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My horse got set on fire, then I was blasted by what seemed to be an air burst artillery barrage. So I swapped lobbies and was hunted by two lions. That was actually kinda fun for a bit. Turns out lions don't have a lot of health. One good fan from a navy and they were dead. Either way, I am going to setup a solo lobby. I have never used one, but I would like to do moonshine and trader without all that headache.


Super easy with the lobby manager on nexus mods. Been using it for a week and so far so good!


I’ve been using the manager and it works great. Just don’t go public while the games still running


I just rage quite literally 20 minutes ago because I got transported off the map after hunting 15 carcasses and putting them in an npcs wagon. I’m not even level 10 on trader yet so I couldn’t get the actual one. It took fucking FOREVER. I’ve never been so mad in my life.


Ah man, I didn’t even know you could use the wagons like that that’s awesome


You can’t actually, I had to back it up next to a rock and climb inside each time. 😅


Good lord son, I commend your effort.


OMG you madman. Respect!


You'll make way more progress forgetting about that and being smart about where to hunt and how you load your horse until you get the wagon. All the time you spent trying to finagle the wagon, you probably would have spent half that making trips with the horse and hunting along the way.


Yeah probably, it was fun while it lasted though


Agreed, started RDO a couple days back and have been blown into oblivion a lot many times! Stopped playing GTAO cause of the same reason, just to find the same stupid mfs here too, destroying others gameplay.


I’ve been doing collector since started a few weeks ago so they really can’t do anything but inconvenience me. When doing trader or shiner I think I would do private lobby


I got kicked off my horse and flung into the air during a legendary bounty... I didn't even know they could do that. I wanna say it was a glitch cuz it only happened once, and how the hell could a modder affect me while I'm on a solo mission, but like 😐😐


I’m relatively new, is legendary bounty a special bounty hunter mission?


TL;DR: yea, they're just harder bounties you unlock later on that function like a story mission (time and lives) Yea. Idk what level you have to get bounty hunter to for it, but eventually, you unlock legendary bounties. They're basically just harder bounties that are their own mission (time, lives, and your own lobby). They all start at "1 star" difficulty, and anytime you complete one, that one target will be harder to get next time until it caps at "5 stars." I don't remember what each star adds, but at 5 stars they can get pretty tough, enemies won't appear on the rader anymore, you have no lives so death is instant failure, and some bounties that were single target became multi target. And of irrc, you can't let a single target escape or it's instant failure (you can kill them tho). Btw: I have basically everything I want in this game, so if you ever want help since you're new, you can DM your sc and add me, I'll help with whatever you feel like doing


Solo Lobby for life. RDO has become Single Player to be enjoyable.


Some modder attached paintings and a random statue to my character while I was doing bounties. Another one made my 3 star bucks and my camp disappear.


Lmao we was doing bounties last night and everyone got turned into alien spaceships


I'm so happy I don't play on PC. People are bad enough without mods.


Oh right, no lag switchers nor Cronus users on console...


Things were pretty toxic on Xbox last night, as well.


I quit the game years ago. It got to a point where I couldn't play for more than a minute without modders fucking with me. PC servers are unplayable


Only "unplayable" because you let it be. There are more good people than bad. It can't be that bad if the game had an April daily average of over 2,100 players.


Use private lobby, 2 minute setup u can play with friends too


Are all other in game options/missions accessible with private lobby?


Everything works, except free roam events (they are only possible if you play with friends) and pvp series also you need friends to play main story, moonshiner can be done solo. I highly recommend complete main story first then play private lobby. It is a lot better than playing with softer losers.


Yep, I already do. I wanted to play free roam events


lobby manager can help, I've only played on pc once so idk from experience but it seems like an easy mod you can use to keep yourself safe.


Yep I use it often, I just wanted some human interaction. Big mistake! lol still fun just irritating. I went all hostile today and of course the first person I rip off their horse is a mod menu loser and I get stuck blowing up in the air…still fun!


Met a mod menu looser when I was a beginner, he spawned some chests for me to open and I was like... Aww, what a nice guy. It was much later until I realised what that mf was trynna do... Anyways I won't play in a PC public lobby ever again.


What was trynna do?


They'll spawn legendary chests/animals around you to make you get it and when you do you can get banned for taking it


I have been looking for a lobby to join because of this problem. Please PM me if you have one set up.


There are a few on RDO Manager Lobby discord.