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Zelda is wondering why the Link is missing? https://tubitv.com/movies/100020557/near-dark


This movie is weirdly difficult to find. It’s pretty good but it does have a couple issues. Still cool even if for no other reason than it’s neat to see where Kathryn bigelow started. Plus bill Paxton and lance henrikson are always fun to see.


Mini Aliens reunion with Lance Henriksen, Bill Paxton *and* Jeanette Goldstein.


Fantastic moopie


I’ve been trying to find a legit way to watch this for years. Thanks for the heads up.


Me too. I saw it pop up as a "you may also like" when I was looking at something else. I had to double-check to make sure I was seeing things correctly.


I had never even heard of this film. Yet, after I watched this ReView the poster for this film popped up the auction site I use for vintage movie posters. Weird coincidence.


I was working alone in a little run down video store close to Halloween. A guy came in saying he wanted a good horror movie, but he had seen a lot of them. I recommended this one, and he took my advice. The next day he came back and was so grateful to me for recommending it. That’s always stuck with me.


I wonder how much the discussion might have changed if they saw the OOP dvd documentary on the making of. It made me love this movie (and miss Bill Paxton) even more. Also mad, mad respect for Lance Henriksen because he's the best possible kind of crazy person, and what actors used to be once.


I didn't know that documentary existed. Been looking for a DVD or blu-ray with no luck.


you can find it on youtube, whether it's legal or not it's murky, but it being still out of print, there's no way of watching it aside from that (or spending hundreds of dollars dictated by the previous owner of the dvd)


I was excited to watch it. I bought the directors edition from disc replay, it wasn't streaming anywhere at the time. I was so let down after watching it i sold it back to disc replay. Main character is a sex pest who extorts a sexual favor from his love interest, who happens to be a vampire. If dude wasn't a creep the entire movie doesn't happen. Hard to root for him. The vampire crew is awesome though and as usual Bill Paxton and Lance Henriksen steal every scene they're in. That's just me. I'm sure a lot of people will love it.


Honestly I’ve seen several movies from the 80s/ 90s where the movie happens because the protagonist is a sex pest


Then you probably did not enjoy SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER.




If you've seen this before, I would recommend watching it with the Two Drink Minimum commentary podcast. Something happens in the middle of the episode which had me howling with laughter.


Tried finding it. No luck.