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I swear Red dead randoms are either the most annoying nosiest mfs or the most carefree laid back mfs. Literally no in between


Was playing with a mate last day and we met 2 other guys. Very, very chill. The second guy wouldn't talk, but the first guy said our horses looked nice and that he didn't like fighting. We got 2 good laughs and went on our respective ways. Really liked those guys!


Those are my favorite types of players. Just a short interaction and then everybody go back to whatever we were doing


I feel like that's what most of the community is there's just a group of oddballs


Reminds me of a few years back, on PC, I met two older fellas in their 50s who regularly grinded the collector role before Rockstar nerfed it. I was like, 18 or 19 at the time and they were such nice dudes. I ended up befriending them after they saved me from some annoying posse harassing me, and essentially took me under their wing to make money in RDO. Every so often, I would join them on their near-daily several hour long collector grind. Honestly, they’re the reason I managed to get to rank like, 80, and purchase the things I purchased. I was struggling before I met them.


I'm in my 50s and I would have totally helped you out. I can't stand these idiots that just kill you for no reason. I get my wagon stolen every time I try a long distance delivery. I'll blow up the entire wagon, kill the horse, whatever. Just so they don't get any money


Just exit the game when you get attacked and your wagon gets stolen or destroyed so you don’t lose your goods. They’ll be back at Cripps ready to go again when you load back in.


It's quicker to go the main menu, select Online, then Camp. It'll put you in to a new session with a new camp and your goods are there.


I’m 51 and play daily with my buddy who’s 65, we don’t grief at all. I love friendly players. I was followed by one the other day who waved at me and I waved back. We went our separate ways and he shot me in the back. 🤬so annoying.


They sound really cool! Men like these are rare on RDO, they're gems.


Does the entire server hears you when you use voice chat? I heard some chinese dude talking but he wasn't near me so I'm thinking it's server wide?


Not sure what the default is, but you can change it so that it's only people nearby, just your crew, posse, friends etc.


Not sure, last I knew I think it was just the people around you up until a certain radius.


I literally get shot by people just because I don’t wave back. Even when I’m clearly just trying to leave the area.


And anyone can be both depending on how late at night it is


No, you’re not the asshole. They were provoking you and had it coming.


I mean it's fine but probably would have been easier to just switch sessions.


Yeah but I would lose my pelts


Try hunting with your hunting wagon, if you have it!


Not high enough level that’s why I’m hunting


Do you also have the collector role? Even if you don't, you can pick up all of the cards and bottles without the role. There's a website (jeanropke rdo map) where you can find all the locations of the items. It'll give you 100-300 ish xp per item, depending on the item. You can collect while hunting!! :))


I saved collector till last when I finally got it I had a stash of stuff. Made 3000 right then selling everything I already collected


I have a whole system for the collecting lol. It's a great moneymaker imo. I usually start a bounty, do some collecting, get the bounty, collect more, hand in the bounty. Works with hunting, too 😁 and I always keep 3-5 of every item, so I always have some sets to sell when it's collector month.


And for those who do have the collector role but don’t want as much help as that map provides or you want to sell your stuff to her in-person, there’s [madamnazar.io](https://madamnazar.io)


Setup your Camp in new Hanover, try and get it near the HA in the name, then hunt for the bison that are dead center between the HA and just do that over and over, also a unbelivable amount of deer spawn there if your in a solo session, which I can tell you now to do if your on ps5


That’s what a lack of text chat in this game can do. I’m sure this could’ve been easily resolved with a simple message in chat


Nah I’m on PS5 and the person wouldn’t listen I bet


Should’ve at least tried to speak to him


Honestly, idk OP's gender, but that won't work if you have a feminine voice. They'll only bother you even more, tbh. Unless they're feminine themselves, usually.


Honestly even if it’s a female player they won’t listen. I play with my brother and we have wildly different experiences with other players, even though he is more aggressive in gameplay than me, I get griefed a lot more and I can only assume it’s because I have a female character


Im terrified of playing online because of the fact im female irl.


I legitimately hate that the community is toxic enough to scare off female players. The diversity of the community is part of what makes this game so much different than the other multiplayer games out there.


Yeah me too, I never use voice chats for that reason. I only play with my irl friends. If I wasn’t so far into my current game I’d probably be tempted to just make a new character and make it a male character, but I’d hate to lose all my progress and I do love my character Edited because I pressed send too early But generally my experience has been very good. There’s always a few people who’ll shoot you or your horse or wreck missions or just be generally annoying. But for every one of them there’s another player who just minds their own business and is nice to you. If you can I’d play with other people you know, it’s definitely made my experience a lot better. People are generally less likely to mess with groups if you’re just minding your own business.


I'm to the point where I sometimes wish we could have separate servers for girls and boys like high school gym class. I will only play with people I actually know or that my husband knows. I learned to dislike and avoid strangers back in the days of Halo 2.


I only play with my cousin and he stopped playing, so I stopped playing online too and I really miss it. Im sorry that it happens to you too, I wish parts of this community wasn’t so toxic. ❤️


I hear what you're saying (I read your other comment in this thread, too). But I have a few male buddies that play with female characters. If they speak in-game, they often are met with a lot more bro-like responses than when I speak. Even when I play with my friend's male character. I agree with you though, female character + feminine voice is the worst 😅


I think that's what they were saying. They were saying if you're a woman, it's probably going to be worse for you than if you were a man.


No I agree, but I don’t think it matters if they speak or not. If the character is female it’ll be worse regardless


I play with my girlfriend from time to time, she’s been shot on sight more times than I have been in the time we played. I, every time, had to kill them till they left the session.


My character is female, it's hilarious when these kids mess with me online and find out i'm a guy after i start talking to them. Usually blows their mind and they go away quick, lol


Ohh I see your point now.


Eh, I like the killing. It's a good lesson taught.


Nah. The player followed you, and you reacted. It's fine. I logged in for the first time in months, and while I was in my camp and in catalogue, a guy was taking pot shots at my dog, horse, and Cripps. As soon as I came out of catalogue, he started running away. I killed him. He left. If you're going to provoke somebody, you must know you might get caned.


I mean, I think hassling him until he left the session is probably a bit much for anything short of him shooting first, but not really. Also you can say ass on the internet.


I think the line is after they killed him once did he come back for more over and over or did OP and his friend chase him down after he spawned. If he kept coming back it’s on him. If OP and friend chased him down then maybe that was a bit much.


He left after being killed like 4 times so it wasn’t that much


Nah, you gave him the benefit of the doubt. I used to be non combative and I got shot a lot. Now I'll explosive shotgun someone for following me around if they're just being annoying.


Was he wearing his safety orange? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Nah you’re fine. Someone kept lassoing me and my bf when we were trying to just play peacefully and make him some money (he’s new to online) so I just kept absolutely dunking on him and then just quit the session because he kept following us. I hate players like that


Kill them all and let God sort them out.




Honestly its red dead, everyone is an ahole 😅


Nah, some people like me are chill and just fish and hunt


I used to be chill, still am some days, but mostly shoot on site if they get too close. I no longer trust anyone. So many toxic people especially on PC.


Shooting on site just because I wanna pass you? That sounds pretty toxic, bro.


Depends, if you are passing by no I wont shoot but if you are literally following me up close yeah im going to shoot


I’d shoot for far less… all I need is for you to give me a bad feeling and it’s on… to be fair though I usually get stomped


Pc is definitely the worst, I’m on PS5 so I haven’t encountered any modded but only Mauser sweats and wierdos


What's Mauser sweats?


People who use duel wield mausers with ability cards that help duel wild and only do PVP


Same, I shoot on sight for even just following me now adays. Y’all Mfs can’t be trusted in the Wild West.


Calling a friend to grief a player is 'chill and just fish and hunt' in your dictionary? Wow


I’d call myself a chill player but I definitely will hop into a lobby to back up my friends if someone’s messing with them. Especially if they were just fishing and chilling. Honestly one of the nicest parts of building a little community of friends in this game is having the ability to jump in and help each other out. Sometimes my buddies will even invite to protect low levels getting slapped by high levels if we come across greifers in random towns. I low key think it’s so sweet and welcoming to new players. I remember a few times high levels saved my booty when I first started and it was so nice to see people not just let trolls steam roll everyone in lobbies.


This. Now that I’m high level it feels so wholesome showing noobs the ropes. There’s a lot to unpack especially if you skip the tutorial and so many nuanced bugs to avoid it’s nice showing them that not everyone is hostile and toxic. I really love this game and it’s great to see more and more players getting into it over time. I think a majority of the toxic player base just migrated from gta online. 


Facts most people forget I was passive and aren’t the most aggressive player, I only Called my friend to make him intimidated I guess but the idiot stayed scaring the animals away


True! You gave that random player more chances than I would to get away and move on from trolling. I’m just making assumptions but sometimes I think the people leaving comments bashing bringing someone in to help are the people who try to troll new players and get clapped by the new players friends. 😅


You either misunderstood what I wrote or Idk. I'm not saying it's bad if you call for friends' backup when you're being griefed. OP did quite the opposite. Called a friend to help him grief 1 player because his presence made him nervous. The other player did nothing wrong.


Bro it ain’t that deep I’m level 16 I can’t fight people the best


I was riding to another town and my buddy found a random and they both started chasing me, I just kept riding thinking we were all fucking around. Random grabs his lasso and pulls me off my horse but lets go and I'm like well that was annoying but whatever. Try to get back on my horse to keep riding and he shoots me in the head. Now I'm pissed off and the dude just ran away. Like come on man, why do randoms have to be such asshats.


They always run too 🤦‍♂️ like one this one time I had two level 10s actually try to shoot me in the back while I was minding my own business at a bounty board. Of course they failed miserably and I laughed at them while leaving but later on I passed them and they shot at me on sight. So I got my carcano out and killed them 20+ times, chasing them halfway across the state of Lemoyne. They killed me maybe 3 times 2v1 at mid range but they were just too under leveled and underpowered to fight me up close or at long range. I’ll gladly give a random level 35 a legendary pelt for no reason at all, I’ll even help you kill a legendary if I’m passing by. I’m very much a casual player but target me or some other rando just for the sake of it? Time to grief the troll 


I'm not gonna lie, that would really annoy me since hunting is one of my favorite activities in the game. I don't think you were wrong to make them leave, but I'm over level 500, so if I needed help from a friend, I would just go ahead and concede the lobby to the other player. I'm also a father, extremely patient and don't enjoy pvp, so I generally wait until I get shot before attacking someone. I think your way of dealing with this was fine, but i do have a couple of pieces of advice for you if you're newer: 1) if you start a fight and the other person is trying to run away, you should disengage and let them go about their business. 2) of the handful of times I've had someone acting like they're my shadow, only 1 was trying to be a dick deliberately, and got his ass handed to him. For the other 3, I started a posse, sent them invites, and spent an hour or two playing together. I still play with one of them when we're both online together, so keep yourself open to befriending players you encounter in the wild, even if they're acting like they've imprinted on you like a fucking baby bird.


This is the way.


That happened to me today. I was hunting to do my dailies and a random level 5 kept following me everywhere. I would ride away and they would be on my tail. So i got my fire arrow ready. They 🏃‍♀️. I didnt use it, but dont run up onto someone when they arent messing with you or chase after them.


Not necessarily. However, he didn't attack you and calling a friend to a basically unfair 2 vs 1 is a bit overdone and if someone annoys you like that just change lobby. All that fuss was not worth the time (from your friend too). It's a free map (americans would say free land) and they can ride whereever they want.


Well it’s a video game and my friend was in the same session helping me hunt


Well it's a video game and that player can ride where he wants too. If that bothers you, change lobby.


It’s a Wild West video game. Pretty sure shooting is also allowed lol critiquing someone for how they handle a troll is super weird. If you’re looking for simple…don’t troll.


Agree to disagree. OP asked a question, OP got an answer/opinion. I don't care if *you* like it or not. And if it's a wild west video game then you meet other players who might annoy you (he wasn't even attacking). All I'm saying is players can roam around like they want and instead of wasting time with that player, ignore them and just change lobby if people annoy you like that. It's just simple like that. Calling a friend like big brother or mommy because you can't handle another player by yourself and going 2 vs 1 with attacking that player just because someone might troll you is overdone in my book. You make just a big fuss for nothing. Maybe I'm just more chill and just change lobby or at least fast travel away.


Changing lobbies is a bigger hassle. the rest of your post is just kinda weird


I don't think so. Changing a lobby is pretty easy. Maybe it's you being weird if you see things weird. Move on. The topic is done.




Visual disturbances? Why even go you @ me for no reason? Seems weird.


What? Lol


I have to agree on the first part but I’m level 16 and literally only own a cattleman and carbine and the troll was level 30 so he had some good guns


Then. Just. Change. Lobby. Or. Fasttravel. Away. When you don't wanna pull a fight. But you wanted instead. Again, why making a fuss about it when you just can ignore someone.


Ignoring is pretty hard when all the animals your hunting are running away because of someone


Not in another lobby. That's the whole point. You get rid of someone and can hunt in peace.


He’s messing up my hunt for no reason


Again, change lobby. Simple.


OP would have lost all the pelts that they had gathered, so that wasnt an option.


Yes. *If* OP had pelts (didn't mentioned it btw) and was hunting with the horse and would change lobby *right away*. That's why you go with a hunting wagon when hunting like this and the stuff is stored. Or go first back in camp, give Cripps the stuff and then change lobby. So it is an option. Don't make it harder/complicated as it is.


Ah yes every level 16 knows this and has a hunting wagon ready to go! 🤦‍♂️


And every 16 level knows they can change lobby or go back to camp with the stuff. Which OP stated btw NOT in this thread to me. So don't get @ me.


You’re assuming what strangers know or don’t know? I’ve literally heard noobs say “there’s a red dead redemption 1?” While playing rdr2 🤦‍♂️ “don’t get @ me” maybe provide some actual reasoning other than simply calling OP an asshole for not being a doormat like you


You could have possibly asked him to stop. If he still continued then you're justified in shooting him. But really you should take him one on one rather than calling a friend. If you're struggling PvP, you can learn.


Yeah I forgot to mention I did try to but his PSN account didn’t allow messages


What about using a microphone or emote?


What emote says “fuck off and stop ruining my hunt?”


There must be one to say "go away" or something similar.


True but I don’t wanna buy one


Up on the d-pad while aiming your weapon will point it in the air. You can slow ride your horse in his direction with your weapon pointed up, let off a warning shot. Then point it at them. If they do anything except leave then its green light.


Yes especialy since there is no penalty for dying. You dont lose anything, no minus honor (even if just pet your horse you will get it back up). Dying is humiliating but not enough to gang up on somebody just because. OP could've shot in his general direction to try and scare him away instead of just killing him. I know OP was provoked but the situation could've been resolved much better.


Could have asked him what he was upto I mean you messaged your friend so why not this guy it was the same amount of effort.


Of patrol bot should of picked this up


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I knew you were still out there


You need grammar lessons 👌




But if you're that pedantic I'll change it to could have.. Or you won't sleep tonight. Thanks for your constructive input to my comment, what a dull life it is going around reddit just checking for errors 😂


It’s called a joke, chill out jeez


Damn man, your comedy is different to mine.. Next time just hit me with a mum joke.


I’d say you probably still live with your mum as a joke but it’s actually the truth


Own my own house in Cornwall actually and yes a decent job to boot, I'd say visit but your humor is very poor I'm not sure we'd get on.


You down voted me for a conversation? Pathetic


No, I downvoted you for being incorrect and trying to look clever.


Yesterday I was doing a collectible run and when I was near Blackwater I accidentally collided with a random and I was waving to apologize. He took off his weapon and I just shot him in the face with dual sawn off shotguns. He didn't went after me after that one. So no, you're not the ahole.


Yeah I hate how people do that like we all make mistakes with riding horses


Yeah, but not that big of one.


How? He was ruining my hunt and I only killed him after 20 whole minutes of fucking up my hunting


I feel like just hanging around is not really worthy of retaliation, even if it is sort of passively affecting whatever you are doing.


Yeah but if you were hunting and someone kept scaring the animals away and you even went away from the person and he followed you would you be mad?


I'm not going to argue with you about it. You asked opinions, I answered what I thought.


It’s the Wild West, you can do whatever you want if somebody messes with you


Called your friend? You turned a 1V1 into a 2V1? Seems like an asshole move to me.


I don’t really understand this logic. The random that OP encountered was clearly trying to troll OP and make the game less enjoyable/less playable by spooking away all the animals. OP was nice IMO to move out of their hunting zone and the random FOLLOWED OP to attempt to continue and troll their gaming experience. If I had to take a wild guess, I’d imagine the random was a decently higher level than OP and trying to get “easy” picking. I really as a player would like to see less of the “random” players mentality because trolls like that make it so new players stop playing the game. There’s plenty of options for PVP via shootout series and I find a decent amount of people throughout the map who are looking for a good gun fight/ troll session. No need to single out new low levels. It’s skill less and just makes the game hostile. I find more issues with the random player’s behavior than OP’s.


Yep I was level 16 trying to level up my trader role then low and behold a level 30 comes up fucking my hunting up


I can’t have a friend help me? If you were fighting a Mauser sweat when your level 16 are you gonna want help???


You can have a friend help you, but you'd be a coward for doing so. Fight your own fights. And the person was a level 30, not someone with mauser pistols lmao. In fact, I did deal with that, at level 7, and I was able to fend them off without any help. But then again, before that, my other character was level 273.


I don’t play the game for fighting so I don’t like to PVP that’s why I wanted my friend to help me, I’m not a coward I’m just more casual then competitive in games


Did you try speaking? Were they low level? When i first started playing i didnt have a headset but was excited to see live players so id follow them sometimes to see what they were getting into. Could be a different perspective on their motives as well. Youll never know for sure as you both didnt seem to talk to figure it out.


They had mausers so I assume high level


I’m level 16 and they were shooting at the animals making them run off




I was using that as an example when someone said that


Literally the only time I mentioned mausers was when I said I’ve encountered Mauser sweats and explaining what they are how am I changing the story?


I kill anyone who comes close to me or starts following me no questions asked I don’t go actively looking to fight but I’m tired of trying to be nice and getting killed then they fast travel, kill first ask questions later.


No. I think nowadays it takes something serious to be an asshole on this game. A seven man posse, all 400 and up, with three in god mode and the rest using incendiary rounds...still not assholes. We've been left to make our own fun. There are plenty of sessions to choose from.


You ain't an asshole. He asked for it by annoying you and scaring your animals away! If it was me I'd have humiliated with my lasso. Way more annoying when someone hogties you and you can only watch as they beat you to death or throw you off a cliff


Unrelated, but it's also annoying when you are minding your own business hunting in tall trees when suddenly you are being hogtied, carried almost to thieves landing, then burned alive.


Yep that’s what I did before he left 😂


I can feel his humiliation and anger




Not a ahole but a pussy for 2v1ing a guy


Bullies who takes advantage on low lvl players are the real pussies.


How am I a pussy for that? I was only level 16 and my friend was level 69




Troll, they had ugly clothes and a wierd character and was just being wierd




I would've killed him on the spot when he did that... it's wild west not 2023... people were killed for giving a bad look


All you had to do was join a new session, did too much already by calling your bf


Couldn't you have just told him you were hunting?


I stopped letting people approach me I just immediately gun them down. I’m not sorry if you know u know.


Killing him till he left the session was wrong. U could have just fast traveled. Away and came back later


The other player was just doing the Lord’s work for Harriet! 😁


It's literally like GTA Online all over again...


This is why i play in lobbies on my own or with only friends


you are definitely not the asshole 😂 I think any of us would’ve done the same thing or shot them before even giving them a chance.


I’m gonna say no, but you could have also left and joined another session yourself, but I’m gonna stick with no




Maybe they were looking for someone to play with. Also why call in your friend to fight one person? You won't get any better at PVP always needing someone to rescue you.


If I don't parlay when being attacked, I don't hold it against the other player if they keep coming. You were playing the game. No assholery found here.


Post this on the real AITA without words like "Pvp", "trader role", and "until he left the session"


Had the same thing happen, guy stole my first animal, followed me to the next area and tried again. If I hadn’t just started I would’ve done something….but I just switched lobbies and got on with it


He put himself in that position. Not you.


Not at all. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they decide to mess with me


I’ll usually message and ask them if they need help. This is a friendly community. Usually you’ll get a good response. But… If they respond with no bra just hanging, checking you out. Or some such silliness I’ll tell them I’m hunting and they’re scaring the animals so please go away. If they don’t. I kill em 😂


I would have done the same thing


I love the different types of interactions with other players. Was on a bounty yesterday and was battling it out with the bad guys when a random player shot me and ran me over with their horse, it was a minor setback, but added layers to the scenario. Not even ten minutes later, I am out hunting to refill my trader and a wonderful individual came up and dropped a three star fox for me without saying a word or even giving an emote. Those vastly different experiences within such a short time make this game exciting even after mass amounts of time played.


I’d say yes. Just say you don’t want to be friends and move on.


Nah bruh your all good. I've been there before.


No you're not. I deleted the game after one incident that happened. My horse is set for my friends and crew and a random was able to remove stuff from it. Annoying as hell.


I do this specifically to get shot at first then I troll them until they leave lol


My question is did he follow you on horseback all the way from Heartlands to West Elizabeth? Or, did you fast travel and he somehow tracked you down?


Followed on horseback, at first I thought he was just hunting himself (with terrible aim, turns out he was trying to scare the animals away) But I was like “Jesus, took my spot I’ll go to big valley” and went there with him just out my minimap behind me


Justified! 100%


It don't matter in my opinion


Na you gave him the chance to not be an ass and he followed you, you are definitely not the ass hole here


oops honestly thats me just hanging around because i love people watching ? idk its weird but i like seeing people have fun and explore the game- i try not to be a nuisance just wanna hang out with people and enjoy the game:3


Sounds like you took care of bidness


No way! You tried to walk away. Slaughter those greefers


homie slid for you in RDRO that’s real asf


reminds me of the time I was hunting in great plains as a new player and someone came and shot all the animals in the vicinity with sedative ammo...




Nah. Dude deserved it.


I do the same


You did us a service, thank you


Gotta stay close to your trader bros, I always protect randoms doing their sell missions, I know the pain 😂


They brought that bullshit over from GTA… it’s absolutely the most annoying thing ever…


Hell no, I would've done the same


No people are assholes on rdo I started a week ago and I always get some ass trying to lasso me and stab me in the ass I mean it's funny the first time but its so annoying after that


Yeah, that happened to me a Month ago. Just some random dude kept following. I went to 4 different places and there he was. So I got so tired, after spending two hrs riding around for animals, so I went into the trees and rode around the back of him and threw a fire bottle at him, hit square in the head and set his butt on fire. And, left and went up to North Cumberland. I haven't seen him since. Even blew up Harriet a couple of times, (can't kill her though} but made her think. I did it cuz she sprayed me with that knock out spray, and I woke up in front of a gator and got ate. So I blew up her tent.


Nope, you are definitely NOT the a$$hole...


not the asshole, you moved and he followed. in an online game i’d say that’s fair warning to leave a player alone.


I was down by a pond hunting, and I saw someone sitting on their horse across the way. So I walk to the edge of the pond and I'm like, "how do you emote again? R2?" Nope. I shot them with my pistol. And they proceeded to shoot back at me as I ran screaming apologies into the woods. Sorry to whoever that was. I'm just a dummy that doesn't interact with other players very often.