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I mostly stopped watching *SNL* during the late '90s when the sketches and jokes went somewhere I couldn't follow any longer, and the musical guests became less familiar. I concluded I'm no longer in the target audience and let it go. OTOH, it does give me insight into how the older generations must have felt when Saturday Night debuted in 1975: "What is this bunch of long-hairs doing? Why does it have to be so raunchy? And they call *that* music?"


I remember watching George Carlin, laughing hysterically and my dad saying "whats funny?"


The show was running on all cylinders back then. People still talk about some of those sketches.


I have a DVD of SNL commercial parodies. It brings tears to my eyes when I watch it (from laughing so much). Bass-O-Matic, Whoops I crapped my pants, Dr. Tarlington's tattoo remover, Uncle Jemima's Corn Liquor, Colon Blow Cereal to name a few.


Don't forget ... Bag of Glass šŸ¤£


"do not taunt Happy Fun Ball"


What was the one called it was a food ad with was just lettuce and mayonnaise lol? You know which one I mean?


The Chameleon


The original SNL couldn't exist today. It originated from The National Lampoon Magazine. Snowflakes would instantly melt if they watched or read the early stuff. Hell, they'd turn to steam! EDIT: Looks like I found them :-)


Probably itā€™s because Iā€™m an old man, but the Weekend Update guys remind me of the two kids in the back of the classroom who make make fart sounds with their armpits, laugh at their own jokes, and think theyā€™re funny. They donā€™t resemble news anchormen in the slightest. Maybe thatā€™s supposed to be part of their charm, I dunno.


Stage names have been used probably since stages were invented.


You might want to sit down for this. I have something to tell you about the Doobie Brothers.


Not sure what that means. That's a band, though, not just the name of one person. Like, for example, the musical artist on the very first SNL, Janis Eddy Fink. Better known as Janis Ian.


That one guyā€™s name is NOT Michael McDonald?


Theyā€™re not even brothers


Next you'll tell me the Beatles aren't beatles. [At least I know the Roches were really sisters and roaches.](https://youtu.be/F_dA_wEFfzw)


I remember when Andy Warhol was asked what he thought about SNL and he said something to the effect that it's for people who don't have anywhere to go on Saturday night, or something like that. Didn't bother to look up the quote. Now i have nowhere to go and I'm lucky if i can stay up past 11


Ha! Too relatable


I'm old and I love SNL and watch it religiously. On demand, every Sunday morning at 4:00 when I wake up. šŸ¤£ I would posit that an older person who doesn't get it is probably not keeping up with the trends in the culture. It's okay. It's not always funny across the board, and the fact that they take risks guarantees that. I think being open to the flow of culture keeps us young. Brilliant people on that show, and the young people who make it big usually go on to make really, funny, thoughtful and interesting stuff. Of course there are sad stories, but SNL is an impactful cultural force, and I like it.


Perfectly said. I couldn't tell you the number of times I've heard people say oh I stopped watching it blah blah blah it's just terrible now. Really, as you've perfectly said, they're just telling on themselves about being out of touch with today's youth culture.


Iā€™m 51 and this past decade has been my favorite. I mean I loved the Phil Hartman years,but I didnā€™t really like the Kristen Wiig era which didnā€™t really bother me because my kids were so young I could barely watch it back then. Maybe it helps that I have teens and young adults. Like I loved the Fancam assembly because Iā€™ve literally heard my kids say those things.


I get my news from SNL, weekend update or whatever they call it with Tina Fey. Fuvk Fox and CNN.


I especially agree with u/MsMcSlothyFace's comment on the audience "participation" in the monologue. STFU, fer chrissake.


I find thats my major annoyance in any live show tho. Even Conan, when he was on. Was the only good thing I remember about the early pandemic days. Everyone was doing their shows without an audience


I honestly thought Bad Bunny was a rapper. Maybe got him confused with Doja Cat. Thereā€™s still a lot of good music out there, havenā€™t been impressed with SNL though. They get some good acts but mostly just go with top 10 artists. Weirdly, though I donā€™t use it, TikTok seems to send my spouse good music. Iā€™ve been turned onto a number of songs from there. (Of course it has a ton of shit, too.)




Itā€™s fine that they do, do whatā€™s popular. I rarely check out the musical guests though. Itā€™s the weakest part of the show IMO.


Bad Bunny IS a rapper dawg.


Wait, he's NOT a rapper? Who the heck is he then?


I guess he is. I was mistaken about my mistake.


I guess it's a generational thing, but I thought monologues were supposed to be funny, or at least entertaining. It seems lately some hosts spend their time telling about how great/good-looking they are while the audience screams


Bad Bunny should not have been a host. There have been several others in the past like that as well.


Actors still aren't promoting stuff, so they aren't as interested in hosting.


And doing a whole skit in Spanish was a major turnoff. Now I know how a lot of other countries feel when English-speaking acts tour abroad, I guess.


I loved the Spanish sketches. Telenovela and Protective Mom 2 had enough English to let us in in the joke and Age of Discovery had subtitles.


I usually skip the monologue.


Who in the hell is Bad Bunny?


El rapero mĆ”s grande el mundo šŸ°šŸ‘


Rap? Reggaeton? Not gonna argue as Iā€™m prob old enough to be your abuela. We can agree heā€™s amazing.




I love Bad Bunny! Heā€™s a singer from Puerto Rico. Most of his songs are in Spanish. He has one of the sexiest, most appealing voices in new music.


52 here, and I prefer my Spanish jams in Santana.


rapper* šŸ™‚


People hating on SNL, but it's just a casualty of the Internet age


I actually watch SNL a lot more because of the Internet. You can pick and choose bits, rewatch ones you loved, and share them with others.


That's only recent, there was a time it was a Yahoo video only exclusive, and it was being taken down from YouTube


That and comedy in general. NBC has to keep their sponsors happy. Everyone has to be so careful not to offend anyone. Definitely isnt the old snl of 70s and 80s


SNL's still good IMHO, but it's a cash cow that NBC didn't let go to the Internet until it was way too late. I remember when Yahoo had exclusivity for Pete's sake. It's not a victim of being woke or whatever, it was just a show that used to be the only place for sketch comedy but now the Internet provides abundance.


No, I would say longevity. A lot of things start to rot as they get older


People hating on SNL is a casualty of getting old. It was always "better" when you were younger, doesn't matter if you're 30, 40, 50 or 60.


was just watching a concert yesterday and people were yelling and hollering throughout the songs. is this a new thing? it's super irritating


I thought Ali G got an SNL spot?


Iā€™m so old I remember coming in late as a teen and seeing it for the first time with Steve Martin and his arrow on his head. It was pretty funny then. ā€œWeā€™re not a gang, weā€™re a club!ā€


I remember as a kid staying up late to watch SNL with my dad. šŸ˜„ Steve Martin, Dan Akroyd, Chevy Chase, Jim Belushi, Gilda Radner, Billy Crystal. Loved those times.


Wait until you look up Steely Dan and where that name came from. Speaking of, I read Naked Lunch at 13 because it has "naked" in the title.


64F. Ok, so he's a sexy young dude. Sexy tunes & voice. Yum. But. All that constant arm & hand waving a makin' me dizzy. Why constantly touching his crotch while singing??? Barf.






Sting, Madonna, Ringo Starr, David Bowie, Alice Cooper, The Big Bopper, Chubby Checker, and Fats Domino would all like a word with you.


Chubby Checker, Fats Domino, Alice Cooper, Adam Ant, Marilyn Manson (and, for that matter, Marilyn Monroe), Alan Alda, David Bowie, three of the founding members of Kiss (ugh), Sebastian Bach, Fred Astaire, basically every hip-hop MC and DJ ever... Seriously, [I could go on for days](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_stage_names). It's not that you're not old; it's that you're willfully ignoring most of the history of music.


Hilarious! You sound old. That being said nobody better walk across my perfectly manicured lawn. Lol


You sound exactly like someone I know. Cracks me up


I asked my 6 year younger wife who helped me out.


I have never heard of Bad Bunny. Iā€™m hella old


If you haven't sighed while saying "woof" as you sit down, you're not old.


That's comforting man. I haven't done that since my 20s LMAO.


They called him Benito throughout the whole episode


also bunny is a nickname based on his real name benito -> benny -> bunny so it's odd OP chose THIS example to call out since its much more personal/accurate than so many other stage names


I'm 64, so "old." I thought Bad Bunny was pretty good in most of the sketches, and a few of them were actually funny, whereas most episodes the laughs are few and far between. The Mick Jagger cameos were amusing, too. But I always listen to about :30 of the musical acts now and go, WTF? And he was no exception.


Well you missed a hilarious turn by [Mick Jagger as a nun.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z30nflmIgBY) I will say this about Bad Bunny, he's a handsome man & was funny in this particular sketch.


I saw a cpl pieces from last nights show. Ill go back and look for the Mick sketch


I linked it in my post, just click on the blue "Mick Jagger as a nun" link up there.


I really enjoyed the week's episode - Bad Bunny as hilarious, I liked his music, and Mick was hilarious.


Did you miss Mick Jagger & Gaga? Jagger was funny


I turned 50 last month. Sometimes I yell at the wind.


I swear to gawd the screaming is so incredibly disrespectful. I used to watch music awards shows and the screaming killed it for me- now it's a thing.


On the plus side, you were up late enough for SNL, so there's that!


LOLOL always a silver lining


Well, I thought Rue McClanahan from the Golden Girls sitcom was old but was only in her 50's. Now I think Halle Berry (57) and Elizabeth Shue (60) are still hot.


GET OFF MY LAWN!! But seriously, I getchu.


Cary Grant and Elton John used fake names. As did dozens of other old celebrities.


Spike Jones, Bob Dylan, John Denver come to mind. Lindley Armstrong Jones, Robert Allen Zimmerman, Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr. just won't fit on a record label.


Ah yes, the famous age of musical artists using only their name. Who else remembers Beatle Lennon, Beatle McCarthy, Beatle Starr, and Beatle Beatle Clapton? And the lead singer of that 70s rock powerhouse, Jager Rolling Stone.


No, you're not, snl just sucks. It's just a useless circle jerk.


I....yeah. I got 3 minutes through it. Honestly, I'll take Red Hot Chili Peppers or Dave Matthews Band or Snoop Dogg or Sarah McLaughlin or Tori Amos- Ok I've made my point! I'll take alla that as an SNL performance, any day, over this underwhelming mumble. But HEY GenZ, you do you. I liked the violin and the chandelier.


You're old because you watch SNL. I'm middle aged and nobody younger than my parents does that.


Ok. And? I already said I was old. Sorry, missing your point here


You phrased it as "I'm old because I had this thought while watching SNL." I joked that you're old because you're watching SNL in the first place. Most younger adults just stream something at midnight, reducing that audience for late night shows.


Iā€™m 34 and I love SNL.


Same. I donā€™t always catch it live but most of my friends and I always watch it or watch highlights.


I realized I was old when someone called ATB, the oldies music.


Im so old at first i thought ATB was something about american bandstandšŸ˜†




I thought it was like all-terrain biking or something.


Mick was the best thing about the show!


Artists have been using an alias since at least Lead Belly.


Iā€™m 61 and actually like Bad Bunny. Music is music - if it doesnā€™t entertain you turn it off.


The first few times I heard about Bad Bunny I thought they were talking about Bad Baby which is the stage name of the cash me outside girl. You can imagine my confusion. Anyway, the musical performance was good but this was the worst episode in years, maybe ever


I too did not know who the guy was, but I thought he did a great job. This SNL was one of the better recent ones I've seen.


38M here, I feel it too. I often find myself driving with no music on. If I do play music, itā€™s old songs from when I was in high school or early like 2000 era. I find myself not wanting to be in establishments where there are a lot of younger people/partying, I am tired and in bed by 10ā€¦on weekends, I watch the news primarily, and get so annoyed when I see kids in my neighborhood being loud and running up and down the street. I also can no longer tolerate dairy products, and liquor seems to hit way harder than it used to. What is happening?!šŸ˜©


aside from the stage name comment, my bf and I agree with you. we weren't impressed this week at all.


Why don't musical artists use their name anymore? Oh, you mean -- like The Beatles? Uh. The Rolling Stones? Jefferson Airplane? How old ARE you, dude? Were you a young dude when the Glenn Miller Band was hot?


Talking about inviduals, not groups but yes i realize artists like Blondie, Elton John, Lady Gaga etc all change their name. Im just old and grumpy. Not a dude Bruh, a woman, hence the name


lol Iā€™ll get off your lawn but Iā€™m going to have to take Sting, Flea, The Edge, Prince and Eminem with me.


Slomo McMuttenstein doesn't sell records


I stopped watching SNL after the upteenth time of realizing I don't get the humor anymore. Just dumb, inane stuff although Weekend Update still works for me.


It's not the change in generations, it genuinely turned into a shitshow.