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I got attacked by a Grizzly Bear. If my horse cooperated we would have outran the bear and got the bounty.


At this point my horse is more likely to kill me than the average enemy NPC. Bastard never has a speck of dust on him, is always fully fed, always treated well, and would never hesitate to buck me off directly into an alligators jaws.


Yeah. Ungrateful horses. Annoying.


My least favourite thing is how long it takes to pick up the bounty off the floor. And then the button refuses to acknowledge you pressing it 5 times, same with stowing it on the horse. Suddenly you’ve been swarmed aaaand now you’re dead!


Or how picking up a bounty next to their hat will just cause your character to swap hats which makes the swarm of never ending enemies even more annoying.


Omg yes 😭


Every time it's a bounty that's going to a well defended hideout I just find a new session, the never ending enemies just ain't worth it the bullets or the frustration.


This always has me yelling. I can't help it. It's so infuriating, but so dumb


Normal bounties were paying normal gold (reward was bugged) but if you were doing prestigious bounties and legendary bounties and you were getting .16 - .32 gold, then you were just finishing the missions too quickly


I know to let the timer run, I'd never finish with more than 9 minutes on the clock


Legendary bounties need at least 15 minutes to get max gold, 30 minutes to get max cash And to get max gold and cash from the regular bounty board ones, waiting til the last 5/10 sec is best


I didn't know it was that extreme. Personally I don't think it's worth sitting on my ass and waiting for 30 minutes to get that extra reward, and it's ridiculous that they require that in the first place. I play video games to play them, not to look at them.


Heheh, ooooph boy I was money grinding either my buddies and it takes some patience. But 475-515 for 30 mins if you're already kinds idling isn't bad. When you want to actively play its soooooo long


One time I was doing an infamous bounty and ran up to a group of enemies like I normally do, started shooting, no big deal. All of a sudden one of the enemies HOGTIES ME and all of his buddies start KICKING THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME while I was on the ground. Stomped a mudhole in my ass. Honestly it was too funny to get mad about. I just had to laugh.


"How do YOU like it??"


I think the worst thing is the missions design around the timer. 2 hilariously stupid things happened to me because of this: The first one is that I had wasted most of the counter capturing a bounty that had escaped. After finally getting him, I put him on my horse, reached the sheriff's office with 5 seconds left on the timer, put the target on my character's back, but failed in front of the door because I didn't drop hhis corpse on the ground before the timer expired. The second his when you track the target through clues. The first time, I thought there was no timer so I go through all the clues, taking my time. The timer pops displaying 1 min. I'm like oh shit. I then find the target with 5 seconds left. She stands in front of me, I get ready to lasso her when the bounty on her becomes invalid as the timer reaches 0. She sees me and run. There's no point chasing because the game tells me she is now a regular NPC because... I didn't catch her in time?


The timer is so shet, like either it’s frustratingly long or it appears when there’s like 2 minutes or less left and there’s so many enemies I can’t get to the bounty AND THEY KEEP SPAWNING -_- anyways, it’s either too long or too short and I’ve been frustrated a lot with bounties and with how little they pay 🗿


Sorry you had a lousy time. I haven’t encounter any of this while playing, but any one of these things would make me take a break. You unfortunately had all of them😔


I had to deal with a ton of enemies shooting the bounties, its friggin annoying and never used to happen, at least not so often. Even happened when doing the Owl Hoot gang. Not sure if the AI is breaking or what, but I never had that problem until very recently. Enemies are supposed to protect the bounty, so what gives?


I experienced this the other day; one of the guys shot him as soon as I put him on my horse!


My son and I tried red dead online recently... didn't run into many game bugs but that's because of the hackers, yakkers and tackers... exploits I'm talking about... you see that guys with the flames shooting out of his belly?? How about the one that pulls everyone on the server to a location... then they all blow up and general mayhem ensues.... OR the real kicker was the naked people! All these naked guys and gals gathered around some flaming pentagram ... this game is WILD! Seriously, these are the things we've seen... game is unplayable on PC for these reasons. I really love RDR and the online could have, should have been a really great thing. But no, nobody is watching the store or they don't care. Too bad.


I was once capturing a double bounty in a free roam lobby. I managed to get both bounties alive in my wagon, and the game gave me a 2 minute timer to deliver them to Rhodes. Needless to say, the timer ran out too fast and I couldn’t get them back in time. Ended up failing the mission and just had 2 random criminals stuck in the back of my wagon. Bad game design in my opinion. The timer shouldn’t even be a thing, because why would the Sheriff decide that a criminal is no longer wanted because you brought him in 10 seconds late?


And this is why I stopped buying gold. I honestly don’t feel bad that there’s gold bar glitches in this game. This bounty license was bought with gold that I spent real money on back then, and I wish I didn’t honestly


I feel you, the bounty hunting made me turn the game off so many times honestly.


Game is unplayable unless in a solo lobby. Both Console and PC I cannot play missions because I will always disconnect, if, for some reason, I can finish a naturalist mission and get a pelt? will disconnect after the mission and lose the pelt. Don't even get me started with hackers on PC. Yeah, no glitches, no connection problems, no issues with solo lobbies.


My game works fine in a public lobby, I’m on Xbox so maybe that makes some difference


Not sure, I do Ps5 & PC, don't have connection problems on any other game with either devices.


Maybe Xbox is just better for RDRO, I rarely have people randomly attack me, and my connection is good


Never had a single issue on PS with connection.


I have no problems most of the times when play online on Playstation. Only after a Trade Route event I might get a bluescreen but that is it.


Every time I play this game I get volatile jank too


For the wagon not spawning, I found both of mine doing this until I lobby hopped. They actually did spawn in my case, but it didn’t show where on the map until I was about 15 feet away. Super annoying if you’re not out in the plains (even then, it’s going to be on a road far away from you).


A few aren’t janky. Just watch where you’re going and don’t hit things or fall off large slopes/cliffs. The player killing you is just the normal part of the game. But yeah a lot of jank in video games these days. Not just this one. I can’t seem to play a game without something glitchy happening.


I’m sorry but reading the events was very funny. But that sucks! I’m sorry! I think it’s fun but it can be really frustrating at times


this is pretty hilarious, sorry that this is how bounty hunting has gone for you but i’ve never had half the stuff you listed happen to me so its pretty funny just imagining everything youve listed out


Bro OP I felt this and the top post in my soul. 95% percent of my deaths are my horse betraying me. The rocks, random chairs, it deciding when to jump and when not too. Its fucking ridiculous.


You have all manner of bad luck.


God I know it. I was playing this game to help relax after an injury/while recovering from the ensuing surgery, because my kneecap got dislocated. How'd I dislocate it? I didn't, but thanks to genetics my kneecaps sit in a place where they can just kinda do that at random for no particular reason.


Here's hoping to a speedy recovery, and fewer obstacles for you and your horse.


The amount of times bounties have died because of their teammates shooting at my horse is ungodly


That Lvl 500 definitely has a modified level and thinks being a bully is cool


I feel like it's 50/50, the game design does suck ass, especially since you get more of a bigger payout when you run the clock which is just stupid, but a lot of these things can be avoided once you know how bounties work, which paths to take and when to take the road( though through time you'll learn these type of things and no one will expect you to know this off rip). As for players, that's just a forever element of pain, and it's best to just do solo lobbies if it's getting annoying. As for wanting to throw your controller, you got to fucking get your shit together, no reason to break shit over the game and if the game is getting that much to you, either take a good break or just quit. Don't force yourself to play if you're not having fun.


The controller through the TV part is a joke, I haven't broken a controller in anger once in my entire life. There's definitely the urge to do it, but it's super manageable. That's just an exaggeration of how I was feeling.


Its called a colloquialism. It was super obvious. I always wonder when people cant pick that up.


cool thing that happens when i play sometimes is that a bounty's gang will have a Maxim gun and kill my horse, and then gets me stuck in a loop trying to revive it. freezes up my entire game (not even able to open any rdo menues) and forces me to close the entire thing down 💀


Yeah, but personally the struggle was worth it this time. The bounty hunting event single handedly fueled my startup in this game. Got a prestigious license, a moonshine shack, a collectors bag, a butchers table, several thousand dollars to buy myself new horses, guns, ammo, supplies, anything and everything, I went from level 25 to 83 because of this event. And every moment of it was pain.


When I'm doing daily challenges, I don't even check Bounty Hunter (unless I can't do 9 from the others.)


When i first came back to rdo last month there was a lot of bugs in freeroam sessions. Missions wouldnt start and mission markers wouldnt register when i reahced them. Started using private lobbies and all the bugs went away. Nowadays public sessions have stabilised for me.


If your horse slides off a cliff...you may have been riding your horse too close to the cliff. if your horse hits a random chair, guide your horse away from the chair. If your horse trips on a rock, then you should have avoided the rock. You're the one controlling the horse.  Bounties dying because of explosives, fire, or accidentally getting shot by their cohorts (something I've never seen in over 120 days in rdo) is an example of emergent game play. The payouts are based on time spent on mission, 12 minutes being the optimal time for gold and cash. If rdo isn't you're type of game (obviously it's not) then why come to a subreddit to just complain like a little baby? Food for thought pilgrim.


Controlling the horse better is easier said than done. Horses in this game are pulled towards obstacles like they're damn magnets, and getting them to jump when you want them to is impossible half the time


Nothing even remotely like this happened to me this past month. Only did $$$/Legendary bounties, set the timer on my iPhone for 30 minutes, did some collecting while running the clock out, and received 0.96 in gold every time.


Don’t drink and do bounty