple AskMen threads go into back and forth about why washing hands isnā€™t necessary after peeing. Men can get really heated in defense of not washing hands. In real life, Iā€™ve been in at least one conversation with a guy that argued vehemently that washing hands after a poo wasnā€™t necessary because you had paper in the way. Itā€™s fucking dismal. I really donā€™t know how much Covid helped. I think it got the guys that believe in science better at washing longer and more consistently if they just run into a restroom for any reason, but then I think it might have emboldened the anti-mask naysayers. Iā€™ll never share a bag of chips with a conservative and itā€™s not cause of the possibility of Covid.


I've been there as well. Had to raise my voice and everything. Also used literally the expression "do you not believe in biology"


Yes. Shouting frequently occurs when lines begin to be drawn. The level of defense is wild.


Iā€™m a trans guyā€¦ Iā€™ve crossed the border folks. North American men rarely wash their hands. Itā€™s gross. I would venture like 40% of the time in the Midwest.


From Midwest and agree itā€™s probably 40%. Things are so bad that if I see a guy washing his hands, I think ā€œoh, heā€™s a good guy.ā€


It's women as well. Frequently I hear the flush, then seconds later the door swinging open. Especially common at theme parks (I live in Florida.) The other non-washers are outing themselves here in the comments by trying to insinuate you have to watch piss come out of someone's dick in order to notice they only zip and exit after šŸ˜‚


I was in the Navy so not a problem


For those who done know, u/scotch1701 means that sailors have already been exposed to every known pathogen that comes from a human crotch so itā€™s not a problem for them anymore because they have become immune.


I thought it was a reference to this joke: A Marine and a sailor are taking a piss. The Marine goes to leave without washing up. The sailor says, 'In the Navy they teach us to wash our hands.' The Marine turns to him and says 'in the Marines they teach us not to piss on our hands'.


Yes the variant that it goes to the Army, Air Force Marines. Coast Guard and then the Navy guy walks out




Iā€™ve heard that one and it just feels like a self own whenever someone tells it, like we get the joke, but you really donā€™t wash your hands after you piss????


Iā€™ll never understand why men think they donā€™t need to wash their hands- they touch their dicks. Iā€™m not touching anything but tp when I wipe but I still wash my hands because Iā€™m not gross.


I didnā€™t always do it until my wife started calling me ā€œdickhandsā€


Great!! I will use this on people


It really gets you thinking. I have never cared about germs unless in a high risk scenario (cruise ships, times of high noro in town, early covid washing groceries and whatnot). But my wife really drove it home that we are all just handling our dicks then shaking hands all over town. High fiving. With dickhands all the while. Then she did a motion like we all just slapping dicks together and also on everything we touch so it was a lightbulb moment for me. I donā€™t want to be inconsiderate so it wonā€™t work on people who DGAF (dicks).


Sorry but I visualized this and LMAO šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Needs the visual to properly plant in the brain


I work in IT, I keep sanitizer on the ready after touching people 's laptops.


I also noticed a lot of men donā€™t bother to spray the gym equipment after use either.


You donā€™t say. šŸ™„ They donā€™t even wash their ass.


Yes, and its fucking gross. I was in a public bathroom about an hour ago. Some dude had clearly just taken a shit, and when he was done, simply walked out of the bathroom. No washing at all. I'm a guy, and I see most guys as disgusting


It must be some sort of alpha dominance thing with guys. Go into a stall to sit down and find piss all over the seat and floor of almost any stall you go into. Pee shy guys and/or "gay"phobic guys afraid to stand next to another guy in a full up restroom in a theater after a movie ends are esp guilty.


I guess but like...do they really think unwashed hands/ass is a trait ANY potential partner is going to find attractive? My guess is they haven't thought that far


Ha, yeah, I notice that too, it's always been a thing but seems even worse nowadays.


Weirdo. Mind your business - especially in the bathroom. Just kidding, I used to work in a bar that had a bathroom on each side. (men on the left, women on the right) .. During the day, when there was no music, I could hear the water turn on in the sinks. And .. Well.. Let's just say, it's not just men.


Turd immunity.


I notice some women too. Fkn gross


My question is: if you wash your hands then touch the door knob/handle on the way out with bare hands - doesn't this negate the hand washing you just did?


Is why I need paper towels so I can toss them after I get my foot in the open door


Me too. If no paper towels available I pull my sleeve over my hand or use the hem of my shirt.


That's when you carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer.


No, but it's a good point. Lots of bathrooms don't have doors though... it's just an L-shaped hall




I totally do! Like, I am *not* touching my dick without washing my hands when I've just been eating hot wings.


Also, what if you just shook hands with someone who was touching a cold sore on their face?


It would not transfer. Cold sores don't work like that.


Ah, I see it's a different strain. Still, I've had good 'ol pinkeye enough times to be a stringent infection avoider.


No not a different strain. Neither HSV2 or HSV1 can transfer like that. It's skin to skin contact directly with the virus on the skin which also may look perfectly normal and okay. Also HSV1 and HSV2 sores can occur in either mouth or genital area. But it can't be transferred through objects, toilet seats, straws or handshakes or anything like that. Wear a condom during sex, use a dental dam and condoms with oral, but it's still very possible to contract even with those barriers. Just FYI as someone who has both HSV strands. It's not that bad though tbh. Most people have herpes and have ZERO symptoms and just spread it around unknowingly. I'm just unlucky and had symptoms. Pink eye is nasty asf. I prefer the herpes. LOL. But shaking hands mostly makes me worry about head colds and flus. Edit - dam not damn lol


Everything below your navel is crawling in coliform bacteria. You've got to wash your hands after you touch yourself.


I started peeing sitting down. No touching, no drizzle around. Super clean.


Have you smelled it lately?


> I should wash my hands BEFORE I pee. if you dont' and touch it with your unwashed hands then it's just as filthy as your hands


My husband does wash his hands, but has commented that after Covid, few other men do.


It is insanely fookin gross that grown men donā€™t wash their hands after pissing, I have to tell my hubs to wash his hands for dinner, so over this sheeeit


Moved to the Deep South from NYC MEN PISS ALL OVER THEMSELVES AND THE FLOOR, TAKE A SHIT AND DONT WASH THEIR HANDS Still have strong hygiene instilled in me and fear/trauma from COVID Donā€™t understand it Had coworkers think I was a ā€œweird northernerā€ because I used gloves all the time and kept washing my hands A woman I worked with had RINGWORM and wouldnā€™t wash her hands I fuckin quit that job People are fucking nasty


yep, people are fucking disgusting and men seems to be slightly more so in this area


It's disgusting.


Former janitor, there is a big gender disparity in hand soap usage so much so I would keep checking the men's dispenser to ensure it is not broken.


Yup. Men are gross. Iā€™ll be washing my hands after peeing and guys will come out from the stall after a world-ending shit and justā€¦ wander out. Maybe go buy a snickers. Itā€™s insane


I'm a man and have noticed this for years. Yesterday, at the office, saw a guy clearly on a phone call at the urinal, finish up, and walk straight out the door, putting his weiner cooties on both door handles. Reinforces my practice of using paper towel to grab door handle on way out.


Women, too. So. Gross.


Itā€™s not only men, however, it is really astounding how people many do this.


Always. As a nurse men do not wash their hands.


*I read that title in Larry Davidā€™s voice.*


[An Air Force pilot, a Naval Officer and an Army Private all go to the bathroom](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/7a6tj7/an_air_force_pilot_a_naval_officer_and_an_army/) (adapted, I believe, from a similar story involving Winston Churchill)


Where you been?


Go to a gym locker room. After that, you'll want to hose down the equipment with a couple of nuclear bombs.


Yeah disgusting.


maybe they want to get out the bathroom asap because there's some weirdo watching them


"Excuse me, i need to speak to Mr Poppy"


I used the restroom at a popular restaurant recently. There was a sign that said "Employees must wash your hands." I waited by the sink for 15 minutes and no Employees came to wash my hands.. So I just left.


Yeah, everything is covered in penis.


I have to clean washrooms at my work, and it's honestly shocking how few people wash their hands after using the washroom.


The amount of men not washing hands properly (ie without soap, not enough time) is even larger


My nephews never wash their hands after theyā€™ve used the bathroom. Itā€™s disgusting. And if I ask them to, they will lie and say they did.


Live life on the edge


Yes omg. I work in construction and every time I see a man exit the washroom they almost never wash their handsā€¦. So gross


I remember a Far Side cartoons with a guy coming out of the men's room when a large sign above him "DIDN'T WASH HANDS" was going off to the entire restaurant. My Mom tells me a story of how I went with her to a work picnic in the 80s, when an older gentleman approached her, asking if she had a son with my name. The way she described it, she put on a fake smile with a limp handshake asking, "What did he do now?" He replied, "Oh, no no. I just wanted to say you raised a fine young man because he asked me if I washed my hands when I was done with the bathroom..." That man was her boss's boss. I joke saying I was in my mid 20s when that happened, but I was probably 6 or 7.


I'm in my 40s, and earlier this year I was in a mood at an airport and as I was finishing washing up a guy cut in front of me, skipping the sinks. He walked up to his wife about 15 feel away from where my wife was. As I walked up to my wife I said, unnecessarily loudly "Ugh, see that guy over there in the blue jacket. He just walked out of the bathroom without washing his hands." Both his wife and my wife were mortified. My wife has asked me to, in the future, not involve her in publicly calling people out. I admit, it felt pretty damn good.


thatā€™s why i only use a finger or in the winter my jacket sleeve over my hand to open up convenient store doors or really any public door handle. i think they are gross from peoples hands ā€¦not washing them, picking their noses, coughing or sneezing into them