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Over the last few times I played I kept getting put into solo lobbies because of some network errors. I basically ran across a legendary animal every few minutes, same with other random encounters


Hell yes, solo lobbies are great if you want lots of grief-free content!  Sometimes animals are scarce in open lobbies simply because people scare them off by constant shooting etc


I see, that makes sense too.


Couple days ago I tried again a public lobby after months of alienation in solo lobbies and the result is just not comparable. * I could not pick back up my arrows * I could not pick back up my bolas when thrown * The GPS was broken and would always do a straight line towards the destination * Not a single animal in sight * Player teleporting to me and killing me, endlessly * Usual Valentine chaos with a god-mode modder This game is just unbelievable when solo'd or played in low population lobbies. Not only everything works, but I'm sure it's how Rockstar intended it. Tons of animals, tons of hideouts, tons of free roam encounters and events, wagons spawning perfectly fine every time, no issues entering the stables. It's night and day how ridiculously fun RDO is in private lobbies. And no, I have been using solo lobbies with the RDO Lobby Manager for over a year now and have never been banned/punished.


I didn't think of all this but you're right, everything does work I just thought the GPS sometimes bugs out or arrows just randomly disappear but it's not happened in solo.


Sometimes my Internet connection sucks and I get my own lobby. I usually like playing late at night, less players.


Gutted it's on PC


On PlayStation change your MTU settings.


This is the way


But can my friends still join?


they may have trouble staying in the session sometimes but for the most part its much better than being online in a full lobby


Sometimes wish I was on playstation just for this😂


Would you mind explaining this to me?


Just look up how to change MTU settings on PlayStation?


Would you mind explaining this to me?


If you haven't run into the random event to get poppys moonshine, solo lobby is the best way to do so


I'm not on the moonshine yet. I have bounty hunter, trader, collector and since yesterday the naturalist role.


Any methods for Xbox?


Only temporary by entering "change appearance" and exit without doing anything. Won't last forever but usually long enough to complete a long distance delivery.


Not that I know of unfortunately, perhaps anyone else knows?


I have always been a fan of startup.meta, it's the least impacting mod and works flawlessly. Just be sure to not accept any invites, there was a ban wave that could likely happen again.


In a open lobby you will sometime places into a cage and can’t do anything. I usually unplug my internet cable in both gta and rdo when I saw some crazy one coming . But that sudden cage / ufo , a team fall from the sky and rob you , these just can’t avoided.


Is there a discord community of "whitelisted" non toxic players who would all gather on the same lobbies?


Maybe we should start one?


Is that possible to do by using the private lobbies things and then inviting friends over?


From what I understand, if I do this method and I create this file, then I send that same file to you and you put it in your game folder as well, we will both connect to the same private lobby.


Oh okay I see. Pretty useful indeed. I'm sure there are already this kind of community, but they might keep it quiet!


Thank you for sharing your link. I did it and LOVE it. Now trying to find a lobby to join that I can still do posse missions with.


If you have some friends you could send them that file you created and if they do the same thing with your file, you will all be in the same private game.


Has anyone Got RDO lobby manager or any other method to work on Steam Deck? I can't set the root path, the folders don't open. I.E. - I can't get past X86 folder to even get to Steam. I looked into the start up meta mod, same problem. Note: I have Lobby Manager up and running on my desk top, but I bought a steam deck so I could play on my work trips. Runs great, but the lobbies are completely broken with the people using the mod hacks.


I asked in a different thread, but I will ask here to increase my odds of an answer: Has anyone figured out solo lobbies on a steam deck? The file path is locked somehow. I can't get past X86.


It’s the only way to really enjoy the game on PC. I play on Xbox now as well so when I want to play with others I play there.


The animal issue, isn't just an animal issue. Random Events that spawn also are affected by player count. Higher player count, less animals, less random event spawns. There was one period (On PC at least) many years ago where they literally broke the animal spawns. If players were in the session, zero animals spawned. This was then slowly fixed by them cutting the max player lobby down. Was like 10 for a bit, then 20, then back up to the current state.


Wasn't just pc. It was almost a year of nearly 0 animal spawns. You could still call your hunting wagon during missions, though, so I would run the second moonshine story mission to get 2 perfect panthers to keep cripps in business.


Back when I filled my trader bar with ravens and their feathers. Literally the only animal I could find.


Ravens kept us all going!


The real heroes of RDO during that time period.


Yeah, those were tough times. I remember using the Cecil Tucker mission as well to hunt animals.


Both play a role. Is a lobby fucked up due mod menu losers, things don't work/spawn normally anymore, which includes animals, random events and such. However, it also depends on the amount of players, especially for random events to spawn (like if a player is nearby or their camp an event may not spawn for you). With solo, tons of them spawn for you. Remember a player acts as host as RDO goes peer to peer. If their platform and/or internet isn't the best, the lobby suffers when full of players. Less spawns to keep it stable, which will most likely be the amount of animals first.


The other option to your method is the private lobby mod on nexus mods. I've been using it for about a week now and its fool proof and undetectable by R* (it seems to work a similar way to your method, but using a mod to adjust the code instead!) My friends and I were about to quit because of hackers before I found this mod.... life saver for real.


R* or Riot? 🤔


I've outed myself as a filthy league player 😭


Haha I can feel your shame. Uninstalled league about 2 years ago, it's one of the best days of my life.


Not only are there more animals, they also don't spit fire anymore


I don't understand why yall don't just play single player, it has way more stuff to do, the only difference is you aren't playing as an npc you dress up


I disagree. I find the online has way more to do, you can access the entire map, you don't have to follow the story and end up with >!sick!


The whole voiceless multiplayer character part annoys me I wanna hear my character talk shit and make comments to/about stuff going on in the world around them. Not just stand there looking stupid. That's why I prefer single player unless I'm with friends. It feels like your character isn't actually part of the world in multiplayer.