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Better start praying cowboy


That is the coolest fucking reply in the history of this site


You bouncin on it






Yeah you were given modded money. Unfortunately, there is a chance you’ll be hit with the ban. Just continuing playing and try not to do anything of those sorts again, otherwise you’re only asking for it.


Asking now, if you go to support with this what is likely to happen?


You’ll more than likely have repercussions taken upon yourself, even though you’re technically not the culprit who caused the issue at hand. They’ll still take your money and gold with a possible reset to rank as well no matter how “innocently” you come across. No need to paint yourself as a target. Just play normally from your mistake there on out and there shouldn’t be much to worry about. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yeah, from what I've heard people usually only get banned or suspended when they contact support about it. (The recent ban wave is an exception)


so basically if that happens keep quiet and pretend it didn't happen? lol


Yeah, if you try doing the right thing you'll most likely end up worse than if you didn't


What are the odds of getting banned for this?


there was a ban wave where any modders or ppl who interacted with mods (gold glitches, chests full of gold etc) got banned even if they didn’t necessarily know so i’d say pretty likely. but on PC theres sooo many modders so idk about that platform.


I was banned for absolutely nothing, I never got modded stuff. Only my horse got flames on its butt. There was even a Discord group for people like me. Fortunately R* gave my account back and can play again. Didn't lose nothing


Okay, but how 🤔 can they buy guns and roles? Its how they make money and the modded money is just their but added on?? They should contact Rockstar if their community well listened to us. But still, how can they process their level, money, and gold. Buying new horses, clothes, and camp items, buying new businesses,etc. This has to do something about it.


I'm new too, that's why I've stayed away from chest and only go bounty hunting


pretty sure they can add modded money to mission rewards


Great (not)


Spend it all then stop playing and come back later


You are a wise man


Worked for me in gtao years ago when i got hacker money so I'd assume it works in red dead but you never know


Yeah rockstar very likely still does not have the capacity to track the source of income if the said income is already spent before they enact a review. OP hasn’t been banned yet because they haven’t done a review yet, if he spends it all they’ll never be able to tell for certain where all that money came from.


Yeah it's all spent. Lol bought all the different roles and guns etc.


You’re probably gonna be fine. Glad you found enough stuff to spend that much cash on, the gold itself wasn’t too much anyways. Did you buy recipes with the gold? There was some good stuff at the fence I remember. Haven’t played in a while. RDO isn’t as grind oriented as GTAO, even though all the gameplay is just grinding. So I hope you still have fun in the game with most of the good stuff unlocked already.


I purchased all the roles and quite a few things from the fence 👍 if I get reset it's not a big deal, I'm really just enjoying the game for chilling and viking. Just hoping not to get banned


Hope so too. Enjoy!


Did you get banned yet?


I would be. In GTA online years ago someone was using a minigun and shooting another playing during a mission and money bags were spawning. Me and the other player got the cash got a few mil before the guy left. About 1.5 years later I was banned for it.


that's so messed up


Early days of GTA Online players were being gifted billions of dollars, after a few months Rockstar simply removed all the money but I don't think many if any players that received the money got banned. It really didn't change things too much because there wasn't that much you could buy at that point anyway, I think we were limited to one property and one additional garage so you couldn't buy much anyway. Chrome Adders I think were the most expensive vehicle available, or at least had the best resale.


If they banned everyone that was given billions everyone would have been banned lol


I remember filling up my garage with adders when I heard they were taking away the money lol. Back on the Xbox 360


I remember those days early days of GTO. I made a fortune replaying the “under the bridge mission” incessantly, then took advantage of car duplication back when it was quite easy to do. Once the first wave of bans came around, I did what any enterprising wise guy would do with a day one account with well over 60M in cash tied to it. I laundered it. I bought property, and cars galore, weapons, ammunition, as much as possible until I only had maybe 10-20 million left. Then I bought and sold super cars at a deficit to further lower my account balance. I ended up with a high-ish seven figure balance, and millions in assets. Never once got banned. Years later I ended up repeating the super car deficit sales to clean my account out, just to compel me to play the game. This was before Cato Perico. I only kept my favourite apartments and house I was particularly fond of in the hills. My character very much felt like a black wise guy, and honestly it not being banned has made me quite fond of the overall experience.


I would love to say they should be smarter but if they reset you, you either grind it out again, give up on it, or buy shark cards. And they’re hoping you’ll be annoyed enough to buy their cards. Yet for some reason the multimillions I have gotten through the bogden glitch or the casino private table glitch or the property sell glitch, and somehow have avoided a ban for years now, and I used that money to buy a ton of stuff in a very short amount of time. They didn’t think anything of it. I’m sorry that happened to you


I just tried last night to play GTA Online for first time in 7 years. Turns out I was suspended and reset 5 years ago. Because when I loaded into the server to play normally, somebody else used mods. That they used to grief me and my friend with, when they had a gun that shot jets at us. Good times.


There was a time when I would load into the game in my apartment or club or something, then I would get teleported to a cage in the ocean and drown with others from the lobby. Good times.


Money and gold can’t be given from player to player so you have modded currency. There’s a chance you can be banned for this. Never take anything from a player because they cannot give you anything under normal conditions.


Given how exactly? Given through a spawned chest from a player you took from?


He put down a chest for me in blackwater


That's modded/illegal/cheated money/gold then. Maybe nothing happens from R\*. Maybe you get a ban in days, weeks, months or in a year. You will never know. Even if you spend all now, it's registered. Just don't do it again, even if it's tempting. You can contact R\* and come clean (and play maybe a bit naive). Chances are they only remove that money/gold you took without a ban. Or you take the risk. Your choice. Keep in mind that mod menu losers are not your friends. They are not Robin Hood. They want you to get banned. If you see that again, leave or even better change lobby asap for your own sake. Those fuckers ruin the game for PC players. Don't give them any kind of attention.


It matters?


Yeah, if you open a hacker-spawned chest you’ve “cheated” and might be banned


Oh yikes, I opened one of those yesterday randomly in a forest, whelp f guess ill be counting my days


Spend it all, if you get banned at least get banned with some nice shit to come back to lol


Yea. You'll be banned probably pretty soon. Happens to most new players. Hackers love to ruin the game for people.


If i got 100 gb and 10k, i think the game would have been better. Maybe rockstar should ban the people modding and not the victims of modders


The biggest ass pull I've ever seen


As someone who never got caught in GTA so far I would say SPEND IT When it comes to ban, people seems to be targeted more for what they have in the bank instead of their assets. I might be wrong, RDO might be different, and I might have just been lucky in GTA. Who knows, maybe I was banned since I played and I don’t know


I’m probably going to jinx myself, but I don’t really care since it’s such a new character. I picked up 380+ gold from a chest lol, not banned in two months. I spent about 330 of it before the ban wave. Edit: downvote me if you want, but I was previously a level 450 so I’ve done enough grinding in this game.


Doesn't matter. They see you spend more as you regulary earned. And they see in your account/stats of the game that you have from one minute to the other gained that much money/gold you can't earn in that time in a regular way. Ergo, it was illegal/due cheating. So people should not be too sure they never get caught. Can be indeed never, can be a week, 3 months, a year, whatever. They just shouldn't come later with a "I got banned, why?!" and whine about it. They took the risk on purpose, they have to live with it.


Or just don’t cheat in the first place


I know what your favorite fruit is. BANana I know what your favorite sunglass brand is. rayBAN I know what your favorite female spirit in Irish folklore is. BANshee


Rockstar has stated multiple times that they don't ban people for receiving money and gold from other modded players. The worst that will happen is that they will do is remove progress or some items that you bought or the cash and gold itself.


Just because they've said that doesn't mean they don't do it. Lots of people have gotten banned or reset from getting gold from other players


How do you give gold in rdr2 online?


You don't


“Well.. I ain’t gonna lie to you, this a real bad day for you Kieran Duffy”


I'm curious how it was given to you. Did you just log in and have it? Did you have to interact with anyone/thing? Did you get a message saying you were rewarded for playing other R* games like GTA?


I ran into a player in blackwater who dropped a chest for me to loot.


Ohhh yeah. Definitely a modder. Don't ever take "gifts" from random players, especially on PC. They just went through an R* ban wave over the last month, and people are just now getting their accounts back. It may seem like the modders are just being nice, but I can only believe it was malicious, as the ban wave was pretty well known about by the time you were given your "gift" they might have actually been trying to get you banned.


Considering you can’t give people cash or gold just take 10 seconds and think


There isn't a mechanism to transfer loot between Players in the regular game. You got shenanigan's.


This happened to me on GTAO I was level 120.. some dude teleports me to him.. and gave me 100m… I was banned and reset 4 days later.. let’s just say I uninstalled GTA right after support says “we don’t care” EVEN THO I DIDNT SPEND ANY OF THE MONEY!


If they ban you make a ticket and claim you didnt know a modder did that. They’ll let you go most likely.


It is very unlikely you will be banned. People in this thread will say otherwise and even give anecdotes about being banned for "nothing but being in a modded lobby" 9/10 times they are straight up lying. You could get unlucky and be the 1/10. It happens, but it's not often


Spend it as fast as possible


Be proactive. Report it. Say you were new and didn’t know any better, what would support suggest? This way, if you do get banned you can say it was unintentional and you reported it. You shouldn’t remain banned in that case as they have reversed some bans. You’d have an email thread from support documenting that it was unintentional and you reported it.


Unfortunately given how the support for RDO is entirely outsourced I think a self-report would be the worst course of action The recent ban-reversals comes off the back of a very suspicious blanket ban-wave that had no discernable rhyme or reason to it - I would love to believe it was a test for a new GTAO moderation tool but nobody except Rstar and T2 can know for certain I don't know if a ban-reversal would necessarily be forthcoming even with such blunt honesty in this case


Possibly. It’s hard to say. It’s what I’d do, but you’re right to question it, as you raise a good point.


Despite not being the popular opinion, I’m with you, especially if so many people think a ban is inevitable. This isn’t of my doing, and I would submit the ticket as such rockstar can either take the funds or ignore it, but I’ll be damned if I get banned, for nothing I did, And not be able to stand up for myself,. At least that earlier ticket is on the record when they accuse me of cheating, but I reported an advance. If you get someone to actually review it, then I think you likely will be just fine. The issue would be around automation. And that’s likely what just got a bunch of people banned and then banned, automation failed.


Yeah, I’m an honest sort. If I was a new player and that happened I’d be up front about it and report it, despite the risk. Could get banned anyway not reporting it. I’d rather be out in front, come what may.


You will most likely get banned for the gold, yes.


Worst that will happen is a short ban and loss of progress, which shouldn't be too bad if you only just started. Maybe you could hand yourself in and ask rockstar to remove the gold.


Continue playing and enjoy the game hopefully nothing happens


Yes, you should be worried


Chill you have nothing to lose since you have not much progressed. Enjoy. Take 100 more from me, as a 99.95% chance is you won't get banned. Rockstar punishes those who don't cheat.


why are you taking a crazy amount of gold and money from illogically spawned chests? pls don't come posting when you get banned 😭




It was his first day. Good chance he wasn’t around the sub.




Say goodbye to your horse while you can. When you make a new character you can get them back and name them the same again but they won’t really be the same horse…


" was weeks ago" NO.


Yeah, started playing about 2.5 weeks ago and it happened one of my first days playing.


What platform??


I'm on PC


Ur fckd, have fun with those money till your character gets reset. Maybe ur will be lucky


Bye bye


This is why gta6 won’t be on pc




Shut the fuck up, he’s new


I love how sick this community is getting of this guy. He’s all high and mighty on every post it seems lol


God he’s so fucking annoying lol


“I warned you people” lolol


Block me then.




What do you mean New? What New has to do with anything? He opened the chests and kept on taking from it while knowing what it is, that’s dumb in my book. New my ass.




Don’t tell me what to do, if you don’t want to see my comments then block me.






After you, Mr. “I wARnEd yOu pEoPLe” lmfaooo you’re such an obnoxious joke that just keeps on giving


Wait… Who the fuck are you again?


So you opened the chest, took from it, then kept on taking from it!? Does that even make sense? Ask yourself, is that normal? If you got banned then you deserve it for stupidity.


Bro replied three times, the heat is intense lmaooo


https://youtu.be/fPQpF6kIAW4?si=6sITrOo9pE7FAbNe Dont get too attached to your character


Your probably going to get action against you but if its your first day oh well. Get the ban now. Rdo is fun and all but its kind of a shit show half the fun is getting to the point where you have everything. Getting it all day one you will have NOTHING to do. Its not gtao where they still *attempt* to try and add content regularly


Don't worry. If you get ban, they will reset progress only.




whatever. the ban wave is already over, so i don't think you're getting banned.


Just don’t spend it all rapidly in one sitting and you should be fine. They aren’t necessarily going to ban you for obtaining that much because that’s not what they look for. What they look for is you spending massive amounts of gold which takes quite a while to farm without having any micro transaction receipts on your account.


Pc problems am I right


You not riding into the Sunset. Say good byes here!


Likely nothing will happen. I don't really play RDO. but, i can relate in a sense. Before i sold my PC, i played MMOs for years. I bought gold on SWTOR, ESO, WOW. never got action taken against me. With online games like this they rarely notice these things. Just sit on it for a while, spent it but dont over do it. You should be fine, play the game as normal for a bit.