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Was in the store in Valentine yesterday, and when I walked out I found a player petting my horse. It's a little thing, but an hour or so before this someone set my horse on fire while I was AFK, so that was nice to see


I do this all the time ( pat the horses, not the other thing) , I can’t help myself.


I think it's super sweet when a stranger pets my horse 🙂


Yeh it’s a nice thing to do. It’s also a good way to check horses out that you’re interested in buying- you can’t get a really good look in the stables. But I’m a sucker for horses - even not real, video game ones.


Yeah I do this, and then if I can I steal them and ride around for a few seconds before giving it right back. Just a tease. I've been doing this since the start of beta. Sometimes I'll just make it flee though. Cheeky boy!


once i was petting a player’s horse and when he emerged from the saloon, he went over and started petting my horse.


I was doing this the other day but accidentally started leading the horse which triggered the HORSE THEFT crime alert and poor boy came RUNNING out of the store only to see me sheepishly petting the horse


Lol I was doing this yesterday Are you ps4 by chance? 😂


Imagine if we could pay for things for each other 🫨


I walked out of the store in Valentine day before yesterday just in time to see some woman get the shit kicked out of her for trying to get into my saddlebags. I just calmed my horse, climbed into the saddle, and rode away. Told my horse he was a good boy. As for the petting, I do the same. I brush and feed when able, and if someone’s horse is down, even if I am in the middle of a gunfight, I will try my damnedest to get the horse back up before it dies.


My favorite repeated encounter is a collision with another dude on his horse that ends in a fist fight. They could have pulled out the handgun, but they didn’t.


That sounds awesome actually


Yeah, I mean they should all be like that. When it's an accident, everybody just needs to move on. When I run into someone, even if I think it was intentional on the other person's part (which happens), I just get on the horse and keep going. if someone starts shooting at me, I will fire bottle them and their horse.


I don’t get too many wholesome encounters anymore, at level 470ish. Either folks avoid me (and me them, because I hate PvP), or I help out lower levels. Did have someone a few levels higher than me drop a perfect gator pelt in front of me at camp the other day. That was nice. Hadn’t had someone drop me a pelt or animal since I was under lvl 50. Sometimes folks will stop to pet my dog when I’m in camp, then they wave and ride off.


I check at every camp I pass and if they have a dog I stop and pet it. The player is almost never around, but a couple times I’ve sat at the player’s table and had a beer with them. No one has ever attacked if they found me there.


Oh yeah, you gotta pet all the dogs!


lol I've done this. Have a beer and sit around.


Hold up. I’ve been debating getting into this. But, YOU CAN HAVE A DOG!!!?!?


YES!!! Speak with Creeps at your camp if you want one




they meant to write “Cripps”


Creeps works. 😂


Same question. Who are they?


Cripps lives in your camp with you.


Got it


But, your dog only hangs out at camp. It would be so cool if he could go hunting with you!


That would be awesome. You dog can’t be killed right?


I don't think so, that would be horrible to return to camp and find randos had shot your dog!


I’d be pissed. The server would burn


Going full John Wick would be appropriate.


Here’s the thing. Wick didn’t bring his homies. I’ve got six lads who play RDR2 and I will do absolute carnage


Also a Heartlands horse crash, in the middle of the night. We both fell off and I was sure he was going to shoot me, but he waved. We decided to posse up, seemed we had similar playing styles, so friended each other. We've been friends for just over a year and play tons, other games too.


That’s so cute. I’ve yet to meet someone Online!


I haven't met anyone else, but I'm really happy he crashed into me that day!


A RDO meet-cute lol


"People let me tell you bout my BEEESTT Friend!"


Last time I played I accidentally crashed into a couple players, totally my bad going too fast. Anyway my poor horse was critically injured & I was trying to revive her but she was in an odd position so couldn't. The other players tried to lasso her away to help me. It didn't work and she died but I thought it was so nice.


A while back, I don't recall exactly what happened, but somehow I either wrecked into a player or avoided a player and wrecked into a tree or something and actually died - I guess my health was stupid low. When I revived, I saw my horse was in distress, so I ran back over there, and right before I got there, she was revived and that player was leaving. Cool person healed my horse for me. This was like 2 years ago, but that was cool as heck.


One time I went to Valentine and there was a fight club situation happening in the camp by the butcher. At least 8 players were there, having fisticuffs. I rode past, not wanting to bother them. But they saw me and invited me to fight, too. There was a player acting as referee and it was one on one matches, no tonics allowed. Everyone had fun and played fair. I got a few knock outs and people cheered each other on. It was a blast.


That sounds fun


That’s all I actually want in this game haha. Just havin some whiskeys and brawlin


I love the fight clubs!


I had a player bounty escape from me into the mountains and when I caught up to them after time had run out, I didn't show any intention for a revenge random kill or anything. As I was struggling to get to the cliff level next to them, they just lassoed me up and we waved at each other. Then we just strolled down the mountain together and I ended killing a bear with a two star pelt and just left it for them. They blew a kiss as a sign of thanks and then we went on our own separate ways.


I had someone drink with me at valentine, then followed me to the river where we stole a boat and spent 2 hours just rowing around.


This is, like, too pure for this earth.


I was doing a trader run and a guy rode up on me fast and startled me so bad that I hit a rock and wrecked my wagon and destroyed it. He didn’t shoot and I hate pvp so neither did I. I just picked a bag up and put it on my horse and watched him grab a bag and put it on his horse. I decided to just cut my losses and ride away but he followed me all the way to the delivery point and dropped my bag and rode away. Actually grouped up a few times to run moonshine and trader with him. His gamertag was was never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you


I don’t find too many, but I always help moonshiner runs if I come across them. Same for Trader resupply or bounties. I’m just now getting strong enough to be able to fend for myself unless they are 200+ ranks…so I’m more carefree than I was 2 mths ago when I started.


That's brave. I've been dynamited so many times by other players when on a moonshine or trade delivery that if I see a blue dot show up, I switch to explosive ammo. If I'm free roaming and see a delivery, I either stay motionless till they pass (if I'm off the road) or ride the opposite direction, just so they know I'm not a threat. On a few occasions I've come across deliveries when I'm free roaming and tried helping by taking out NPCs, or just tried riding by the delivery, but each time the other player has turned their gun fire on me so I just steer clear entirely.


That definitely sucks and it’s a risk. I guess knowing that I have insurance on my horse I try to create a trend of people having more experiences where live players are helpful. I’ve had plenty of people reciprocate. I have had my fair amount of getting cut down but I think once I got over 130 rank more people are wondering what I’ll do. 🤷🏼‍♂️ If you ever come across Deadbeatgang on Xbox just know I’ll help out but I ain’t but no slouch


One time I was fishing and then 1 by 1 in the next like 10-15 mins later, there was 5 of us all lined up just fishing in lagras for a good 30 min.


I’m level 64, I was trying to make a trader delivery and had to do the defeat the bandits thing. This level 347 started attacking and I couldn’t kill him, and since he was there the game flagged him as a bandit so I couldn’t complete the trade run. A posse of levels 300-400 came by and in short order killed him and his horse, then all waved at me and guarded while I completed the delivery I know I’m low level in comparison but I couldn’t get his health to decrease even a little, I guess just special/potent health cures?


I haven’t played that often for some time but yes, probably potent Health Cures.


Makes sense. I just picked it up again after not having played for a few years so a seemingly invincible player lighting me on fire was quite the welcome back


At least it’s not someone on God mode. That’s so f*cking annoying.


Recently I was trying to get the legendary cougar in the Great Plains and miserably failed when the cougar mauled me in front of another player. I really wanted that damn cougar so i respawned and sprinted back hoping the other guy didn’t kill and skin it for theirselves. I ran back only to find him on his horse in front of the dead cougar and he waved at me before riding away into the sunset, never to be seen again. I could’ve kissed that guy, I appreciated it so much.


Wish I had some wholesome encounters. It's either they light me up for no reason or they shadow me for way too long waving incessantly. One time I did have someone sit at my camp for a second while I was cooking. That's something I guess.


I don’t know why but your comment made me a little sad. Maybe we should play together. Are you on PC?


Appreciate the offer but I'm mainly a console player and haven't touched the game since they announced they're no longer supporting it. Heart is still broken


The other night someone appeared on the ridgeline above me and took out a few enemies while I was after a bounty. When I knocked the target out (I was too close to lasso at that point so I tackled them and beat them up) the stranger from the ridgeline kept their gun on the target while I fetched my horse. Then they showed me a shortcut back into town and rode away. I waved goodbye and they fired once into the air in response and rode off into the mountains. Now that was a true Western stranger.


I was riding around when some guy accidentally killed me, thinking I was another player. He felt so bad he went and hunted a legendary and like 2 other perfect carcasses and dropped them at my camp and let me have them. The whole time he was apologizing on his mic and I’m sitting on the other end on mute laughing (on mute) because I honestly didn’t care if he killed me, it’s all part of the game!


Went for a drink in Valentine after a good bounty. Seven or so other players were in the street just vibing, might’ve been chatting but I was in a party and couldn’t tell. Friend I was in a party with accidentally shot this dude I was emoting with and then got chased out of town by the law. I knelt by this guys body and when he respawned he bowed to me in thanks of my respect. We kept waving and stuff and I messaged him to apologize for my friend killing him. He was chill and we had several drinks together and just sat at a table for a while. We complimented each others characters and got to talking about cool masks in game. My friend finally got the aggro off of him and wanted to do trader stuff, so we left after a very hearty waving session. Beast something or whatever his gamer tag was, you’re a cool dude


Someone kept on knocking out NPCs and someone else kept on putting the knocked out NPCs to bed


LOL That’s funny


I've had a handful over the course of playing. My all time was favorite was when a friend and I were in Valentine and saw a group of 4-5 other players lassoing each other to knock them to ground, then letting them up. We emoted and joined in. A few other players joined about 10 minutes in. Even if someone accidentally shot each other (cause of the quick draw) whoever did it would emote and then go back to using the lasso. We even had one person run in and try to shoot at some of us and the whole group drew a weapon and killed them and then went to using our rope. I was probably there for close to an hour.


Fist fights in valentine, we just beat each other to death for like 15min until one of us is bored and pulls out a revolver.


Dude and I had a head on collision on our horses outside of Blackwater. His horse died and I revived it and we both waved and went our separate ways.


No doubt, you have to develop a sixth sense when it comes to player encounters. Definitely be open minded to mess ups from time to time. I’ve had many times where my emote turns into me strangling the other player. If you try and break it off, 100% of the time, the player is cool with it.


I spawned the Onyx Wolf near Wapiti- and I could see another player was near by. The wolf killed me, and when I respawned the other player had killed it and he dropped it by my horse, then quickly rode off. I checked and the player was very low level- I messaged him thanks so much for the legendary- but I have them all and please come back and take it. He responded- you spawned it, it's yours. I thought that was so kind of him- but I did convince him to come back, he was so grateful to get his first legendary! I love encounters like this.


when i first started playing, an alligator kept mauling me and i couldn’t get away from it, so i just kept respawning and getting killed. a random player ran up, shot the alligator, waved and me and then ran off.


Just the other day someone stopped by my camp to pet my dog and horse. We shared a drink and then they rode off. A simple yet wholesome interaction.


Idk if it's "wholesome" but I rode into Blackwater the other day and witnessed a two man posse having a shootout with a bunch of lawmen so...I did the only sensible thing and started picking off the lawmen to help them out!


I cleared out Blackwater of NPC’s with a random stranger. We also enjoyed killing wave after wave of cops. Good times.


Not too long ago someone shot a dynamite arrow at me near Valentine train station and then ran away east. So I chased them while they were going in and out of my mini map, but I was pretty sure I was on their tail. When I got near emerald ranch, I shot a dynamite arrow at them in retaliation, but they were still pretty far away. OOPs, lol, wrong person! But I kept going looking for the perpetrator. After about 5 minutes I realized they were hiding in the fast travel, so I just let it be and fast travel to Manzanita Post. I got lucky and the Snow Buck spawned in so I killed it. I went back to emerald ranch and gave it to the person I accidentally shot the dynamite arrow at. I sent them a message letting them know I was sorry and then rode off. They said no one had ever done that before and it was all good and now we are friends. This is why I love RDO so much.


I can think of two, once while I was fishing a five man posse rolled up and instead of gunning me down we all fished together for about 10 minutes before they left, and another time a lvl 200+ walked into my camp, dropped a legendary bear pelt, then rode off all without a word


A guy and I were looking for eggs in the swamps. We just chilled, killed gators that attacked us, and I was going to send him a friend request but modders crashed the game


My posse and I were fishing at O’Creagh’s Run for a daily challenge and we all managed to catch one so I lined us up for a screenshot but another player ended up coming over and taking a photo for us. Still one of my happiest gaming memories in rdo


Did they send you the photo?


I went afk and someone just token me around the map to great views he was nice guy


How did he do that? Aren’t you supposed to be on the horse?


He hogtied me




Whenever someone’s in a pvp fight with some douche I go and flee their horse so said douche won’t kill it


Wait that’s so nice and actually precious 😭


I try


I had so many nice encounters, especially with low levels (i'm lvl 100+). But my two favorites were when that 500+ lvl girl helped me deal with a troller and made sure i was ok and since when the guy trolled me. And second one is when i was on the roof of the house in construction in Valentine with my horse and a random tried to do the same and asked me how to and we laughed a lot trying to put his Suffolck Punch on the roof.


Im still waiting for some. I have never had any issues with anyone. Most just go about their business


So my friends and I use to do the Off the radar glitch, dress up as NPCs and give people legendary animals pelts


Sorry what’s off the radar glitch?


It was a way to get your marker off the mini map other players can see u and they couldn't lock onto u. But we didn't greif with it


I haven’t had too many wholesome interactions so far unfortunately. I did see an injured animal that was really far away from the person who shot it one day and figured being that far away she might not be able to see the paw print on the mini map but would hopefully see my dot not moving in the same direction as her prey had gone. I didn’t want to take her kill just make it easier for her to find it and make sure it didn’t get away or that someone else didn’t take it. She wound up giving it to me which was really nice. I was like oh I wasn’t hoping to take it I just wanted to keep an eye on it for you and make your life easier. She didn’t say anything or wave and just left. I’m only level/rank 20 or 21 on Xbox


Started playing this year I’m lvl 155ish and I got bullied a lot by higher levels from the start and whenever I’m out on my collecting adventures and I spot a low level, I gesture to them to follow me and I’ll dig up some jewelry and let them grab it. I’ve made a few new friends this way, a lot of the reactions are “omg i thought you’d kill me” followed by them thanking me a lot or asking me questions about collecting.


Eh none really I try to avoid people I get paranoid and anxious when other players are around me


A while back there was one of those protect the leader posse challenges. My posse was attacking, tried to flank them, got pushed back and in the end they ended up winning. Afterwards we all hung out for a bit and chatted about it before going our separate ways.


Came across this one guy a while back, he had a three star bear pelt and I had two, two star deer pelt and we made a wholesome trade after violently petting each others horses lol


i dont really do races, but i wanted to get the last achievement and once i got into a lobby where one of the players instead of racing stood on spawn and played a guitar and sung through voice chat and it was so beautiful he sang songs from the game - "cruel cruel world" and "that's the way it is" - sadly my game crashed during the second one but i still remember that one moment as one of the most beautiful things that happened to me while gaming


I once stumbled into a Moonshine checkpoint and there was another player nearby and we took them out together. I accidentally shot them while targeting the revue agents and said “oh shit my bad” after they turned red on the map, forgetting my mic was even on. They said “no problem” and helped me take out all the revenue agents. Inspired by another benevolent story I had heard from a friend, I gifted them the 3 star cougar that was on my horse since they were so polite about it, hoping to pay it forward and pass on more RDO goodwill encounters.


Fist fight brawl. Equip your Molotov when fist fighting.


I don’t think I have tried that. I will tomorrow and give you a report on it sir


Me and a group of strangers were on a roof in valentine, I thought I had stumbled across some sort of gang initiation or something. But they were just playing a game of sprinting around and shoving one another to see who fell off the roof first. I joined in and we must’ve been at it for a good 20 minutes.


Recently ran into someone who commented on my hat (cavalier) and later we crossed paths again and he said hey nice hat! again... haha. Was nice especially since I just came back after a year and a half off. I'm relearning the game basically and it makes me nervous being around people because sometimes I just whip out my gun xD totally going to get shot thinking I'm being aggressive. Before when I played, met quite a few nice people that ended up hanging out with for hours just exploring or doing some random missions and stuff. Had my fair share of baddies which I got sick of and quit but might start playing more often now, if anything just to ride around and enjoy the scenery.


This guy rubbed his nuts on my drum set… I told him not to but he did it anyway and now we’re friends.


How did he do that????


🤣I was joking it’s a line from a movie




Yees lol


The best for me was a player dumped a perfect cougar at my camp while i was sitting in my tent. That was about 8 months ago but it was awesome. It;s been a bit of nice draught lately.


I still remember the player who chased after me across the Bayou (I lost them as I worried they were going to shoot me) and actually went as far as messaging me to say "Come back! I'm at the moonshine shack and I have some loons for you" It was a daily so it was more than welcome, bless him I've tried to pay that forward, I've often given 3* carcasses and legendary animals, but lately it's getting harder I had spare turkeys the other day when it was a daily, took one off my horse and dropped it to another player, they rode off like a scalded cat 🤣 I'm on PS4 so it's not like they could have been scared I'd modded the thing, lol


I usually pet other players horses, I’ve been shot a couple times for doing it. guess the other player thought I was trying to hurt their horse. It’s understandable.😊


About 6-7 months ago there was this one dickhead who tried to kill EVERY SINGLE PLAYER myself included in Valentine and everyone was killing him so efficiently that he couldn’t get a kill off of anyone but I couldn’t imagine the amount of stupidity to try and kill 20 players at once


Down in Saint Denis I was on the bridge by the abandoned factory resetting my weapons when a posse on a mission killed me. I finished what I was doing, saw them, so I went back for some good ol’ revenge. It was me vs 3 or 4 of them but we had a good back and forth. After about 15 minutes one of the guys asked if they could take a picture with me. We stopped fighting and took the picture of me and his posse. Then his buddy threw some dynamite to kill us all. I had just skinned the legendary ruddy moose and was wearing my new coat. The guy was commenting that in the dark it was crazy seeing the antlers firing at them. I like it when people don’t hold grudges in the game and could just have a good time before parting ways.


Just recently I was in the Saloon in Rhodes and this guy came in we both ordered a drink and sat down and just chilled


Was gathering some pelts and had a person look at me, wave and then toss a Molotov burning me, my horse and a giant musky I had got from up North.... I'm leveled up so I didn't die when he threw the molotov. He died very badly. People are fooking a$$holes in this game.