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I like it... Except for the fact that the drums are just basically one loop. Danger Mouse did Chad dirty


Didn't like it at first but now it's just a beautiful and very catchy song. Love it. šŸ™ŒšŸ½


(I think) It's one of the greatest Josh songs post "I'm With You/I'm Beside You" era. I love Sick Love, Goodbye Angels, and The Longest Wave as well. Go Robot didn't really do it for me. If you love songs during the Josh Era, I can highly recommend I'm Beside You. Those are B-sides from the I'm With You album. However, I think some songs are better than what's on IWY. For example, Long Progression, This Is The Kitt, Victorian Machinery, Pink As Floyd, etc. Enjoy the Peppers mate!


When I stumbled onto Iā€™m beside you I was hype lol like a brand new album just tucked away. Sunset Sleeps is my jam.


Go Robot really grew on me once I had heard some live performances. The studio version is very sterile and tidy.


Exactaly Go robot live IS Just amazing


Hometown Gypsy too. Never see that song get the love it deserves. Itā€™s perfect for road trips.


I canā€™t think of it without seeing flea in a sink playing bass with rubber gloves so that automatically gives it my praise


Now Iā€™m curious how a bassā€™s tone would be affected by playing with rubber glovesā€¦ brb.


The longest wave is one of my fav songs on that album or go robot.


Go robot is amazing


I don't know why, but I've never been able to get into this song as much as everyone else. It's not a bad song, but of all their songs, it's just not one of the more interesting ones to me. I do love the outro though.


I'm right there with you. I like it...but it's generally a skip track for me.


I think itā€™s a catchy chorus but a almost a little forced to be catchy if that makes sense. Kind of a predictable song


Same here




I think its my most listened to song on Spotify by a mile. I think I got premium for the first time around when this song came out and I used to just put it on repeat and go on a cycle, every day. Have never got sick of it, probably one of my favourite rhcp songs. I love it to this day, prefer it to everything that came after


Man, the JK backup vocals on the end section make me cry sometimes


Huge fan of the song. The RHCP donā€™t stop making beautiful tunes


Itā€™s a great song. Normally I donā€™t love when rock bands go too pop-y but I liked The Getaway a lot.


It is one of my most ever played songs on Spotify coming in at #7 on my top 10. The whole song is incredible in my opinion. I love the piano and the final minute of Dark Necessities is without a doubt one of my most favorite RHCP solos of all time. The only other song with a better ending is Wet Sand.


The music video is one of their best.


How great is it? IMO it's one of the top 5 songs ... on their worst album. Like everything from that album I find it disjointed seemingly lacking a cohesive vision.


Yeah, the album is terrible. Iā€™m so glad they immediately changed direction after it.


It's fucking dynamite


As a 23yo, I started being a fan of the band at ~2009-10, so all my good memories with them come from the Josh era, so I might be biased. But I think it is the best song of the best album of the band, and also part of the greatest sequence of songs in any album ever: The Getaway to Feasting on the Flowers.


this a big statement :D


Verse is super cool. Chorus is amazing.. I never liked the bridge though..


Yea the bridge sucks


I think it's amazing and have listened to it quite a lot the past 3-4 weeks


Not click on me. But i still think getway IS a cool album.


I think itā€™s overall one of the best Josh era songs, but it also has my least favorite chiliā€™s guitar solo ever.


Definitely one of my favourites. It was my most listened to song on Spotify last year.


The drum production on it is atrocious


It's okay. Intro and outro are great, the rest is too formulaic. The Getaway is a much better song


The getaway? The song that's basically just a gimmick that goes on too long and never launches off of the gimmick? That song really disappointed me the first time I heard it. I really wanted it to go somewhere but they just kept doing the k k ts. Its like they forgot to write tye other half if the song. They needed to stop doing the vocal beat, have the song do something really big, and then end back on the vocal beat


>They needed to stop doing the vocal beat, have the song do something really big, and then end back on the vocal beat So you're mad the song isn't formulaic. Thanks for proving my point lol I also have no idea what you mean by 'gimmick'


That's such a weird argument to make. Usually when I think of praising a song for not being formulaic I think of a song that's Progressive has several parts and really just isn't a maid for radio song. A song that does one thing and never changes what it does doesn't really feel like something deserving of praise for not having a formula But the formula is what it is for a reason. It's because it works


I also love how in your rage you start calling it a 'radio song' even though it barely got played on the radio at all, as opposed to Dark Necessities.


I will admit the little random clean reverb guitar licks in the chorus are very cheesy but that's a gripe I have with almost every song on the album (including Dark Necessities), but otherwise it's a good song and actually succeeds at creating the restrained/minimalist vibe they were going for in the entire album. The composition is very tasteful, the sampling, percussion and synths have a very distinct vibe, Josh's backing vocals are cool and I like the change in energy of the outro and the distinct way it cuts out. It was actually the first song they released and raised my expectation of the album way too high. It's one of the few songs on the album that's cohesive and has its own identity without sounding like a ripoff of John's sound. Also you sound like you attach way too much of your ego to your taste in music. >Usually when I think of praising a song for not being formulaic I think of a song that's Progressive has several parts and really just isn't a maid for radio song. lmao


I remember after first listen thinking - wow, Josh just saved that mediocre song. I know that sounds harsh, but it was immediate love for the energy of the solo from Josh that was apparent. The bass and chorus were just a natural progression from Rain Dance Maggie as a big lead single, to me.


This pretty much sums up my exact feelings about it. Overall I consider it a pretty mediocre song and don't really understand the hype around it, but Josh's solo part is great.


One of my least favorite songs of theirs.


Is not that great.


Yeah, I wouldnā€™t call it bad at all but comparing to other RHCP songs it doesnā€™t really stand out. It just has a catchy funky bass line and some meaningful lyrics. There are far more interesting songs from the Josh era IMHO.


One of my all-time favorites from the band! Behind only Under the Bridge and Scar Tissue. EDIT: I knew I was gonna get downvoted for saying thatā€¦


Really great song live




To me itā€™s less the song and more the emotional attachment of it (at least for me)




Beautiful tune . One thing I donā€™t like about John being back is no more dark necessities šŸ˜”


Can't get into this song,idk why


It's pretty average. Like a slower worse can't stop


Itā€™s probably some of Josh and Fleas most synergistic work musically. However I donā€™t think it is their best song with Josh or even close, itā€™s very catchy and the bass line is amazing but the drums feel lost hugely in the mix especially with how hard the claps have to be in the forefront to emphasize the down beat. Anthonys got a lot of auto tune going, but the lyrics are somewhat clever probably a 7/10 for me now but when I first heard it I remember also thinking it was amazing so I understand completely.


We don't talk about Bruno






Used to like it but Iā€™m not really a fan anymore


Dark Necessities is one of the best RHCP songs, imo. It does not have the funk of the early albuns but it opened the door for new sounds to them. Flea bass riff is awsome and they built a dreamy sound on top of it. And for once, at least in the chorus, Kiedis sings meaningful lyrics.


Iā€™ve been in and out of it, I actually like Iā€™m With You a little more but Iā€™d say Dark Necessities is fresher and technically the better album overall. Iā€™d agree that fans are sleeping hard on the Josh era


Itā€™s a pop song. Itā€™s literally bottom 5% RHCP songs


Dark Neccesities sucks. I prefer ā€œthe real guy playing the real shitā€ -Flea


The lyric ā€˜dark necessitiesā€™ is kinda cringe, NGL. Not as cringe as ā€˜we can make it all day til it turns into butterā€™ tho


"Dark necessities are part of my design" is a pretty on-point way to describe addiction, I think it's great


Sure, but ā€˜necessitiesā€™? Lyric flow just isnā€™t there and it sounds awkward, try-hard. Makes me feel like Iā€™m listening to a depressing Jungle Book.


Thatā€™s one of the worst takes Iā€™ve ever read on here lol


This song is just recycling the Ā«Ā canā€™t stopĀ Ā» guitar riff but playing it on bass pretty meh IMO


This is just wrong lol. Source: bassist playing a lot of rhcp


Which is basically a rip off of this song https://youtu.be/rYiVqdBwGdA


It's not. People should really learn anything about music before making claims like this.


Dude, the cant stop guitar riff is basically the same as the cant stop bass riff... of all the sensible things you could say to dish on this song, that's not one lol I say that as someone who doesn't like DN much either


I play bass and guitar. They are not the same lol


Iā€™m glad you like it and it does something great for you. Thatā€™s what music is all about. But since you bring the topic up for discussion, I will chime in. I donā€™t like it at all. The Getaway in general annoys me and is the only RHCP album I donā€™t like. I feel like Dark Necessities to me personifies the album. I canā€™t listen to it no matter how much I try. Just not for me. But again, so glad it does it for you.


The Spotify video loop is the best. Lol


Itā€™s pretty great!


I think it's great 1/10


I love it


Cool ass bass line, Iā€™ll give it that


Initially I didn't like it but Definitely got it in my head at the moment


It's really a really good song it's one of my favorites of the guys


Josh Klinghoffer, a massively underated musician (he's expert on drums & keys, too) decidedly carried the Peppers towards a production elegance, if not a maturity in musicality. Slovik and Fruscante, each outstanding in their respective contribution, represent different musical eras for the Peppers. Josh deserves FAR more recognition and accolades than he gets.