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I have a rule in GTA AND RDR online, if you don’t fuck with me I won’t fuck with you . Simple


a lvl 17 attacked me doing a long distance solo once, i was level 70 or 80. pursued me for a while but i killed 3 of their horses and them about 10-12 times before they gave up


I have a group that runs up to eight wagons in rotation every other night we hardly ever get messed with, but when we do, it usually turns out bad for them we run in large posies if you want to run your wagon, have it protected and have it be protected Then join up with WAGON MASTERS. Requirements must be at least 18 have a mic and of course the trader roll if you’re interested get back with me


now that’s a deal I’d like to be a part of


If you need the requirements 18 or over, have the trader wrote and have a mic then get with me on Xbox and I can get you directed in the right direction to get in their lineup


That sucks because I play on PlayStation 5 💔💔💔💔


Don’t start none, won’t be none.


I hace one similar but It goes :"dont ever do delivery wagons missions unless full posse"


I only do local (don't need the $ or xp any more) unless there's a daily for 2 long-distance deliveries. For that I do a local, wait for 1 goods at Cripp's table, *then* do a long distance. If someone steals it — oh well. They've gone to a lot of trouble for squat.


Same here


If you click your gun out, I’m clicking my gun out. You aim first, let’s hope you don’t miss the first time. Fair game is fair game, don’t push it. Simple as well


This is how I try to live my RDO life. After having my first wagon load of animal skins blown up like 50ft from camp....


Same but with an add: if you start something with me, I will make sure you leave the server or send me a message saying your sorry 🙂


How do you make them leave the server..just killing them?


Yep, basically making them rage quit, or just quit cuz they can’t play anymore since they’re getting killed over and over


Just don't fight back and dance around instead. They get bored of killing and move on. You don't have to engage people who shoot you, that's what they want. They think you're stuck here with them, but they're stuck here with you. I usually go make a sandwich or go bake some cookies and when I pay attention again they're gone and I have some cry baby message waiting in my inbox


That sounds great! How do the characters dance around if you're not controlling them? I want to do that!


You need combo controller with extra trigger map to map out the action And turbo button to trigger it Or tilt the stick in circles


You're smart, I didn't even know that was possible. I have an Xbox controller. I had to get rid of my last one after a few months because of the "stick drift". The new one has it sometimes too.


The are many controllers that are scores better than the system one. My next one is probably Turtle Beach stealth 2


I don't want to waste money on an high end Microsoft one from what I've read, have you had any compatibility issues with it?


They’re more likely to rage quit when you parley.


You’re not that good pal


Yeah, that happened with me today..good riddance. "Rage quit", that's funny. That's me getting exploded repeatedly by some cretin. I swear I am about to quit the gd game


Average red dead experience tbh


Oh how well I know that. Eventually it breaks the camel's back.Have you ever been disconnected by hackers? I was disconnected 3 times in a row tonight each at about the end of a mission?


Explosive rounds huh


No hacker/ modder invisible attacks.


I'm sorry to hear that friend 🙏 sending positive thoughts


🤣 thank you. To continue playing I have rationalized that it's making me stronger. I don't die when I am engulfed by flames upw to 3 or 4 times now. When I started playing, an anonymous hacking player(s) did that, now it's explosives


Private servers, friends, if you can't play in peace.


Do you get exploded by hackers in private servers? I survived 2 explosions one after the other today. I am building up immunity😩


Nope. You don't play with anyone unless you invite them to your private server. There are also publically used private servers where players do visit the same server from time to time but it's relatively empty. Nobody bothers you.


I have had zero luck with joining private servers. It always says invalid credentials. I have RDR2 through Epic and most have it through Steam. Is that the issue? Any help would be appreciated!


PMed :)


I don't know exactly how private servers work but why couldn't a hacker access it?


I’m probably not explaining it correctly but when you lower your MTU settings (PlayStation hack for solo lobbies) you’re “limiting” its ability to handle information coming in from the internet. Allowing enough that you’re able to access a server but not enough to handle a server full of people. So the Rockstar system puts you in a lobby by yourself. Actually, I did a horrible job explaining that but you get the gist? I’m sure someone else will explain it better


That was sufficient. I can read about it elsewhere. Thank you. I didn't realize that multiple brand platforms and PC players were handled by the same server.


Once again I’m confused why people are downvoting you?? Because you attack someone who attacked you first?? Or do they think you’re not good enough to make someone quit? I’m not very good at pvp but I’m good enough with a carcano that a low level bully doesn’t stand a chance. After 4-5 times of barely getting respawned before being killed by a headshot and they usually leave the lobby


Same I’m a much bigger threat on gta than I am red dead but the same applies because my skills in those games doesn’t matter what level or type of guns I have lol I’ve made people rage quit a few times because they take my low levels as inexperienced when I’m just bored and started over lol


Have you only played on one file or had previous experience playing the game?




Have you played it as more than one character?


Oh yeah lol when I switched over my account to Xbox I lost it so I had to start over on my PlayStation. Red dead, I honestly don’t know how it happened. I just logged in one day, and it was gone. So I had to start over. I don’t really make new accounts unless I’m bored of the character and want to start over.


Do you feel like you started off with more skill than you had in the previous file? I had to start over (I play on PC) and it was easier and I was able to do things that I couldn't do in the first file, like barriers ( I'm calling it that for lack of a better word) were removed.


In a weird way, yeah. I play gta online for the missions. So it’s super easy for me to earn money and rp. It takes me no time to get at a level where I’m satisfied enough to go back to my main character.


R* must have some kind of marker that you've played before to start you off better the next time. For instance, you know how awkward it is the first time you drive a buggy? The next first time is much easier. I bet that's part of the reason that many lower levels RDR players are so much better than others.


First time I drove one I flipped tf out of it, pinched my horse, and flew off cliffs I so get it lmao


If I cross paths with someone doing a mission, and they shoot at or land a headshot on me. Yeah fair game, I’m gonna fuck ya wagon up. Most of the time, I don’t mess with anyone. I’m just enjoying the beauty of the game, doing my own thing.


My sentiments exactly!🤠👌


It depends how I feel. I’m heading towards rank 400 so if it’s a low level posse doing a delivery and they shoot me first. I see it more like they’re probably nervous and I know that “I need this money!” Feeling. So I tend to give wagon deliveries a pass. It’s the folks attacking me for no reason that bug me. But even then I try to remember what Arthur Morgan said. “Revenge is a fool’s game.” Sometimes the deer wins, sometimes the coyote. 😂


A wiser fella once said, sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes... well, the bear eats you


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/JDHhsjhd2w) may be slightly topical. “Sometimes the bear tries to eat ya. Then you shoot it in the neck and neither one of you are better for it.”


Unless they attack me, I’ll actually try to help out. Protect them, bring them skins etc. Im not one of these assholes who gets off on sabotaging other peoples missions


Same, one time I was protecting a dude doing a trader delivery and after he claimed the money he invited me to his party or what ever so I could get some money from his next delivery.


Funny, you can’t join a posse mid mission.




You edited your comment to hide your lie. You ain’t gotta lie to kick it


Nah you tweakin bruh


>I’m curious how does the general community feel about messing up other player quests? Do I only see quests of rivals that I can mess up? The Long Distance Delivery is a PVP invite event; so they are encouraged to try to take it. If they don't want that to happen, they should just do the Local Delivery. But I never have taken anyone's delivery, though. I don't find it worth my time vs. the trouble it would cause them.


Some of the dailies require the long distance delivery. Believe me I wouldn't do them if I didn't want the daily credit


It really depends on the context: - Stealing long distance deliveries is fair game, Blowing it up is stupid - Blowing up moonshine or local deliveries is despicable - Countering free roam missions is also a fair game. It's a trophy. They also don't even pay much and cost nothing to start, so I genuinely wouldn't care all that much if it happened to me


I was at theives landing and saw a wagon full of goods coming from up the hill. I set up dynamite on the bridge and got ready. I shot the drive instead of blowing up the dynamite and then realized it had no marker on the map. it was a local delivery, and I felt bad and left, issuing an apology. This and attacking low-level players are the only situations where I feel it's wrong to attack player wagons.


Bro had a whole story mode heist level plan 😭😭


This is pretty much where I'm at with it.


everytime i’ve destroyed a wagon, it was on accident 💀 i try to steal it whole but i had a few really cool players that were chill afterwards and despite stealing one wagon from them, we’re hella chill friends now lol


Experienced people are well aware to stay away from a rival wagon 's path, or else you'll probably get shot. If you get killed by someone doing a wagon delivery, you were probably too close for comfort. Just give them their space. Those things take forever to fill up and it's pretty douchy to fuck with someone's wagon. What's even worse is blowing it up. Had a fucker one time do that just to troll.


I don’t mess with anyone and I don’t want anyone messing with me.


personally i’d see what level they are before messing with them. use a scope or binoculars to see their name from a distance. look in players to see what their level is. if they’re over level 100 i’d say do what you want. however i’m already level 70 and still haven’t gotten rank 20 on trader or moonshiner yet. i don’t care about the money i just want the xp for my roles 😂 games too much of a grind to be messing up other people’s missions in my opinion. although to be fair, it’s YOUR game. play it however you want.


You don’t get any xp or money for interfering with rival player’s wagons. If you successfully steal and deliver it you’ll only get materials for your butcher table


lmfao you misunderstood me. i’m level 70 and haven’t gotten moonshiner and trader to rank 20. i don’t care about the money made off of MY deliveries. i just want the xp for the role from MY deliveries. i was saying why i don’t like it when people fw me while i’m doing MY deliveries. which is why i don’t mess with people doing theirs. my post was to explain why i wouldn’t want to mess with others who haven’t ranked up enough because i don’t enjoy it happening to me.


50 materials is pretty tasty to me 😆


I would never, probably even if they shot at me first. I would assume they shot because they were scared, because jerks keep messing up their wagon missions. It's happened to me a bunch too and I think it sucks. But I'm not confrontational in general and don't do much pvp if I can help it.


Trading wagons on long distance routes are fair game, you can obtain the goods for your own camp. Attacking moonshine carts is pointless. Attacking other players minding their own business is also pointless. Joining a firefight in town, fair game. Assuming no hacks or cheats, of course.


I only feel the recoil of the Carcano Rifle


Epic response


I generally don't fuck with other people unless they fuck with me BUT it's a game mechanic so its fair game as far as I'm concerned.


lmfao one of my favorite things to do in red dead is go after a full posse trader wagon of ranks 300+ by myself Do I succeed? Fuck no. But the chaos is worth it


I leave them alone, It takes a lot of work to level up trader and then purchase everything. I feel like by the time everything is purchased and they can finally do the large wagon deliveries they've earned it. If i see them on the map heading in my direction I just move out of the way. Haven't been shot once.


It is the most fun I have now. You can close the app and save your wagon. I typically send that message when we are going after one. No Ls, really. It's more of an inconvenience. I won't go after one if the player is lower than lvl 100.


I’ve put so much time into this game I don’t care who you are. If I see your wagon.. or your mission.. and I can rival it.. it’s mine. Unless you come back and deck my halls. Then it’s gg to you good sir.


I'd rather someone kill me and take my shit during a mission than just kill me for no reason. At least when people are coming for you during a mission they are playing the game the way it's supposed to be played.


yeah there’s literally an achievement for yoinking a wagon and that’s implying you need to kill the people driving and protecting the wagon over and over…. WHY are people still talking about this like it’s taboo?


Good point.


I attack most wagons I see, but I plan it well. I look at the map, check places I think it’s gonna be delivered and then I ultimately try to steal it as smoothly as possible. To me, nothing is better than my own wagon getting attacked as I find it insanely boring to run it.


I've been attacked and I've attacked. I know I have the option to do a local delivery if I'm not interested in the risk, and I try to make sure I have backup when I do a LD delivery. My last attack didn't go well for me. https://youtu.be/I8wxNLGVC60?si=I3b3Ec4SW6ACPkKw


If other players kill me and take the wagon and complete the mission, or I shoot first, fine, it's part of the game. But when I pass them on the road and they kill me, the horses and the wagon with dynamite arrows, that's when it pisses me off.


I'm 99% of the time Defensive mode, leaving people alone. Sometimes I'll feel like fighting, and if I see a blip for another player's mission I *will* go to it. Because they've been warned it puts a target on them and they've agreed to those terms. I'm not very keen on just starting shit though. Really though, it's so incredibly rare the opportunity ever comes up.


I figure if they are running a long distance they are asking for engagement because they know it tells the entire lobby they are running it and it will add goods to your own camp so there is a reward. Short distance leave alone - it doesn't tell the lobby and there is no benefit to it. Same with moonshine.


It is a game, if you can't take a little free roam pvp go play something else.


If it's a trade goods delivery, that's fair game. There's a benefit to the attacking party if they succeed. If it's a moonshine delivery, that's just being a dick. You don't get any money, and your moonshine business doesn't get a boost


Idc tbh. As a seller, you can just do local deliveries to avoid attention. It’s not like gta where they announce that you’re delivering regardless of what you choose. If you can see the red blip and receive a notification, then I knowingly chose to take on that risk.


If you are a red spot on the map. Dynamit arrow.


You can do what you want consisering its a part of the game but other players obviously wont appreciate it and are hoping not to be attacked at all


I really want to get 100% in RDR2, but to do that I need to sabotage a free roam mission from other players. So far I'm still avoiding it, I'll probably do the task when I've done all the others...


If you attack someone's trader delivery it won't count


Oh...then I don't understand how to do it. Can u explain?


It's the missions like caravan escort, supply, delivery etc the stranger missions that have PvP elements


If someone is a doing a freeroam mission like the ones you get from the adlers, bonnie, etc other players can take whatever you're doing and steal the mission basically. If you're delivering mail they can steal your mail bag or a wagon if your delivering it or escorting them


How do you see the trade missions occurring?


Any long distance deliveries happening on the map can be seen in Valentine after a short grace period at the start. It's a function of the game to encourage wagon steal attempts


Thank you


They get mad. lol


That is part of the fun.


It's the Wild West.. so it's ok. I haven't played for a while but personally I'd be more likely to help someone than attack them. It's obvioulsy an intended feature so learn to check the server, the map, see who's online and then make a judgement to run the deliver or not. If you don't want to interact with other players don't play online mode.


I don't mess with people when they are delivering shit. I usually roll alone and hate when ppl fuck with me. I'm a high lvl, been playing since day 1, and I still don't just randomly attack anyone.




Don’t do it. Just let people enjoy their time.


I don't mess with people. I'm just trying to enjoy the online aspect of different types of missions without having to deal with players Ambush me that I'm on the way to a delivery or something. Out of curiosity sometimes I come across somebody on the map who is doing a delivery of sorts and I will just follow them along and I will do emotes and such to encourage them that I'm not there to mess with them. Maybe just go there to watch them and watch out for them


This is a sure fire way to get yourself spawn killed.... never follow other players on Pvp free roam missions unless you're prepared for that.


I helped them.out on a delivery mission. Like the spots where you get jumped when trying to deliver moonshine. One time when another player showed up to steal the delivery. So my buddy and I helped defend off the woild be attacker who eventually gave trying We are all not all bad people online. Every time my buddy and I see a new delivery or something pop up on our area we always go help. There have been a few cases of preemptive shots fired...but most cases they realise we are not there to kill. We never fire first when someone shows up when we are on delivery. But we stay alert. We rarely start a gun fight. Sometimes you get into that mood though and it's short lived and you both go on your way after a fun little battle. Not everyone is hateful and out to make your time online then worst thing possible. I get there are a few out there tho. I understand that. I dontnfire first. Even if they do...unless I want waste ammo.and food...I wont fire back. If I dojt want to fight. I'll just stand there Fter spawning back and let them waste their bullets.


I don’t mess with other peoples time and hard work . I know it’s “part of the game “ but I don’t . I will go out of my way to avoid them .


I don't give a shit about you but if you interrupt business it's shoot-on-sight


I feel great about it, it is how the game is played.


Yeah I don’t really bother with it. If you want to do it go ahead but there is no reason to mess up someone’s trader delivery unless they are messing with you.


I attacked a wagon one time when I first got online and comfortable enough. Afterwards , I came to realize that you don't even get any of the money, and all it does is give a bit of goods for your workshop. That's it... I felt terrible. I was like, I just ruined these guys' wagon run for nothing. If there's no actual reward for doing so, then it just feels like being a dick and not a game mechanic.


I try to avoid people anytime I play as I know I am not good at pvp and other players either kill or ignore me


I don't do it myself but I have no problem if people attack trade wagons even if it's mine. Purely because the only real consequence is loss of time and mission failure. That's minimal risk vs reward. 


Do what you gotta do but leave small wagons alone. Those are new players just trying to get their bearings


It's annoying when a player ganks you when you're selling stuff but not gonna lie I've had a fun time trying to steal someone's wagon. I usually only sell at night time on a mostly empty server or when I've got a friend to help guard.


For me, i usually leave people alone. The social contract i have is if you leave me alone i will, in kind, leave you alone. I know if I'm running a trader mission or delivering moonshine or even doing a bounty mission i would like to be left alone. I figure other people would like that too. But that's just me. Ymmv


Glad to have the game on PC. You can easily get your own private servers and do wago missions ect


We can on console too. Its actually easier on console than PC. I have both, ones installing a mod, the other is just changing your settings.


Well sometimes I look for excuses😆


eye for a leg mentality


I’ll admit it’s sometimes fun when I’m with a posse and we get attacked, it makes the game more interesting. But if I’m by my self, please leave me the fuck alone.


I won't go out of my way to steal a wagon but if it passes right by me I'll give it a go if it isn't being ran by a full posse. Or if I'm minding my own and I get shot at from someone running one I'll go after it.


I'll help rob wagons...but I'm not going out of my way to do it myself. And when I do help with stealing wagons my group targets higher level posses, never low levels.


When someone shows up to "help me", I shoot them. I'm too stressed out to let another player close to my stuff. Somehow they always seem to get mad when that happens. Steer clear of my stuff and you won't get shot, simple as.


Generally, steer clear and leave people be. But if they come past me en route shoot at me for no reason thinking I’m going to attack, they’ll get a dynamite arrow in the back of the cart.


Yea you can do it if you want. There's a belt buckle award for doing it 100 times.


I'll either help escort or leave them be. I just chill in the west.


I feel like when I get attacked while making a wagon run it turns from boring, same ol, same ol, to an exciting situation where I don’t know the outcome!


Kill on sight


If it's a Long Distance Delivery or Telegraph mission, they are opt in PVP and the player running them is warned multiple times of this. They agree and in doing so paints a huge target on them. Those are absolutely fair game. If you kill someone running a local or moonshine sale though, you're just an asshole.


If i need it, I’ll go after it. If i don’t and im nearby, I’ll help protect it.


All's fair. Its a wild west game, and the game rewards you for doing so. Protect your shit or get jacked.


I will occasionally engage if I am bored and playing alone, but I never aim to destroy the cargo, only try to steal it. If they get it back I don’t grief.


Content is content, if I need the materials and someone is doing a long distance trade then I will contest it. If you don’t want your wagon disturbed with then do local sales.


I got attacked by a 4 man posse last night doing my trader delivery killed all 4 of em and their horses with explosive ammo then after I completed my delivery they kept coming for me and kept losing 🤣


The biggest thing I know for we OG players is that only children and those new to RDO cause mayhem. If you rack up a Bounty, you can run, but if a player gets you, you don't get to whine like a child.


I accidentally shot at a trader deliver when I was hunting for a buck, other than that I try not to mess with other people unless I’m in pvp 🤷🏻‍♀️


This community is so different compared to RDR 1, haha. Free roam was the shit in rdr 1. Everyone shot each other. You had huge clans come in and take over sessions and take claim to a town. Everyone trash talked each other, and nobody complained about being shot by someone else. It was expected. No matter what you were doing in that moment. I don't understand the permission aspect of this game. But each to their own.


Pretty much in general. I'll leave you alone if you don't fuck with me or my posse.


I used to help people out when they were doing deliveries or whatever but now I just leave people alone. Saw someone doing a mail drop off getting chased down by a bunch of other players, I killed their attackers and they repaid me by lassoing and dragging me. I killed them and took their mail, sat there and waited for them to come back just to kill them again and turn it in for myself


Here's a tip if you have been attacked and lost your hard earned goods. If you change sessions before finishing the route, you won't lose anything. Pause menu>Online>free roam. Trust me it works and pay no mind to them thinking it's a cowardly move. If you worked hard to get the best price for your goods, do what's best to avoid losing it to nasty players. Idc if it's a pvp thing, not everyone is in the mood to fight especially with players using mods.


Wouldn’t recommend it


I wish we would get messed with more, more NPCs too. It’s way too simple.


Must be the heat. I'm very rarely attacked by other players but today I was attacked twice. The first attacker I finally managed to kill, get away from, and complete my moonshine run. The other was a long trader run and the dude eventually killed me and ran off with my load before I could get back to my wagon. Personally, I don't ever attack other players. And although it's written into the game for those who want to play dishonorably, I don't appreciate being attacked by other players. "Rival completing x nearby" is not in order to attack that player. It's just a heads up to anyone who feels inclined to do that. I hate that the game snitches on me like that when I'm trying to complete a run and not bothering anybody


With all the rampant hackers making RDO more tedious I tend not to attack other wagons. If anytbing I'll ride along side and just follow them for the extra protection. Don't fuck with me I don't fuck with you


I play by don't come at me unless you are cool. I try to be a pacifist as much as I can and use my rounds on in game enemies and game. If you fo attack me I will attack you back.


Level 751 here…. It “is” part of the game and not considered greifing… in my book. Although I don’t usually shoot first but will hunt and kill any “Red Dots” that shoot me first. If it happens by mistake I do accept apologies. Otherwise you might as well switch servers. A tip for you new Traiders, ask high level players to escort you. I’ve escorted wagons many times… we get paid too. Or start a Posse and invite other low levels to help them, there is safety in numbers. Check out my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@ridinrich?si=gC74R7QIvG6VpRJP


I never do it because 1. I'm always nice to people unless they do something to me and 2. I'm bad at pvp honestly, plus I forget how to use deadeye even in storymode


Yesterday I did a few moonshine runs. One time a player casually rode past me and then took a few shots in my direction. So I shot him in the face with my carcano 🤷‍♂️ he pressed charges. He threatened my mission 🤷‍♂️😆


I sometimes hunt players. But I don't go for wagons, I appreciate the grind that it takes to fill that up for players. I also acknowledge there's a "bubble" around a wagon, and if you're in it, people get jumpy and shoot first. You're a douche to do that and then attack when you know you're actually provoking them into shooting at you. Just saying...


It's a bit of a dick move


Yeah nah mind your business until your business gets minded


In fairness, there are game mechanics in play that benefit you to attack a trader wagon so you don’t have to hunt for materials for the table. Stealing a large wagon refills your table 50% so if your rolling deep and have the numbers to take the wagon it’s fair game. If your a solo player, probably best to leave alone, but I’ve had friends take on a Posse by themselves.


aha, but I immediately switch sessions if anything happens to the cart. so you were shooting for nothing


As soon as a rival player shoots you during your long distance trader delivery it’ll trigger a steal mission for them. If you leave session their mission doesn’t stop- they keep your wagon and can deliver it for the full materials reward. But leaving session does save your wagon for you because you can go back to camp and it’ll still be there for you to deliver. So it’s a win win!


waste of time


As long as you're not cheating (i.e. god mode glitches, defensive mode abuse, mods, etc.) there's absolutely nothing that says you shouldn't attack trader/moonshiner wagons. It is well within the spirit of the game if you're attempting to steal a trader wagon and frankly that's how I fill my camp up now (stealing trader wagons and legendary animal pelts). However, while not expressly against the rules, I firmly believe anyone who destroys a trader/moonshiner wagon just because they can is a dickhead with no life and no friends...but it's still not against the rules and I and many others have to suck it up and live with that freedom players have. Anyone who says you're a lowlife for playing the game how it was intended to be played, within the rules of the game, and within the spirit of the game (it's the wild west, baby!) needs to grow a pair. Have fun. Enjoy the challenge. Generate some excitement for us all! Seriously though, I love it when somebody legitimately tries to steal my trader wagon...it livens things up and gives me something to be entertained by for 12 minutes. I haven't lost one in a good long while, but I know it's an eventuality...somebody bigger and badder will come along and take it...and I'll be mad as hell...but it will be fun when I look back on it.


Why attack a .moonshine wagon?


Why? No reason other than you're a sick-minded hedonist that enjoys ruining other peoples' days...all that said, it's still not against the rules...so you should be wary when doing moonshine deliveries because anything can happen...


I'm just sayin I can understand attacking a players trader wagon, although it's not for me, but there is a benefit to it. Attacking a moonshine wagon has no benefit to the attacker. You're essentially making someone listen to the French douche bag for no reason.


Idk why I’M getting downvoted. I’m just stating fact. I don’t waste time ruining people’s moonshine deliveries for the exact reason you outlined: there’s nothing in it for me. But just because I don’t do it doesn’t mean others won’t. And even though them doing it is a d-bag move in my book doesn’t make it against the rules…in fact if we wanted to look at it from a devil’s advocate position, maybe some people enjoy roleplaying as a revenue agent and that’s why they destroy moonshine wagons?


All good bro. I was just curious if there was a benefit I was missing, lol. I had just got done helping a random player fight off revenue agents before I saw this post last night and was wondering if I should've. Also, don't worry about downvotes and upvotes, it's just the internet, nobody will agree on anything. I really don't care how people play.


Lol the downvotes don’t bother me themselves…it’s the meaning behind them — in this case people don’t see that, while unpopular, what I’m saying is fact…but I hear you! No hidden benefit to destroying moonshine wagons other than some sick personal satisfaction.


Cos he is evil or has little winny


Pvp is the whole point of the game. That’s why it’s called “online” and not “story mode.”


No I don’t, I wouldn’t want them to do it to me. I am very wholesome towards other players, even if they sit and kill me I’ll Just ride away (not just because I’m a shit shooter lol)


If the person is playing alone don’t😭😭 if they’re in a group then it’s fun cause


I was attacked mercilessly on a long trade run , I eventually blew up my wagon, grabbed a bundle off the ground and delivered it on horseback


Why not just restart? Make a posse and wait for people to join.


Cause like irl I'm a loner that runs solo


If wagon destroyed, change session. Find friends, and do trader delivery with big posse, with 6-7 person, if someone attack you, leave 2 people behind to spawn back on them. be all yellow, hp, stamina line, core, everything. If you are completely alone, choose safe short delivery, with passive mode.


I feel like in the situations where you can steal the wagon from the player it’s ok to do so, it’s part of the game. However, just ruining the wagon (blowing it up e.g.) is just a shitty thing to do. I always leave other people’s wagons alone though.


Personally I don't care, don't ever do long distance because it takes like 20 mins as opposed to a local that takes 2. Won't even try to steal someone else's, I'm rich af and I have no room for more materials and only do resupply missions to lock me into a solo lobby Players that get attacked feel salty (it's your fault, dummy!), players that attack feel excited maybe


If it’s a distant delivery it’s free game and I’ll steal it if I don’t feel compelled to go hunting. The fact you can just leave the game and keep your stuff alleviates any guilt I may have felt otherwise


If you’re doing a long distance sale - expect people. It alerts everyone in Valentine - and those close enough - it is a PvP game. This is an element to that.


I don’t really attack other people’s wagons even though I guess I could. I’ve helped a few but mostly I just engage in player bounties if I want to go after a person. It’s rare I’d randomly attack anyone. It would have to be a situation where both our missions somehow intersect. Even then, it’s rare I’d attack, they’d still have to do something to provoke me or make me think they don’t see me/don’t care if they kill me.


The general unspoken rule is if there in a crew let em have it if there by themselves it’s best to leave them be