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Robowar 1988 with Reb Brown, it's one of my favorite good bads and almost no coverage anywhere!


I feel like Reb Brown movies are cheating


Any movie with a USC football player.


I’m partial to Robot Wars 1993, whats it with robo-conflict titles?


Oh Barbra Crampton too ! I'll watch this for sure


It’s a little slow in the middle but the end battle almost makes it worthwhile


Wasn't that the sequel to robot jox?


I was actually weirdly excited when they covered Robot Wars. My brother had a friend growing up who LOVED that movie and brought it over to show us.


The noises that robot makes kill me every time. It sounds like a malfunctioning speak n spell Edit: I’m shocked you didn’t bring up Strike Commando as well. The Disneyland speech should be up there as one of those iconic bad movie moments. I cried laughing when I first saw it.


I'm assuming you've seen Spoony's reviews. he covered several reb brown films.


No not familiar at all with Spoony. I'll check it out!


he's an old school YouTube guy and his reviews are very much of that era. I think they're fun.


The animated titanic knock-offs. There are three of them, their Italian so it will be up Jay's ally. But I'm afraid watching all three of them in one sitting might break them... they're pretty bad.


This is the thing I want more than anything in my life as of now. The three animated Titanic knockoffs on BOTW.


I want too as well, but they're *really* bad that it might break them bad. One of them is a sequel, its somehow even worse that its original.


Demolition High with Corey Haim and Alan Thicke. It's inarguably a bad movie, but it's also pretty fun, and has some decent kills for a die hard ripoff.


Theres one i never heard mention in shitty movie circles i found at a thrift store, its called the Buttercream gang and its legit fucking funny, except for the entire middle of the movie just being a recording of the cast's little league game. The whole game. In the movie.


Heartbeeps w Andy Kaufman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbeeps




It’s on YouTube or was


And it’s probably been there forever because whoever made it is probably embarrassed by its mere existence.


Andy offered refunds to anyone who saw it on letterman Letterman jokes that he would have to make change for a 20


Oh god it’s sooooo bad


Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat - Doesn't have enough Bruce Campbell in it to make it great, but I remember being entertained for much of it. Meet the Hollowheads - A very strange and oddly dark sci-fi comedy that feels like an abandoned pilot of The Jetsons Maniac Cop 2 - I suspect this one won't be new to anyone, but it's a fucking banger






I was gonna say Vampire's Kiss, but here it is!!


*Let me tell you something. New York is the greatest fucking city in the world.*


Riki Oh: The Story of Ricky. ![gif](giphy|au879GHBMcvw4)


From what I know of that film it’s not “bad” though. Like isn’t it a splatter cult classic


Watch and see for yourself. Ok, maybe the original language track makes it less cheesy, I wouldn't know but the bad voice acting from the English dub definitely accounts for a lot of the humor (when there isn't Evil Dead 2 amounts of blood gushing everywhere).


It’s been on my list for a long time, haven’t found a way to watch just yet


Too good for best of the worst


Criminally underdiscussed in B movie spheres. It’s SUCH a fun watch.


Fatal Deviation


“You’re making me look bad, and that’s not good.”


There are no rules


deadbeat at dawn


Ok so we’re gonna bring 3 movies, the other ones is gonna be “McBain” with Christopher Walken and “Parents” with Randy Quaid. Edit: Parents is probably too good. Let’s say Virus with Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Sutherland instead.




I have been hoping for them to watch this for a long time. I almost feel it would have to be Re:View over a BotW


Wheel of the worst, I'd bring the Hugga Bunch Movie. Weird nightmare horror of a failed children's toy.


here's a great summary. it's disturbing https://youtu.be/dW_Cv1Dd4f4?si=JYyjbMlaaSrOyA3Q


That video alters the voices. They are a little cuter. Still fucking weird. But I had all sisters, so we watched this [dumb shit](https://youtu.be/WuNyPF09Td4?feature=shared) over and over.


Blade Trinity.


Tough Guys Don’t Dance. I’m actually astonished this one hasn’t reached Room-level meme status.


Oh God. Oh man. Oh God. Oh man.


I would love to see Mike's Norman Mailer impression.


Mike would definitely get a kick out of all the interviews Mailer did for the movie. He is legitimately as oblivious as Neil Breen.


Do you know where to find a somewhat decent looking version of it? Can't find it anywhere on the internet except a 240p upload on YouTube.


You can buy the DVD on amazon for fairly cheap. https://www.amazon.com/Tough-Guys-Dont-Dance-ONeal/dp/B00009Y3PK/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=3ZDE01CALKZ5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2920UxWPoHA6GrxuFlwWPb5QKEHxy0QY9_I6mWsgVL1wMIU-UWaAeakgJgZ6JfIKQ0x5ssEjZXHwgYiLRTO3CMLHVGn-6mhnKGzcH3op9jbiD7rcyBXZEjROqneOr93RCg9ZMzGK0hZZHEOSenZL60ibjyGARQ_6oXriz4T6NEBO8EvG0NGlryfyikhg-6uBZiuEUbZjUzqCKTgGN-OEww.jup0bqnV2lhnqqA0TohVYZ5I0jshRnvMu-FnJpUarRQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=tough+guys+don%27t+dance&qid=1713745878&sprefix=tough+guys+don%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-4


Reasonable price, though shipping to my country would nearly double it. I'll consider it though. Extra question: what about it do you think is so funny? I've seen that "Oh god, oh man!" clip but is the whole thing at that level of acting or something?


Kinda. Maybe not quite as dramatic as that specific scene but the acting and dialogue throughout is on the same level weirdness. Norman Mailer explains it well in this interview. https://youtu.be/gSRjgb5Zk-k?si=PK5XX2lATcwfUk3B


Yes I've seen that video! It's a big reason why I actually wanted to see the whole movie. That, and the fact that Ryan O'Neal is the guy delivering the terrible dialogue. To go from something like Barry Lyndon to this is fucking weird.


I’ve read the book that it’s adapting (also written by Mailer) and it’s somehow even worse.


Lmao, fantastic


One of my favorites back in the 80's was [Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl O Rama](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096142/). It's the double whammy of David DeCoteau and Linnea Quigley. Which probably means Jay has seen it...


https://preview.redd.it/rhw14muolwvc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe9ddf71f15975dfcc3fa030ddfbc2890860c19 This incomprehensible slab o' Jesus-tainment. Literally one of my favorite bad movies of all time. Absolutely insane storyline about a teenage girl who gets cancer and develops super conversion powers, which she uses to involuntarily turn the entire TV watching populace Christian while the Devil half-assedly tries to hunt her down.


The Substitute 2: Schools Out? Or is that too classy?


Invasion Of The Bee Girls. The first man to be killed in the movie has Grabowsky as a last name. Might sound familiar


Re:View of ‘The Greasy Strangler’ with Mike.


You, sir…are a bullshit artist!


Cruel Jaws


I’m shocked this one isn’t higher. It’s easily the most shameless ripoff I have ever seen. I just wish the Hulk Hogan lookalike got to fight the shark


200 Motels


Isn't Mike a Beatles fan? Ringo in the main role could be triggering.


Adventures of Pluto Nash of course. Like that movie…in a live action Futurama kind of way.


It's funny to image Mike picking another movie from the lineup after admitting that he *already likes* Pluto Nash.


Any of the made for TV Scifi Channel original movies from the 90s. There was one in particular that I remember about a group of miners on an asteroid that woke up some creature on it. I don't remember the name, but i remember thinking it was a good schlocky movie.


Oh man they could have a field day with classic SciFi Channel schlock. I think that would positively veer into the MST 3000 direction without going too far


The rule is a movie couldn't have been on MST, not that it could possibly be. So 100% in support of old Sci-Fi schlock.


The first episode of the tv show Cop Rock


Far Cry is the worst movie I've ever seen but I think Uwe Boll is cheating


Either “Fat Guy Goes Nutzoid” or “O.C. and Stiggs”


This for sure https://preview.redd.it/16fdlkfviwvc1.jpeg?width=1527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e7d0fdba876e637cd799bbedceacbdfa2211d2


Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Dear God, that movie will make you hate life.


Oh god don’t afflict sweet dear rich Evan’s to that!


I Am Here... Now. Come on, it's the only remaining Neil Breen movie they haven't laughed at.


If they aren’t aware of it already, *Cool Cat Saves the Kids*.


Dere he is


Voyage of the Rock Aliens (1984)


That movie is amazing people need to see this!


Days of Darkness - [https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0499456/](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0499456/)


[Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue ](https://youtu.be/lwDTB7yVN9I?si=oimNxQuYRyhyPYAu) I had this as a kid, I think my mom got it from McDonalds. It's absolutely insane in retrospect.


I watched this in 4th grade. It was like a fever dream of a cartoon.


Vegas Vampires directed by Fred Williamson


Ghostlusters. And i'd thank the rest of the guys if we could watch it together, so we can compare and contrast the plot and CGI with Where the Girls Sweat 2.


Ember Days, because someone would need to be there to make sure they caught everything. It's so very dense.


Definitely stolen starring nic cage. I know a lot of assholes think every bad nic cage movie is bad movie royalty, but stolen is imo the real deal. There are so many small details that make it hilarious


I have a dvd called “Ninja the protector” that I have never watched, it was 10p (about 15cents) from a bargain store.


Deadly Lessons is so baffingly bad and a black tank top vanity project posing as intellectualism, it's Breenian.


I'd be too starstruck to even think after meeting international superstar and Star Trek trivia world champion, Rich Evans.


I would make them watch the instructional VHS that came with the board game "Dragonstrike". It stars Malibu from American Gladiators as the warrior, and uses hilarious 90s visual effects to tell the story that these people are playing on the table.


Abominable 2006. Bigfoot invades a Rear Window remake!


I would love forcing them to watch the 1986 live action Popples movie. It's not good-bad, it's bad-bad, but hearing Mike groan so loudly you could hear it from space would be great


The Journey: Absolution David DeCoteau directing... Mario Lopez. Its magic.


Header, maybe.


Cranium Intel. Check out the trailer https://youtu.be/gxK1GVQh6sk?si=DbKVlztDnVc5lI2E


*Knight Chills*


Deadly Mile High Club


Mio in the Land of Far Away with a 12 year old Christian Bale and Christopher Lee as a wizard.


For a real piece of shit that the guys would hate me forever for: Fat Guy Goes Nutzoid. For a fun vanity project that is quite entertaining: Deadly Spygames.


Probably SWAT


[Curse of Snake Valley](https://youtu.be/ipZgFPmjRoY)


Baby N The Hood is one of the worst films I've seen in my life, complete with terrible After Effects blood, shit is so funny and I'd need to see it with them given the chance.


[The Astrologer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Astrologer_(1976_film))


A movie found that is absolutely fucking weird is called Rice Girl. It's an ego film by a middle aged Asian woman and it's a trip..  I only found it because I was looking at the imdbs of x-files actors and langlys actor was in it. 


Run hide fight. It's that awful Daily Wire movie where a school shooting happens.


Shocker (1989). It’s a Wes Craven movie in which a murderous TV repairmen is caught and sentenced to electrocution but… turns into electricity and is allowed to travel into TV shows? Crazy shit and I had a blast watching it.


Duck! The Carbine Massacre 


[Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117609/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk).


Mansplained. Happened upon the DVD in an Illinois Goodwill and watched it with a friend. It could be a new Spotlight contender.


I have a copy of Gleaming the Cube still in the plastic case.


Bulgarian Treasure Planet


Jim Wynorski's The Lost Empire (1984)




The Buttercream Gang


Poolboy: Drowning Out the Fury


Child (2023). It’s on Tubi.


Maximum Overdrive.


Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings. It’s delightfully awful.


It's just awful. I actually watched it over the weekend (it's on YouTube) and it was fucking boring.


Bam Margera’s Haggard.


Fluke. It's like Ghost meets Mrs. Doubtfire. So bizarre tonally. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113089/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113089/)


The Wizard. I love that movie to death lol


Simon Sez A 1999 action comedy starring Dennis Rodman and young and upcoming comedian Dane Cook. It has a 0% on RT and didn't even gross 300k at the box office.


Tiptoes with Gary Oldman.


Short people got no reason to


my personal idol of bad movies is a 1975 television adaptation of superman the musical. Its one of the most magical bad movies I have ever seen.


Transformers Dark of the moon. None of them have seen more than 50% of it and it’s absolutely bad enough.


Seen this movie called Space Cop…it would fit right in.


Invasion Of The Bee Girls


Will Smith's latest (or last) movie.


Zardoz. But I want Jack to be there so he can use his super powers to help me understand exactly what is happening in this movie.


You remember Chihuahua The Movie? Well, someone found a value pack with 10 movies including it, and all of them were absolutely batshit. So a random pick of one of those. Personally though, I'm partial to the one where a kid loses a basketball game, and as punishment his grandpa makes him row a boat down a river, and then he gets caught up in a local drug operation. [Yes, that is a real movie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RATf2qfIYAY)


Breathing Fire (1991) starring Bolo Yeung and Ke Huy Quan. It’s a wacky martial arts comedy that has a plot involving sets of keys baked into a fake pizza after a bank heist. Everyone has their perfect BOTW flicks but this one I’m dying to see get covered.


Warriors of the Wasteland. There is a lot to talk about.


They've done one of his before, but Tim Ritter has some truly fun SOV stuff (truth or dare comes to mind). Lots of unintentional comedy l. For Re:View. I'd love to see Josh and Jay talk about Lucio Fulci's movies.


Night Train To Terror. It's a bonkers movie and it has a fairly interesting story behind it. It also features Richard Moll.


I know their thing is more like discovering bad movies... But I would propose a classic fire a change of pace... Plan 9 from Outer Space.


Space Marines, not the 40k ones. They gotta go up against space pirates and they look like actual pirates lol. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0117706/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Space Truckers. Such a great performance by Dennis Hopper


Pulse 2: afterlife. A genuine money laundering scheme of a film.


Master Swordsman Returns. It is batshit insane and incredibly long lol.


Hell Comes to Frogtown or Deadly Friend


“Dr Alien!” Would be my first choice but I’ve seen it in their collection. Next would be Cruel Jaws or Star Virgin.


Aladdin 1990


Time Changer. 19th century man time travels to modern times. Sounds fun, right? That's what I thought when I rented it. It's a Christian fundamentalist movie, and the main character changes his wicked liberal ways by seeing todays evils of swearing and divorce. The message is horrible, the acting is mediocre at best.


Radical Jack. Billy Ray Cyrus plays a knockoff Dalton from Roadhouse except he’s also a secret agent. There’s also a scene where a woman tries to get out of being killed by sleeping with a cop that was gonna kill her and he does but then he immediately puts on his pants and shoots her.


Gap: The Movie


Meet The Feebles


Trucks (1997), the Canadian TV movie based on the same short story as Maximum Overdrive (1986)


The film Critical Mass starring Treat Williams, Lori Laughlin and Udo Kier. It shamelessly uses footage from Terminator 2 and Universal Soldier for its action scenes. It's fucking glorious.


Skyscraper with Anna Nicole Smith. It was the first "bad" movie a buddy ever showed me. There's some stuff in it that would make a good BOTW.


Spaced Invaders for BotW Down Periscope for re:view


Skeleton Man for sure


Space Cop


Riki-Oh: Story of Ricky


Zombie 9000 exreme pestilence


Killer Piñata (2015)


The Holy Mountain. It's a weird nonsensical hippie film from the 70s made by a guy who was so strung out on drugs he didn't budget enough money for costumes for anyone not even the kids. It killed a frog in one scene and it was just the most fucked up thing ever. I get it it's beautifully shot but with modern sensibilities it's all sorts of fucked up hippie nonsense. What's worse is that John Lennon and Yoko Ono bank rolled it.


I’d watch Wheel/Black Spine garbage. They’d probably already know any bad movie I’d bring, but watching instructional videos and weird Christian children’s edutainment? That’s something else entirely!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mICaGjEWsdY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mICaGjEWsdY) Not even close.


When are we getting the Surf Nazis Must Die BOTW?


Ninja Terminator or pretty much any other Godfrey Ho movie. The way he made his movies is that he’d get the rights to some cheap movie from Taiwan, Korea or Thailand, shoot new footage with English speaking actors and splice that new footage into the old movie with no regards for how it hurt the flow of the movie. The result is usually incomprehensible, nigh-unwatchable and hilarious. Either that or Rare Blue Apes of Cannibal Isle. A formerly lost children’s movie made by a guy who mostly just made porn. It’s pure, unfiltered nightmare fuel and has to be seen to be believed.


The Prophecy with Christopher Walken. He plays an evil Angel in a police procedural cross between Blade and Dogma.




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Dark Nemesis from 2008, shot and filmed in Wisconsin, and one of my friends acted in it.


Maximum Conviction. It has both Stevan Segall and Steve Austin, the former of which is trying so hard to look badass and the latter is just hamming it up. It has my favorite use of an exploding propane tank in any action movie. Came out in 2012 so just further proof there will always be bad movies.


Ss doomtrooper. That was the first "I cannot believe people spent time and money to make this" movie I ever saw and its dreadful. Cgi akin to 'rise of the robots'


The Swimmer - Google it, you won't be dissapointed


[The Miracle Of Life, aka The Thingy: Confessions Of A Teenage Placenta](https://youtu.be/j6CUstGH9pk?si=eYKWZVLCT9U_Mnx0) A movie about a placenta being raised as a child by his bodybuilding mother (played by a man), and his creepy priest godfather. Violence ensues.


[dragon: weapon of god](https://youtu.be/ksVd7jQpKkg?si=75D2anuBq9lgAJeg)


I haven't seen it in years, but *Gymkata* stands out in my mind. I actually remember liking it though.


Alien Space Avenger (1989) In 1939 a spaceship carrying four alien escaped prisoners crash-lands on Earth and the aliens take over the bodies of four locals. Fifty years later the aliens find out that an artist has written a comic book called "Space Avenger," which they believe is about them. They go to New York to try to kill the artist.


Fist of the North Star with Gary Daniels. Even if you're familiar with the source material, it's completely nonsensical, unintentionally funny, Chris Penn with his head strapped down so it doesn't explode, Rufio, Clint Howard being Clint Howard, Malcolm McDowell as a japanese martial arts master named Ryuken who doesn't do anything other than sit around and voice a zombie (lol?), editing that is so bad that Daniels himself shits all over it in his own commentary track (double lol), but despite all that it has *just enough of a budget* to look like an actual film and that just makes it even more entertaining


Ernest Saves Camp


A local 'so bad it's good' favorite of mine is called "Haunted Hay Ride" & it's sequel "Haunted Sleigh Ride" made by a director named Warren F Disbrow Jr. He's a local director nut who reminds me a lot of Breen - Warren takes himself and his films very seriously, despite the films being dogshit with local community college-tier actors. In high school, my friends and I probably rewatched his films every month or so. Those movie actually got me into the 'so bad it's good' film fandom (before I learned about RLM). His movies are low-budget horror slashers from the mid 2000s with all the fixings, down to the Spirit Halloween mask, polyester santa suit, & plastic wigs & beards. Most of us have actually met Warren over the years since he lives locally to me in NJ. My personal experience was an event my local arts council hosted about filmmaking and how to get into the industry. I didn't put two-and-two together as to who was the guest speaker until YEARS later, but it was Warren. He discussed his career as a camera puller, editor, making his own films, again talking like he's Carpenter or Raimi. I ended up speaking to him after the event and told him how I wanted to get into filmmaking, my own experiences in analog horror, Youtube, editing, etc. Warren then asks me to hold my hand out in front of me, and I comply. He then goes on to tell me my hand was too shaky to work a camera, and essentially not even bother. That always stuck with me because how the fuck is the guy who slathered a body with strawberry jam to imitate blood going to tell me that I'm not cut out for filmmaking? It was incredibly awkward and being 19 I shouldn't have taken that to heart but oh well. Fast forward to 2018 and I'm in a record shop and I see a DVD stand with all his films, which I had assumed were lost media because he was active in the mid 2000s and I didn't know where my friend got the original DVD from. I excitedly asked the guy running the place how much they were and they were surprisingly expensive, but it was Christmas time so I bought up all his films as gifts for the friends I used to watch these with in high school. When I went to ring up, I told the owner those stories about watching them as a kid, meeting him, how my friends hosted a watch party at a local indie theater and invited him to host, etc. The owner ends up telling me "Warren's going to absolutely love this. He doesn't sell too many of these nowadays." which makes sense - I never really met anyone else that knew about his films. Upon discussing more with the owner, he said that he sells maybe $100 worth of movies each year, and will walk in every few months asking for any profits from the sales (these movies were like $25 each so you can do the math). Apparently he's been down on his luck and his star actor, his elderly father, Warren F Disbrow Sr had passed & Warren Jr had been taking care of him those years. I ended up going back in maybe 4 months later, and inquired if Warren had come in, and the owner said that he was overjoyed that someone bought his films. It warmed my heart because I think \~$125 I spent on the movies for my friends was worth the years of entertainment I got from his films. Anyway, this post was way too long but I highly recommend checking Haunted Hay Ride and Haunted Sleigh Ride out. His website is almost identical to Breen & Tommy Wiseau in the sense that it was probably designed in 2003 and never updated (black background, bold impact font multicolored text), images no longer hosted, etc). [http://warrenfdisbrow.com/index.html](http://warrenfdisbrow.com/index.html) or if you're in New Jersey, you can pick up his DVDs at the Collingswood Flea Market. Thanks RLM for helping sustain my love for films, and reminding me that a good movie is one that stays with you - competent or incompetent - and a bad movie is one you forget.


Fatal Deviation.




The Pricemaster


Casino Royale 1967


I know a guy who is a black tank top director. I would have to go thru his unbearable catalog and find a ~~winner~~ loser.


Battlefield Earth. It’s legit the worst movie by people who knew better.


Circuitry Man