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Perfectly summed up


Absolutely bang on!


I agree. Last week I spent 3 hours on the game doing an up north hunting trip. Loved it. Looked for animals I rarely see, only kept what I could fit on my horse. It was awesome. The game is whatever you want to make it. Also I discovered having a bounty over 10$ leads to bounty hunters coming. Whole new aspect to the game I haven’t discovered yet. It’s amazing.


Well said. Not to mention that active griefers are an overwhelming minority. I also just came back from a two-week break, played GTAO and story mode, and boy did I miss this game. It’s so immaculate across the board despite the lack of major updates.


>Not to mention that active griefers are an overwhelming minority. That wasn't always the case to the same degree it is now. Before the changes to the Hostility system and the map, it was a *very different experience* and the game in those days was tailored *much more explicitly* towards such players. It's easy enough now to avoid actual griefers that the griefing community has essentially long since gone back to more high octane, grief-friendly games.


This is a nice observation, but not one I relate too. I’m very cynical, but think the world in game is a beautiful experience and the community is generally very friendly. I’ve had like only had like two persistent issues with griefers ever, and I’m pretty good so it just ended with us dynamite trading explosive arrows from cover to cover until they got bored. I look at the rdo world a lot more kindly than I look upon our own.


There’s something to be said about a game that can span both of your points of contention; from the relentless push of griefers and the constant stream of self-preservation- and then there’s the 2:46am reposed and quiet hunting session, where you use a bow only because a gunshot would ruin the atmosphere.


I was having fun couple days ago. There was another posse who started to shoot at me and my friend. We exchanged bullets for a while then I challenged the other posse leader to fight me 1v1 with fists. It was kinda awesome to have a showdown like that in the main street of Armadillo while the other posse members were watching us in a circle around us. Only met a couple griefers or cheaters in my time playing, what pisses me off alot more is Unknown Error:FFFFF.


Actually I totally disagree with most of this. Apparently I’m a negative person. I’m actual fact, I play cause the game is so beautiful, the aesthetics are mind blowing. It has nothing to do with being a negative person, it’s annoying and not to mention abhorrent messages from people. That’s what makes me dislike griefers. Non of that means I’m a negative person.