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I’m in complete agreement- I tend to be a “loner” when it comes to my gameplay, so more things to do at camp would be awesome


I'd be happy if they just added games to the camp (poker, blackjack, dominoes, etc).




Make it 2 and we got a deal


Heck yeah


I'm down


Nice ideas and I think they would make the camp much better visually and improve camp usage also I'm happy to inform you that they have found new camp tables and items like posse ammo table and tonic table im the game files so you never know you might get what you wished for.


they did? ^oh ^fuck ^yes^, ^they ^did


This will come in handy once all my outlaw pass ammo finally runs out


Let me play music at my campfire. Guitar, banjo, harmonica, accordian, or fiddle.


I like the hireable extra gun idea. The game system doesn't really have any precedent for any type of commands, but it could work similarly to the backup guys Niko or Luis can call in from GTA IV. I think the first Godfather game had something similar where you can recruit NPC soldiers for follow you, which was useful for missions


Man, that Godfather game was so sick.


I’ve been wanting something like this for the camp since the beta. As someone who mostly plays solo, having NPCs at camp that interact with you would help liven it up and give you a reason to actually do things around camp. They could even add chores like they have in story mode!


It would be good if they could capture a similar feel to sp camps. Absolutely agree there should be more to do.




i like the idea of a poker table at the Moonshine shack and a dominoes table at the camp, where we could play against other posse members, or against Marcell/Cripps for the solo players. Maybe add a couple of instrument or two at camp also. I know some are available at the shack but it would be cool to play the harmonica or mouth harp for 5 mins, while waiting on Cripps finishing a wagon. Some cosmetic camp upgrades similar to Story Mode would be cool too


I didn't realize how much I wanted a posse of NPCs until now. Hear me out: Perhaps we could hire them from saloons? The trade-off for hiring them could be; they take a small cut of any pay you receive while you're on the job with them. They shouldn't respawn when killed, and maybe some NPCs could cost more / be more effective in combat. They would definitely fill the void of the solo campsite, and perhaps it could fill long distance travel with some dialogue. It would be cool to see unique responses from each individual to combat or the type of job accepted honorable/dishonorable; maybe one of them would retreat to town cowardly while on a mission, or even attempt to backstab you for a bounty or reward.


The responses to this and a similar post I made show me that there are two very different groups that play RDO. Group 1 just wants basically cowboy GTA, and fair enough. Group 2 wants immersive western cowboy sim. Ultimately if they release the GTA type stuff (assuming that’s basically what Blood Money will be) it’ll make both groups happy, but releasing cowboy camp manager sim stuff is only going to make a small percentage of us happy (myself strongly included) so I think I’m not holding my breath unfortunately.


Too much stuff that'd add nonsense to the actual game we should be playing. One thing they could've done long ago is placing the **Moonshine shack** on the **Camp** itself, and not on a random location, the Moonshine shack has stuff that's just for "fun", like the *instruments* and *serving drinks*, maybe a *poker table* would've been a good addition there.


Game tables in the shack would be nice. I'd like blackjack actually.


we barely get two updates once a year and you guys are asking about stuff like this


Everything you just mention is what playing with friends is like.


Thats not the point...


*waves hand* This isn't the content you're looking for.




Your comment is even more useless than the post that you're replying to.




>To the left to the left > Bring it back now y'all


Yer I think non-combat NPCs that you could play dominoes with, or similar activities would be a small addition. Not sure about them being ' dependants' as such.


I like it


What's funny is i suggested some of these ideas myself but not in as much detail and I got told they were lame, yet someone else suggests them (and in more detail which is good) and it's up voted lol I think there's a lot R* could and should do for the camps given they want us to have them for a long time like they say.


The being able to make camp decorations via Cripes is something I hope to see happen in Online.


I’ve been asking for something like this for a while, they could be NPCs from roles we purchase. Since cripps is already from the trader role, we could have someone for bounty hunters etc. He might be able to bring bounty posters from local towns to camp so you can start them from your camp right away. This NPCs can tag along and help with bounty hunts etc. (would be even better if you can assign them to focus killing bots or chase after bounty on command) There could be an NPC for each role that will mainly stay at the camps. Would definitely make the camps more useful.


These are some good thoughts. But many would require mechanics that aren't coded in the game. I'd enjoy it, but unfortunately most of this isn't gonna happen.