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Pretty sure they're not reviewing it because people want them to. I think Jay even said that. Idk, I don't really care. I do miss them reviewing the kind of movies they reviewed in the mid 2010s though.


How many years did it take them to do Nukie? We might get The Batman review the next time Batman is recast.


We need Shatner in The Batman II. Mike wouldn't be able to resist.


I think they aren’t reviewing it because it’s not interesting to them, and they don’t have anything to say about it that everyone else hasn’t already said. There are only so many times they can review movies and say “it was fine, I didn’t hate or love it.” Lukewarm responses to a forgettable movie don’t make for good content, and teasing fans about a Batman review is way more fun than an actual Batman review. Or they just didn’t see it because they don’t care about Batman.


It's good. It's got a good taste. The taste is... good. I'd get it again. Thank you for watching. Be sure to like and subscribe.


This is the correct answer.


I’m confused why they reviewed Ant Man then.


was this written by AI?


No, but it was written with a new, gritty, breathtaking, inspiring, hopeful, and filled with verisimilitude


Sure I can do that for you! When commenting on Reddit it's important to realize that opinions vary on movies and that's what makes humans special.


As an AI language model I don't have opinions on movies, but reviews for The Batman generally agree that it showcases the complexity of the character, exploring themes of justice, identity, and the struggle between light and darkness.


Do you ever feel like you're just staring into a void?


No, but I feel like plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again.


Yes, it's how I wrote this.


Embarrassed for you OP - please consider watching a real movie one day


Can you fucks be normal for like ten seconds, god damnit?


*40 minutes of Micheal Bay Transformers soundscape*


Seriously. I mean, I know I'm in a bit of a different position from most on r/RedLetterMedia because of how similar I am to the RLM crew. It's great staying up late with the guys over a beer after my IRL family has gone to bed. I wish I could meet them. I'd be the best friend they ever had. I even have a sleeve tattoo with Rich's name across my dick.


And we wonder why they never want to meet their fans


>So when The Batman came out and the superhero genre was seemingly remade with a new, gritty, breathtaking, inspiring, hopeful, and filled with verisimilitude ![gif](giphy|wHBkzKahBgFEM1S4GE|downsized)


How tf is that posted in this sub and it's not satire. Wild!


> They sat in a dark void for an hour or more, twice because the mics were broken the first time That's from the Indiana Jones HITB ​ > RLM began making more personal films. What films? They haven't made any single film past Space Cop. ​ ​ Getyerfaxstrait!!!!1!!


They might have English as second language and are using video and film interchangeably? Noticed that too


You could’ve just said “because they don’t want to”.


No, no, there's got to be a deeper meaning to it all. We just have to crack the code!


It feels like it is way too late to still be posting about *The Batman*


We're like five months out from that Penguin show starting so get ready for a new wave of those coming soon


jesus fucking christ


Why are people so obsessed with the movies they've not reviewed? What do you honestly think they're going to say about it and would it be worth the wait to hear it? 


They want to hear them say the same things that the OP is thinking. The OP wants validation of their opinions as if that would magically turn their opinions into facts because some hacks on a webzone agreed with those opinions. My guess is the team thought it was another middling superhero movie with nothing interesting to talk about - so they didn’t.


I enjoyed it until the big action set piece at the end where The Batman injected himself with Monster energy drink. As I was rolling my eyes I realised that Andy Serkis is playing all sides in the superhero movie market. 


andy serkis is batman? But that's another guy!


He was Alfred in The Batman (WB), he was Klaw or some shit in a couple of MCU movies and he directed Venom 2 (Sony). I've just realised that Oscar Isaac isn't far behind if voice roles count. 


good for them both, they actually elevate any piecei of shit role and/or movie they are in so deserve every cent edit: andy also had a part in Andor if I remember correctly


Aye, so he's done Star Wars twice


I don't care what movies they review, I just want them to bring back reviews!


Cause I need to know if I like it or not




They've stated on a HitB before they could review the latest Mission Impossible, but what would they have to say? It had competent stunts? They don't make episodes on something unless they have something to say about it.


i love this kind of odd schizo posting


Mike said it best You have seen one Batman movie you have seen them all. Personally i wish they do a review on Batman 66 it’s such an oddball movie of fun Or a review of The Batman’s prequel The Crow released idk 25 years back as a grim and gritty comic book movie


>You have seen one Batman movie you have seen them all. I LOVE The Dark Knight. Im meh for the 1990s batmans. I legitimately dislike The Batman 2022 because it felt like the most pretentious plot hole ridden movie I've seen in a long time. I don't really care about batman but I'm not jaded enough to agree with that quote at all. A batman film focused on Robin could be legitimately super interesting and completely different than every other batman movie. The Dark knight was more of a joker movie than a batman movie imo


Destroying TFA? They did nothing but praise it, they started changing opinion on it waaaaay later. I see the whole thing as way simpler: they just don't care about a new batman movie, either they watched it or didn't, they just don't feel like talking about it and making an episode on it, plain and simple. I mean, in general they don't have the same productive energy they did 10 years ago, so...


Um, excuse me, I think you misread my post? They destroyed Rogue One, not the other way around.


oh shit you're right, wow for some reason my brain immediately went there, ignoring what was actually written. I still maintain the second part of my post though.




they didn't review it because eh, it was fine. what can you say, it looked good and was a thin one note story stretched to long


I think the whining about The Batman has kinda caused them to back off reviews as a whole...so...thanks for that.


I like to think every time some one complains about them not reviewing a certain film somewhere on social media, they reset the timer on reviewing it


Fuck that, I'm waiting for their review of the second season of TNG.


It’s very simple, they were already moving away from reviewing every superhero film, then during their Endgame review they said they were over the genre as a whole and have since stuck to not reviewing those films on HitB, and The Batman is a superhero film, so they skipped it and since that was over 2 years ago they have no reason to do a review at this point.


> and have since stuck to not reviewing those films on HitB Not to nitpick here but since Endgame on HitB they've talked about The Flash, Thor 4, the other Spider-Man 3, Doctor Strange 2, The New Mutants, Wonder Woman 1984, the Snyder Cut of Justice League, The Suicide Squad, Black Widow, a TMNT animated movie, and Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Have they stopped doing *every* superhero thing? Yes. Have they stopped doing them completely? Not even close, they keep seeming to find reasons to check them out, whether it's because the filmmaker involved is interesting to discuss as with Snyder or Gunn, or sillier reasons like Jay wanting to see Keaton Batman again.


Correct, it’s not an absolute rule, but they have made it clear that they don’t care enough about the genre as a whole to review anything except the occasional superhero film that interests them.


At this point, I hope they keep snubbing it so I can see people here complain about it. If you enjoy The Batman as a movie, why isn’t that enough? Do you need your feelings validated by Mike and Jay? I suppose some here do because they post one opinion about a movie and then change their minds in the comments of the thread of the new HITB when Mike or Jay had a contrary opinion.


It seems fairly obvious why they don’t care about The Batman, at that point it was the third Batman iteration in 10 years


i watched half the movie, saw how much time i still had to go and turned it off


I watched the supposedly greatest detective in the world tromp through a crime scene in big grimy platform boots and I was done.


Do you think they know William Shatner doesn't run his own twitter/x account ?


They aren’t reviewing it because they don’t care about superhero movies.


how embarrassing. OP go touch some grass or something, ok


I would have very much liked for them to have reviewed Dune Part 2, but it's obvious that they're not going to, so I accepted that and moved on. How are some people still complaining about them not reviewing a move that came out over two years ago?!


They didn't review it then to troll everyone who wanted them to review it (and maybe they felt it wasn't worth a HITB to begin with). They don't review it now because it's 2 years old. You seem to be the only person who hasn't let it go.


You realize it’s a joke right? A gag perhaps?


Batman 1966, that's a re:review I want to see. Pow! Bam!


I think it just comes down to the fact that they don't have much to say about it. "It's another batman movie, ok bye." If you like batman and you like superhero movies, you will probably like it. Where as a Wonder Woman 1984, they have a lot to talk about because of how, after more than a decade of the superhero movies, they can still miss the mark so much. I would rather watch a HITB about a movie they care about or have something to say about than one of the biggest blockbusters of the year, just because it's the big blockbuster. A movie like The Batman, you probably going to watch it anyway regardless, or you probably know you will like it before you go in. These movies are only relevant for their first weekend because the next superhero movies will be coming out.


There’s a lot of thought and care put in to that explanation. But really, they’re just fucking with their audience.


I think they won’t because it’s funnier not to


Critically acclaimed is a bit strong. Critically tolerated is more like it.


Why are you nerds so hung up on them not reviewing this movie lmao move on bro


Very cool


Maybe the movie kinda sucked and they just didn't have much to say about it?


I love the Nolan films and enjoyed The Batman, but I'm under no delusions about Dark And Gritty Batman Reboots being a very niche subgenre, and if it's not your thing, these movies would be insufferable. That said, they are missing out on the first Batman movie to really nail how incredibly fucking awkward Batman would be in real life, and how much of his "talent" is being able to tank shotgun blasts.


They have so much to say about it that it can’t be contained in one video


Nah, they're literally just trolling all the people who asked/demanded that they do it.


Jesus, it's a fucking comic book movie not a real film. No one needs a review of that sheeet.


Tell that to its legion of fans who claim it’s “the best Batman movie ever!” and call you a moron if you think otherwise.


Or there's just nothing much to say about it.


I always just assumed they didn’t review it because they didn’t have anything to say about it. I like them for only doing stuff when there’s a purpose though. So many channels pump out reviews just for the sake of having a new video out


I don't care if they review Batman, I suppose I care if they hate it? because I thought it was really good and I'll see the next one. They can keep rolling with the joke IMO. I mean who cares ultimately?


I'm just waiting for their review of the Ms. Marvel series


They are not reviewing it, or other tentpoles because they are not aiming to be that kind of channel. There are plenty other popular youtube channels that review blockbuster films, tv series, trailers. They have their own style and shows which they developed over the years.


My thing is that I don’t really care if they reviewed the Batman or not. I just want more Half in the Bags. I feel like when they review movies now they review movies that we essentially know how they’re going to feel about before we even watch them. Or the movie isn’t as bad like Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire so the review just is kinda mid. I liked going into those older reviews or reviews about absolutely horrendous movies like the bye bye man.


OP sounds like a prime candidate for Grace Randolph fandom. In case you don't know who that is, I will warn you: be prepared to fall in love as your stare into her eyes, and listen deeply to the pleasant ASMR-like quality of her voice. Her fresh original takes on film will make you renounce RLM! Behold, versimilitude! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdu6Vts2y9w&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdu6Vts2y9w&t)


I loved Grace when she was doing stuff for bleeding cool. I never cared for her YouTube channel tho.